예제 #1
 def setSessionKeys(self, nwkSKeyStr, appSKeyStr):
     # Create AES and CMAC objects that can be reused. But remember to reset
     # them after each encryption operation
     self.aesWithNwkSKey = python_AES.new(nwkSKeyStr, python_AES.MODE_ECB)
     self.aesWithAppSKey = python_AES.new(appSKeyStr, python_AES.MODE_ECB)
     #self.cmacWithNwkSKey = python_AES.new(nwkSKeyStr, python_AES.MODE_CMAC)
     self.nwkSKeyStr = nwkSKeyStr
     self.appSKeyStr = appSKeyStr
예제 #2
def aesEncrypt(key, data, mode=None):
    """AES encryption function
        key (str): packed 128 bit key
        data (str): packed plain text data
        mode (str): Optional mode specification (CMAC)
        Packed encrypted data string
    if mode == 'CMAC':
        # Create AES cipher using key argument, and encrypt data
        cipher = python_AES.new(key, python_AES.MODE_CMAC)
    elif mode == None:
        cipher = python_AES.new(key)
    return cipher.encrypt(data)
예제 #3
 def setKey(self, vek):
     self.vek = vek
     self.key1 = vek[0:16]
     self.key2 = vek[16:]
     self.cipher = python_AES.new((self.key1, self.key2),
     if self.size > 0:
예제 #4
    def encryptJoinAccept(self, byteStr):
        byteStr is | AppNonce | NetID | DevAddr | RFU | RxDelay | CFList | MIC |
        secret key is AppKey

        LoRaWAN Specification v1.0 Ch6.2.5
        paddedBuf = self.padToBlockSize(byteStr)
        aesWithAppKey = python_AES.new(self.appKeyStr, python_AES.MODE_ECB)
        return aesWithAppKey.decrypt(paddedBuf) # DECRYPT here is on purpose
예제 #5
    def computeJoinMic(self, byteStr):
        byteStr is everything in the PHYPayload except MIC
        secret key is AppKey

        LoRaWAN Specification v1.0 Ch6.2.4 and Ch6.2.5
        # no padding is needed
        cmacWithAppKey = python_AES.new(self.appKeyStr, python_AES.MODE_CMAC)
        return cmacWithAppKey.encrypt(byteStr)[:4]
예제 #6
def e(key, plaintext):
    """! Security function e 

    Security function e generates 128-bit encryptedData from 
    a 128-bit key and 128-bit plaintextData using the 
    AES-128-bit block cypher

    c = python_AES.new(key)
    ret = c.encrypt(plaintext)
    return ret
예제 #7
    def deriveSessionKey(self, byteStr):
        byteStr is | 0x01 or 0x02 | AppNonce | NetID | DevNonce | padding |
        secret key is AppKey

        LoRaWAN Specification v1.0 Ch6.2.5
        # Just to be certain that the buffer is padded
        paddedBuf = self.padToBlockSize(byteStr)
        aesWithAppKey = python_AES.new(self.appKeyStr, python_AES.MODE_ECB)
        return aesWithAppKey.encrypt(paddedBuf)
예제 #8
    def doDecompress(self, cbuffer, chunk_id):
        if self.DEBUG:
            return cbuffer

        unit_number = chunk_id
        tweak = struct.pack("<Q", unit_number)

        cipher = python_AES.new((self.key1, self.key2), python_AES.MODE_XTS)
        plaintext = cipher.decrypt(cbuffer, tweak)

        return plaintext
예제 #9
def aesDecrypt(key, data):
    """AES decryption fucnction
        key (str): packed 128 bit key
        data (str): packed encrypted data
        Packed decrypted data string
    cipher = python_AES.new(key)
    return cipher.decrypt(data)
예제 #10
    def testEncrypt(self):
        vek = binascii.unhexlify("000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f")
        plaintext = src + b'\x00' * (512-len(src))

        key1 = vek[0:16]
        key2 = vek[16:]

        tweak = codecs.decode('00', 'hex')

        cipher = python_AES.new((key1,key2), python_AES.MODE_XTS)
        ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(plaintext, tweak)

        self.assertEqual(target_ciphertext, ciphertext)
예제 #11
    def testDecrypt(self):

        g = rdflib.Graph()
        g.parse(data=keybagturtle, format="turtle")
        kb = keybag.PasswordWrappedKeyBag.load(g)

        key = "password"
        kek = digest.pbkdf2_hmac("sha256", key, kb.salt, kb.iterations, kb.keySizeBytes);
        vek = aes_unwrap_key(kek, kb.wrappedKey)

        key1 = vek[0:16]
        key2 = vek[16:]
        tweak = codecs.decode('00', 'hex')

        cipher = python_AES.new((key1, key2), python_AES.MODE_XTS)
        text = cipher.decrypt(target_ciphertext, tweak)

        self.assertEqual(src[0:len(src)], text[0:len(src)])
예제 #12
    def testWrap(self):
        keysize = 0x20   # in bytes
        key = "password"
        iterations = 147256
        saltSize = 16
        salt = binascii.unhexlify("000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f")

        #hhh = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac("sha256", key.encode(), salt, iterations, keysize);

        kek = digest.pbkdf2_hmac("sha256", key, salt, iterations, keysize);

        #h = pbkdf2_sha256.encrypt(key, rounds=iterations, salt_size=saltSize)
        # print(h)

        vek = binascii.unhexlify("000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f")
        wrapped_key= aes_wrap_key(kek, vek)

        plaintext = src + b'\x00' * (512-len(src))

