예제 #1
class ComponentSynchronizer:
  """ ComponentSynchronizer

  def __init__( self ):
    """ Constructor
    self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger( self.__class__.__name__ )
    self.compoDB  = ComponentMonitoringDB()
    self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()
  def sync( self ):
    """ sync. 
    Reads from ComponentsMonitoringDB and prepares entries on RSS ComponentStatus
    #TODO: delete from RSS if not anymore on ComponentsMonitoringDB

    setup = gConfig.getValue( 'DIRAC/Setup')

    components = self.compoDB.getComponentsStatus( { 'Setup' : setup } )
    if not components[ 'OK' ]:
      return components
    components = components[ 'Value' ][ 0 ][ setup ]
    for agentName, agentsList in components[ 'agent' ].iteritems():
      for agentDict in agentsList:
        if agentDict[ 'Status' ] == 'Error':
          self.log.warn( '%(ComponentName)s %(Message)s' % agentDict )
        res = self.rsClient.addIfNotThereStatusElement( 'Component', 'Status', 
                                                        name        = agentName, 
                                                        statusType  = agentDict[ 'Host' ], 
                                                        status      = 'Unknown', 
                                                        elementType = 'Agent', 
                                                        reason      = 'Synchronized', 
        if not res[ 'OK' ]:
          return res
    for serviceName, servicesList in components[ 'service' ].iteritems():
      for serviceDict in servicesList:
        if serviceDict[ 'Status' ] == 'Error':
          self.log.warn( '%(ComponentName)s %(Message)s' % serviceDict )
        res = self.rsClient.addIfNotThereStatusElement( 'Component', 'Status', 
                                                        name        = serviceName, 
                                                        statusType  = '%(Host)s:%(Port)s' % serviceDict, 
                                                        status      = 'Unknown', 
                                                        elementType = 'Service', 
                                                        reason      = 'Synchronized', 
        if not res[ 'OK' ]:
          return res                                                 

    return S_OK()

예제 #2
class ServiceInterface( object ):

  __sourceToComponentIdMapping = {}

  def __init__( self ):
    self.dataPath = "%s/data/monitoring" % gConfig.getValue( '/LocalSite/InstancePath', rootPath )
    self.plotsPath = "%s/plots" % self.dataPath
    self.rrdPath = "%s/rrd" % self.dataPath
    self.srvUp = False
    self.compmonDB = False

  def __createRRDManager( self ):
    Generate an RRDManager
    return RRDManager( self.rrdPath, self.plotsPath )

  def __createCatalog( self ):
    Creates a Monitoring catalog connector
    return MonitoringCatalog( self.dataPath )

  def initialize( self, dataPath ):
    Initialize monitoring server

    self.dataPath = dataPath
    self.plotCache = PlotCache( RRDManager( self.rrdPath, self.plotsPath ) )
    self.srvUp = True
      self.compmonDB = ComponentMonitoringDB()
    except Exception as e:
      gLogger.exception( "Cannot initialize component monitoring db: %s" % e )

  def initializeDB( self ):
    Initializes and creates monitoring catalog db if it doesn't exist
    acCatalog = self.__createCatalog()
    if not acCatalog.createSchema():
      return False
    #Register default view if it's not there
    viewNames = [ str( v[1] ) for v in  acCatalog.getViews( False ) ]
    if 'Dynamic component view' in viewNames:
      return True
    return acCatalog.registerView( "Dynamic component view",
                                   DEncode.encode( { 'variable': ['sources.componentName'],
                                                     'definition': {},
                                                     'stacked': True,
                                                     'groupBy': ['activities.description'],
                                                     'label': '$SITE'} ),
                                   ['sources.componentName'] )

  def __checkSourceDict( self, sourceDict ):
    Check that the dictionary is a valid source one
    validKeys = ( "setup", "site", "componentType", "componentLocation", "componentName" )
    for key in validKeys:
      if key not in sourceDict:
        return False
    return True

  def __checkActivityDict( self, acDict ):
    Check that the dictionary is a valid activity one
    validKeys = ( 'category', 'description', 'bucketLength', 'type', 'unit' )
    for key in validKeys:
      if key not in acDict:
        return False
    return True

  def registerActivities( self, sourceDict, activitiesDict, componentExtraInfo ):
    Register new activities in the database
    acCatalog = self.__createCatalog()
    rrdManager = self.__createRRDManager()
    #Register source
    if not self.__checkSourceDict( sourceDict ):
      return S_ERROR( "Source definition is not valid" )
    sourceId = acCatalog.registerSource( sourceDict )
    #Register activities
    for name in activitiesDict:
      if not self.__checkActivityDict( activitiesDict[ name ] ):
        return S_ERROR( "Definition for activity %s is not valid" % name )
      activitiesDict[ name ][ 'name' ] = name
      if not 'bucketLength' in activitiesDict[ name ]:
        activitiesDict[ name ][ 'bucketLength' ] = 60
      if not self.__checkActivityDict( activitiesDict[ name ] ):
        return S_ERROR( "Activity %s definition is not valid" % name )
      gLogger.info( "Received activity", "%s [%s]" % ( name, str( activitiesDict[ name ] ) ) )
      rrdFile = acCatalog.registerActivity( sourceId, name, activitiesDict[ name ] )
      if not rrdFile:
        return S_ERROR( "Could not register activity %s" % name )
      retVal = rrdManager.create( activitiesDict[ name ][ 'type' ], rrdFile, activitiesDict[ name ][ 'bucketLength' ] )
      if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
        return retVal
    self.__cmdb_registerComponent( sourceId, sourceDict, componentExtraInfo )
    return S_OK( sourceId )

