예제 #1
파일: tensor.py 프로젝트: CaoRX/CTL
    def outProduct(self, legList, newLabel):
        Do an out product to combine a set of legs to a single leg. 
        legList : list of str or list of str
            The legs to be combined, or labels or the legs.
        newLabel : str
            The new label for the combined leg.

            The new leg of all legs to be combined.
        assert (
            isinstance(legList, list) and (len(legList) > 0)
        ), funcs.errorMessage(
            "outProduct cannot work on leg list of zero legs or non-list, {} obtained."
        if (isinstance(legList[0], str)):
            return self.outProduct([self.getLeg(label) for label in legList],

        # connectedLegs = [leg for leg in legList if (leg.bond is not None)]
        # if (len(connectedLegs) > 0):
        #     warnings.warn(funcs.warningMessage(warn = "out producting legs {} that has been connected: remove the connection.".format(connectedLegs), location = 'Tensor.outProduct'))

        n = len(legList)
        newShape = (-1, ) + self.shape[n:]

        if (self.tensorLikeFlag):
            newDim = 1
            for leg in self.legs[:n]:
                newDim *= leg.dim
            self.a = xplib.xp.reshape(self.a, newShape)
            newDim = self.a.shape[0]
        self.legs = [Leg(self, newDim, newLabel)] + self.legs[n:]
        # return the new leg, for usage of wider usage
        return self.legs[0]
예제 #2
def merge(ta, tb, chi=None, bondName=None, renameWarning=True):
    Merge the shared bonds of two tensors. If not connected, make a warning and do nothing.

    ta, tb : Tensor
    chi : int, optional
        The upper-bound of the bond dimension of the bond after merged. If None, then no truncation.
    bondName : str, optional
        The name of bond after merging. If None, then for a list of [name1, name2, ... nameN], the name will be "{name1}|{name2}| .... |{nameN}".
    renameWarning : bool, default True
        If only one bond is shared, then the two

    ta, tb : Tensor
        The two tensors after merging all the common bonds to one bond.

    funcName = "CTL.tensor.contract.contract.truncate"

    # assert (ta.xp == tb.xp), funcs.errorMessage("Truncation cannot accept two tensors with different xp: {} and {} gotten.".format(ta.xp, tb.xp), location = funcName)

    assert (ta.tensorLikeFlag == tb.tensorLikeFlag), funcs.errorMessage(
        'two tensors to be merged must be either Tensor or TensorLike simultaneously, {} and {} obtained.'
        .format(ta, tb),

    tensorLikeFlag = ta.tensorLikeFlag

    # xp = ta.xp
    ta, tb = mergeLink(ta, tb, bondName=bondName, renameWarning=renameWarning)
    if (chi is None):
        # no need for truncation
        return ta, tb

    sb = shareBonds(ta, tb)
    # assert (len(sb) > 0), funcs.errorMessage("Truncation cannot work on two tensors without common bonds: {} and {} gotten.".format(ta, tb), location = funcName)

    # if (bondName is None):
    # 	bondNameListA = [bond.sideLeg(ta).name for bond in sb]
    # 	bondNameListB = [bond.sideLeg(tb).name for bond in sb]
    # 	bondNameA = '|'.join(bondNameListA)
    # 	bondNameB = '|'.join(bondNameListB)
    # elif (isinstance(bondName, str)):
    # 	bondNameA = bondName
    # 	bondNameB = bondName
    # else:
    # 	bondNameA, bondNameB = bondName # tuple/list

    # if (renameFlag):
    if (len(sb) == 0):
        if (renameWarning):
                    'mergeLink cannot merge links between two tensors {} and {} not sharing any bond'
                    .format(ta, tb),
                    location=funcName), RuntimeWarning)
        return ta, tb

    assert (len(sb) == 1), funcs.errorMessage(
        "There should only be one common leg between ta and tb after mergeLink, {} obtained."

    legA = [bond.sideLeg(ta) for bond in sb]
    legB = [bond.sideLeg(tb) for bond in sb]

    bondNameA = legA[0].name
    bondNameB = legB[0].name

    remainLegA = ta.complementLegs(legA)
    remainLegB = tb.complementLegs(legB)

    if (not tensorLikeFlag):

        matA = ta.toMatrix(rows=None, cols=legA)
        matB = tb.toMatrix(rows=legB, cols=None)

        mat = matA @ matB

        u, s, vh = xplib.xp.linalg.svd(mat)

        chi = min(
            [chi, funcs.nonZeroElementN(s), matA.shape[0], matB.shape[1]])
        u = u[:, :chi]
        s = s[:chi]
        vh = vh[:chi]

        uOutLeg = Leg(tensor=None, dim=chi, name=bondNameA)
        vOutLeg = Leg(tensor=None, dim=chi, name=bondNameB)
        # print(legA, legB)

        sqrtS = xplib.xp.sqrt(s)
        uS = funcs.rightDiagonalProduct(u, sqrtS)
        vS = funcs.leftDiagonalProduct(vh, sqrtS)

