예제 #1
def ICache(clk_i,
    The Instruction Cache module.

    :param clk:         System clock
    :param rst:         System reset
    :param cpu:         CPU slave interface (Wishbone Interconnect to master port)
    :param mem:         Memory master interface (Wishbone Interconnect to slave port)
    :param invalidate:  Enable flush cache
    :param D_WIDTH:     Data width
    :param BLOCK_WIDTH: Address width for byte access inside a block line
    :param SET_WIDTH:   Address width for line access inside a block
    :param WAYS:        Number of ways for associative cache (Minimum: 2)
    :param LIMIT_WIDTH: Maximum width for address
    if ENABLE:
        assert D_WIDTH == 32, "Error: Unsupported D_WIDTH. Supported values: {32}"
        assert BLOCK_WIDTH > 0, "Error: BLOCK_WIDTH must be a value > 0"
        assert SET_WIDTH > 0, "Error: SET_WIDTH must be a value > 0"
        assert not (WAYS & (WAYS - 1)), "Error: WAYS must be a power of 2"

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        WAY_WIDTH = BLOCK_WIDTH + SET_WIDTH  # cache mem_wbm address width
        TAG_WIDTH = LIMIT_WIDTH - WAY_WIDTH  # tag size
        TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH = TAG_WIDTH + 1  # Add the valid bit
        TAGMEM_WAY_VALID = TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH - 1  # Valid bit index
        TAG_LRU_WIDTH = (WAYS * (WAYS - 1)) >> 1  # (N*(N-1))/2
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        ic_states = enum('IDLE', 'READ', 'FETCH', 'FLUSH', 'FLUSH_LAST')

        cpu_wbs = WishboneSlave(cpu)
        mem_wbm = WishboneMaster(mem)
        cpu_busy = Signal(False)
        cpu_err = Signal(False)
        cpu_wait = Signal(False)
        mem_read = Signal(False)
        mem_write = Signal(False)
        mem_rmw = Signal(False)

        tag_rw_port = [
            for i in range(WAYS)
        tag_flush_port = [
            for i in range(WAYS)
        tag_lru_rw_port = RAMIOPort(A_WIDTH=SET_WIDTH, D_WIDTH=TAG_LRU_WIDTH)
        tag_lru_flush_port = RAMIOPort(A_WIDTH=SET_WIDTH,
        cache_read_port = [
            for _ in range(0, WAYS)
        cache_update_port = [
            for _ in range(0, WAYS)
        data_cache = [cache_read_port[i].data_o for i in range(0, WAYS)]

        state = Signal(ic_states.IDLE)
        n_state = Signal(ic_states.IDLE)

        busy = Signal(False)

        miss = Signal(False)
        miss_w = Signal(modbv(0)[WAYS:])
        miss_w_and = Signal(False)
        final_fetch = Signal(False)
        final_flush = Signal(False)

        lru_select = Signal(modbv(0)[WAYS:])
        current_lru = Signal(modbv(0)[TAG_LRU_WIDTH:])
        update_lru = Signal(modbv(0)[TAG_LRU_WIDTH:])
        access_lru = Signal(modbv(0)[WAYS:])
        lru_pre = Signal(modbv(0)[WAYS:])

        tag_in = [Signal(modbv(0)[TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH:]) for _ in range(0, WAYS)]
        tag_out = [Signal(modbv(0)[TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH:]) for _ in range(0, WAYS)]
        lru_in = Signal(modbv(0)[TAG_LRU_WIDTH:])
        lru_out = Signal(modbv(0)[TAG_LRU_WIDTH:])
        tag_we = Signal(False)

        refill_addr = Signal(modbv(0)[LIMIT_WIDTH - 2:])
        refill_valid = Signal(False)
        n_refill_addr = Signal(modbv(0)[LIMIT_WIDTH - 2:])
        n_refill_valid = Signal(False)

        flush_addr = Signal(modbv(0)[SET_WIDTH:])
        flush_we = Signal(False)
        n_flush_addr = Signal(modbv(0)[SET_WIDTH:])
        n_flush_we = Signal(False)

        def assignments():
            final_fetch.next = (refill_addr[BLOCK_WIDTH - 2:] == modbv(
                -1)[BLOCK_WIDTH -
                    2:]) and mem_wbm.ack_i and mem_wbm.stb_o and mem_wbm.cyc_o
            lru_select.next = lru_pre
            current_lru.next = lru_out
            access_lru.next = ~miss_w
            busy.next = state != ic_states.IDLE
            final_flush.next = flush_addr == 0

        def miss_check():
            For each way, check tag and valid flag, and reduce the vector using AND.
            If the vector is full of ones, the data is not in the cache: assert the miss flag.

            MISS: data not in cache and the memory operation is a valid read. Ignore this if
            the module is flushing data.
            value = modbv(0)[WAYS:]
            for i in range(0, WAYS):
                value[i] = (not tag_out[i][TAGMEM_WAY_VALID]
                            or tag_out[i][TAG_WIDTH:0] !=
            miss_w.next = value

        def miss_check_2():
            Vector reduce: check for full miss.
            value = True
            for i in range(0, WAYS):
                value = value and miss_w[i]
            miss_w_and.next = value

        def miss_check_3():
            Check for valid wishbone cycle, and full miss.
            valid_read = cpu_wbs.cyc_i and cpu_wbs.stb_i and not cpu_wbs.we_i
            miss.next = miss_w_and and valid_read and not invalidate

        trwp_clk = [tag_rw_port[i].clk for i in range(WAYS)]
        trwp_addr = [tag_rw_port[i].addr for i in range(WAYS)]
        trwp_data_i = [tag_rw_port[i].data_i for i in range(WAYS)]
        trwp_data_o = [tag_rw_port[i].data_o for i in range(WAYS)]
        trwp_we = [tag_rw_port[i].we for i in range(WAYS)]

        def tag_rport():
            for i in range(WAYS):
                trwp_clk[i].next = clk_i
                trwp_addr[i].next = cpu_wbs.addr_i[WAY_WIDTH:BLOCK_WIDTH]
                trwp_data_i[i].next = tag_in[i]
                trwp_we[i].next = tag_we
                tag_out[i].next = trwp_data_o[i]
            # LRU memory
            tag_lru_rw_port.clk.next = clk_i
            tag_lru_rw_port.data_i.next = lru_in
            lru_out.next = tag_lru_rw_port.data_o
            tag_lru_rw_port.addr.next = cpu_wbs.addr_i[WAY_WIDTH:BLOCK_WIDTH]
            tag_lru_rw_port.we.next = tag_we

