예제 #1
    def get():
            **Verify your login**

            This function allows users to verify their login.

            :return: json and http status code

            - Example::

                  curl -X GET bio-portal.metacentrum.cz/api/ -H 'Cookie: cookie returned by scope'

            - Expected Success Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 200

                {"project_id": project_id, "token": token}

            - Expected Fail Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 401

                {'message': reason}

        if 'project_id' in flask_session and 'token' in flask_session:
            connect(flask_session["token"], flask_session["project_id"])
            return {'project_id': flask_session['project_id'], 'token': flask_session['token']}, 200
        return {'message': 'unauthorized'}, 401
예제 #2
    def put():
            **Scope to project**

            This function allows users to scope to their chosen project.
            Its json input is specified by :class:`~schema.ScopeSchema`

            :return: {} and http status code

            - Example::

                  curl -X PUT bio-portal.metacentrum.cz/api/ -H 'Cookie: cookie returned by login'
                   -H 'content-type: application/json' --data '{"project_id": project_id}'

            - Expected Success Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 204


            - Expected Fail Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 401

                {'message': 'unauthorized'}

        load = ScopeSchema().load(request.json)
        connect(flask_session['token'], load["project_id"])
        flask_session["project_id"] = load["project_id"]
        return {}, 204
예제 #3
    def delete(instance_id):
            **Delete specific instance**

            This function allows users to delete their instance specified by its ID.

            :param instance_id: id of the cloud instance
            :type instance_id: openstack instance id
            :return: empty json and http status code

            - Example::

                curl -X DELETE bio-portal.metacentrum.cz/api/instances/instance_id/ -H 'Cookie: cookie from scope' -H 'content-type: application/json'

            - Expected Success Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 204


            - Expected Fail Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 400


        connection = connect(session['token'], session['project_id'])
        server = connection.compute.find_server(instance_id)
        if server is None:
            return {}, 400
        return {}, 204
    def post():
            **Create new security group**

            This function allows users to create new security group.

            Its json input is specified by schema.SecurityGroupSchema

            :return: security group information in json and http status code

            - Example::

                  curl -X POST bio-portal.metacentrum.cz/api/security_groups/ -H 'Cookie: cookie from scope' -H
                  'content-type: application/json' --data json specified in schema

            - Expected Success Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 201

                json-format: see openstack.compute.v2.server

            - Expected Fail Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 400

                {"message": ...}

        connection = connect(session["token"], session["project_id"])
        load = SecurityGroupSchema().load(request.json)
        new_security_group = connection.network.create_security_group(
        return new_security_group, 201
예제 #5
    def get(instance_id):
            **Get instance metadata**

            This function allows users to get instance metadata.

            :param instance_id: id of the cloud instance
            :type instance_id: openstack instance id
            :return: instance information in json and http status code

            - Example::

                  curl -X GET bio-portal.metacentrum.cz/api/metadata/instance_id/ -H 'Cookie: cookie from scope'

            - Expected Success Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 200

                json-format: see openstack.compute.v2.server.Server

            - Expected Fail Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 400

                {"message": "instance not found"}

        connection = connect(session["token"], session["project_id"])
        instance = connection.compute.find_server(instance_id)
        if instance is None:
            return {"message": "instance not found"}, 400
        return connection.compute.get_server_metadata(instance).to_dict(), 200
예제 #6
 def delete(floating_ip_id):
     floating_ip = floating_ip_id
     connection = connect(session["token"], session["project_id"])
     for server in connection.compute.servers():
         for values in server.addresses.values():
             for address in values:
                 if address["addr"] == floating_ip and address[
                         "OS-EXT-IPS:type"] == "floating":
                         server.id, floating_ip)
                     return {}, 200
     return {"message": "Address or server not found"}, 400
예제 #7
    def delete(instance_id):
            **Get instance metadata**

            This function allows users to remove instance metadata.
            Its json input is specified by schema.DeleteMetadataSchema