        uTensor = Tensor(data=uS, legs=remainLegA + [uOutLeg])
        vTensor = Tensor(data=vS, legs=[vOutLeg] + remainLegB)

        chi = min([
            chi, legA[0].dim, ta.totalSize // legA[0].dim,
            tb.totalSize // legB[0].dim
        uOutLeg = Leg(tensor=None, dim=chi, name=bondNameA)
        vOutLeg = Leg(tensor=None, dim=chi, name=bondNameB)
        uTensor = Tensor(tensorLikeFlag=True, legs=remainLegA + [uOutLeg])
        vTensor = Tensor(tensorLikeFlag=True, legs=[vOutLeg] + remainLegB)

    makeLink(uOutLeg, vOutLeg)
    return uTensor, vTensor
예제 #3
def createMPSFromTensor(tensor, chi=16):
    tensor is a real Tensor with n outer legs
    transfer it into an MPS with Schimdt decomposition
    after this, we can manage the tensor network decomposition by MPS network decomposition
    finally consider if tensor is only a TensorLike object

    # TODO: make this function work for tensorLike

    funcName = 'CTL.examples.MPS.createMPSFromTensor'

    legs = [leg for leg in tensor.legs]
    # xp = tensor.xp

    n = len(legs)
    assert (n > 0), funcs.errorMessage(
        "cannot create MPS from 0-D tensor {}.".format(tensor),

    if (n == 1):
                "creating MPS for 1-D tensor {}.".format(tensor),
                location=funcName), RuntimeWarning)
        return FreeBoundaryMPS([tensor], chi=chi)

    a = xplib.xp.ravel(tensor.toTensor(labels=None))

    lastDim = -1
    tensors = []
    lastRightLeg = None
    for i in range(n - 1):
        u, v = matrixSchimdtDecomposition(a, dim=legs[i].dim, chi=chi)
        leg = legs[i]
        if (i == 0):
            dim1 = u.shape[1]
            rightLeg = Leg(None, dim=dim1, name='r')
            tensor = Tensor(shape=(leg.dim, u.shape[1]),
                            legs=[leg, rightLeg],
            lastRightLeg = rightLeg
            lastDim = dim1
            dim1 = u.shape[-1]
            leftLeg = Leg(None, dim=lastDim, name='l')
            rightLeg = Leg(None, dim=dim1, name='r')
            tensor = Tensor(shape=(lastDim, leg.dim, u.shape[-1]),
                            legs=[leftLeg, leg, rightLeg],

            makeLink(leftLeg, lastRightLeg)

            lastRightLeg = rightLeg
            lastDim = dim1

        a = v

    leftLeg = Leg(None, dim=lastDim, name='l')
    tensor = Tensor(shape=(lastDim, legs[-1].dim),
                    legs=[leftLeg, legs[-1]],
    makeLink(leftLeg, lastRightLeg)

    # print(tensors)

    return FreeBoundaryMPS(tensorList=tensors, chi=chi)
예제 #4
파일: test_diagonal.py 프로젝트: CaoRX/CTL
    def test_deduce(self):

        self.showTestCaseBegin("diagonal tensor shape deduction")

        legA = Leg(tensor = None, dim = 5, name = 'a')
        legB = Leg(tensor = None, dim = 5, name = 'b')
        legBError = Leg(tensor = None, dim = 6, name = 'b')

        a = DiagonalTensor(legs = [legA, legB])
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 5))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 2)
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['a', 'b']))
        self.assertTrue(funcs.floatArrayEqual(a.a, np.ones(5)))

        a = DiagonalTensor(legs = [legA, legB], labels = ['a', 'b'])
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 5))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 2)
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['a', 'b']))
        self.assertTrue(funcs.floatArrayEqual(a.a, np.ones(5)))

        a = DiagonalTensor(legs = [legA, legB], shape = 5)
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 5))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 2)
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['a', 'b']))
        self.assertTrue(funcs.floatArrayEqual(a.a, np.ones(5)))

        a = DiagonalTensor(legs = [legA, legB], shape = 5, data = np.zeros(5))
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 5))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 2)
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['a', 'b']))
        self.assertTrue(funcs.floatArrayEqual(a.a, np.zeros(5)))

        def legDimNotEqualFunc():
            _ = DiagonalTensor(legs = [legA, legBError])

        def labelsSizeNotEqualFunc():
            _ = DiagonalTensor(legs = [legA, legB], labels = ['a'])
        def labelsOrderNotEqualFunc():
            _ = DiagonalTensor(legs = [legA, legB], labels = ['b', 'a'])

        def shapeSizeNotEqualFunc():
            _ = DiagonalTensor(legs = [legA, legB], shape = (5, 6, 7))
        def shapeOrderNotEqualFunc():
            _ = DiagonalTensor(legs = [legA, legB], shape = (6, 5))
        def dataDimNotEqualFunc():
            _ = DiagonalTensor(legs = [legA, legB], data = np.zeros((5, 6, 7)))
        def dataShapeNotEqualFunc():
            _ = DiagonalTensor(legs = [legA, legB], data = np.zeros((5, 6)))
        def labelsShapeNotCompatibleFunc():
            _ = DiagonalTensor(legs = [legA, legB], labels = ['a'], data = np.zeros((5, 5)))
        def dimensionless1DDataErrorFunc():
            _ = DiagonalTensor(legs = [], labels = [], data = np.zeros(3))
        def dimensionless1DDataErrorFunc2():
            _ = DiagonalTensor(labels = [], data = np.zeros(3))

