예제 #1
    def __init__(self, bt1_text, bt1_funct, bt2_text, bt2_funct):
        if Validator.is_type([bt1_text, bt2_text], str) and Validator.is_function([bt1_funct, bt2_funct]):

            self.title_frame = widgets.Frame(self, row=1, padx=var.BORDER, pady=var.BORDER)
            self.title_label = widgets.Title(self.title_frame, var.TITLE_TEXT)

            self.info_frame = widgets.Frame(self, row=3, padx=var.BORDER, pady=var.BORDER)
            self.info_label = widgets.Label(self.info_frame, "")

            self.bot_frame = widgets.Frame(self, row=4, sticky="ew", padx=var.BORDER, pady=var.BORDER)
            self.bot_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
            self.bot_frame.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1)

            self.left_button_frame = widgets.Frame(self.bot_frame, row=0, column=0, sticky="w")
            self.right_button_frame = widgets.Frame(self.bot_frame, row=0, column=2, sticky="e")

            self.left_button = widgets.Button(self.left_button_frame, bt1_text, bt1_funct)
            self.right_button = widgets.Button(self.right_button_frame, bt2_text, bt2_funct)

            self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self._on_destroy)
            self.resizable(False, False)
            raise InappropriateArgsError("a main template!")
예제 #2
 def _create_white_picture(self, width, height):
     if Validator.is_positive_number([width, height]) and Validator.is_type(
         [width, height], int):
         img = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint8)
         img.fill(255)  # must be white
         return img
     raise InappropriateArgsError("creating white picture")
예제 #3
 def _get_distance_between_points(self, p1, p2):
     if Validator.is_type([p1, p2], tuple) and Validator.is_number(
         [p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1]]):
         return math.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2)
     raise InappropriateArgsError(
         "calculating distance between points p1: " + str(p1) +
         " and p2: " + str(p2))
예제 #4
 def __init__(self, parent, text, **kwargs):
     if (Validator.is_type(parent, tkinter.Tk) or Validator.is_type(parent, Frame)) and Validator.is_type(text, str):
         super().__init__(master=parent, text=text)
         self.config(font=(var.LABEL_FONT, var.LABEL_FONT_SIZE), fg=var.LABEL_TEXTCOLOR)
         raise InappropriateArgsError("creating a label!")
예제 #5
 def _get_number(self, img):
     if Validator.is_type(img, np.ndarray):
         img = self._prepare_image_for_recognizing_or_return_0(img)
         if Validator.is_type(img, int) and img == 0:
             return 0
         return int(self.model.classify_image(img))
     raise InappropriateArgsError("getting a number! arg: " + str(img))
예제 #6
 def __init__(self, parent, height=10, width=10, **kwargs):
     if Validator.is_positive_number([height, width]) and \
             (Validator.is_type(parent, tkinter.Tk) or Validator.is_type(parent, Frame)):
         super().__init__(master=parent, height=height, width=width)
         raise InappropriateArgsError("creating a frame!")
예제 #7
 def _get_image_from_coords(self, x_error, x, y_error, y, padding):
     if Validator.is_positive_number([x_error, x, y_error, y, y_error, padding]) and \
             Validator.is_type([x, y, x_error, y_error, padding], int):
         x1, y1, x2, y2 = self._get_tr_bl_corners_of_little_square(
             x_error, x, y_error, y, padding)
         return self._extract_field_square_with_number_image(x1, y1, x2, y2)
     raise InappropriateArgsError("getting image from coors!")
예제 #8
 def display_message(self, text, after_error_text, color, error_duration=1):
     if Validator.is_type([text, after_error_text, color], str) and Validator.is_positive_number(error_duration):
         self.info_label["text"] = text
         return self.after(error_duration * 1000, self.set_info_label, after_error_text)
         raise InappropriateArgsError("setting info label text!")
예제 #9
 def _extract_field_square_with_number_image(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
     if Validator.is_positive_number(
         [x1, y1, x2, y2]) and Validator.is_type([x1, y1, x2, y2], int):
         p1, p4 = self._get_cropped_tl_br_point(x1, y1, x2, y2)
         r = cv2.boundingRect(np.array([[p1[0], p1[1]], [p4[0], p4[1]]]))
         return self.img[r[1]:r[1] + r[3], r[0]:r[0] + r[2]]
     raise InappropriateArgsError(
         "extracting field square with number image")
예제 #10
 def __init__(self, parent, text, action, **kwargs):
     if (Validator.is_type(parent, tkinter.Tk) or Validator.is_type(parent, Frame)) \
             and Validator.is_type(text, str) and Validator.is_function(action):
         super().__init__(master=parent, text=text, command=action, width=12)
         self.config(bg=var.BUTTON_BACKGROUND, fg=var.BUTTON_TEXTCOLOR)
         raise InappropriateArgsError("creating a button!")
예제 #11
 def test_corner_points(self):
     result = self.field._get_corner_points()
     self.assertEqual(len(result), 4)
     self.assertEqual(type(result), tuple)
     self.assertEqual(Validator.is_positive_number(list(result[0])), True)
     self.assertEqual(Validator.is_positive_number(list(result[1])), True)
     self.assertEqual(Validator.is_positive_number(list(result[2])), True)