        def next_state_logic():
            n_state.next = state
            if state == ic_states.IDLE:
                if invalidate:
                    # cache flush
                    n_state.next = ic_states.FLUSH
                elif cpu_wbs.cyc_i and not cpu_wbs.we_i:
                    # miss: refill line
                    n_state.next = ic_states.READ
            elif state == ic_states.READ:
                if not miss:
                    # miss: refill line
                    n_state.next = ic_states.IDLE
                    n_state.next = ic_states.FETCH
            elif state == ic_states.FETCH:
                # fetch a line from memory
                if final_fetch:
                    n_state.next = ic_states.IDLE
            elif state == ic_states.FLUSH:
                # invalidate tag memory
                if final_flush:
                    n_state.next = ic_states.FLUSH_LAST
                    n_state.next = ic_states.FLUSH
            elif state == ic_states.FLUSH_LAST:
                # last cycle for flush
                n_state.next = ic_states.IDLE

        def update_state():
            if rst_i:
                state.next = ic_states.FLUSH
                state.next = n_state

        def fetch_fsm():
            n_refill_addr.next = refill_addr
            n_refill_valid.next = False  # refill_valid

            if state == ic_states.IDLE:
                if invalidate:
                    n_refill_valid.next = False
            elif state == ic_states.READ:
                if miss:
                    n_refill_addr.next = concat(
                        modbv(0)[BLOCK_WIDTH - 2:])
                    n_refill_valid.next = True  # not mem_wbm.ready?
            elif state == ic_states.FETCH:
                n_refill_valid.next = True
                if refill_valid and mem_wbm.ack_i:
                    if final_fetch:
                        n_refill_valid.next = False
                        n_refill_addr.next = 0
                        n_refill_valid.next = True
                        n_refill_addr.next = refill_addr + modbv(
                            1)[BLOCK_WIDTH - 2:]

        def update_fetch():
            if rst_i:
                refill_addr.next = 0
                refill_valid.next = False
                refill_addr.next = n_refill_addr
                refill_valid.next = n_refill_valid

        def tag_write():
            for i in range(0, WAYS):
                tag_in[i].next = tag_out[i]
            tag_we.next = False
            lru_in.next = lru_out

            if state == ic_states.IDLE:
                if invalidate:
                    tag_we.next = False
            elif state == ic_states.READ:
                if miss:
                    for i in range(0, WAYS):
                        if lru_select[i]:
                            tag_in[i].next = concat(
                                True, cpu_wbs.addr_i[LIMIT_WIDTH:WAY_WIDTH])
                    tag_we.next = True
                    lru_in.next = update_lru
                    tag_we.next = True

        def flush_next_state():
            n_flush_we.next = False
            n_flush_addr.next = flush_addr

            if state == ic_states.IDLE:
                if invalidate:
                    n_flush_addr.next = modbv(-1)[SET_WIDTH:]
                    n_flush_we.next = True
            elif state == ic_states.FLUSH:
                n_flush_addr.next = flush_addr - modbv(1)[SET_WIDTH:]
                n_flush_we.next = True
            elif state == ic_states.FLUSH_LAST:
                n_flush_we.next = False

        def update_flush():
            if rst_i:
                flush_addr.next = modbv(-1)[SET_WIDTH:]
                flush_we.next = False
                flush_addr.next = n_flush_addr
                flush_we.next = n_flush_we

        tfp_clk = [tag_flush_port[i].clk for i in range(WAYS)]
        tfp_addr = [tag_flush_port[i].addr for i in range(WAYS)]
        tfp_data_i = [tag_flush_port[i].data_i for i in range(WAYS)]
        tfp_we = [tag_flush_port[i].we for i in range(WAYS)]

        def tag_flush_port_assign():
            for i in range(WAYS):
                tfp_clk[i].next = clk_i
                tfp_addr[i].next = flush_addr
                tfp_data_i[i].next = modbv(0)[TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH:]
                tfp_we[i].next = flush_we
            # connect to the LRU memory
            tag_lru_flush_port.clk.next = clk_i
            tag_lru_flush_port.addr.next = flush_addr
            tag_lru_flush_port.data_i.next = modbv(0)[TAG_LRU_WIDTH:]
            tag_lru_flush_port.we.next = flush_we

        def cpu_data_assign():
            # cpu data_in assignment: instruction.
            temp = data_cache[0]
            for i in range(0, WAYS):
                if not miss_w[i]:
                    temp = data_cache[i]
            cpu_wbs.dat_o.next = temp

        def mem_port_assign():
            mem_wbm.addr_o.next = concat(refill_addr, modbv(0)[2:])
            mem_wbm.dat_o.next = cpu_wbs.dat_i
            mem_wbm.sel_o.next = modbv(0)[4:]

        # To Verilog
        crp_clk = [cache_read_port[i].clk for i in range(0, WAYS)]
        crp_addr = [cache_read_port[i].addr for i in range(0, WAYS)]
        crp_data_i = [cache_read_port[i].data_i for i in range(0, WAYS)]
        crp_we = [cache_read_port[i].we for i in range(0, WAYS)]

        def cache_mem_r():
            for i in range(0, WAYS):
                crp_clk[i].next = clk_i
                crp_addr[i].next = cpu_wbs.addr_i[WAY_WIDTH:2]
                crp_data_i[i].next = 0xAABBCCDD
                crp_we[i].next = False

        # To Verilog
        cup_clk = [cache_update_port[i].clk for i in range(0, WAYS)]
        cup_addr = [cache_update_port[i].addr for i in range(0, WAYS)]
        cup_data_i = [cache_update_port[i].data_i for i in range(0, WAYS)]
        cup_we = [cache_update_port[i].we for i in range(0, WAYS)]

        def cache_mem_update():
            for i in range(0, WAYS):
                # ignore data_o from update port
                cup_clk[i].next = clk_i
                cup_addr[i].next = refill_addr[WAY_WIDTH - 2:]
                cup_data_i[i].next = mem_wbm.dat_i
                cup_we[i].next = lru_select[i] & mem_wbm.ack_i

        def wbs_cpu_flags():
            cpu_err.next = mem_wbm.err_i
            cpu_wait.next = miss_w_and or state != ic_states.READ
            cpu_busy.next = busy

        def wbm_mem_flags():
            mem_read.next = refill_valid and not final_fetch
            mem_write.next = False
            mem_rmw.next = False