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, legDimNotEqualFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, labelsSizeNotEqualFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, labelsOrderNotEqualFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, shapeSizeNotEqualFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, shapeOrderNotEqualFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, dataDimNotEqualFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, dataShapeNotEqualFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, labelsShapeNotCompatibleFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, dimensionless1DDataErrorFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, dimensionless1DDataErrorFunc2)

        a = DiagonalTensor(shape = (2, 2), labels = ['a1', 'a2'])
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (2, 2))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 2)

        a = DiagonalTensor(shape = (2, 2))
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (2, 2))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 2)
        self.assertTrue((a.a == np.ones(2)).all()) # default as identity tensor

        def shapeNotEqualFunc():
            _ = DiagonalTensor(shape = (2, 3))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, shapeNotEqualFunc)

        def labelsShortFunc():
            _ = DiagonalTensor(shape = (2, 2), labels = ['a1'])
        def labelsLongFunc():
            _ = DiagonalTensor(shape = (2, 2), labels = ['a', 'b', 'c'])

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, labelsShortFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, labelsLongFunc)

        a = DiagonalTensor(shape = (2, 2), data = np.zeros((2, 2)))
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (2, 2))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 2)

        a = DiagonalTensor(shape = (2, 2, 2), data = np.zeros(2))
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (2, 2, 2))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 3)

        def dataDimErrorFunc():
            _ = DiagonalTensor(shape = (2, 2), data = np.zeros((2, 2, 2)))
        def dataShapeErrorFunc():
            _ = DiagonalTensor(shape = (2, 2), data = np.zeros((2, 3))) # no error in 9be9325, newly added

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, dataDimErrorFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, dataShapeErrorFunc)

        # now start (shape = None) tests

        a = DiagonalTensor(labels = ['a', 'b'], data = np.zeros(3))
        self.assertEqual(a._length, 3)
        self.assertEqual(a.shape, (3, 3))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 2)

        a = DiagonalTensor(labels = ['a', 'b'], data = np.zeros((4, 4)))
        self.assertEqual(a._length, 4)
        self.assertEqual(a.shape, (4, 4))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 2)

        a = DiagonalTensor(labels = ['a', 'b'], data = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]))
        self.assertEqual(a._length, 2)
        self.assertEqual(a.shape, (2, 2))
        self.assertTrue((a.a == np.array([1, 4])).all())

        def dataDimErrorFunc2():
            _ = DiagonalTensor(labels = ['a', 'b', 'c'], data = np.zeros((2, 2)))
        def dataShapeErrorFunc2():
            _ = DiagonalTensor(labels = ['a', 'b', 'c'], data = np.zeros((2, 2, 3)))
        def dataNoneErrorFunc():
            _ = DiagonalTensor(labels = ['a', 'b', 'c'], data = None)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, dataDimErrorFunc2)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, dataShapeErrorFunc2)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, dataNoneErrorFunc)

        # now start(shape = None, labels = None)
        a = DiagonalTensor(data = np.zeros(2)) # 1D diagonal tensor as a simple vector
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 1)
        self.assertEqual(a._length, 2)
        self.assertListEqual(a.labels, ['a'])

        a = DiagonalTensor(data = np.array([[1, 2], [4, 3]]))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 2)
        self.assertEqual(a._length, 2)
        self.assertTrue((a.a == np.array([1, 3])).all())

        def dataShapeErrorFunc3():
            _ = DiagonalTensor(data = np.zeros((2, 2, 3)))
        def nothingErrorFunc():
            _ = DiagonalTensor()

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, dataShapeErrorFunc3)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, nothingErrorFunc)

        self.showTestCaseEnd("diagonal tensor shape deduction")
예제 #5
파일: tensor.py 프로젝트: CaoRX/CTL
    def deduction(self, legs, shape, labels, data, isTensorLike=False):
        # print('deduction(legs = {}, shape = {}, labels = {}, data = {}, isTensorLike = {})'.format(legs, shape, labels, data, isTensorLike))
        Deduce the legs, shape, labels and data from the input of user. Guess the missing information if not provided.
        For details, check "Notes" of comments for Tensor.

        legs : None or list of Leg
            Legs of the tensor that already existed before creating the tensor. If None, then automatically generated.
        shape: None or tuple of int
            Expected shape for the tensor.
        labels : None or list of str
            The labels to be added to the legs of this tensor.
        data : None or ndarray of float
            The data to be put in the tensor, None for randomly generated.
        isTensorLike : bool, default False
            Whether we are working for a TensorLike object: if True, then data is None.