        #msg = dict_xts_aes['msg%i' % i].decode('hex')
        #key = (dict_xts_aes['key1_%i' % i].decode('hex'), dict_xts_aes['key2_%i' % i].decode('hex'))
        key1 = vek[0:16]
        key2 = vek[16:]
        #cip = dict_xts_aes['cip%i' % i].decode('hex')
        #n = dict_xts_aes['n%i' % i].decode('hex')
        tweak = codecs.decode('00', 'hex')
        cipher = python_AES.new((key1,key2), python_AES.MODE_XTS)
        ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(plaintext, tweak)

예제 #13
    def computeFrameMic(self, msgStr, updown, devAddr, seqCnt, msgLen):
        msg: | MHDR | FHDR | FPORT | FRMPAYLOAD |
        updown: 0 for UP_LINK and 1 for DOWN_LINK
        devAddr (uint32): 4-byte device address
        seqCnt (uint32): frame count
        msgLen (uint8): byte count of msg

        LoRaWAN Specification v1.0 Ch4.4
        # no padding is needed for CMAC. No finalizing needed either.
        byteStr = str(bytearray([0x49, 0, 0, 0, 0, updown,
                                 devAddr & 0xFF,
                                 (devAddr >> 8) & 0xFF,
                                 (devAddr >> 16) & 0xFF,
                                 (devAddr >> 24) & 0xFF,
                                 seqCnt & 0xFF,
                                 (seqCnt >> 8) & 0xFF,
                                 (seqCnt >> 16) & 0xFF,
                                 (seqCnt >> 24) & 0xFF,
                                 0, msgLen])) + msgStr
        cmacWithNwkSKey = python_AES.new(self.nwkSKeyStr, python_AES.MODE_CMAC)
        return cmacWithNwkSKey.encrypt(byteStr)[:4]
예제 #14
        print 'ERROR! for present_e80-kvar_t12 in %i'%i
    if msg <> decipher.decrypt(cip):
        print 'DECRYPTION ERROR! for present_e80-kvar_t12 in %i'%i

# CBC, CFB, OFB and CTR with AES
print "AES"

from CryptoPlus.Cipher import python_AES
from CryptoPlus.Util import util

for i in range(1,len(dict_cbc_aes)/4+1):
    msg = dict_cbc_aes['msg%i'%i].decode('hex')
    iv = dict_cbc_aes['iv%i'%i].decode('hex')
    key = dict_cbc_aes['key%i'%i].decode('hex')
    cip = dict_cbc_aes['cip%i'%i].decode('hex')
    cipher = python_AES.new(key,python_AES.MODE_CBC,iv)
    decipher = python_AES.new(key,python_AES.MODE_CBC,iv)
    if cip <> cipher.encrypt(msg):
        print 'ERROR! for CBC-AES in %i'%i
    if msg <> decipher.decrypt(cip):
        print 'DECRYPTION ERROR! for CBC-AES in %i'%i

for i in range(1,len(dict_ctr_aes)/4+1):
    msg = dict_ctr_aes['msg%i'%i].decode('hex')
    ctr = dict_ctr_aes['ctr%i'%i].decode('hex')
    key = dict_ctr_aes['key%i'%i].decode('hex')
    cip = dict_ctr_aes['cip%i'%i].decode('hex')
    counter = util.Counter(ctr)
    counter2= util.Counter(ctr)
    cipher = python_AES.new(key,python_AES.MODE_CTR,counter=counter)
    decipher = python_AES.new(key,python_AES.MODE_CTR,counter=counter2)
예제 #15
def aes_cmac(k, m):
    @return MAC
    c = python_AES.new(k, python_AES.MODE_CMAC)
    return c.encrypt(m)
예제 #16
        print('ERROR! for present_e80-kvar_t12 in %i'%i)
    if msg != decipher.decrypt(cip):
        print('DECRYPTION ERROR! for present_e80-kvar_t12 in %i'%i)

# CBC, CFB, OFB and CTR with AES

from CryptoPlus.Cipher import python_AES
from CryptoPlus.Util import util

for i in range(1,len(dict_cbc_aes)//4+1):
    msg = codecs.decode(dict_cbc_aes['msg%i'%i], 'hex')
    iv = codecs.decode(dict_cbc_aes['iv%i'%i], 'hex')
    key = codecs.decode(dict_cbc_aes['key%i'%i], 'hex')
    cip = codecs.decode(dict_cbc_aes['cip%i'%i], 'hex')
    cipher = python_AES.new(key,python_AES.MODE_CBC,iv)
    decipher = python_AES.new(key,python_AES.MODE_CBC,iv)
    if cip != cipher.encrypt(msg):
        print('ERROR! for CBC-AES in %i'%i)
    if msg != decipher.decrypt(cip):
        print('DECRYPTION ERROR! for CBC-AES in %i'%i)

for i in range(1,len(dict_ctr_aes)//4+1):
    msg = codecs.decode(dict_ctr_aes['msg%i'%i], 'hex')
    ctr = codecs.decode(dict_ctr_aes['ctr%i'%i], 'hex')
    key = codecs.decode(dict_ctr_aes['key%i'%i], 'hex')
    cip = codecs.decode(dict_ctr_aes['cip%i'%i], 'hex')
    counter = util.Counter(ctr)
    counter2= util.Counter(ctr)
    cipher = python_AES.new(key,python_AES.MODE_CTR,counter=counter)
    decipher = python_AES.new(key,python_AES.MODE_CTR,counter=counter2)