  def commitMarks( self, sourceId, activitiesDict, componentExtraInfo ):
    Adds marks to activities
    gLogger.info( "Committing marks", "From %s for %s" % ( sourceId, ", ".join( activitiesDict.keys() ) ) )
    acCatalog = self.__createCatalog()
    rrdManager = self.__createRRDManager()
    unregisteredActivities = []
    for acName in activitiesDict:
      acData = activitiesDict[ acName ]
      acInfo = acCatalog.findActivity( sourceId, acName )
      if not acInfo:
        unregisteredActivities.append( acName )
        gLogger.warn( "Cant find rrd filename", "%s:%s activity" % ( sourceId, acName ) )
      rrdFile = acInfo[6]
      if not rrdManager.existsRRDFile( rrdFile ):
        gLogger.error( "RRD file does not exist", "%s:%s activity (%s)" % ( sourceId, acName, rrdFile ) )
        unregisteredActivities.append( acName )
      gLogger.info( "Updating activity", "%s -> %s" % ( acName, rrdFile ) )
      timeList = acData.keys()
      entries = []
      for instant in timeList:
        entries.append( ( instant , acData[ instant ] ) )
      if len( entries ) > 0:
        gLogger.verbose( "There are %s entries for %s" % ( len( entries ), acName ) )
        retDict = rrdManager.update( acInfo[4], rrdFile, acInfo[7], entries, long( acInfo[8] ) )
        if not retDict[ 'OK' ]:
          gLogger.error( "There was an error updating", "%s:%s activity [%s]" % ( sourceId, acName, rrdFile ) )
          acCatalog.setLastUpdate( sourceId, acName, retDict[ 'Value' ] )
    if not self.__cmdb_heartbeatComponent( sourceId, componentExtraInfo ):
      for acName in activitiesDict:
        if acName not in unregisteredActivities:
          unregisteredActivities.append( acName )
    return S_OK( unregisteredActivities )

  def fieldValue( self, field, definedFields ):
    Return values for a field given a set of defined values for other fields
    retList = self.__createCatalog().queryField( "DISTINCT %s" % field, definedFields )
    return S_OK( retList )

  def __getGroupedPlots( self, viewDescription ):
    Calculate grouped plots for a view
    plotsList = []
    acCatalog = self.__createCatalog()
    groupList = acCatalog.queryField( "DISTINCT %s" % ", ".join( viewDescription[ 'groupBy' ] ), viewDescription[ 'definition' ] )
    for grouping in groupList:
      gLogger.debug( "Grouped plot for combination %s" % str( grouping ) )
      groupDefinitionDict = dict( viewDescription[ 'definition' ] )
      for index in range( len( viewDescription[ 'groupBy' ] ) ):
        groupDefinitionDict[ viewDescription[ 'groupBy' ][index] ] = grouping[ index ]
      activityList = acCatalog.getMatchingActivities( groupDefinitionDict )
      for activity in activityList:
        activity.setGroup( grouping )
        activity.setLabel( viewDescription[ 'label' ] )
      plotsList.append( activityList )
    return plotsList

  def __generateGroupPlots( self, fromSecs, toSecs, viewDescription, size ):
    Generate grouped plots for a view
    plotList = self.__getGroupedPlots( viewDescription )
    filesList = []
    for groupPlot in plotList:
      retVal = self.plotCache.groupPlot( fromSecs, toSecs, groupPlot, viewDescription[ 'stacked' ], size )
      if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
        gLogger.error( "There was a problem ploting", retVal[ 'Message' ] )
        return retVal
      graphFile = retVal[ 'Value' ]
      gLogger.verbose( "Generated graph", "file %s for group %s" % ( graphFile, str( groupPlot[0] ) ) )
      filesList.append( graphFile )
    return S_OK( filesList )

  def __getPlots( self, viewDescription ):
    Calculate plots for a view
    acCatalog = self.__createCatalog()
    return acCatalog.getMatchingActivities( viewDescription[ 'definition' ] )

  def __generatePlots( self, fromSecs, toSecs, viewDescription, size ):
    Generate non grouped plots for a view
    acList = self.__getPlots( viewDescription )
    filesList = []
    for activity in acList:
      activity.setLabel( viewDescription[ 'label' ] )
      retVal = self.plotCache.plot( fromSecs, toSecs, activity, viewDescription[ 'stacked' ], size )
      if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
        gLogger.error( "There was a problem ploting", retVal[ 'Message' ] )
        return retVal
      graphFile = retVal[ 'Value' ]
      gLogger.verbose( "Generated graph", "file %s" % ( graphFile ) )
      filesList.append( graphFile )
    return S_OK( filesList )

  def generatePlots( self, fromSecs, toSecs, viewDescription, size = 1 ):
    Generate plots for a view
    gLogger.info( "Generating plots", str( viewDescription ) )
    if 'stacked' not in viewDescription :
      viewDescription[ 'stacked' ] = False
    if 'label' not in viewDescription :
      viewDescription[ 'label' ] = ""
    if 'groupBy' in viewDescription and len( viewDescription[ 'groupBy' ] ):
      return self.__generateGroupPlots( fromSecs, toSecs, viewDescription, size )
    return self.__generatePlots( fromSecs, toSecs, viewDescription, size )

  def getGraphData( self, filename ):
    Read the contents of a plot file
      fd = file( "%s/%s" % ( self.plotsPath, filename ) )
    except Exception as e:
      return S_ERROR( e )
    data = fd.read()
    return S_OK( data )

  def saveView( self, viewName, viewDescription ):
    Save a view in the catalog
    if 'stacked' not in viewDescription :
      viewDescription[ 'stacked' ] = False
    if 'label' not in viewDescription:
      viewDescription[ 'label' ] = ""
    if 'variable' in viewDescription:
      for varField in viewDescription[ 'variable' ]:
        if varField in viewDescription[ 'definition' ]:
          del( viewDescription[ 'definition' ][ varField ] )
      viewDescription[ 'variable' ] = []
    acCatalog = self.__createCatalog()
    return acCatalog.registerView( viewName, DEncode.encode( viewDescription ), viewDescription[ 'variable' ] )

  def getViews( self, onlyStatic = True ):
    Get all stored views
    viewsList = self.__createCatalog().getViews( onlyStatic )
    return S_OK( viewsList )

  def plotView( self, viewRequest ):
    Generate all plots for a view
    views = self.__createCatalog().getViewById( viewRequest[ 'id' ] )
    if len( views ) == 0:
      return S_ERROR( "View does not exist" )
    viewData = views[0]
    viewDefinition = DEncode.decode( str( viewData[ 0 ] ) )[0]
    neededVarFields = List.fromChar( viewData[1], "," )
    if len( neededVarFields ) > 0:
      if not 'varData' in viewRequest:
        return S_ERROR( "Missing variable fields %s!" % ", ".join( neededVarFields ) )
      missingVarFields = []
      for neededField in neededVarFields:
        if neededField in viewRequest[ 'varData' ]:
          viewDefinition[ 'definition' ][ neededField ] = viewRequest[ 'varData' ][ neededField ]
          missingVarFields.append( neededField )
      if len( missingVarFields ) > 0:
        return S_ERROR( "Missing required fields %s!" % ", ".join( missingVarFields ) )
    return self.generatePlots( viewRequest[ 'fromSecs' ], viewRequest[ 'toSecs' ], viewDefinition, viewRequest[ 'size' ] )