        legs : list of Leg

        shape: tuple of int

        labels : list of str
            The labels to be added to the legs of this tensor.
        data : None or ndarray of float
            The data to be put in the tensor. None for isTensorLike = True case.
        Although each of the first 4 parameters can be None by default, user must provide enough information for the deduction of the real shape, labels, legs and data(if not TensorLike).
        funcName = "Tensor.deduction"
        if (legs is not None):

            if (not self.checkLegsLabelsCompatible(legs=legs, labels=labels)):
                raise ValueError(
                        'labels {} is not compatible with legs {}'.format(
                            labels, legs),
            if (labels is None):
                labels = [leg.name for leg in legs]

            if (not self.checkLegsShapeCompatible(legs=legs, shape=shape)):
                raise ValueError(
                        'shape {} is not compatible with legs {}'.format(
                            shape, legs),
            if (shape is None):
                shape = tuple([leg.dim for leg in legs])

            if (not self.checkShapeDataCompatible(shape=shape, data=data)):
                raise ValueError(
                        'data shape {} is not compatible with required shape {}'
                        .format(data.shape, shape),

        elif (shape is not None):

            if (not self.checkShapeLabelsCompatible(shape=shape,
                raise ValueError(
                        'labels {} is not compatible with required shape {}'.
                        format(labels, shape),
            if (labels is None):
                labels = self.generateLabels(len(shape))

            if (not self.checkShapeDataCompatible(shape=shape, data=data)):
                raise ValueError(
                        'data shape {} is not compatible with required shape {}'
                        .format(data.shape, shape),

        elif (data is not None):
            shape = data.shape
            if (not self.checkShapeLabelsCompatible(shape=shape,
                raise ValueError(
                        'labels {} is not compatible with required shape {}'.
                        format(labels, shape),
            if (labels is None):
                labels = self.generateLabels(len(shape))

            raise ValueError(
                    "Tensor() cannot accept parameters where legs, shape and data being None simultaneously.",

        data = self.generateData(shape=shape,

        if (legs is None):
            legs = []
            for label, dim in zip(labels, list(shape)):
                legs.append(Leg(self, dim, label))

            for leg in legs:
                leg.tensor = self

        return legs, shape, labels, data
예제 #6
def SchimdtDecomposition(ta,
                         swapLabels=([], []),
    Schimdt decomposition between tensor ta and tb
    return ta, s, tb
    ta should be in canonical form, that is, a a^dagger = I
    to do this, first contract ta and tb, while keeping track of legs from a and legs from b
    then SVD over the matrix, take the required chi singular values
    take first chi eigenvectors for a and b, create a diagonal tensor for singular value tensor

    if squareRootSeparation is True: then divide s into two square root diagonal tensors
    and contract each into ta and tb, return ta, None, tb

    if swapLabels is not ([], []): swap the two set of labels for output, so we swapped the locations of two tensors on MPS
    e.g. t[i], t[i + 1] = SchimdtDecomposition(t[i], t[i + 1], chi = chi, squareRootSeparation = True, swapLabels = (['o'], ['o']))
    we can swap the two tensors t[i] & t[i + 1], both have an "o" leg connected to outside
    while other legs(e.g. internal legs in MPS, usually 'l' and 'r') will not be affected

    funcName = 'CTL.examples.Schimdt.SchimdtDecomposition'
    sb = shareBonds(ta, tb)
    assert (len(sb) > 0), funcs.errorMessage(
        "Schimdt Decomposition cannot accept two tensors without common bonds, {} and {} gotten."
        .format(ta, tb),
    assert (ta.tensorLikeFlag == tb.tensorLikeFlag), funcs.errorMessage(
        "Schimdt Decomposition must havge two objects being either Tensor or TensorLike simultaneously, but {} and {} obtained."
        .format(ta, tb),

    TLFlag = ta.tensorLikeFlag
    sbDim = funcs.tupleProduct(tuple([bond.legs[0].dim for bond in sb]))

    sharedLabelA = sb[0].sideLeg(ta).name
    sharedLabelB = sb[0].sideLeg(tb).name
    # if (sharedLabelA.startswith('a-')):
    #     raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage(err = "shared label {} of tensor A starts with 'a-'.".format(sharedLabelA), location = funcName))
    # if (sharedLabelB.startswith('b-')):
    #     raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage(err = "shared label {} of tensor B starts with 'b-'.".format(sharedLabelB), location = funcName))