        # Remove warnings: Signal is driven but not read
        for i in range(WAYS):
            cache_update_port[i].data_o = None
            tag_flush_port[i].data_o = None
            tag_lru_flush_port.data_o = None

        # Generate the wishbone interfaces
        wbs_cpu = WishboneSlaveGenerator(clk_i, rst_i, cpu_wbs, cpu_busy,
                                         cpu_err, cpu_wait).gen_wbs()  # noqa
        wbm_mem = WishboneMasterGenerator(clk_i, rst_i, mem_wbm, mem_read,
                                          mem_write, mem_rmw).gen_wbm()  # noqa

        # Instantiate tag memories
        tag_mem = [
                   D_WIDTH=TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH) for i in range(WAYS)
        ]  # noqa
        tag_lru = RAM_DP(tag_lru_rw_port,
                         D_WIDTH=TAG_LRU_WIDTH)  # noqa

        # instantiate main memory (cache)
        cache_mem = [
                   A_WIDTH=WAY_WIDTH - 2,
                   D_WIDTH=D_WIDTH) for i in range(0, WAYS)
        ]  # noqa

        # LRU unit.
        lru_m = CacheLRU(current_lru,
                         NUMWAYS=WAYS)  # noqa

        return instances()

        def rtl():
            mem.addr.next = cpu.addr
            mem.dat_o.next = cpu.dat_o
            mem.sel.next = cpu.sel
            mem.we.next = cpu.we
            cpu.dat_i.next = mem.dat_i
            cpu.ack.next = mem.ack
            cpu.err.next = mem.err

        def classic_cycle():
            mem.cyc.next = cpu.cyc if not mem.ack else False
            mem.stb.next = cpu.stb if not mem.ack else False

        return instances()
예제 #2
def ICache(clk_i,
    The Instruction Cache module.

    :param clk:         System clock
    :param rst:         System reset
    :param cpu:         CPU slave interface (Wishbone Interconnect to master port)
    :param mem:         Memory master interface (Wishbone Interconnect to slave port)
    :param invalidate:  Enable flush cache
    :param D_WIDTH:     Data width
    :param BLOCK_WIDTH: Address width for byte access inside a block line
    :param SET_WIDTH:   Address width for line access inside a block
    :param WAYS:        Number of ways for associative cache (Minimum: 2)
    :param LIMIT_WIDTH: Maximum width for address
    if ENABLE:
        assert D_WIDTH == 32, "Error: Unsupported D_WIDTH. Supported values: {32}"
        assert BLOCK_WIDTH > 0, "Error: BLOCK_WIDTH must be a value > 0"
        assert SET_WIDTH > 0, "Error: SET_WIDTH must be a value > 0"
        assert not (WAYS & (WAYS - 1)), "Error: WAYS must be a power of 2"

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        WAY_WIDTH            = BLOCK_WIDTH + SET_WIDTH  # cache mem_wbm address width
        TAG_WIDTH            = LIMIT_WIDTH - WAY_WIDTH  # tag size
        TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH     = TAG_WIDTH + 1         # Add the valid bit
        TAGMEM_WAY_VALID     = TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH - 1  # Valid bit index
        TAG_LRU_WIDTH        = (WAYS * (WAYS - 1)) >> 1  # (N*(N-1))/2
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        ic_states = enum('IDLE',

        cpu_wbs            = WishboneSlave(cpu)
        mem_wbm            = WishboneMaster(mem)
        cpu_busy           = Signal(False)
        cpu_err            = Signal(False)
        cpu_wait           = Signal(False)
        mem_read           = Signal(False)
        mem_write          = Signal(False)
        mem_rmw            = Signal(False)

        tag_rw_port        = [RAMIOPort(A_WIDTH=SET_WIDTH, D_WIDTH=TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH) for i in range(WAYS)]
        tag_flush_port     = [RAMIOPort(A_WIDTH=SET_WIDTH, D_WIDTH=TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH) for i in range(WAYS)]
        tag_lru_rw_port    = RAMIOPort(A_WIDTH=SET_WIDTH, D_WIDTH=TAG_LRU_WIDTH)
        tag_lru_flush_port = RAMIOPort(A_WIDTH=SET_WIDTH, D_WIDTH=TAG_LRU_WIDTH)
        cache_read_port    = [RAMIOPort(A_WIDTH=WAY_WIDTH - 2, D_WIDTH=D_WIDTH) for _ in range(0, WAYS)]
        cache_update_port  = [RAMIOPort(A_WIDTH=WAY_WIDTH - 2, D_WIDTH=D_WIDTH) for _ in range(0, WAYS)]
        data_cache         = [cache_read_port[i].data_o for i in range(0, WAYS)]

        state              = Signal(ic_states.IDLE)
        n_state            = Signal(ic_states.IDLE)

        busy               = Signal(False)

        miss               = Signal(False)
        miss_w             = Signal(modbv(0)[WAYS:])
        miss_w_and         = Signal(False)
        final_fetch        = Signal(False)
        final_flush        = Signal(False)

        lru_select         = Signal(modbv(0)[WAYS:])
        current_lru        = Signal(modbv(0)[TAG_LRU_WIDTH:])
        update_lru         = Signal(modbv(0)[TAG_LRU_WIDTH:])
        access_lru         = Signal(modbv(0)[WAYS:])
        lru_pre            = Signal(modbv(0)[WAYS:])

        tag_in             = [Signal(modbv(0)[TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH:]) for _ in range(0, WAYS)]
        tag_out            = [Signal(modbv(0)[TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH:]) for _ in range(0, WAYS)]
        lru_in             = Signal(modbv(0)[TAG_LRU_WIDTH:])
        lru_out            = Signal(modbv(0)[TAG_LRU_WIDTH:])
        tag_we             = Signal(False)