            :param instance_id: id of the cloud instance
            :type instance_id: openstack instance
            :return: empty json and http status code

            - Example::

                curl -X DELETE bio-portal.metacentrum.cz/api/metadata/instance_id/ -H 'Cookie: cookie from scope'
                'content-type: application/json' --data json specified in schema

            - Expected Success Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 204


            - Expected Fail Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 400

                {"message": "instance not found"}


                HTTP Status Code: 400

                {"message": "key not in metadata"}

        connection = connect(session["token"], session["project_id"])
        instance = connection.compute.find_server(instance_id)
        load = DeleteMetadataSchema().load(request.json)
        if instance is None:
            return {"message": "instance not found"}, 400
        metadata = connection.compute.get_server_metadata(
        for key in load["keys"]:
            if metadata.get(key) is None:
                return {"message": "key not in metadata"}, 400

        connection.compute.delete_server_metadata(instance, load["keys"])
        return {}, 204
예제 #8
    def get(instance_id=None):
            **Get specific instance**

            This function allows users to get their instance specified by its ID. If no parameter given, all users instances
            are returned

            :param instance_id: id of the cloud instance
            :type instance_id: openstack instance id or None
            :return: instance/s information in json and http status code

            - Example::

                curl -X GET bio-portal.metacentrum.cz/api/instances/_your_instance_id/
                 -H 'Cookie: cookie from scope' -H 'content-type: application/json'

            - Expected Success Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 200

                json-format: see openstack.compute.v2.server


                HTTP Status Code: 200

                openstack.compute.v2.server array

            - Expected Fail Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 404



        connection = connect(session['token'], session['project_id'])
        if instance_id is not None:
            server = connection.compute.find_server(instance_id)
            if server is None:
                return {}, 404

            return server, 200
            tmp = connection.compute.servers()
            return [r for r in tmp], 200
예제 #9
    def put(router_id):
            **Update gateway**

            This function allows users to add external gateway.
            Its json input is specified by schema.NetworkSchema

            :param instance_id: id of the cloud instance
            :type instance_id: openstack instance id or None
            :return: router information in json and http status code

            - Example::

                  curl -X PUT bio-portal.metacentrum.cz/api/gateways/ -H 'Cookie: cookie from scope' -H
                  'content-type: application/json' --data json specified in schema

            - Expected Success Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 200

                json-format: see openstack.network.v2.router

            - Expected Fail Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 400

                {"message": "Wrong router ID, router not found!"}

        connection = connect(session["token"], session["project_id"])
        load = NetworkSchema().load(request.json)
        router = connection.network.find_router(router_id)
        if not router:
            return {"message": "Wrong router ID, router not found!"}, 400

        router_gateway_request = {
            "router": {
                "external_gateway_info": {
                    "network_id": load["external_network"]
        return put("https://network.cloud.muni.cz/v2.0/routers/%s" % router_id,
                       "X-Auth-Token": connection.authorize()
예제 #10
    def post():
            **Add new public key**

            This function allows users to add new public key. If keypair with given name doesnt exist, its created.
            In case keypair with same name exits and their keys are different, old key is deleted and new one is created.
            Otherwise returns keypair that already existed is returned

            Its json input is specified by :class:`~schema.CreateKeypairSchema`

            :return: keypair information in json and http status code

            - Example::

                  curl -X POST bio-portal.metacentrum.cz/api/keypairs/ -H 'Cookie: cookie from scope' -H
                  'content-type: application/json' --data json specified in schema

            - Expected Success Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 200

                json-format: see openstack.compute.v2.keypair.Keypair


                HTTP Status Code: 201

                json-format: see openstack.compute.v2.keypair.Keypair

            - Expected Fail Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 400


        connection = connect(session["token"], session["project_id"])
        load = CreateKeypairSchema().load(request.json)
        key_pair = connection.compute.find_keypair(load["key_name"])
        if not key_pair:
            return connection.compute.create_keypair(**load), 201

        elif key_pair.public_key != load["public_key"]:
            return connection.compute.create_keypair(**load), 200
        return key_pair, 200
    def get(security_group_id=None):
            **Get/list security group/s**