  def deleteView( self, viewId ):
    Delete a view
    self.__createCatalog().deleteView( viewId )
    return S_OK()

  def getSources( self, dbCond = {}, fields = [] ):
    Get a list of activities
    catalog = self.__createCatalog()
    return catalog.getSources( dbCond, fields )

  def getActivities( self, dbCond = {} ):
    Get a list of activities
    acDict = {}
    catalog = self.__createCatalog()
    for sourceTuple in catalog.getSources( dbCond ):
      activityCond = { 'sourceId' : sourceTuple[0] }
      acDict[ sourceTuple ] = catalog.getActivities( activityCond )
    return acDict

  def getNumberOfActivities( self, dbCond = {} ):
    Get a list of activities
    catalog = self.__createCatalog()
    total = 0
    for sourceTuple in catalog.getSources( dbCond ):
      activityCond = { 'sourceId' : sourceTuple[0] }
      total += len( catalog.getActivities( activityCond ) )
    return total

  def getActivitiesContents( self, selDict, sortList, start, limit ):
    DB query
    return self.__createCatalog().activitiesQuery( selDict, sortList, start, limit )

  def deleteActivity( self, sourceId, activityId ):
    Delete a view
    retVal = self.__createCatalog().deleteActivity( sourceId, activityId )
    if not retVal[ 'OK' ]:
      return retVal
    self.__createRRDManager().deleteRRD( retVal[ 'Value' ] )
    return S_OK()

  #ComponentMonitoringDB functions

  def __cmdb__writeComponent( self, sourceId ):
    if sourceId not in ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping:
      if not self.__cmdb__loadComponentFromActivityDB( sourceId ):
        return False
    compDict = ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping[ sourceId ]
    result = self.compmonDB.registerComponent( compDict )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( "Cannot register component in ComponentMonitoringDB", result[ 'Message' ] )
      return False
    compDict[ 'compId' ] = result[ 'Value' ]
    self.__cmdb__writeHeartbeat( sourceId )
    gLogger.info( "Registered component in component monitoring db" )
    return True

  def __cmdb__merge( self, sourceId, extraDict ):
    Merge the cached dict
    compDict = ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping[ sourceId ]
    for field in self.compmonDB.getOptionalFields():
      if field in extraDict:
        compDict[ field ] = extraDict[ field ]
    ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping[ sourceId ] = compDict

  def __cmdb__loadComponentFromActivityDB( self, sourceId ):
    Load the component dict from the activities it registered
    sources = gServiceInterface.getSources( { 'id' : sourceId },
                                            [ 'componentType', 'componentName', 'componentLocation', 'setup' ] )
    if len ( sources ) == 0:
      return False
    source = [ ts for ts in sources if len( ts ) > 0 ][0]
    compDict = { 'type'          : source[0],
                 'componentName' : source[1],
                 'host'          : source[2],
                 'setup'         : source[3],
    if compDict[ 'type' ] == 'service':
      loc = compDict[ 'host' ]
      loc = loc[ loc.find( "://" ) + 3 : ]
      loc = loc[ : loc.find( "/" ) ]
      compDict[ 'host' ] = loc[ :loc.find( ":" ) ]
      compDict[ 'port' ] = loc[ loc.find( ":" ) + 1: ]
    ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping[ sourceId ] = compDict
    return True

  def __cmdb__writeHeartbeat( self, sourceId ):
    compDict = ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping[ sourceId ]
    result = self.compmonDB.heartbeat( compDict )
    if not result[ 'OK' ]:
      gLogger.error( "Cannot heartbeat component in ComponentMonitoringDB", result[ 'Message' ] )

  def __cmdb_registerComponent( self, sourceId, sourceDict, componentExtraInfo ):
    if sourceDict[ 'componentType' ] not in ( 'service', 'agent' ):
    compDict = { 'componentName' : sourceDict[ 'componentName' ],
                 'setup'         : sourceDict[ 'setup' ],
                 'type'          : sourceDict[ 'componentType' ],
                 'host'      : sourceDict[ 'componentLocation' ]
    if compDict[ 'type' ] == 'service':
      loc = compDict[ 'host' ]
      loc = loc[ loc.find( "://" ) + 3 : ]
      loc = loc[ : loc.find( "/" ) ]
      compDict[ 'host' ] = loc[ :loc.find( ":" ) ]
      compDict[ 'port' ] = loc[ loc.find( ":" ) + 1: ]
    ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping[ sourceId ] = compDict
    self.__cmdb__merge( sourceId, componentExtraInfo )
    self.__cmdb__writeComponent( sourceId )

  def __cmdb_heartbeatComponent( self, sourceId, componentExtraInfo ):
    #Component heartbeat
    if sourceId not in ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping:
      if not self.__cmdb__loadComponentFromActivityDB( sourceId ):
        return False
    if ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping[ sourceId ][ 'type' ] not in ( 'service', 'agent' ):
      return  True
    self.__cmdb__merge( sourceId, componentExtraInfo )
    self.__cmdb__writeHeartbeat( sourceId )
    return True

  def getComponentsStatus( self, condDict = False ):
    if not condDict:
      condDict = {}
    return self.compmonDB.getComponentsStatus( condDict )
예제 #3
class ComponentSynchronizer:
    """ ComponentSynchronizer
    def __init__(self):
        """ Constructor

        self.log = gLogger.getSubLogger(self.__class__.__name__)

        self.compoDB = ComponentMonitoringDB()
        self.rsClient = ResourceStatusClient()

    def sync(self):
        """ sync. 
    Reads from ComponentsMonitoringDB and prepares entries on RSS ComponentStatus

        #TODO: delete from RSS if not anymore on ComponentsMonitoringDB

        setup = gConfig.getValue('DIRAC/Setup')

        components = self.compoDB.getComponentsStatus({'Setup': setup})
        if not components['OK']:
            return components
        components = components['Value'][0][setup]

        for agentName, agentsList in components['agent'].iteritems():

            for agentDict in agentsList:

                if agentDict['Status'] == 'Error':
                    self.log.warn('%(ComponentName)s %(Message)s' % agentDict)

                res = self.rsClient.addIfNotThereStatusElement(
                if not res['OK']:
                    return res

        for serviceName, servicesList in components['service'].iteritems():

            for serviceDict in servicesList:

                if serviceDict['Status'] == 'Error':
                    self.log.warn('%(ComponentName)s %(Message)s' %

                res = self.rsClient.addIfNotThereStatusElement(
                    statusType='%(Host)s:%(Port)s' % serviceDict,
                if not res['OK']:
                    return res

        return S_OK()