     self.assertEqual(Validator.is_positive_number(list(result[3])), True)
     self.assertEqual(result, ((74, 84), (492, 70), (37, 512), (520, 520)))
예제 #12
 def _prepare_original_for_recognition(self, img, height, width, x, y,
     # thicker the number and extract it (hopefully)
     if Validator.is_type([img, kernel],
                          np.ndarray) and Validator.is_positive_number(
                              [height, width, x, y]):
         original = cv2.erode(img, kernel)
         return original[y:y + height, x:x + width]
     raise InappropriateArgsError("preparing image for recognition!")
예제 #13
 def _draw_lines_if_true(self, y, padding, y_error, draw):
     if not (Validator.is_positive_number([y, padding, y_error])
             and Validator.is_type(draw, bool)):
         raise InappropriateArgsError("drawing lines")
     if draw:
         self._draw_line(0, padding * y + y_error, self.width,
                         padding * y + y_error)
         self._draw_line(padding * y + y_error, 0, padding * y + y_error,
         return True
     return False
예제 #14
 def _hide_smaller_blobs(self, max_point):
     if Validator.is_type(max_point,
                          tuple) and Validator.is_positive_number(
                              [max_point[0], max_point[1]]):
         for y in range(self.height):
             row = self.changing_img[y]
             for x in range(self.width):
                 if row[x] == 64 and max_point[0] != x and max_point[
                         1] != y:  # fills gray parts with black
                     cv2.floodFill(self.changing_img, None, (x, y), 0)
         return True
     raise InappropriateArgsError("hiding smaller blobs with point: " +
예제 #15
 def _change_image_like_training_images(self, image, width, height):
     # this function adds white corners around the digit. The image is then more similar to the training set images!
     if Validator.is_positive_number([width, height]) and Validator.is_type([width, height], int) and \
             Validator.is_type(image, np.ndarray) and width >= image.shape[1] and height >= image.shape[0]:
         new_img = self._create_white_picture(width,
                                              height)  # completely white
         smaller_height, smaller_width = self._get_height_width(image)
         x_offset, y_offset = self._get_offset(width, height,
         new_img[y_offset:y_offset + smaller_height,
                 x_offset:x_offset + smaller_width] = image
         return new_img
     raise InappropriateArgsError("changing image like training images!")
예제 #16
 def _run_kmeans_on_coords(self, lines, k, **kwargs):
     if Validator.is_type(lines,
                          np.ndarray) and Validator.is_positive_number(
                              k) and Validator.is_type(k, int):
         # Define criteria = (type, max_iter, epsilon)
         criteria, flags, attempts = self._get_criteria_flags_attempts(
         pts = self._get_coords_of_angle(lines)
         # run k-means on the coordinates
         labels, centers = cv2.kmeans(pts, k, None, criteria, attempts,
         return labels.reshape(-1)  # transpose to row vector
     raise InappropriateArgsError("running k-means on coordinates: " +
예제 #17
 def __init__(self, parent, number, readonly=False, **kwargs):
     if Validator.is_positive_number(number) and Validator.is_type(number, int) and number <= 9 and\
             (Validator.is_type(parent, tkinter.Tk) or Validator.is_type(parent, Frame)) and \
             Validator.is_type(readonly, bool):
         self.value = tkinter.StringVar()
         self.value.trace('w', self._limit_size)
         super().__init__(master=parent, textvariable=self.value)
         self.config(justify='center', width=var.SUDOKU_SQUARE_SIZE, font=(var.NUMBERS_FONT, var.NUMBERS_SIZE))
         if number > 0:  # 0 is empty
         if readonly:
         raise InappropriateArgsError("creating an entry!")
예제 #18
 def set_info_label(self, text):
     if Validator.is_type(text, str) and not isinstance(text, list):
         self.info_label["text"] = text
         return text
         raise InappropriateArgsError("setting info label text!")
예제 #19
 def _img_to_array(self, img):
     if Validator.is_type(img, np.ndarray):
         img = np.array(img)
         img = img.astype('float32')
         img /= 255
         return img
     raise InappropriateArgsError("Input not valid")
예제 #20
 def _get_longest_line(self, tl, tr, bl, br):
     if Validator.is_type([tl, tr, bl, br], tuple) and \
             Validator.is_number([tl[0], tl[1], tr[0], tr[1], bl[0], bl[1], br[0], br[1]]):
         tltr = self._get_distance_between_points(tl, tr)
         tlbl = self._get_distance_between_points(tl, bl)
         trbr = self._get_distance_between_points(tr, br)
         blbr = self._get_distance_between_points(bl, br)
         max_value = max([tltr, tlbl, trbr,
                          blbr])  # returns the max value of the list
         min_value = min([tltr, tlbl, trbr,
                          blbr])  # returns the min value of the list
         if max_value - min_value > max_value * 0.1:  # if the difference is grater than 10 % of max value
             raise SudokuFieldSizeError(
             )  # one corner wasn't detected so we should try it again
         return max_value
     raise InappropriateArgsError("calculating the longest line")