    # assert (ta.xp == tb.xp), funcs.errorMessage("Schimdt Decomposition cannot accept two tensors with different xp: {} and {} gotten.".format(ta.xp, tb.xp), location = funcName)

    assert (len(swapLabels[0]) == len(swapLabels[1])), funcs.errorMessage(
        err="invalid swap labels {}.".format(swapLabels), location=funcName)
    assert ta.labelsInTensor(swapLabels[0]), funcs.errorMessage(
        err="{} not in tensor {}.".format(swapLabels[0], ta),
    assert tb.labelsInTensor(swapLabels[1]), funcs.errorMessage(
        err="{} not in tensor {}.".format(swapLabels[1], tb),

    for swapLabel in swapLabels[0]:
        ta.renameLabel('a-' + swapLabel, 'b-' + swapLabel)
    for swapLabel in swapLabels[1]:
        tb.renameLabel('b-' + swapLabel, 'a-' + swapLabel)

    tot = contractTwoTensors(ta, tb)

    legA = [leg for leg in tot.legs if leg.name.startswith('a-')]
    legB = [leg for leg in tot.legs if leg.name.startswith('b-')]

    labelA = [leg.name for leg in legA]
    labelB = [leg.name for leg in legB]
    # not remove a- and b- here, since we need to add an internal leg, and we need to distinguish it from others

    shapeA = tuple([leg.dim for leg in legA])
    shapeB = tuple([leg.dim for leg in legB])

    totShapeA = funcs.tupleProduct(shapeA)
    totShapeB = funcs.tupleProduct(shapeB)

    if (TLFlag):
        u = None
        vh = None
        s = None
        chi = min([chi, totShapeA, totShapeB, sbDim])
        mat = tot.toMatrix(rows=labelA, cols=labelB)

        # np = ta.xp # default numpy

        u, s, vh = xplib.xp.linalg.svd(mat)

        chi = min([
            chi, totShapeA, totShapeB,
            funcs.nonZeroElementN(s, singularValueEps)
        u = u[:, :chi]
        s = s[:chi]
        vh = vh[:chi]

    if (squareRootSeparation):
        if (TLFlag):
            uS = None
            vS = None
            sqrtS = xplib.xp.sqrt(s)
            uS = funcs.rightDiagonalProduct(u, sqrtS)
            vS = funcs.leftDiagonalProduct(vh, sqrtS)

        outLegForU = Leg(None, chi, name=sharedLabelA)
        # inLegForU = Leg(None, chi, name = sharedLabelB)
        # internalLegForS1 = Leg(None, chi, name = 'o')
        # internalLegForS2 = Leg(None, chi, name = 'o')
        # inLegForV = Leg(None, chi, name = sharedLabelA)
        outLegForV = Leg(None, chi, name=sharedLabelB)

        uTensor = Tensor(data=uS,
                         legs=legA + [outLegForU],
                         shape=shapeA + (chi, ),
        # s1Tensor = DiagonalTensor(data = xplib.xp.sqrt(s), legs = [inLegForU, internalLegForS1], shape = (chi, chi))
        # s2Tensor = DiagonalTensor(data = xplib.xp.sqrt(s), legs = [internalLegForS2, inLegForV], shape = (chi, chi))
        vTensor = Tensor(data=vS,
                         legs=[outLegForV] + legB,
                         shape=(chi, ) + shapeB,

        # legs should be automatically set by Tensor / DiagonalTensor, so no need for setTensor

        # outLegForU.setTensor(uTensor)
        # outLegForV.setTensor(vTensor)

        # inLegForU.setTensor(sTensor)
        # inLegForV.setTensor(sTensor)

        # remove a- and b-
        for leg in legA:
            if (leg.name.startswith('a-')):
                leg.name = leg.name[2:]

        for leg in legB:
            if (leg.name.startswith('b-')):
                leg.name = leg.name[2:]

        makeLink(outLegForU, outLegForV)

        # makeLink(outLegForU, inLegForU)
        # makeLink(outLegForV, inLegForV)
        # makeLink(internalLegForS1, internalLegForS2)
        # uTensor = contractTwoTensors(uTensor, s1Tensor)
        # vTensor = contractTwoTensors(vTensor, s2Tensor)
        return uTensor, None, vTensor

    outLegForU = Leg(None, chi, name=sharedLabelA)
    inLegForU = Leg(None, chi, name=sharedLabelB)
    inLegForV = Leg(None, chi, name=sharedLabelA)
    outLegForV = Leg(None, chi, name=sharedLabelB)

    uTensor = Tensor(data=u,
                     legs=legA + [outLegForU],
                     shape=shapeA + (chi, ),
    sTensor = DiagonalTensor(data=s,
                             legs=[inLegForU, inLegForV],
                             shape=(chi, chi),
    vTensor = Tensor(data=vh,
                     legs=[outLegForV] + legB,
                     shape=(chi, ) + shapeB,

    # legs should be automatically set by Tensor / DiagonalTensor, so no need for setTensor

    # outLegForU.setTensor(uTensor)
    # outLegForV.setTensor(vTensor)

    # inLegForU.setTensor(sTensor)
    # inLegForV.setTensor(sTensor)

    # remove a- and b-
    for leg in legA:
        if (leg.name.startswith('a-')):
            leg.name = leg.name[2:]

    for leg in legB:
        if (leg.name.startswith('b-')):
            leg.name = leg.name[2:]

    makeLink(outLegForU, inLegForU)
    makeLink(outLegForV, inLegForV)

    return uTensor, sTensor, vTensor
예제 #7
파일: diagonalTensor.py 프로젝트: CaoRX/CTL
    def deduction(self, legs, data, labels, shape, isTensorLike = False):
        For more information, check Tensor.deduction
        # in Tensor: the "shape" has the highest priority
        # so if the shape is given here, it should be taken
        # however, if the shape is given as an integer: then we need to deduce the dimension