예제 #4
class ServiceInterface(object):

    __sourceToComponentIdMapping = {}

    def __init__(self):
        self.dataPath = "%s/data/monitoring" % gConfig.getValue(
            '/LocalSite/InstancePath', rootPath)
        self.plotsPath = "%s/plots" % self.dataPath
        self.rrdPath = "%s/rrd" % self.dataPath
        self.srvUp = False
        self.compmonDB = False

    def __createRRDManager(self):
    Generate an RRDManager
        return RRDManager(self.rrdPath, self.plotsPath)

    def __createCatalog(self):
    Creates a Monitoring catalog connector
        return MonitoringCatalog(self.dataPath)

    def initialize(self, dataPath):
    Initialize monitoring server

        self.dataPath = dataPath
        self.plotCache = PlotCache(RRDManager(self.rrdPath, self.plotsPath))
        self.srvUp = True
            self.compmonDB = ComponentMonitoringDB()
        except Exception as e:
            gLogger.exception("Cannot initialize component monitoring db: %s" %

    def initializeDB(self):
    Initializes and creates monitoring catalog db if it doesn't exist
        acCatalog = self.__createCatalog()
        if not acCatalog.createSchema():
            return False
        # Register default view if it's not there
        viewNames = [str(v[1]) for v in acCatalog.getViews(False)]
        if 'Dynamic component view' in viewNames:
            return True
        return acCatalog.registerView(
            "Dynamic component view",
                'variable': ['sources.componentName'],
                'definition': {},
                'stacked': True,
                'groupBy': ['activities.description'],
                'label': '$SITE'
            }), ['sources.componentName'])

    def __checkSourceDict(self, sourceDict):
    Check that the dictionary is a valid source one
        validKeys = ("setup", "site", "componentType", "componentLocation",
        for key in validKeys:
            if key not in sourceDict:
                return False
        return True

    def __checkActivityDict(self, acDict):
    Check that the dictionary is a valid activity one
        validKeys = ('category', 'description', 'bucketLength', 'type', 'unit')
        for key in validKeys:
            if key not in acDict:
                return False
        return True

    def registerActivities(self, sourceDict, activitiesDict,
    Register new activities in the database
        acCatalog = self.__createCatalog()
        rrdManager = self.__createRRDManager()
        # Register source
        if not self.__checkSourceDict(sourceDict):
            return S_ERROR("Source definition is not valid")
        sourceId = acCatalog.registerSource(sourceDict)
        # Register activities
        for name in activitiesDict:
            if not self.__checkActivityDict(activitiesDict[name]):
                return S_ERROR("Definition for activity %s is not valid" %
            activitiesDict[name]['name'] = name
            if 'bucketLength' not in activitiesDict[name]:
                activitiesDict[name]['bucketLength'] = 60
            if not self.__checkActivityDict(activitiesDict[name]):
                return S_ERROR("Activity %s definition is not valid" % name)
            gLogger.info("Received activity",
                         "%s [%s]" % (name, str(activitiesDict[name])))
            rrdFile = acCatalog.registerActivity(sourceId, name,
            if not rrdFile:
                return S_ERROR("Could not register activity %s" % name)
            retVal = rrdManager.create(activitiesDict[name]['type'], rrdFile,
            if not retVal['OK']:
                return retVal
        self.__cmdb_registerComponent(sourceId, sourceDict, componentExtraInfo)
        return S_OK(sourceId)

    def commitMarks(self, sourceId, activitiesDict, componentExtraInfo):
    Adds marks to activities
            "Committing marks",
            "From %s for %s" % (sourceId, ", ".join(activitiesDict.keys())))
        acCatalog = self.__createCatalog()
        rrdManager = self.__createRRDManager()
        unregisteredActivities = []
        for acName in activitiesDict:
            acData = activitiesDict[acName]
            acInfo = acCatalog.findActivity(sourceId, acName)
            if not acInfo:
                gLogger.warn("Cant find rrd filename",
                             "%s:%s activity" % (sourceId, acName))
            rrdFile = acInfo[6]
            if not rrdManager.existsRRDFile(rrdFile):
                    "RRD file does not exist",
                    "%s:%s activity (%s)" % (sourceId, acName, rrdFile))
            gLogger.info("Updating activity", "%s -> %s" % (acName, rrdFile))
            timeList = sorted(acData.keys())
            entries = []
            for instant in timeList:
                entries.append((instant, acData[instant]))
            if len(entries) > 0:
                gLogger.verbose("There are %s entries for %s" %
                                (len(entries), acName))
                retDict = rrdManager.update(acInfo[4], rrdFile, acInfo[7],
                                            entries, long(acInfo[8]))
                if not retDict['OK']:
                        "There was an error updating",
                        "%s:%s activity [%s]" % (sourceId, acName, rrdFile))
                    acCatalog.setLastUpdate(sourceId, acName, retDict['Value'])
        if not self.__cmdb_heartbeatComponent(sourceId, componentExtraInfo):
            for acName in activitiesDict:
                if acName not in unregisteredActivities:
        return S_OK(unregisteredActivities)

    def fieldValue(self, field, definedFields):
    Return values for a field given a set of defined values for other fields
        retList = self.__createCatalog().queryField("DISTINCT %s" % field,
        return S_OK(retList)

    def __getGroupedPlots(self, viewDescription):
    Calculate grouped plots for a view
        plotsList = []
        acCatalog = self.__createCatalog()
        groupList = acCatalog.queryField(
            "DISTINCT %s" % ", ".join(viewDescription['groupBy']),
        for grouping in groupList:
            gLogger.debug("Grouped plot for combination %s" % str(grouping))
            groupDefinitionDict = dict(viewDescription['definition'])
            for index in range(len(viewDescription['groupBy'])):
                                    [index]] = grouping[index]
            activityList = acCatalog.getMatchingActivities(groupDefinitionDict)
            for activity in activityList:
        return plotsList

    def __generateGroupPlots(self, fromSecs, toSecs, viewDescription, size):
    Generate grouped plots for a view
        plotList = self.__getGroupedPlots(viewDescription)
        filesList = []
        for groupPlot in plotList:
            retVal = self.plotCache.groupPlot(fromSecs, toSecs, groupPlot,
                                              viewDescription['stacked'], size)
            if not retVal['OK']:
                gLogger.error("There was a problem ploting", retVal['Message'])
                return retVal
            graphFile = retVal['Value']
                "Generated graph",
                "file %s for group %s" % (graphFile, str(groupPlot[0])))
        return S_OK(filesList)

