def createGUI(self): self.slider_opts = { "roughness": { "name": "Roughness", "min": 0.0001, "max": 1.0, "default": 0.4, }, "metallic": { "name": "Metallic", "min": 0.0001, "max": 1.0, "default": 0.0, }, "specular": { "name": "Specular", "min": 0.0001, "max": 1.0, "default": 0.5, }, "basecolor_r": { "name": "Base Color [Red]", "min": 0.0001, "max": 1.0, "default": 1.0, "color": Vec3(1,0.2,0.2) }, "basecolor_g": { "name": "Base Color [Green]", "min": 0.0001, "max": 1.0, "default": 1.0, "color": Vec3(0.6,1.0,0.2) }, "basecolor_b": { "name": "Base Color [Blue]", "min": 0.0001, "max": 1.0, "default": 1.0, "color": Vec3(0.2,0.6,1) }, } self.sliderOrder = ["roughness", "metallic", "specular", "", "basecolor_r", "basecolor_g", "basecolor_b"] self.guiParent = UIWindow( "Material Explorer", 280, 400) self.guiParent.getNode().setPos( - 340, 0, -120) self.windowNode = self.guiParent.getContentNode() currentY = 5 for name in self.sliderOrder: if name == "": currentY += 30 continue opts = self.slider_opts[name] opts["slider"] = BetterSlider( x=20, y=currentY+20, size=230, minValue=opts["min"],maxValue=opts["max"], value=opts["default"], parent=self.windowNode, callback=self.materialOptionChanged) col = Vec3(1.0) if "color" in opts: col = opts["color"] opts["label"] = BetterOnscreenText(x=20, y=currentY, text=opts["name"], align="left", parent=self.windowNode, size=15, color=col) opts["value_label"] = BetterOnscreenText(x=250, y=currentY, text=str(opts["default"]), align="right", parent=self.windowNode, size=15, color=Vec3(0.6),mayChange=True) currentY += 50
class Main(ShowBase, DebugObject): """ This is the material explorer. You can try different materials""" def __init__(self): DebugObject.__init__(self, "Main") self.debug("Bit System =", 8 * struct.calcsize("P")) # Load engine configuration self.debug("Loading panda3d configuration from configuration.prc ..") loadPrcFile("../../Config/configuration.prc") # Init the showbase ShowBase.__init__(self) # Create the render pipeline self.debug("Creating pipeline") self.renderPipeline = RenderingPipeline(self) # Set a write directory, where the shader cache and so on is stored # self.renderPipeline.getMountManager().setWritePath(writeDirectory) self.renderPipeline.getMountManager().setBasePath("../../") self.renderPipeline.loadSettings("../../Config/pipeline.ini") # Create the pipeline, and enable scattering self.renderPipeline.create() # Load some demo source self.sceneSource = "Models/SmoothCube/Cube.bam" # Load scene from disk self.debug("Loading Scene '" + self.sceneSource + "'") self.model = self.loader.loadModel(self.sceneSource) self.scene = render.attachNewNode("Scene") self.model.reparentTo(self.scene) self.model.setZ(1.0) # Wheter to use a ground floor self.usePlane = True self.sceneWireframe = False # Flatten scene self.scene.flattenStrong() # Load ground plane if configured if self.usePlane: self.groundPlane = self.loader.loadModel( "Models/Plane/Model.egg.bam") self.groundPlane.setPos(0, 0, 0) self.groundPlane.setScale(2.0) self.groundPlane.setTwoSided(True) self.groundPlane.flattenStrong() self.groundPlane.reparentTo(self.scene) # Prepare textures with SRGB format self.prepareSRGB(self.scene) # Create movement controller (Freecam) self.controller = MovementController(self) self.controller.setInitialPosition( Vec3(0, -5, 5.0), Vec3(0, 0, 5)) self.controller.setup() # Hotkey for wireframe self.accept("f3", self.toggleSceneWireframe) # Create a sun light dPos = Vec3(60, 30, 100) dirLight = DirectionalLight() dirLight.setShadowMapResolution(1024) dirLight.setPos(dPos) dirLight.setColor(Vec3(1)) dirLight.setPssmTarget(, base.camLens) dirLight.setPssmDistance(50.0) dirLight.setCastsShadows(True) self.renderPipeline.addLight(dirLight) self.dirLight = dirLight sunPos = Vec3(56.7587, -31.3601, 189.196) self.dirLight.setPos(sunPos) # Tell the GI which light casts the GI self.renderPipeline.setGILightSource(dirLight) self.renderPipeline.setScatteringSource(dirLight) # Slider to move the sun if self.renderPipeline.settings.displayOnscreenDebugger: self.renderPipeline.guiManager.demoSlider.node[ "command"] = self.setSunPos self.renderPipeline.guiManager.demoSlider.node[ "value"] = 20 self.lastSliderValue = 0.0 # Load skyboxn self.skybox = self.renderPipeline.getDefaultSkybox() self.skybox.reparentTo(render) self.renderPipeline.setEffect(self.model, "DynamicMaterial.effect") self.renderPipeline.onSceneInitialized() self.createGUI() def createGUI(self): self.slider_opts = { "roughness": { "name": "Roughness", "min": 0.0001, "max": 1.0, "default": 0.4, }, "metallic": { "name": "Metallic", "min": 0.0001, "max": 1.0, "default": 0.0, }, "specular": { "name": "Specular", "min": 0.0001, "max": 1.0, "default": 0.5, }, "basecolor_r": { "name": "Base Color [Red]", "min": 0.0001, "max": 1.0, "default": 1.0, "color": Vec3(1,0.2,0.2) }, "basecolor_g": { "name": "Base Color [Green]", "min": 0.0001, "max": 1.0, "default": 1.0, "color": Vec3(0.6,1.0,0.2) }, "basecolor_b": { "name": "Base Color [Blue]", "min": 0.0001, "max": 1.0, "default": 1.0, "color": Vec3(0.2,0.6,1) }, } self.sliderOrder = ["roughness", "metallic", "specular", "", "basecolor_r", "basecolor_g", "basecolor_b"] self.guiParent = UIWindow( "Material Explorer", 280, 400) self.guiParent.getNode().setPos( - 340, 0, -120) self.windowNode = self.guiParent.getContentNode() currentY = 5 for name in self.sliderOrder: if name == "": currentY += 30 continue opts = self.slider_opts[name] opts["slider"] = BetterSlider( x=20, y=currentY+20, size=230, minValue=opts["min"],maxValue=opts["max"], value=opts["default"], parent=self.windowNode, callback=self.materialOptionChanged) col = Vec3(1.0) if "color" in opts: col = opts["color"] opts["label"] = BetterOnscreenText(x=20, y=currentY, text=opts["name"], align="left", parent=self.windowNode, size=15, color=col) opts["value_label"] = BetterOnscreenText(x=250, y=currentY, text=str(opts["default"]), align="right", parent=self.windowNode, size=15, color=Vec3(0.6),mayChange=True) currentY += 50 def materialOptionChanged(self): container = self.model for name, opt in self.slider_opts.items(): container.setShaderInput("opt_" + name, opt["slider"].getValue()) opt["value_label"].setText("{:0.4f}".format(opt["slider"].getValue())) def setSunPos(self): """ Sets the sun position based on the debug slider """ radial = True rawValue = self.renderPipeline.guiManager.demoSlider.node["value"] diff = self.lastSliderValue - rawValue self.lastSliderValue = rawValue if radial: rawValue = rawValue / 100.0 * 2.0 * math.pi dPos = Vec3( math.sin(rawValue) * 100.0, math.cos(rawValue) * 100.0, 200) # dPos = Vec3(100, 100, (rawValue - 50) * 10.0) else: dPos = Vec3(30, (rawValue - 50) * 1.5, 100) if abs(diff) > 0.0001: self.dirLight.setPos(dPos * 10000000.0) def toggleSceneWireframe(self): """ Toggles the scene rendermode """ self.sceneWireframe = not self.sceneWireframe if self.sceneWireframe: self.scene.setRenderModeWireframe() else: self.scene.clearRenderMode() def prepareSRGB(self, np): """ Sets the correct texture format for all textures found in <np> """ for tex in np.findAllTextures(): baseFormat = tex.getFormat() # Only diffuse textures should be SRGB if "diffuse" in tex.getName().lower(): print "Preparing texture", tex.getName() if baseFormat == Texture.FRgb: tex.setFormat(Texture.FSrgb) elif baseFormat == Texture.FRgba: tex.setFormat(Texture.FSrgbAlpha) elif baseFormat == Texture.FSrgb or baseFormat == Texture.FSrgbAlpha: # Format is okay already pass else: print "Unkown texture format:", baseFormat print "\tTexture:", tex # All textures should have the correct filter modes tex.setMinfilter(Texture.FTLinearMipmapLinear) tex.setMagfilter(Texture.FTLinear) tex.setAnisotropicDegree(16) def convertToPatches(self, model): """ Converts a model to patches. This is REQUIRED before beeing able to use it with tesselation shaders """ self.debug("Converting model to patches ..") for node in model.find_all_matches("**/+GeomNode"): geom_node = node.node() num_geoms = geom_node.get_num_geoms() for i in range(num_geoms): geom_node.modify_geom(i).make_patches_in_place()
def createGUI(self): self.slider_opts = { # "roughness": { # "name": "Roughness", # "min": 0.0001, # "max": 1.0, # "default": 0.4, # }, # "metallic": { # "name": "Metallic", # "min": 0.0001, # "max": 1.0, # "default": 0.0, # }, # "specular": { # "name": "Specular", # "min": 0.0001, # "max": 1.0, # "default": 0.5, # }, "bump_factor": { "name": "Bump Factor", "min": 0.0001, "max": 1.0, "default": 0.5, }, "basecolor_r": { "name": "Base Color [Red]", "min": 0.0001, "max": 1.0, "default": 1.0, "color": Vec3(1, 0.2, 0.2) }, "basecolor_g": { "name": "Base Color [Green]", "min": 0.0001, "max": 1.0, "default": 1.0, "color": Vec3(0.6, 1.0, 0.2) }, "basecolor_b": { "name": "Base Color [Blue]", "min": 0.0001, "max": 1.0, "default": 1.0, "color": Vec3(0.2, 0.6, 1) }, } self.sliderOrder = [ "basecolor_r", "basecolor_g", "basecolor_b", "bump_factor" ] self.guiParent = UIWindow("Material Explorer", 280, 400) self.guiParent.getNode().setPos( - 340, 0, -120) self.windowNode = self.guiParent.getContentNode() currentY = 5 for name in self.sliderOrder: if name == "": currentY += 30 continue opts = self.slider_opts[name] opts["slider"] = BetterSlider(x=20, y=currentY + 20, size=230, minValue=opts["min"], maxValue=opts["max"], value=opts["default"], parent=self.windowNode, callback=self.materialOptionChanged) col = Vec3(1.0) if "color" in opts: col = opts["color"] opts["label"] = BetterOnscreenText(x=20, y=currentY, text=opts["name"], align="left", parent=self.windowNode, size=15, color=col) opts["value_label"] = BetterOnscreenText(x=250, y=currentY, text=str(opts["default"]), align="right", parent=self.windowNode, size=15, color=Vec3(0.6), mayChange=True) currentY += 50