        # if shape exist: then according to shape(but dim may be deduced)
        # otherwise, if labels exist, then dim from labels, and l from data
        # otherwise, both dim and l from data
        funcName = "DiagonalTensor.deduction"

        # first, consider scalar case
        if (legs is None) and (labels is None) and (shape == () or ((data is not None) and (data.shape == ()))):
            if (data is None) and (not isTensorLike):
                data = xplib.xp.array(1.0)
            return [], data, [], () # scalar

        if (legs is not None):

            if (not self.checkLegsDiagonalCompatible(legs = legs)):
                raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage('legs {} cannot be considered as legs for diagonal tensor.'.format(legs), location = funcName))

            if (not self.checkLegsLabelsCompatible(legs = legs, labels = labels)):
                raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage('labels {} is not compatible with legs {}'.format(labels, legs), location = funcName))
            if (labels is None):
                labels = [leg.name for leg in legs]

            if (not self.checkLegsShapeCompatible(legs = legs, shape = shape)):
                raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage('shape {} is not compatible with legs {}'.format(shape, legs), location = funcName))
            if (shape is None) or (isinstance(shape, int)):
                shape = tuple([leg.dim for leg in legs]) 

            if (not self.checkShapeDataCompatible(shape = shape, data = data)):
                raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage('data shape {} is not compatible with required shape {}'.format(data.shape, shape), location = funcName))

        elif (shape is not None):

            if (isinstance(shape, int)):
                dim = self.deduceDimension(data = data, labels = labels)
                shape = tuple([shape] * dim)
            if (not self.checkShapeDiagonalCompatible(shape = shape)):
                raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage('shape {} cannot be considered as shape for diagonal tensor.'.format(shape), location = funcName))

            if (not self.checkShapeLabelsCompatible(shape = shape, labels = labels)):
                raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage('labels {} is not compatible with required shape {}'.format(labels, shape), location = funcName))
            if (labels is None):
                labels = self.generateLabels(len(shape))
            if (not self.checkShapeDataCompatible(shape = shape, data = data)):
                raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage('data shape {} is not compatible with required shape {}'.format(data.shape, shape), location = funcName))

        elif (data is not None):
            # legs, shape are both None
            shape = data.shape 
            if (not self.checkShapeDiagonalCompatible(shape = shape)):
                raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage('data shape {} cannot be considered as shape for diagonal tensor.'.format(shape), location = funcName))
            dim = self.deduceDimension(data = data, labels = labels)
            if (len(shape) == 1) and (dim > 1):
                shape = tuple([shape[0]] * dim)

            if (not self.checkShapeLabelsCompatible(shape = shape, labels = labels)):
                raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage('labels {} is not compatible with required shape {}'.format(labels, shape), location = funcName))
            if (labels is None):
                labels = self.generateLabels(len(shape))

            raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage("Tensor() cannot accept parameters where legs, shape and data being None simultaneously.", location = funcName))

        # elif (shape is not None):
        #     if (isinstance(shape, int)):
        #         dim = self.deduceDimension(data, labels)
        #         l = shape
        #     else:
        #         dim = len(shape)
        #         if (dim == 0) or (not funcs.checkAllEqual(shape)):
        #             raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage(location = funcName, err = "shape {} is not valid.".format(shape)))
        #         l = shape[0]
        #         # then we need to deduce dimension
        #     if (labels is not None) and (len(labels) != dim):
        #         raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage(location = funcName, err = "number of labels is not the same as dim: {} expected but {} obtained.".format(dim, len(labels))))
        #     elif (data is not None):
        #         # data can be either shape, or an array of l
        #         if (len(data.shape) == 1):
        #             if (data.shape[0] != l):
        #                 raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage(location = funcName, err = "data length is not the same as length deduced from shape: {} expected but {} obtained.".format(l, data.shape[0])))
        #         elif (len(data.shape) != dim) or (data.shape != tuple([l] * dim)):
        #             raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage(location = funcName, err = "data shape is not correct: {} expected but {} obtained.".format(tuple([l] * dim), data.shape)))

        #     # shape is None, how to deduce shape?
        # elif (labels is not None):
        #     dim = len(labels)
        #     if (data is None):
        #         raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage(location = funcName, err = "cannot deduce data shape since data and shape are both None."))
        #     elif (len(data.shape) == 1):
        #         l = len(data)
        #     elif not funcs.checkAllEqual(data.shape):
        #         raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage(location = funcName, err = "data.shape {} is not valid.".format(data.shape)))
        #     else:
        #         if (len(data.shape) != dim):
        #             raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage(location = funcName, err = "dimension of data is not compatible with dimension deduced from labels: expect {} but {} is given.".format(dim, len(data.shape))))
        #         l = data.shape[0]
        # else:
        #     # deduce from data.shape
        #     if (data is None):
        #         raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage(location = funcName, err = "data, labes and shape are all None."))
        #     elif not funcs.checkAllEqual(data.shape):
        #         raise ValueError(funcs.errorMessage(location = funcName, err = "data.shape {} is not valid.".format(data.shape)))
        #     else:
        #         dim = len(data.shape)
        #         l = data.shape[0]