        refill_addr        = Signal(modbv(0)[LIMIT_WIDTH - 2:])
        refill_valid       = Signal(False)
        n_refill_addr      = Signal(modbv(0)[LIMIT_WIDTH - 2:])
        n_refill_valid     = Signal(False)

        flush_addr         = Signal(modbv(0)[SET_WIDTH:])
        flush_we           = Signal(False)
        n_flush_addr       = Signal(modbv(0)[SET_WIDTH:])
        n_flush_we         = Signal(False)

        def assignments():
            final_fetch.next        = (refill_addr[BLOCK_WIDTH - 2:] == modbv(-1)[BLOCK_WIDTH - 2:]) and mem_wbm.ack_i and mem_wbm.stb_o and mem_wbm.cyc_o
            lru_select.next         = lru_pre
            current_lru.next        = lru_out
            access_lru.next         = ~miss_w
            busy.next               = state != ic_states.IDLE
            final_flush.next        = flush_addr == 0

        def miss_check():
            For each way, check tag and valid flag, and reduce the vector using AND.
            If the vector is full of ones, the data is not in the cache: assert the miss flag.

            MISS: data not in cache and the memory operation is a valid read. Ignore this if
            the module is flushing data.
            value = modbv(0)[WAYS:]
            for i in range(0, WAYS):
                value[i] = (not tag_out[i][TAGMEM_WAY_VALID] or tag_out[i][TAG_WIDTH:0] != cpu_wbs.addr_i[LIMIT_WIDTH:WAY_WIDTH])
            miss_w.next = value

        def miss_check_2():
            Vector reduce: check for full miss.
            value = True
            for i in range(0, WAYS):
                value = value and miss_w[i]
            miss_w_and.next = value

        def miss_check_3():
            Check for valid wishbone cycle, and full miss.
            valid_read = cpu_wbs.cyc_i and cpu_wbs.stb_i and not cpu_wbs.we_i
            miss.next  = miss_w_and and valid_read and not invalidate

        trwp_clk    = [tag_rw_port[i].clk for i in range(WAYS)]
        trwp_addr   = [tag_rw_port[i].addr for i in range(WAYS)]
        trwp_data_i = [tag_rw_port[i].data_i for i in range(WAYS)]
        trwp_data_o = [tag_rw_port[i].data_o for i in range(WAYS)]
        trwp_we     = [tag_rw_port[i].we for i in range(WAYS)]

        def tag_rport():
            for i in range(WAYS):
                trwp_clk[i].next    = clk_i
                trwp_addr[i].next   = cpu_wbs.addr_i[WAY_WIDTH:BLOCK_WIDTH]
                trwp_data_i[i].next = tag_in[i]
                trwp_we[i].next     = tag_we
                tag_out[i].next     = trwp_data_o[i]
            # LRU memory
            tag_lru_rw_port.clk.next    = clk_i
            tag_lru_rw_port.data_i.next = lru_in
            lru_out.next                = tag_lru_rw_port.data_o
            tag_lru_rw_port.addr.next   = cpu_wbs.addr_i[WAY_WIDTH:BLOCK_WIDTH]
            tag_lru_rw_port.we.next     = tag_we

        def next_state_logic():
            n_state.next = state
            if state == ic_states.IDLE:
                if invalidate:
                    # cache flush
                    n_state.next = ic_states.FLUSH
                elif cpu_wbs.cyc_i and not cpu_wbs.we_i:
                    # miss: refill line
                    n_state.next = ic_states.READ
            elif state == ic_states.READ:
                if not miss:
                    # miss: refill line
                    n_state.next = ic_states.IDLE
                    n_state.next = ic_states.FETCH
            elif state == ic_states.FETCH:
                # fetch a line from memory
                if final_fetch:
                    n_state.next = ic_states.IDLE
            elif state == ic_states.FLUSH:
                # invalidate tag memory
                if final_flush:
                    n_state.next = ic_states.FLUSH_LAST
                    n_state.next = ic_states.FLUSH
            elif state == ic_states.FLUSH_LAST:
                # last cycle for flush
                n_state.next = ic_states.IDLE

        def update_state():
            if rst_i:
                state.next = ic_states.FLUSH
                state.next = n_state

        def fetch_fsm():
            n_refill_addr.next  = refill_addr
            n_refill_valid.next = False  # refill_valid

            if state == ic_states.IDLE:
                if invalidate:
                    n_refill_valid.next = False
            elif state == ic_states.READ:
                if miss:
                    n_refill_addr.next  = concat(cpu_wbs.addr_i[LIMIT_WIDTH:BLOCK_WIDTH], modbv(0)[BLOCK_WIDTH - 2:])
                    n_refill_valid.next = True  # not mem_wbm.ready?
            elif state == ic_states.FETCH:
                n_refill_valid.next = True
                if refill_valid and mem_wbm.ack_i:
                    if final_fetch:
                        n_refill_valid.next = False
                        n_refill_addr.next = 0
                        n_refill_valid.next = True
                        n_refill_addr.next  = refill_addr + modbv(1)[BLOCK_WIDTH - 2:]

        def update_fetch():
            if rst_i:
                refill_addr.next  = 0
                refill_valid.next = False
                refill_addr.next  = n_refill_addr
                refill_valid.next = n_refill_valid

        def tag_write():
            for i in range(0, WAYS):
                tag_in[i].next = tag_out[i]
            tag_we.next = False
            lru_in.next = lru_out

            if state == ic_states.IDLE:
                if invalidate:
                    tag_we.next = False
            elif state == ic_states.READ:
                if miss:
                    for i in range(0, WAYS):
                        if lru_select[i]:
                            tag_in[i].next = concat(True, cpu_wbs.addr_i[LIMIT_WIDTH:WAY_WIDTH])
                    tag_we.next = True
                    lru_in.next = update_lru
                    tag_we.next = True

        def flush_next_state():
            n_flush_we.next   = False
            n_flush_addr.next = flush_addr

            if state == ic_states.IDLE:
                if invalidate:
                    n_flush_addr.next = modbv(-1)[SET_WIDTH:]
                    n_flush_we.next   = True
            elif state == ic_states.FLUSH:
                n_flush_addr.next = flush_addr - modbv(1)[SET_WIDTH:]
                n_flush_we.next   = True
            elif state == ic_states.FLUSH_LAST:
                n_flush_we.next = False