예제 #21
 def _get_cropped_tl_br_point(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
     if Validator.is_positive_number([x1, y1, x2, y2]):
         return (x1 + self.cut_border,
                 y1 + self.cut_border), (x2 - self.cut_border,
                                         y2 - self.cut_border)
     raise InappropriateArgsError(
         "getting cropped top-left bottom-right point")
예제 #22
 def _get_higher_lower_diff(self, width, height):
     if Validator.is_positive_number([width, height]):
         higher, lower = max(width, height), min(width, height)
         diff = lower * 100
         if higher > 0:
             diff = (lower / higher) * 100
         return higher, lower, diff
     raise InappropriateArgsError("getting higher lower difference")
예제 #23
 def _load_file_weight(self, path):
     # Training
     if Validator.is_type(path, str):
         if os.path.isfile(path):
             return True
         raise InappropriateArgsError("Model not founded in directory")
     raise InappropriateArgsError("Input not valid")
예제 #24
 def _get_points_on_line(self, rho, theta):
     if Validator.is_number([rho, theta]):
         a, b = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)
         x0, y0 = a * rho, b * rho
         return int(x0 + 1000 *
                    (-b)), int(y0 + 1000 * a), int(x0 - 1000 *
                                                   (-b)), int(y0 - 1000 * a)
     raise InappropriateArgsError("getting points with rho: " + str(rho) +
                                  " and theta: " + str(theta))
예제 #25
 def _get_tr_bl_corners_of_little_square(self, x_error, x, y_error, y,
     if Validator.is_positive_number([x, y, x_error, y_error, padding]):
         x_error = self._update_error(x, x_error)
         x1, y1 = self._calculate_x_y(x, y, x_error, y_error, padding)
         next_point_error = self._update_error(x + 1, x_error)
         return x1, y1, x1 + padding + next_point_error, y1 + padding + y_error
     raise InappropriateArgsError(
         "getting top-right and bottom-left corners of little square")
예제 #26
 def _seperate_lines(self, lines, k=2, **kwargs):
     Groups lines based on angle with k-means.
     Uses k-means on the coordinates of the angle on the unit circle
     to segment `k` angles inside `lines`.
     The result is separation of vertical and horizontal lines.
     if Validator.is_type(lines,
                          np.ndarray) and Validator.is_positive_number(
                              k) and Validator.is_type(k, int):
         labels = self._run_kmeans_on_coords(lines, k, **kwargs)
         # separate lines based on their k-means label
         separated = defaultdict(list)
         for i, line in zip(range(len(lines)), lines):
         return list(separated.values())
     raise InappropriateArgsError(
         "seperating vertical and horizontal lines")
예제 #27
 def test_correct_is_type(self):
     self.assertEqual(Validator.is_type(1, int), True)
     self.assertEqual(Validator.is_type("1", str), True)
     self.assertEqual(Validator.is_type(1.0, float), True)
     self.assertEqual(Validator.is_type([1, 2, 3], int), True)
     self.assertEqual(Validator.is_type(["1", "2", "3"], str), True)
     self.assertEqual(Validator.is_type([1.0, 2.1, 3.2], float), True)
     self.assertEqual(Validator.is_type([], int), True)
예제 #28
 def _get_coords_of_angle(self, lines):
     if Validator.is_type(lines, np.ndarray):
         angles = np.array([line[0][1] for line in lines
                            ])  # returns angles in [0, pi] in radians
         # multiply the angles by two and find coordinates of that angle
         return np.array(
             [[np.cos(2 * angle), np.sin(2 * angle)] for angle in angles],
     raise InappropriateArgsError("getting the coordinates of the angles" +
예제 #29
 def _load_model(self, path):
     if Validator.is_type(path, str):
         if os.path.isfile(path):
             with open(path, "r") as f:
                 json_str = f.read()
             self.model = keras.models.model_from_json(json_str)
             return True
         raise InappropriateArgsError("Model not founded in directory")
     raise InappropriateArgsError("Input not valid")
예제 #30
 def _update_corners(self, x, y, tl_point, tr_point, bl_point, br_point):
     if Validator.is_positive_number([x, y]) and Validator.is_type(
         [tl_point, tr_point, bl_point, br_point], tuple):
         color = self.changing_img[y][
             x]  # color of that pixel, if it is white (255) we are on the blob
         if x + y < tl_point[0] + tl_point[
                 1] and color == 255:  # point is more upper-left than the current one
             tl_point = x, y
         if y - x > bl_point[1] - bl_point[
                 0] and color == 255:  # point is more bottom-left than the current one
             bl_point = x, y
         if x - y > tr_point[0] - tr_point[
                 1] and color == 255:  # point is more top-right than the current one
             tr_point = x, y
         if x + y > br_point[0] + br_point[
                 1] and color == 255:  # point is more bottom-right than the current one
             br_point = x, y
         return tl_point, tr_point, bl_point, br_point
     raise InappropriateArgsError("updating corner points with x: " +
                                  str(x) + " and y: " + str(y))