        # print('l = {}, dim = {}'.format(l, dim))
        # shape = tuple([l] * dim) 

        data = self.generateData(shape = shape, data = data, isTensorLike = isTensorLike)

        # if (tensorLikeFlag):
        #     data = None
        # elif (data is None):
        #     # default is identity
        #     data = xplib.xp.ones(l)
        # elif (len(data.shape) == 1):
        #     data = xplib.xp.copy(data)
        # else:
        #     data = xplib.xp.array([data[tuple([x] * dim)] for x in range(l)])

        # must be a copy of original "data" if exist

        # if (labels is None):
        #     labels = self.generateLabels(dim)
        if (legs is None):
            legs = []
            for label, dim in zip(labels, list(shape)):
                legs.append(Leg(self, dim, label))

            for leg in legs:
                leg.tensor = self

        return legs, data, labels, shape
예제 #8
파일: test_Tensor.py 프로젝트: CaoRX/CTL
    def test_TensorDeduction(self):
        # test the deduction of Tensor

        # deduce strategy:
        # we want shape, and labels
        # we have legs, shape, labels, data
        # priority for shape: legs > shape > data
        # priority for labels: legs > labels

        # 1. legs exist: 
        # if labels exist: check the length and content of labels with legs
        # if shape exist: check whether shape == tuple([leg.dim for leg in legs])
        # if data exist: check whehter data.shape == tuple([leg.dim for leg in legs]) (if not, but the total size equal, we transfer data to the given shape)
        # 3. legs not exist, shape not exist
        # if data exist: generate shape according to data, and auto-generate legs

        legA = Leg(tensor = None, dim = 5, name = 'a')
        legB = Leg(tensor = None, dim = 6, name = 'b')

        a = Tensor(legs = [legA, legB])
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 6))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 2)
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['a', 'b']))

        a = Tensor(legs = [legA, legB], labels = ['a', 'b'])
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 6))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 2)
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['a', 'b']))

        def labelsSizeNotEqualFunc():
            _ = Tensor(legs = [legA, legB], labels = ['a'])
        def labelsOrderNotEqualFunc():
            _ = Tensor(legs = [legA, legB], labels = ['b', 'a'])

        def shapeSizeNotEqualFunc():
            _ = Tensor(legs = [legA, legB], shape = (5, 6, 7))
        def shapeOrderNotEqualFunc():
            _ = Tensor(legs = [legA, legB], shape = (6, 5))
        def dataDimNotEqualFunc():
            _ = Tensor(legs = [legA, legB], data = np.zeros((5, 6, 7)))
        def dataShapeNotEqualFunc():
            _ = Tensor(legs = [legA, legB], data = np.zeros((5, 5)))

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, labelsSizeNotEqualFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, labelsOrderNotEqualFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, shapeSizeNotEqualFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, shapeOrderNotEqualFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, dataDimNotEqualFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, dataShapeNotEqualFunc)

        # for data, works if (data size) = (dim product), no matter what the shape of data

        a = Tensor(legs = [legA, legB], data = np.zeros((6, 5)))
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 6))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 2)
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['a', 'b']))

        a = Tensor(legs = [legA, legB], data = np.zeros((3, 2, 5)))
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 6))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 2)
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['a', 'b']))

        a = Tensor(legs = [legA, legB], data = np.zeros(30))
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 6))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 2)
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['a', 'b']))

        # 2. legs not exist, shape exist
        # if data exist, check the total number of components of data equal to shape, otherwise random
        # if labels exist: check the number of labels equal to dimension, otherwise auto-generate

        a = Tensor(shape = (5, 3, 4))
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 3, 4))
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['a', 'b', 'c']))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 3)

        a = Tensor(shape = (5, 3, 4), data = np.zeros(60))
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 3, 4))
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['a', 'b', 'c']))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 3)
        self.assertEqual(a.a[(0, 0, 0)], 0)

        a = Tensor(shape = (5, 3, 4), labels = ['c', 'b', 'a'])
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 3, 4))
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['c', 'b', 'a']))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 3)

        a = Tensor(shape = (5, 3, 4), labels = ('c', 'b', 'a')) # tuple also is acceptable
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 3, 4))
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['c', 'b', 'a']))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 3)

        a = Tensor(shape = (5, 3, 4), labels = ['c', 'b', 'a'], data = np.zeros(60))
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 3, 4))
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['c', 'b', 'a']))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 3)

        def dataTotalSizeNotEqualErrorFunc():
            _ = Tensor(shape = (5, 3, 4), data = np.zeros((5, 3, 3)))
        def labelsSizeNotEqualFunc2():
            _ = Tensor(shape = (5, 3, 4), labels = ['a', 'b'])

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, dataTotalSizeNotEqualErrorFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, labelsSizeNotEqualFunc2)