            This function allows users to get their security group specified by its ID. If no parameter given, all users
            security groups are returned

            :param security_group_id: id of the security group
            :type security_group_id: openstack security group id or None
            :return: security group/s information in json and http status code

            - Example::

                curl -X GET bio-portal.metacentrum.cz/api/security_group/_your_sgroup_id/ -H 'Cookie: cookie from scope'
                 -H 'content-type: application/json'

            - Expected Success Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 200

                json-format: see openstack.network.v2.security_group


                HTTP Status Code: 200

                openstack.network.v2.security_group array

            - Expected Fail Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 404


        connection = connect(session["token"], session["project_id"])
        if security_group_id is None:
            tmp = connection.network.security_groups()
            return [r for r in tmp], 200
            security_group = connection.network.find_security_group(
            if security_group is None:
                return {}, 404
            return security_group.to_dict(), 200
예제 #12
    def get(keypair_id=None):
            **Get/list keypair**

            This function allows users to get their instance specified by its ID. If no parameter given, all users instances
            are returned

            :param keypair_id: id of the keypair
            :type keypair_id: openstack keypair id or None
            :return: keypair/s in json and http status code

            - Example::

                curl -X GET bio-portal.metacentrum.cz/api/keypairs/_your_keypair_id/ -H 'Cookie: cookie from scope'
                -H 'content-type: application/json'

            - Expected Success Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 200

                json-format: see openstack.compute.v2.keypair.Keypair


                HTTP Status Code: 200

                openstack.compute.v2.keypair.Keypair array

            - Expected Fail Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 404


        connection = connect(session["token"], session["project_id"])
        if keypair_id is None:
            tmp = connection.compute.keypairs()
            return [r for r in tmp], 200
            key_pair = connection.compute.find_keypair(keypair_id)
            if key_pair is None:
                return {}, 404
            return key_pair, 200
예제 #13
    def get(network_id=None):
            **Get/list network**

            This function allows users to get their network specified by its ID. If no parameter given, all users
            networks are returned

            :param network_id: id of the network
            :type network_id: openstack network id or None
            :return: network/s in json and http status code

            - Example::

                curl -X GET bio-portal.metacentrum.cz/api/networks/_your_keypair_id/ -H 'Cookie: cookie from scope'
                -H 'content-type: application/json'

            - Expected Success Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 200

                json-format: see openstack.network.v2.network.Network


                HTTP Status Code: 200

                openstack.network.v2..network.Network array

            - Expected Fail Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 404


        connection = connect(session["token"], session["project_id"])
        if network_id is None:
            network = connection.network.networks()
            return [r for r in network], 200
        network = connection.network.find_network(network_id)
        if network is None:
            return {}, 404
        return network.to_dict(), 200
예제 #14
    def get(floating_ip_id=None):
            **Get specific Floating IP**

            This function allows users to get their Floating IP specified by its ID. If no parameter given, all users
            FIPs  are returned

            :param floating_ip_id: id of the floating ip
            :type floating_ip_id: openstack FIP id or None
            :return: FIP/s information in json and http status code

            - Example::

                  curl -X GET bio-portal.metacentrum.cz/api/floating_ips/_your_floating_ip/ -H
                  'Cookie: cookie from scope' -H 'content-type: application/json'

            - Expected Success Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 200

                json-format: see openstack.network.v2.floating_ip


                HTTP Status Code: 200

                openstack.network.v2.floating_ip array

            - Expected Fail Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 404


        connection = connect(session["token"], session["project_id"])
        if floating_ip_id is None:
            ips = connection.network.ips()
            return [r for r in ips], 200
        floating_ip = connection.network.get_ip(floating_ip_id)
        if floating_ip is None:
            return {}, 404
        return floating_ip.to_dict(), 200
예제 #15
    def get(router_id=None):
                **Get router**

