예제 #1
 def unset_cookie(self, key):
   """ Unset a cookie with the given name (remove from the response).
   If there are multiple cookies (e.g., two cookies with the same name and
   different paths or domains), all such cookies will be deleted.
     key: string that is the cookie's name (mandatory)
   Side effects:
     delete from self.response.headers all cookies with that name
     KeyError if the response had no such cookies (or, none at all)
   existing = self.response.headers.getall('Set-Cookie')
   if not existing: raise KeyError("No cookies at all had been set")
   # remove all set-cookie headers, then put back those (if any) that
   # should not be removed
   del self.response.headers['Set-Cookie']
   found = False
   for header in existing:
     cookies = BaseCookie()
     if key in cookies:
       found = True
       del cookies[key]
       header = cookies.output(header='').lstrip()
     if header:
       self.response.headers.add_header('Set-Cookie', header)
   if not found: raise KeyError("No cookie had been set with name %r" % key)
예제 #2
 def unset_cookie(self, key):
     Unset a cookie with the given name (remove it from the
     response).  If there are multiple cookies (e.g., two cookies
     with the same name and different paths or domains), all such
     cookies will be deleted.
     existing = self.response.headers.get_all('Set-Cookie')
     if not existing:
         raise KeyError(
             "No cookies at all have been set")
     del self.response.headers['Set-Cookie']
     found = False
     for header in existing:
         cookies = BaseCookie()
         if key in cookies:
             found = True
             del cookies[key]
         header = cookies.output(header='').lstrip()
         if header:
             self.response.headers.add('Set-Cookie', header)
     if not found:
         raise KeyError(
             "No cookie has been set with the name %r" % key)
예제 #3
 def load(self, rawdata):
     self.bad_cookies = []
     self._BaseCookie__set = self._loose_set
     BaseCookie.load(self, rawdata)
     self._BaseCookie__set = self._strict_set
     for key in self.bad_cookies:
         del self[key]
예제 #4
 def unset_cookie(self, key, strict=True):
     Unset a cookie with the given name (remove it from the
     response).  If there are multiple cookies (e.g., two cookies
     with the same name and different paths or domains), all such
     cookies will be deleted.
     existing = self.headers.getall('Set-Cookie')
     if not existing:
         if not strict:
         raise KeyError("No cookies at all have been set")
     del self.headers['Set-Cookie']
     found = False
     for header in existing:
         cookies = BaseCookie()
         if key in cookies:
             found = True
             del cookies[key]
             # this branching is required because Cookie.Morsel.output()
             # strips quotes from expires= parameter, so better use
             # it as is, if it hasn't changed
     if strict and not found:
         raise KeyError("No cookie has been set with the name %r" % key)
예제 #5
파일: util.py 프로젝트: yestin/yjl
 def unset_cookie(self, key):
     Unset a cookie with the given name (remove it from the
     response).  If there are multiple cookies (e.g., two cookies
     with the same name and different paths or domains), all such
     cookies will be deleted.
     existing = self.response.headers.get_all('Set-Cookie')
     if not existing:
         raise KeyError(
             "No cookies at all have been set")
     del self.response.headers['Set-Cookie']
     found = False
     for header in existing:
         cookies = BaseCookie()
         if key in cookies:
             found = True
             del cookies[key]
         header = cookies.output(header='').lstrip()
         if header:
             self.response.headers.add('Set-Cookie', header)
     if not found:
         raise KeyError(
             "No cookie has been set with the name %r" % key)
예제 #6
 def unset_cookie(self, key, strict=True):
     Unset a cookie with the given name (remove it from the
     response).  If there are multiple cookies (e.g., two cookies
     with the same name and different paths or domains), all such
     cookies will be deleted.
     existing = self.headers.getall('Set-Cookie')
     if not existing:
         if not strict:
         raise KeyError("No cookies at all have been set")
     del self.headers['Set-Cookie']
     found = False
     for header in existing:
         cookies = BaseCookie()
         if key in cookies:
             found = True
             del cookies[key]
             # this branching is required because Cookie.Morsel.output()
             # strips quotes from expires= parameter, so better use
             # it as is, if it hasn't changed
     if strict and not found:
         raise KeyError(
             "No cookie has been set with the name %r" % key)
예제 #7
def parse_cookies(response):
    Return a ``Cookie.BaseCookie`` object populated from cookies parsed from
    the response object
    base_cookie = BaseCookie()
    for item in response.headers.get_all('Set-Cookie'):
    return base_cookie
예제 #8
 def _parse_cookies(self, environ):
     source = environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE', '')
     vars = {}
     if source:
         cookies = BaseCookie()
         for name in cookies:
             value = cookies[name].value
             unquote_match = _QUOTES_RE.match(value)
             if unquote_match is not None:
                 value = unquote_match.group(1)
             vars[name] = value
     return vars
예제 #9
 def _parse_cookies(self, environ)   :
     _QUOTES_RE = re.compile('"(.*)"')
     source=environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE', '')
     vars = {}
     if source:
         cookies = BaseCookie()
         for name in cookies:
             value = cookies[name].value
             unquote_match = _QUOTES_RE.match(value)
             if unquote_match is not None:
                 value = unquote_match.group(1)
             vars[name] = value
     return vars
예제 #10
def _get_cookies(environ):
    Return a *plain* dictionary of cookies as found in the request.
    source = environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE', '')
    if 'webob._parsed_cookies' in environ:
        vars_, var_source = environ['webob._parsed_cookies']
        if var_source == source:
            return vars_
    vars_ = {}
    if source:
        cookies = BaseCookie()
        for name in cookies:
            vars_[name] = cookies[name].value
    environ['webob._parsed_cookies'] = (vars_, source)
    return vars_
예제 #11
 def str_cookies(self):
     Return a *plain* dictionary of cookies as found in the request.
     env = self.environ
     source = env.get('HTTP_COOKIE', '')
     if 'webob._parsed_cookies' in env:
         vars, var_source = env['webob._parsed_cookies']
         if var_source == source:
             return vars
     vars = {}
     if source:
         cookies = BaseCookie()
         for name in cookies:
             value = cookies[name].value
             unquote_match = QUOTES_RE.match(value)
             if unquote_match is not None:
                 value = unquote_match.group(1)
             vars[name] = value
     env['webob._parsed_cookies'] = (vars, source)
     return vars
예제 #12
    def unset_cookie(self, key):
        existing = self.headers.get_all('Set-Cookie')
        if not existing:
            raise KeyError('No cookies have been set')