        # 3. legs not exist, shape not exist
        # if data exist: generate shape according to data, and auto-generate legs

        a = Tensor(data = np.zeros((3, 4, 5)))
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (3, 4, 5))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 3)
        self.assertEqual(a.legs[0].dim, 3)
        self.assertEqual(a.legs[0].name, 'a')

        def nothingErrorFunc():
            _ = Tensor()

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, nothingErrorFunc)
예제 #9
파일: test_Tensor.py 프로젝트: CaoRX/CTL
    def test_TensorLike(self):
        # the deduction rules are just the same as Tensor
        # the only difference is that data is None, and tensorLikeFlag is True
        legA = Leg(tensor = None, dim = 5, name = 'a')
        legB = Leg(tensor = None, dim = 6, name = 'b')

        a = Tensor(legs = [legA, legB], tensorLikeFlag = True)
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 6))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 2)
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['a', 'b']))

        a = Tensor(legs = [legA, legB], labels = ['a', 'b'], tensorLikeFlag = True)
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 6))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 2)
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['a', 'b']))

        def labelsSizeNotEqualFunc():
            _ = Tensor(legs = [legA, legB], labels = ['a'], tensorLikeFlag = True)
        def labelsOrderNotEqualFunc():
            _ = Tensor(legs = [legA, legB], labels = ['b', 'a'], tensorLikeFlag = True)

        def shapeSizeNotEqualFunc():
            _ = Tensor(legs = [legA, legB], shape = (5, 6, 7), tensorLikeFlag = True)
        def shapeOrderNotEqualFunc():
            _ = Tensor(legs = [legA, legB], shape = (6, 5), tensorLikeFlag = True)
        def dataDimNotEqualFunc():
            _ = Tensor(legs = [legA, legB], data = np.zeros((5, 6, 7)), tensorLikeFlag = True)
        def dataShapeNotEqualFunc():
            _ = Tensor(legs = [legA, legB], data = np.zeros((5, 5)), tensorLikeFlag = True)

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, labelsSizeNotEqualFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, labelsOrderNotEqualFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, shapeSizeNotEqualFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, shapeOrderNotEqualFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, dataDimNotEqualFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, dataShapeNotEqualFunc)

        # for data, works if (data size) = (dim product), no matter what the shape of data

        a = Tensor(legs = [legA, legB], data = np.zeros((6, 5)), tensorLikeFlag = True)
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 6))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 2)
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['a', 'b']))

        a = Tensor(legs = [legA, legB], data = np.zeros((3, 2, 5)), tensorLikeFlag = True)
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 6))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 2)
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['a', 'b']))

        a = Tensor(legs = [legA, legB], data = np.zeros(30), tensorLikeFlag = True)
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 6))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 2)
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['a', 'b']))

        # 2. legs not exist, shape exist
        # if data exist, check the total number of components of data equal to shape, otherwise random
        # if labels exist: check the number of labels equal to dimension, otherwise auto-generate

        a = Tensor(shape = (5, 3, 4), tensorLikeFlag = True)
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 3, 4))
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['a', 'b', 'c']))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 3)

        a = Tensor(shape = (5, 3, 4), data = np.zeros(60), tensorLikeFlag = True)
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 3, 4))
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['a', 'b', 'c']))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 3)
        # self.assertEqual(a.a[(0, 0, 0)], 0)

        a = Tensor(shape = (5, 3, 4), labels = ['c', 'b', 'a'], tensorLikeFlag = True)
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 3, 4))
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['c', 'b', 'a']))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 3)

        a = Tensor(shape = (5, 3, 4), labels = ('c', 'b', 'a'), tensorLikeFlag = True) # tuple also is acceptable
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 3, 4))
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['c', 'b', 'a']))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 3)

        a = Tensor(shape = (5, 3, 4), labels = ['c', 'b', 'a'], data = np.zeros(60), tensorLikeFlag = True)
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (5, 3, 4))
        self.assertTrue(funcs.compareLists(a.labels, ['c', 'b', 'a']))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 3)

        def dataTotalSizeNotEqualErrorFunc():
            _ = Tensor(shape = (5, 3, 4), data = np.zeros((5, 3, 3)), tensorLikeFlag = True)
        def labelsSizeNotEqualFunc2():
            _ = Tensor(shape = (5, 3, 4), labels = ['a', 'b'])

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, dataTotalSizeNotEqualErrorFunc)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, labelsSizeNotEqualFunc2)

        # 3. legs not exist, shape not exist
        # if data exist: generate shape according to data, and auto-generate legs

        a = Tensor(data = np.zeros((3, 4, 5)), tensorLikeFlag = True)
        self.assertTupleEqual(a.shape, (3, 4, 5))
        self.assertEqual(a.dim, 3)
        self.assertEqual(a.legs[0].dim, 3)
        self.assertEqual(a.legs[0].name, 'a')
        self.assertTrue(a.__str__().find('TensorLike') != -1)
        self.assertTrue(a.__repr__().find('TensorLike') != -1)

        def nothingErrorFunc():
            _ = Tensor(tensorLikeFlag = True)

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, nothingErrorFunc)