    def __getPlots(self, viewDescription):
    Calculate plots for a view
        acCatalog = self.__createCatalog()
        return acCatalog.getMatchingActivities(viewDescription['definition'])

    def __generatePlots(self, fromSecs, toSecs, viewDescription, size):
    Generate non grouped plots for a view
        acList = self.__getPlots(viewDescription)
        filesList = []
        for activity in acList:
            retVal = self.plotCache.plot(fromSecs, toSecs, activity,
                                         viewDescription['stacked'], size)
            if not retVal['OK']:
                gLogger.error("There was a problem ploting", retVal['Message'])
                return retVal
            graphFile = retVal['Value']
            gLogger.verbose("Generated graph", "file %s" % (graphFile))
        return S_OK(filesList)

    def generatePlots(self, fromSecs, toSecs, viewDescription, size=1):
    Generate plots for a view
        gLogger.info("Generating plots", str(viewDescription))
        if 'stacked' not in viewDescription:
            viewDescription['stacked'] = False
        if 'label' not in viewDescription:
            viewDescription['label'] = ""
        if 'groupBy' in viewDescription and len(viewDescription['groupBy']):
            return self.__generateGroupPlots(fromSecs, toSecs, viewDescription,
        return self.__generatePlots(fromSecs, toSecs, viewDescription, size)

    def getGraphData(self, filename):
    Read the contents of a plot file
            fd = file("%s/%s" % (self.plotsPath, filename))
        except Exception as e:
            return S_ERROR(e)
        data = fd.read()
        return S_OK(data)

    def saveView(self, viewName, viewDescription):
    Save a view in the catalog
        if 'stacked' not in viewDescription:
            viewDescription['stacked'] = False
        if 'label' not in viewDescription:
            viewDescription['label'] = ""
        if 'variable' in viewDescription:
            for varField in viewDescription['variable']:
                if varField in viewDescription['definition']:
                    del (viewDescription['definition'][varField])
            viewDescription['variable'] = []
        acCatalog = self.__createCatalog()
        return acCatalog.registerView(viewName,

    def getViews(self, onlyStatic=True):
    Get all stored views
        viewsList = self.__createCatalog().getViews(onlyStatic)
        return S_OK(viewsList)

    def plotView(self, viewRequest):
    Generate all plots for a view
        views = self.__createCatalog().getViewById(viewRequest['id'])
        if len(views) == 0:
            return S_ERROR("View does not exist")
        viewData = views[0]
        viewDefinition = DEncode.decode(str(viewData[0]))[0]
        neededVarFields = List.fromChar(viewData[1], ",")
        if len(neededVarFields) > 0:
            if 'varData' not in viewRequest:
                return S_ERROR("Missing variable fields %s!" %
                               ", ".join(neededVarFields))
            missingVarFields = []
            for neededField in neededVarFields:
                if neededField in viewRequest['varData']:
                    viewDefinition['definition'][neededField] = viewRequest[
            if len(missingVarFields) > 0:
                return S_ERROR("Missing required fields %s!" %
                               ", ".join(missingVarFields))
        return self.generatePlots(viewRequest['fromSecs'],
                                  viewRequest['toSecs'], viewDefinition,

    def deleteView(self, viewId):
    Delete a view
        return S_OK()

    def getSources(self, dbCond={}, fields=[]):
    Get a list of activities
        catalog = self.__createCatalog()
        return catalog.getSources(dbCond, fields)

    def getActivities(self, dbCond={}):
    Get a list of activities
        acDict = {}
        catalog = self.__createCatalog()
        for sourceTuple in catalog.getSources(dbCond):
            activityCond = {'sourceId': sourceTuple[0]}
            acDict[sourceTuple] = catalog.getActivities(activityCond)
        return acDict

    def getNumberOfActivities(self, dbCond={}):
    Get a list of activities
        catalog = self.__createCatalog()
        total = 0
        for sourceTuple in catalog.getSources(dbCond):
            activityCond = {'sourceId': sourceTuple[0]}
            total += len(catalog.getActivities(activityCond))
        return total

    def getActivitiesContents(self, selDict, sortList, start, limit):
    DB query
        return self.__createCatalog().activitiesQuery(selDict, sortList, start,

    def deleteActivity(self, sourceId, activityId):
    Delete a view
        retVal = self.__createCatalog().deleteActivity(sourceId, activityId)
        if not retVal['OK']:
            return retVal
        return S_OK()

    # ComponentMonitoringDB functions

    def __cmdb__writeComponent(self, sourceId):
        if sourceId not in ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping:
            if not self.__cmdb__loadComponentFromActivityDB(sourceId):
                return False
        compDict = ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping[sourceId]
        result = self.compmonDB.registerComponent(compDict)
        if not result['OK']:
            gLogger.error("Cannot register component in ComponentMonitoringDB",
            return False
        compDict['compId'] = result['Value']
        gLogger.info("Registered component in component monitoring db")
        return True

    def __cmdb__merge(self, sourceId, extraDict):
    Merge the cached dict
        compDict = ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping[sourceId]
        for field in self.compmonDB.getOptionalFields():
            if field in extraDict:
                compDict[field] = extraDict[field]
        ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping[sourceId] = compDict

    def __cmdb__loadComponentFromActivityDB(self, sourceId):
    Load the component dict from the activities it registered
        sources = gServiceInterface.getSources(
            {'id': sourceId},
            ['componentType', 'componentName', 'componentLocation', 'setup'])
        if len(sources) == 0:
            return False
        source = [ts for ts in sources if len(ts) > 0][0]
        compDict = {
            'type': source[0],
            'componentName': source[1],
            'host': source[2],
            'setup': source[3],
        if compDict['type'] == 'service':
            loc = compDict['host']
            loc = loc[loc.find("://") + 3:]
            loc = loc[:loc.find("/")]
            compDict['host'] = loc[:loc.find(":")]
            compDict['port'] = loc[loc.find(":") + 1:]
        ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping[sourceId] = compDict
        return True

    def __cmdb__writeHeartbeat(self, sourceId):
        compDict = ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping[sourceId]
        result = self.compmonDB.heartbeat(compDict)
        if not result['OK']:
                "Cannot heartbeat component in ComponentMonitoringDB",