        del self.headers['Set-Cookie']
        found = False

        for header in existing:
            cookies = BaseCookie()
            if key in cookies:
                found = True
                del cookies[key]
                header = cookies.output(header='').lstrip()
            if header:
                if header.endswith(';'):
                    header = header[:-1]
                self.headers.add_header('Set-Cookie', header)

        if not found:
            raise KeyError('No cookie has been set with the name %r' % key)
    def wsgi_app(self, environ, start_response):
        ctx = self.request_context(environ)

        req = ctx.request
        charset = req.charset

        session = ctx.session
        inner_ctx = ctx
        should_proxy = self.get_logged_in(session) 

        environ['flask_protector_app.verify_login'] = partial(self.verify_login, session=session)
        environ['flask_protector_app.set_logged_in'] = partial(self.set_logged_in, session)
        environ['flask_protector_app.get_logged_in'] = partial(self.get_logged_in, session)
        environ['flask_protector_app.get_logged_in_as'] = partial(self.get_logged_in_as, session)

        new_environ = environ.copy()

        if should_proxy:
            if 'HTTP_COOKIE' in new_environ:
                # Scrub the environment of any trace of the protector's cookie,
                # because otherwise the inner app will see it and probably try
                # to send Set-Cookie headers to refresh the session, effectively undoing
                # any changes the protector wants to make to it.
                parsed_cookie = BaseCookie()
                parsed_cookie.load(environ['HTTP_COOKIE']) # TODO encoding?
                del parsed_cookie[self.session_cookie_name]
                stringified_cookie = str(parsed_cookie).partition('Set-Cookie: ')[2]
                if stringified_cookie:
                    new_environ['HTTP_COOKIE'] = stringified_cookie
                    del new_environ['HTTP_COOKIE']

            inner_ctx = type(ctx)(
        error = None
            response = None
                if should_proxy:
                if not should_proxy:
                    response = self.full_dispatch_request()
            except Exception as e:
                error = e
                response = self.handle_exception(e)
                error = sys.exc_info()[1]
            if response is not None:
                return response(new_environ, start_response)
            if self.should_ignore_error(error):
                error = None
            if should_proxy:
                result = self.wrapped_app.wsgi_app(new_environ, start_response)
                return result
예제 #14
 def extract_session(self, response):
     if "Set-Cookie" in response.headers:
         from Cookie import BaseCookie
         cookie = BaseCookie()
         self.session = cookie["session"]