        def update_flush():
            if rst_i:
                flush_addr.next = modbv(-1)[SET_WIDTH:]
                flush_we.next   = False
                flush_addr.next = n_flush_addr
                flush_we.next   = n_flush_we

        tfp_clk    = [tag_flush_port[i].clk for i in range(WAYS)]
        tfp_addr   = [tag_flush_port[i].addr for i in range(WAYS)]
        tfp_data_i = [tag_flush_port[i].data_i for i in range(WAYS)]
        tfp_we     = [tag_flush_port[i].we for i in range(WAYS)]

        def tag_flush_port_assign():
            for i in range(WAYS):
                tfp_clk[i].next    = clk_i
                tfp_addr[i].next   = flush_addr
                tfp_data_i[i].next = modbv(0)[TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH:]
                tfp_we[i].next     = flush_we
            # connect to the LRU memory
            tag_lru_flush_port.clk.next    = clk_i
            tag_lru_flush_port.addr.next   = flush_addr
            tag_lru_flush_port.data_i.next = modbv(0)[TAG_LRU_WIDTH:]
            tag_lru_flush_port.we.next     = flush_we

        def cpu_data_assign():
            # cpu data_in assignment: instruction.
            temp = data_cache[0]
            for i in range(0, WAYS):
                if not miss_w[i]:
                    temp = data_cache[i]
            cpu_wbs.dat_o.next = temp

        def mem_port_assign():
            mem_wbm.addr_o.next = concat(refill_addr, modbv(0)[2:])
            mem_wbm.dat_o.next  = cpu_wbs.dat_i
            mem_wbm.sel_o.next  = modbv(0)[4:]

        # To Verilog
        crp_clk    = [cache_read_port[i].clk for i in range(0, WAYS)]
        crp_addr   = [cache_read_port[i].addr for i in range(0, WAYS)]
        crp_data_i = [cache_read_port[i].data_i for i in range(0, WAYS)]
        crp_we     = [cache_read_port[i].we for i in range(0, WAYS)]

        def cache_mem_r():
            for i in range(0, WAYS):
                crp_clk[i].next    = clk_i
                crp_addr[i].next   = cpu_wbs.addr_i[WAY_WIDTH:2]
                crp_data_i[i].next = 0xAABBCCDD
                crp_we[i].next     = False

        # To Verilog
        cup_clk    = [cache_update_port[i].clk for i in range(0, WAYS)]
        cup_addr   = [cache_update_port[i].addr for i in range(0, WAYS)]
        cup_data_i = [cache_update_port[i].data_i for i in range(0, WAYS)]
        cup_we     = [cache_update_port[i].we for i in range(0, WAYS)]

        def cache_mem_update():
            for i in range(0, WAYS):
                # ignore data_o from update port
                cup_clk[i].next    = clk_i
                cup_addr[i].next   = refill_addr[WAY_WIDTH - 2:]
                cup_data_i[i].next = mem_wbm.dat_i
                cup_we[i].next     = lru_select[i] & mem_wbm.ack_i

        def wbs_cpu_flags():
            cpu_err.next  = mem_wbm.err_i
            cpu_wait.next = miss_w_and or state != ic_states.READ
            cpu_busy.next = busy

        def wbm_mem_flags():
            mem_read.next  = refill_valid and not final_fetch
            mem_write.next = False
            mem_rmw.next   = False

        # Remove warnings: Signal is driven but not read
        for i in range(WAYS):
            cache_update_port[i].data_o = None
            tag_flush_port[i].data_o    = None
            tag_lru_flush_port.data_o   = None

        # Generate the wishbone interfaces
        wbs_cpu = WishboneSlaveGenerator(clk_i, rst_i, cpu_wbs, cpu_busy, cpu_err, cpu_wait).gen_wbs()  # noqa
        wbm_mem = WishboneMasterGenerator(clk_i, rst_i, mem_wbm, mem_read, mem_write, mem_rmw).gen_wbm()  # noqa

        # Instantiate tag memories
        tag_mem = [RAM_DP(tag_rw_port[i], tag_flush_port[i], A_WIDTH=SET_WIDTH, D_WIDTH=TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH) for i in range(WAYS)]  # noqa
        tag_lru = RAM_DP(tag_lru_rw_port, tag_lru_flush_port, A_WIDTH=SET_WIDTH, D_WIDTH=TAG_LRU_WIDTH)  # noqa

        # instantiate main memory (cache)
        cache_mem = [RAM_DP(cache_read_port[i], cache_update_port[i], A_WIDTH=WAY_WIDTH - 2, D_WIDTH=D_WIDTH) for i in range(0, WAYS)]  # noqa

        # LRU unit.
        lru_m = CacheLRU(current_lru, access_lru, update_lru, lru_pre, None, NUMWAYS=WAYS)  # noqa

        return instances()
        def rtl():
            mem.addr.next  = cpu.addr
            mem.dat_o.next = cpu.dat_o
            mem.sel.next   = cpu.sel
            mem.we.next    = cpu.we
            cpu.dat_i.next = mem.dat_i
            cpu.ack.next   = mem.ack
            cpu.err.next   = mem.err

        def classic_cycle():
            mem.cyc.next   = cpu.cyc if not mem.ack else False
            mem.stb.next   = cpu.stb if not mem.ack else False

        return instances()
예제 #3
def DCache(clk_i,
    The Instruction Cache module.