    def __cmdb_registerComponent(self, sourceId, sourceDict,
        if sourceDict['componentType'] not in ('service', 'agent'):
        compDict = {
            'componentName': sourceDict['componentName'],
            'setup': sourceDict['setup'],
            'type': sourceDict['componentType'],
            'host': sourceDict['componentLocation']
        if compDict['type'] == 'service':
            loc = compDict['host']
            loc = loc[loc.find("://") + 3:]
            loc = loc[:loc.find("/")]
            compDict['host'] = loc[:loc.find(":")]
            compDict['port'] = loc[loc.find(":") + 1:]
        ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping[sourceId] = compDict
        self.__cmdb__merge(sourceId, componentExtraInfo)

    def __cmdb_heartbeatComponent(self, sourceId, componentExtraInfo):
        # Component heartbeat
        if sourceId not in ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping:
            if not self.__cmdb__loadComponentFromActivityDB(sourceId):
                return False
        if ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping[sourceId][
                'type'] not in ('service', 'agent'):
            return True
        self.__cmdb__merge(sourceId, componentExtraInfo)
        return True

    def getComponentsStatus(self, condDict=False):
        if not condDict:
            condDict = {}
        return self.compmonDB.getComponentsStatus(condDict)
예제 #5
class ServiceInterface(object):
  The gServiceInterface singleton object which is used by the MonitoringHandle to register activities and
  commit the data is inherited from this class.

    __sourceToComponentIdMapping = {}

    def __init__(self):
        self.dataPath = "%s/data/monitoring" % gConfig.getValue(
            '/LocalSite/InstancePath', rootPath)
        self.plotsPath = "%s/plots" % self.dataPath
        self.rrdPath = "%s/rrd" % self.dataPath
        self.srvUp = False
        self.compmonDB = False

    def __createRRDManager(self):
    Generates an RRDManager
        return RRDManager(self.rrdPath, self.plotsPath)

    def __createCatalog(self):
    Creates a Monitoring catalog connector
        return MonitoringCatalog(self.dataPath)

    def initialize(self, dataPath):
    Initializes monitoring server

    :type dataPath: string
    :param dataPath: The root path of the data directory.

        self.dataPath = dataPath
        self.plotCache = PlotCache(RRDManager(self.rrdPath, self.plotsPath))
        self.srvUp = True
            self.compmonDB = ComponentMonitoringDB()
        except Exception as e:
            gLogger.exception("Cannot initialize component monitoring db: %s" %

    def initializeDB(self):
    Initializes and creates monitoring catalog db if it doesn't exist
        acCatalog = self.__createCatalog()
        if not acCatalog.createSchema():
            return False
        # Register default view if it's not there
        viewNames = [str(v[1]) for v in acCatalog.getViews(False)]
        if 'Dynamic component view' in viewNames:
            return True
        return acCatalog.registerView(
            "Dynamic component view",
                'variable': ['sources.componentName'],
                'definition': {},
                'stacked': True,
                'groupBy': ['activities.description'],
                'label': '$SITE'
            }), ['sources.componentName'])

    def __checkSourceDict(self, sourceDict):
    Checks that the dictionary is a valid source one

    :type sourceDict: dictionary
    :param sourceDict: The source dictionary containing information about "setup", "site", "componentType",
                                                                          "componentLocation", "componentName"
    :return: bool
        validKeys = ("setup", "site", "componentType", "componentLocation",
        for key in validKeys:
            if key not in sourceDict:
                return False
        return True

    def __checkActivityDict(self, acDict):
    Checks that the dictionary is a valid activity one

    :type acDict: dictionary
    :param acDict: The activity dictionary containing information about 'category', 'description', 'bucketLength',
                                                                        'type', 'unit'.
    :return: bool
        validKeys = ('category', 'description', 'bucketLength', 'type', 'unit')
        for key in validKeys:
            if key not in acDict:
                return False
        return True

    def registerActivities(self, sourceDict, activitiesDict,
    Registers new activities in the database.

    :type sourceDict: dictionary
    :param sourceDict: The source dictionary containing information about "setup", "site", "componentType",
                                                                          "componentLocation", "componentName"
    :type activitiesDict: dictionary
    :param activitiesDict: The activity dictionary containing information about 'category', 'description',
                                                                                'bucketLength', 'type', 'unit'
    :type componentExtraInfo: dictionary
    :param componentExtraInfo: This contains one or many of these  'version', 'DIRACVersion', 'description',
                                                                   'startTime', 'platform', 'cycles', 'queries'.
    :return: S_OK with sourceId / S_ERROR with the corresoponding message.
        acCatalog = self.__createCatalog()
        rrdManager = self.__createRRDManager()
        # Register source
        if not self.__checkSourceDict(sourceDict):
            return S_ERROR("Source definition is not valid")
        sourceId = acCatalog.registerSource(sourceDict)
        # Register activities
        for name in activitiesDict:
            if not self.__checkActivityDict(activitiesDict[name]):
                return S_ERROR("Definition for activity %s is not valid" %
            activitiesDict[name]['name'] = name
            if 'bucketLength' not in activitiesDict[name]:
                activitiesDict[name]['bucketLength'] = 60
            if not self.__checkActivityDict(activitiesDict[name]):
                return S_ERROR("Activity %s definition is not valid" % name)
            gLogger.info("Received activity",
                         "%s [%s]" % (name, str(activitiesDict[name])))
            rrdFile = acCatalog.registerActivity(sourceId, name,
            if not rrdFile:
                return S_ERROR("Could not register activity %s" % name)
            retVal = rrdManager.create(activitiesDict[name]['type'], rrdFile,
            if not retVal['OK']:
                return retVal
        self.__cmdb_registerComponent(sourceId, sourceDict, componentExtraInfo)
        return S_OK(sourceId)

    def commitMarks(self, sourceId, activitiesDict, componentExtraInfo):
    Adds marks to activities.