                This function allows users to get their router specified by its ID (not implemented).
                If no parameter given, all users routers are returned

                :param router_id: id of the cloud router
                :type router_id: openstack router id or None
                :return: router/s information in json and http status code

                - Example::

                    curl -X GET http://bio-portal.metacentrum.cz/api/routers/ -H 'Cookie: cookie from scope'
                 Expected Success Response::

                    HTTP Status Code: 200

                    openstack.network.v2.router array

                - Expected Fail Response::

                    HTTP Status Code: 404



                    HTTP Status Code: 501


        if router_id is None:
            connection = connect(session["token"], session["project_id"])
            routers = connection.network.routers()
            return [r for r in routers], 200
        return {}, 501
예제 #16
    def put(instance_id):
            **Update instance metadata**

            This function allows users to add/update instance metadata.
            Its json input is specified by schema.CreateMetadataSchema

            :param instance_id: id of the cloud instance
            :type instance_id: openstack instance id
            :return: instance information in json and http status code

            - Example::

                  curl -X PUT bio-portal.metacentrum.cz/api/metadata/instance_id/ -H 'Cookie: cookie from scope' -H
                  'content-type: application/json' --data json specified in schema

            - Expected Success Response::

                HTTP Status Code: ??

                json-format: see openstack.compute.v2.server.Server

            - Expected Fail Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 400

                {"message": "instance not found"}


        connection = connect(session["token"], session["project_id"])
        instance = connection.compute.find_server(instance_id)
        metadata = CreateMetadataSchema().load(request.json)["metadata"]

        if instance is None:
            return {"message": "instance not found"}, 400
        return connection.compute.set_server_metadata(instance, **metadata)
예제 #17
    def post():
            **Create new instance**

            This function allows users to start new instance.

            Its json input is specified by schema.StartServerSchema

            :return: instance information in json and http status code

            - Example::

                  curl -X POST bio-portal.metacentrum.cz/api/instances/ -H 'Cookie: cookie from scope' -H
                  'content-type: application/json' --data json specified in schema

            - Expected Success Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 201

                json-format: see openstack.compute.v2.server

            - Expected Fail Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 400

                {"message": "resoucre not found"}

        connection = connect(session['token'], session['project_id'])
        json = StartServerSchema().load(request.json)
        image = connection.compute.find_image(json["image"])
        flavor = connection.compute.find_flavor(json["flavor"])
        network = connection.network.find_network(json["network_id"])
        key_pair = connection.compute.find_keypair(json["key_name"])

        if (image is None) or (flavor is None) or (network is
                                                   None) or (key_pair is None):
            return {"message": "resource not found"}, 400
        if image.name == "debian-10-x86_64_bioconductor":
            req = requests.get(
            text = encodeutils.safe_encode(req.text.encode("utf-8"))
            init_script = base64.b64encode(text).decode("utf-8")
        elif image.name == "debian-9-x86_64_bioconductor":
            req = requests.get(
            text = encodeutils.safe_encode(req.text.encode("utf-8"))
            init_script = base64.b64encode(text).decode("utf-8")
            init_script = ""

        server = connection.compute.create_server(name=json["servername"],
                                                      "uuid": network.id
        return server, 201
예제 #18
    def post():
            **Create new Floating IP**

            This function allows users to add new Floating IP to specified instance.
            If FIP doesnt exist, its created. If already exists and is not attached, then it will be attached to instance

            Its correct json input is specified by schema.FloatingIpSchema

            :return: floating information in json and http status code

            - Example::

                  curl -X GET bio-portal.metacentrum.cz/api/floating_ips/ -H 'Cookie: cookie from scope' -H
                  'content-type: application/json' --data: json specified in schema