    :param clk:         System clock
    :param rst:         System reset
    :param cpu:         CPU slave interface (Wishbone Interconnect to master port)
    :param mem:         Memory master interface (Wishbone Interconnect to slave port)
    :param invalidate:  Invalidate the cache
    :param D_WIDTH:     Data width
    :param BLOCK_WIDTH: Address width for byte access inside a block line
    :param SET_WIDTH:   Address width for line access inside a block
    :param WAYS:        Number of ways for associative cache (Minimum: 2)
    :param LIMIT_WIDTH: Maximum width for address
    if ENABLE:
        assert D_WIDTH == 32, "Error: Unsupported D_WIDTH. Supported values: {32}"
        assert BLOCK_WIDTH > 0, "Error: BLOCK_WIDTH must be a value > 0"
        assert SET_WIDTH > 0, "Error: SET_WIDTH must be a value > 0"
        assert not (WAYS & (WAYS - 1)), "Error: WAYS must be a power of 2"

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        WAY_WIDTH            = BLOCK_WIDTH + SET_WIDTH  # cache mem address width
        TAG_WIDTH            = LIMIT_WIDTH - WAY_WIDTH  # tag size
        TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH     = TAG_WIDTH + 2         # Add the valid and dirty bit
        TAGMEM_WAY_VALID     = TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH - 2  # Valid bit index
        TAGMEM_WAY_DIRTY     = TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH - 1  # Dirty bit index
        TAG_LRU_WIDTH        = (WAYS * (WAYS - 1)) >> 1  # (N*(N-1))/2
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        dc_states = enum('IDLE',

        tag_rw_port        = [RAMIOPort(A_WIDTH=SET_WIDTH, D_WIDTH=TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH) for i in range(WAYS)]
        tag_flush_port     = [RAMIOPort(A_WIDTH=SET_WIDTH, D_WIDTH=TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH) for i in range(WAYS)]
        tag_lru_rw_port    = RAMIOPort(A_WIDTH=SET_WIDTH, D_WIDTH=TAG_LRU_WIDTH)
        tag_lru_flush_port = RAMIOPort(A_WIDTH=SET_WIDTH, D_WIDTH=TAG_LRU_WIDTH)
        cache_read_port   = [RAMIOPort(A_WIDTH=WAY_WIDTH - 2, D_WIDTH=D_WIDTH) for _ in range(0, WAYS)]
        cache_update_port = [RAMIOPort(A_WIDTH=WAY_WIDTH - 2, D_WIDTH=D_WIDTH) for _ in range(0, WAYS)]
        data_cache        = [cache_read_port[i].data_o for i in range(0, WAYS)]
        data_cache2       = [cache_update_port[i].data_o for i in range(0, WAYS)]
        tag_entry         = Signal(modbv(0)[TAG_WIDTH:])

        tag_in            = [Signal(modbv(0)[TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH:]) for _ in range(0, WAYS)]
        tag_out           = [Signal(modbv(0)[TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH:]) for _ in range(0, WAYS)]
        lru_in            = Signal(modbv(0)[TAG_LRU_WIDTH:])
        lru_out           = Signal(modbv(0)[TAG_LRU_WIDTH:])
        tag_we            = Signal(False)

        lru_select        = Signal(modbv(0)[WAYS:])
        current_lru       = Signal(modbv(0)[TAG_LRU_WIDTH:])
        update_lru        = Signal(modbv(0)[TAG_LRU_WIDTH:])
        access_lru        = Signal(modbv(0)[WAYS:])
        lru_pre           = Signal(modbv(0)[WAYS:])

        flush_addr        = Signal(modbv(0)[SET_WIDTH:])
        flush_we          = Signal(False)
        n_flush_addr      = Signal(modbv(0)[SET_WIDTH:])
        n_flush_we        = Signal(False)

        dc_update_addr    = Signal(modbv(0)[LIMIT_WIDTH - 2:])
        evict_data        = Signal(modbv(0)[32:])

        state             = Signal(dc_states.IDLE)
        n_state           = Signal(dc_states.IDLE)

        miss              = Signal(False)
        miss_w            = Signal(modbv(0)[WAYS:])
        miss_w_and        = Signal(False)
        valid             = Signal(False)
        dirty             = Signal(False)
        done              = Signal(False)

        final_flush       = Signal(False)
        final_access      = Signal(False)
        fetch             = Signal(False)
        evict             = Signal(False)

        use_cache         = Signal(False)

        cpu_wbs   = WishboneSlave(cpu)
        mem_wbm   = WishboneMaster(mem)
        cpu_busy  = Signal(False)
        cpu_err   = Signal(False)
        cpu_wait  = Signal(False)
        mem_read  = Signal(False)
        mem_write = Signal(False)
        mem_rmw   = Signal(False)

        def next_state_logic():
            n_state.next = state
            if state == dc_states.IDLE:
                if invalidate:
                    # flush request
                    n_state.next = dc_states.FLUSH1
                elif cpu_wbs.cyc_i and not cpu_wbs.we_i and not use_cache:
                    # read (uncached)
                    n_state.next = dc_states.SINGLE
                elif cpu_wbs.cyc_i and not cpu_wbs.we_i:
                    # read (cached)
                    n_state.next = dc_states.READ
                elif cpu_wbs.cyc_i and cpu_wbs.we_i and not use_cache:
                    # write (uncached)
                    n_state.next = dc_states.SINGLE
                elif cpu_wbs.cyc_i and cpu_wbs.we_i:
                    # write (cached)
                    n_state.next = dc_states.WRITE
            elif state == dc_states.SINGLE:
                if done:
                    n_state.next = dc_states.IDLE
            elif state == dc_states.READ:
                if not miss:
                    # cache hit
                    n_state.next = dc_states.IDLE
                elif valid and dirty:
                    # cache is valid but dirty
                    n_state.next = dc_states.EVICTING
                    # cache miss
                    n_state.next = dc_states.FETCH
            elif state == dc_states.WRITE:
                if not miss:
                    # Hit
                    n_state.next = dc_states.IDLE
                elif valid and dirty:
                    # Cache miss. Line is valid but dirty: write back
                    n_state.next = dc_states.EVICTING
                    n_state.next = dc_states.FETCH
            elif state == dc_states.EVICTING:
                if done:
                    n_state.next = dc_states.FETCH
            elif state == dc_states.FETCH:
                if done:
                    n_state.next = dc_states.IDLE
            elif state == dc_states.FLUSH1:
                n_state.next = dc_states.FLUSH2
            elif state == dc_states.FLUSH2:
                if dirty:
                    n_state.next = dc_states.FLUSH3
                if final_flush:
                    n_state.next = dc_states.IDLE
                    n_state.next = dc_states.FLUSH1
            elif state == dc_states.FLUSH3:
                if done:
                    if final_flush:
                        n_state.next = dc_states.IDLE
                        n_state.next = dc_states.FLUSH1

        def update_state():
            if rst_i:
                state.next = dc_states.IDLE
                state.next = n_state