    :type sourceId: int
    :param sourceId: This id is returned after the activity is registered inside the database and
                     is used for committing the marks.
    :type activitiesDict: dictionary
    :param activitiesDict: The activity dictionary containing information about 'category', 'description',
                                                                                'bucketLength', 'type', 'unit'
    :type componentExtraInfo: dictionary
    :param componentExtraInfo: This contains one or many of these  'version', 'DIRACVersion', 'description',
                                                                   'startTime', 'platform', 'cycles', 'queries'.
    :return: S_OK with a list of unregistered activities.
            "Committing marks",
            "From %s for %s" % (sourceId, ", ".join(activitiesDict.keys())))
        acCatalog = self.__createCatalog()
        rrdManager = self.__createRRDManager()
        unregisteredActivities = []
        for acName in activitiesDict:
            acData = activitiesDict[acName]
            acInfo = acCatalog.findActivity(sourceId, acName)
            if not acInfo:
                gLogger.warn("Cant find rrd filename",
                             "%s:%s activity" % (sourceId, acName))
            rrdFile = acInfo[6]
            if not rrdManager.existsRRDFile(rrdFile):
                    "RRD file does not exist",
                    "%s:%s activity (%s)" % (sourceId, acName, rrdFile))
            gLogger.info("Updating activity", "%s -> %s" % (acName, rrdFile))
            timeList = sorted(acData)
            entries = []
            for instant in timeList:
                entries.append((instant, acData[instant]))
            if len(entries) > 0:
                gLogger.verbose("There are %s entries for %s" %
                                (len(entries), acName))
                retDict = rrdManager.update(acInfo[4], rrdFile, acInfo[7],
                                            entries, long(acInfo[8]))
                if not retDict['OK']:
                        "There was an error updating",
                        "%s:%s activity [%s]" % (sourceId, acName, rrdFile))
                    acCatalog.setLastUpdate(sourceId, acName, retDict['Value'])
        if not self.__cmdb_heartbeatComponent(sourceId, componentExtraInfo):
            for acName in activitiesDict:
                if acName not in unregisteredActivities:
        return S_OK(unregisteredActivities)

    def fieldValue(self, field, definedFields):
    Calculated values for a field given a set of defined values for other fields.

    :type field: list
    :param field: A set of fields.
    :type definedFields: list
    :param definedFields: A set of defined fields
    :return: S_OK with a list of the desired values.
        retList = self.__createCatalog().queryField("DISTINCT %s" % field,
        return S_OK(retList)

    def __getGroupedPlots(self, viewDescription):
    Calculates grouped plots for a view.

    :type viewDescription: dictionary
    :param viewDescription: A dictionary containing the view description.
    :return: list of plots.
        plotsList = []
        acCatalog = self.__createCatalog()
        groupList = acCatalog.queryField(
            "DISTINCT %s" % ", ".join(viewDescription['groupBy']),
        for grouping in groupList:
            gLogger.debug("Grouped plot for combination %s" % str(grouping))
            groupDefinitionDict = dict(viewDescription['definition'])
            for index in range(len(viewDescription['groupBy'])):
                                    [index]] = grouping[index]
            activityList = acCatalog.getMatchingActivities(groupDefinitionDict)
            for activity in activityList:
        return plotsList

    def __generateGroupPlots(self, fromSecs, toSecs, viewDescription, size):
    Generates grouped plots for a view.

    :type fromSecs: int
    :param fromSecs: A value in seconds from where to start.
    :type toSecs: int
    :param toSecs: A value in seconds for where to end.
    :type viewDescription: dictionary
    :param viewDescription: A dictionary containing the view description.
    :type size: int
    :param size: There is a matrix defined for size so here only one of these values go [0, 1, 2, 3].
    :return: S_OK with a list of files.
        plotList = self.__getGroupedPlots(viewDescription)
        filesList = []
        for groupPlot in plotList:
            retVal = self.plotCache.groupPlot(fromSecs, toSecs, groupPlot,
                                              viewDescription['stacked'], size)
            if not retVal['OK']:
                gLogger.error("There was a problem ploting", retVal['Message'])
                return retVal
            graphFile = retVal['Value']
                "Generated graph",
                "file %s for group %s" % (graphFile, str(groupPlot[0])))
        return S_OK(filesList)

    def __getPlots(self, viewDescription):
    Calculates plots for a view.

    :type viewDescription: dictionary
    :param viewDescription: A dictionary containing the view description.
    :return: list of matching activities.
        acCatalog = self.__createCatalog()
        return acCatalog.getMatchingActivities(viewDescription['definition'])

    def __generatePlots(self, fromSecs, toSecs, viewDescription, size):
    Generates non grouped plots for a view.

    :type fromSecs: int
    :param fromSecs: A value in seconds from where to start.
    :type toSecs: int
    :param toSecs: A value in seconds for where to end.
    :type viewDescription: dictionary
    :param viewDescription: A dictionary containing the view description.
    :type size: int
    :param size: There is a matrix defined for size so here only one of these values go [0, 1, 2, 3].
    :return: S_OK with a list of files.
        acList = self.__getPlots(viewDescription)
        filesList = []
        for activity in acList:
            retVal = self.plotCache.plot(fromSecs, toSecs, activity,
                                         viewDescription['stacked'], size)
            if not retVal['OK']:
                gLogger.error("There was a problem ploting", retVal['Message'])
                return retVal
            graphFile = retVal['Value']
            gLogger.verbose("Generated graph", "file %s" % (graphFile))
        return S_OK(filesList)

    def generatePlots(self, fromSecs, toSecs, viewDescription, size=1):
    Generates plots for a view.

    :type fromSecs: int
    :param fromSecs: A value in seconds from where to start.
    :type toSecs: int
    :param toSecs: A value in seconds for where to end.
    :type viewDescription: dictionary
    :param viewDescription: A dictionary containing the view description.
    :type size: int
    :param size: There is a matrix defined for size so here only one of these values go [0, 1, 2, 3].
    :return: S_OK with a list of files.
        gLogger.info("Generating plots", str(viewDescription))
        if 'stacked' not in viewDescription:
            viewDescription['stacked'] = False
        if 'label' not in viewDescription:
            viewDescription['label'] = ""
        if 'groupBy' in viewDescription and len(viewDescription['groupBy']):
            return self.__generateGroupPlots(fromSecs, toSecs, viewDescription,
        return self.__generatePlots(fromSecs, toSecs, viewDescription, size)

    def getGraphData(self, filename):
    Reads the contents of a plot file.

    :type filename: string
    :param filname: The name of the file.
    :return: S_OK with all the data that is read.
            with open("%s/%s" % (self.plotsPath, filename)) as fd:
                data = fd.read()
        except Exception as e:
            return S_ERROR(e)
            return S_OK(data)

    def saveView(self, viewName, viewDescription):
    Saves a view in the catalog.