            - Expected Success Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 200

                json-format: see openstack.network.v2.floating_ip


                HTTP Status Code: 201

                json-format: see openstack.network.v2.floating_ip

            - Expected Fail Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 400

                {"message": "Server not found"}


                HTTP Status Code: 400

                {"message": "Network not found"}

        connection = connect(session["token"], session["project_id"])
        load = FloatingIpSchema().load(request.json)
        server = connection.compute.find_server(load["instance_id"])
        if server is None:
            return {"message": "Server not found"}, 400

        for values in server.addresses.values():
            for address in values:
                if address["OS-EXT-IPS:type"] == "floating":
                    return address, 200

        for floating_ip in connection.network.ips():
            if not floating_ip.fixed_ip_address:
                    server, floating_ip.floating_ip_address)
                return floating_ip.to_dict(), 200

        network = connection.network.find_network(load["network_id"])
        if network is None:
            return {"message": "Network not found"}, 400
        found_network_id = network.to_dict()["id"]
        floating_ip = connection.network.create_ip(
        floating_ip = connection.network.get_ip(floating_ip)
            server, floating_ip.floating_ip_address)
        return floating_ip, 201
    def post(security_group_id):
                **Add security group rule**

                This function allows users to add new security group rule.

                Its json input is specified by schema.SecurityGroupRuleSchema

                :param security_group_id: id of the security group id
                :type security_group_id: openstack security group id
                :return: information about created rule in json and http status code

                - Example::

                    curl -X POST bio-portal.metacentrum.cz/api/security_groups/security_group_id/security_group_rule/
                    -H 'Cookie: cookie from scope' -H 'content-type: application/json' --data json_specified_in_schema

                - Expected Success Response::

                    HTTP Status Code: 201

                    json-format: see openstack.network.v2.security_group_rule

                - Expected Fail Response::

                    HTTP Status Code: 409
                    {"message": ...}

        connection = connect(session["token"], session["project_id"])
        load = SecurityGroupRuleSchema().load(request.json)
        if load["type"] == "ssh":
            new_rule = connection.network.create_security_group_rule(

        if load["type"] == "all_icmp":
            new_rule = connection.network.create_security_group_rule(

        if load["type"] == "http":
            new_rule = connection.network.create_security_group_rule(

        if load["type"] == "https":
            new_rule = connection.network.create_security_group_rule(

        if load["type"] == "rdp":
            new_rule = connection.network.create_security_group_rule(

        return new_rule.to_dict(), 201
예제 #20
    def get():
            **Get resource limits**

            This function allows users to get their resource limits and their usage.

            :return: limit information in json and http status code

            - Example::

                curl -X GET bio-portal.metacentrum.cz/api/limits/ -H 'Cookie: cookie from scope'
                -H 'content-type: application/json'

            - Expected Success Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 200

                    {"limit": 5,
                     "used" : 2},
                    {"limit": 3,
                     "used" : 1},
                    {"limit": 16,
                     "used" : 6},
                    {"limit": 4,
                     "used" : 1},

            - Expected Fail Response::

                HTTP Status Code: 400


        connection = connect(session["token"], session["project_id"])
        limits = connection.compute.get_limits()
        absolute = limits["absolute"]
        quotas = get("https://network.cloud.muni.cz/v2.0/quotas/%s/" %
                         "Accept": "application/json",
                         "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11;\
                                                            Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0)\
                                                            Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0",
                         "X-Auth-Token": connection.authorize()

        ips = 0
        for fip in connection.network.ips():
            if fip.get("status") == "ACTIVE":
                ips += 1
        res = {
            "floating_ips": {
                "limit": quotas["quota"]["floatingip"],
                "used": ips
            },  # get generator length
            "instances": {
                "limit": absolute["instances"],
                "used": absolute["instances_used"]
            "cores": {
                "limit": absolute["total_cores"],
                "used": absolute["total_cores_used"]
            "ram": {
                "limit": absolute["total_ram"],
                "used": absolute["total_ram_used"]
        return res, 200