        def assignments():
            final_access.next = (dc_update_addr[BLOCK_WIDTH - 2:] == modbv(-1)[BLOCK_WIDTH - 2:]) and mem_wbm.ack_i and mem_wbm.cyc_o and mem_wbm.stb_o
            final_flush.next  = flush_addr == 0
            lru_select.next   = lru_pre
            current_lru.next  = lru_out
            access_lru.next   = ~miss_w
            use_cache.next    = not cpu_wbs.addr_i[31]  # Address < 0x8000_0000 use the cache

        def tag_entry_assign():
            Using the lru history, get the tag entry needed in case of evicting.
            for i in range(0, WAYS):
                if lru_select[i]:
                    tag_entry.next = tag_out[i][TAG_WIDTH:]

        def done_fetch_evict_assign():
            Flags to indicate current state of the FSM.
            fetch: getting data from memory.
            evic: writing data from cache to memory.
            done: the last access to memory.
            fetch.next = state == dc_states.FETCH and not final_access
            evict.next = (state == dc_states.EVICTING or state == dc_states.FLUSH3) and not final_access
            done.next  = final_access if use_cache else mem_wbm.ack_i

        def miss_check():
            For each way, check tag and valid flag, and reduce the vector using AND.
            If the vector is full of ones, the data is not in the cache: assert the miss flag.

            MISS: data not in cache and the memory operation is a valid read. Ignore this if
            the module is flushing data.
            value = modbv(0)[WAYS:]
            for i in range(0, WAYS):
                value[i] = (not tag_out[i][TAGMEM_WAY_VALID] or tag_out[i][TAG_WIDTH:0] != cpu_wbs.addr_i[LIMIT_WIDTH:WAY_WIDTH])
            miss_w.next = value

        def miss_check_2():
            Vector reduce: check for full miss.
            value = True
            for i in range(0, WAYS):
                value = value and miss_w[i]
            miss_w_and.next = value

        def miss_check_3():
            Check for valid wishbone cycle, and full miss.
            valid_access = cpu_wbs.cyc_i and cpu_wbs.stb_i and use_cache
            miss.next    = miss_w_and and valid_access and not invalidate

        def get_valid_n_dirty():
            In case of miss get the valid and dirty flags, needed to detect
            if a evicting must be done first.
            for i in range(0, WAYS):
                if lru_select[i]:
                    valid.next = tag_out[i][TAGMEM_WAY_VALID]
                    dirty.next = tag_out[i][TAGMEM_WAY_DIRTY]

        trwp_clk    = [tag_rw_port[i].clk for i in range(WAYS)]
        trwp_addr   = [tag_rw_port[i].addr for i in range(WAYS)]
        trwp_data_i = [tag_rw_port[i].data_i for i in range(WAYS)]
        trwp_data_o = [tag_rw_port[i].data_o for i in range(WAYS)]
        trwp_we     = [tag_rw_port[i].we for i in range(WAYS)]

        def tag_rport():
            for i in range(WAYS):
                trwp_clk[i].next    = clk_i
                trwp_addr[i].next   = cpu_wbs.addr_i[WAY_WIDTH:BLOCK_WIDTH]
                trwp_data_i[i].next = tag_in[i]
                trwp_we[i].next     = tag_we
                tag_out[i].next     = trwp_data_o[i]
            # LRU memory
            tag_lru_rw_port.clk.next    = clk_i
            tag_lru_rw_port.data_i.next = lru_in
            lru_out.next                = tag_lru_rw_port.data_o
            tag_lru_rw_port.addr.next   = cpu_wbs.addr_i[WAY_WIDTH:BLOCK_WIDTH]
            tag_lru_rw_port.we.next     = tag_we

        def tag_write():
            for i in range(0, WAYS):
                tag_in[i].next = tag_out[i]
            tag_we.next = False
            lru_in.next = lru_out

            if state == dc_states.READ or state == dc_states.WRITE:
                if miss:
                    for i in range(0, WAYS):
                        if lru_select[i]:
                            tag_in[i].next = concat(False, True, cpu_wbs.addr_i[LIMIT_WIDTH:WAY_WIDTH])
                    tag_we.next = True
                    if cpu_wbs.ack_o and cpu_wbs.cyc_i:
                        for i in range(0, WAYS):
                            if lru_select[i]:
                                tag_in[i].next = tag_out[i] | (cpu_wbs.we_i << TAGMEM_WAY_DIRTY)  # TODO: Optimize
                        lru_in.next = update_lru
                        tag_we.next = True

        def flush_next_state():
            n_flush_we.next   = False
            n_flush_addr.next = flush_addr

            if state == dc_states.IDLE:
                if invalidate:
                    n_flush_addr.next = modbv(-1)[SET_WIDTH:]
            elif state == dc_states.FLUSH1:
                n_flush_we.next = True
            elif state == dc_states.FLUSH2:
                n_flush_we.next = False
                n_flush_addr.next = flush_addr - modbv(1)[SET_WIDTH:]

        def update_flush():
            if rst_i:
                flush_addr.next = modbv(-1)[SET_WIDTH:]
                flush_we.next   = False
                flush_addr.next = n_flush_addr
                flush_we.next   = n_flush_we and not dirty

        def update_addr_fsm():
            if rst_i:
                dc_update_addr.next  = 0
                if state == dc_states.READ or state == dc_states.WRITE:
                    if miss and not dirty:
                        dc_update_addr.next = concat(cpu_wbs.addr_i[LIMIT_WIDTH:BLOCK_WIDTH], modbv(0)[BLOCK_WIDTH - 2:])
                    elif miss and dirty:
                        dc_update_addr.next = concat(tag_entry, cpu_wbs.addr_i[WAY_WIDTH:2])
                elif state == dc_states.FLUSH2:
                    if dirty:
                        dc_update_addr.next = concat(tag_entry, modbv(0)[WAY_WIDTH - 2:])
                elif state == dc_states.EVICTING or state == dc_states.FETCH or state == dc_states.FLUSH3:
                    if final_access:
                        dc_update_addr.next = concat(cpu_wbs.addr_i[LIMIT_WIDTH:BLOCK_WIDTH], modbv(0)[BLOCK_WIDTH - 2:])
                    elif mem_wbm.ack_i and mem_wbm.stb_o:
                        dc_update_addr.next = dc_update_addr + modbv(1)[BLOCK_WIDTH - 2:]
                    dc_update_addr.next = 0

        tfp_clk    = [tag_flush_port[i].clk for i in range(WAYS)]
        tfp_addr   = [tag_flush_port[i].addr for i in range(WAYS)]
        tfp_data_i = [tag_flush_port[i].data_i for i in range(WAYS)]
        tfp_we     = [tag_flush_port[i].we for i in range(WAYS)]

        def tag_flush_port_assign():
            for i in range(WAYS):
                tfp_clk[i].next    = clk_i
                tfp_addr[i].next   = flush_addr
                tfp_data_i[i].next = modbv(0)[TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH:]
                tfp_we[i].next     = flush_we
            # connect to the LRU memory
            tag_lru_flush_port.clk.next    = clk_i
            tag_lru_flush_port.addr.next   = flush_addr
            tag_lru_flush_port.data_i.next = modbv(0)[TAG_LRU_WIDTH:]
            tag_lru_flush_port.we.next     = flush_we

        def cpu_data_assign():
            temp = data_cache[0]
            for i in range(0, WAYS):
                if not miss_w[i]:
                    temp = data_cache[i]
            cpu_wbs.dat_o.next = temp if use_cache else mem_wbm.dat_i

        def evict_data_assign():
            for i in range(0, WAYS):
                if lru_select[i]:
                    evict_data.next = data_cache2[i]

        def mem_port_assign():
            mem_wbm.addr_o.next = concat(dc_update_addr, modbv(0)[2:]) if use_cache else cpu_wbs.addr_i
            mem_wbm.dat_o.next  = evict_data if use_cache else cpu_wbs.dat_i
            mem_wbm.sel_o.next  = modbv(0b1111)[4:] if use_cache else cpu_wbs.sel_i

        # To Verilog
        crp_clk    = [cache_read_port[i].clk for i in range(0, WAYS)]
        crp_addr   = [cache_read_port[i].addr for i in range(0, WAYS)]
        crp_data_i = [cache_read_port[i].data_i for i in range(0, WAYS)]
        crp_we     = [cache_read_port[i].we for i in range(0, WAYS)]

        def cache_mem_rw():
            for i in range(0, WAYS):
                crp_clk[i].next    = clk_i
                crp_addr[i].next   = cpu_wbs.addr_i[WAY_WIDTH:2]
                crp_data_i[i].next = concat(cpu_wbs.dat_i[32:24] if cpu_wbs.sel_i[3] else data_cache[i][32:24],
                                            cpu_wbs.dat_i[24:16] if cpu_wbs.sel_i[2] else data_cache[i][24:16],
                                            cpu_wbs.dat_i[16:8] if cpu_wbs.sel_i[1] else data_cache[i][16:8],
                                            cpu_wbs.dat_i[8:0] if cpu_wbs.sel_i[0] else data_cache[i][8:0])
                crp_we[i].next     = state == dc_states.WRITE and not miss_w[i] and cpu_wbs.ack_o and cpu_wbs.we_i  # TODO: check for not ACK or ACK?

        # To Verilog
        cup_clk    = [cache_update_port[i].clk for i in range(0, WAYS)]
        cup_addr   = [cache_update_port[i].addr for i in range(0, WAYS)]
        cup_data_i = [cache_update_port[i].data_i for i in range(0, WAYS)]
        cup_we     = [cache_update_port[i].we for i in range(0, WAYS)]

        def cache_mem_update():
            for i in range(0, WAYS):
                cup_clk[i].next    = clk_i
                cup_addr[i].next   = dc_update_addr[WAY_WIDTH - 2:]
                cup_data_i[i].next = mem_wbm.dat_i
                cup_we[i].next     = lru_select[i] and mem_wbm.ack_i and state == dc_states.FETCH

        def wbs_cpu_flags():
            cpu_err.next  = mem_wbm.err_i
            cpu_wait.next = miss_w_and or not (state == dc_states.READ or state == dc_states.WRITE) if use_cache else not mem_wbm.ack_i
            cpu_busy.next = False

        def wbm_mem_flags():
            mem_read.next  = fetch if use_cache else not cpu_wbs.we_i and cpu_wbs.cyc_i
            mem_write.next = evict if use_cache else cpu_wbs.we_i and cpu_wbs.cyc_i
            mem_rmw.next   = False

        # Remove warnings: Signal is driven but not read
        for i in range(WAYS):
            tag_flush_port[i].data_o    = None
            tag_lru_flush_port.data_o   = None

        # Generate the wishbone interfaces
        wbs_cpu = WishboneSlaveGenerator(clk_i, rst_i, cpu_wbs, cpu_busy, cpu_err, cpu_wait).gen_wbs()  # noqa
        wbm_mem = WishboneMasterGenerator(clk_i, rst_i, mem_wbm, mem_read, mem_write, mem_rmw).gen_wbm()  # noqa

        # Instantiate tag memories
        tag_mem = [RAM_DP(tag_rw_port[i], tag_flush_port[i], A_WIDTH=SET_WIDTH, D_WIDTH=TAGMEM_WAY_WIDTH) for i in range(WAYS)]  # noqa
        tag_lru = RAM_DP(tag_lru_rw_port, tag_lru_flush_port, A_WIDTH=SET_WIDTH, D_WIDTH=TAG_LRU_WIDTH)  # noqa

        # Instantiate main memory (Cache)
        cache_mem = [RAM_DP(cache_read_port[i], cache_update_port[i], A_WIDTH=WAY_WIDTH - 2, D_WIDTH=D_WIDTH) for i in range(0, WAYS)]  # noqa

        # LRU unit
        lru_m = CacheLRU(current_lru, access_lru,  update_lru,  lru_pre, None, NUMWAYS=WAYS)  # noqa

        return instances()
        def rtl():
            mem.addr.next  = cpu.addr
            mem.dat_o.next = cpu.dat_o
            mem.sel.next   = cpu.sel
            mem.we.next    = cpu.we
            cpu.dat_i.next = mem.dat_i
            cpu.ack.next   = mem.ack
            cpu.err.next   = mem.err

        def classic_cycle():
            mem.cyc.next   = cpu.cyc if not mem.ack else False
            mem.stb.next   = cpu.stb if not mem.ack else False
        return instances()