    :type viewName: string
    :param viewName: Name of the view.
    :type viewDescription: dictionary
    :param viewDescription: A dictionary containing the view description.
    :return: S_OK / S_ERROR with the corresponding error message.
        if 'stacked' not in viewDescription:
            viewDescription['stacked'] = False
        if 'label' not in viewDescription:
            viewDescription['label'] = ""
        if 'variable' in viewDescription:
            for varField in viewDescription['variable']:
                if varField in viewDescription['definition']:
                    del (viewDescription['definition'][varField])
            viewDescription['variable'] = []
        acCatalog = self.__createCatalog()
        return acCatalog.registerView(viewName,

    def getViews(self, onlyStatic=True):
    Gets all stored views.

    :type onlyStatic: bool
    :param onlyStatic: Whether the views required are static or not.
    :return: S_OK with a list of views.
        viewsList = self.__createCatalog().getViews(onlyStatic)
        return S_OK(viewsList)

    def plotView(self, viewRequest):
    Generates all plots for a view.

    :type viewRequest: dictionary
    :param viewRequest: Containing information of the view like 'id', 'fromSecs', 'toSecs', etc.
    :return: S_OK with a list of files.
        views = self.__createCatalog().getViewById(viewRequest['id'])
        if len(views) == 0:
            return S_ERROR("View does not exist")
        viewData = views[0]
        viewDefinition = DEncode.decode(str(viewData[0]))[0]
        neededVarFields = List.fromChar(viewData[1], ",")
        if len(neededVarFields) > 0:
            if 'varData' not in viewRequest:
                return S_ERROR("Missing variable fields %s!" %
                               ", ".join(neededVarFields))
            missingVarFields = []
            for neededField in neededVarFields:
                if neededField in viewRequest['varData']:
                    viewDefinition['definition'][neededField] = viewRequest[
            if len(missingVarFields) > 0:
                return S_ERROR("Missing required fields %s!" %
                               ", ".join(missingVarFields))
        return self.generatePlots(viewRequest['fromSecs'],
                                  viewRequest['toSecs'], viewDefinition,

    def deleteView(self, viewId):
    Deletes a view.

    :type viewId: string
    :param viewId: The view id.
    :return: S_OK
        return S_OK()

    def getSources(self, dbCond={}, fields=[]):
    Gets a list of activities.

    :type dbCond: dictionary
    :param dbCond: The required database conditions.
    :type fields: list
    :param fields: A list of required fields.
    :return: The list of results after the query is performed.
        catalog = self.__createCatalog()
        return catalog.getSources(dbCond, fields)

    def getActivities(self, dbCond={}):
    Gets a list of activities.

    :type dbCond: dictionary
    :param dbCond: The required database conditions.
    :return: an activity dictionary.
        acDict = {}
        catalog = self.__createCatalog()
        for sourceTuple in catalog.getSources(dbCond):
            activityCond = {'sourceId': sourceTuple[0]}
            acDict[sourceTuple] = catalog.getActivities(activityCond)
        return acDict

    def getNumberOfActivities(self, dbCond={}):
    Gets the number of activities.

    :type dbCond: dictionary
    :param dbCond: The required database conditions.
    :return: An integer indicating the total number of activities.
        catalog = self.__createCatalog()
        total = 0
        for sourceTuple in catalog.getSources(dbCond):
            activityCond = {'sourceId': sourceTuple[0]}
            total += len(catalog.getActivities(activityCond))
        return total

    def getActivitiesContents(self, selDict, sortList, start, limit):
    Gets all the sources and activities details in a joined format.

    :type selDict: dictionary
    :param selDict: The fields inside the select query.
    :type sortList: list
    :param sortList: A list in sorted order of the data.
    :type start: int
    :param start: The point or tuple from where to start.
    :type limit: int
    :param limit: The number of tuples to select from the starting point.
    :return: S_OK with a tuple of the result list and fields list.
        return self.__createCatalog().activitiesQuery(selDict, sortList, start,

    def deleteActivity(self, sourceId, activityId):
    Deletes a view.

    :type sourceId: string
    :param sourceId: The source id.
    :type activityId: string
    :param activityId: The activity id.
    :return: S_OK / The corresponding error message.
        retVal = self.__createCatalog().deleteActivity(sourceId, activityId)
        if not retVal['OK']:
            return retVal
        return S_OK()

    # ComponentMonitoringDB functions

    def __cmdb__writeComponent(self, sourceId):
    Used to write basic component details to the ComponentMonitoringDB(MySQLdb).

    :type sourceId: string
    :param sourceId: the source id.
    :return: True / False
        if sourceId not in ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping:
            if not self.__cmdb__loadComponentFromActivityDB(sourceId):
                return False
        compDict = ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping[sourceId]
        result = self.compmonDB.registerComponent(compDict)
        if not result['OK']:
            gLogger.error("Cannot register component in ComponentMonitoringDB",
            return False
        compDict['compId'] = result['Value']
        gLogger.info("Registered component in component monitoring db")
        return True

    def __cmdb__merge(self, sourceId, extraDict):
    Merges the cached dict.

    :type sourceId: string
    :param sourceId: the source id.
    :type extraDict: dictionary
    :param extraDict: The dictionary containing extra information.
        compDict = ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping[sourceId]
        for field in self.compmonDB.getOptionalFields():
            if field in extraDict:
                compDict[field] = extraDict[field]
        ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping[sourceId] = compDict

    def __cmdb__loadComponentFromActivityDB(self, sourceId):
    Loads the component dict from the activities it registered.

    :type sourceId: string
    :param sourceId: the source id.
    :return: True / False
        sources = gServiceInterface.getSources(
            {'id': sourceId},
            ['componentType', 'componentName', 'componentLocation', 'setup'])
        if len(sources) == 0:
            return False
        source = [ts for ts in sources if len(ts) > 0][0]
        compDict = {
            'type': source[0],
            'componentName': source[1],
            'host': source[2],
            'setup': source[3],
        if compDict['type'] == 'service':
            loc = compDict['host']
            loc = loc[loc.find("://") + 3:]
            loc = loc[:loc.find("/")]
            compDict['host'] = loc[:loc.find(":")]
            compDict['port'] = loc[loc.find(":") + 1:]
        ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping[sourceId] = compDict
        return True

    def __cmdb__writeHeartbeat(self, sourceId):
    Writes the heartbeat stamp to the ComponentMonitoringDB.

    :type sourceId: string
    :param sourceId: the source id.
    :return: True / False
        compDict = ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping[sourceId]
        result = self.compmonDB.heartbeat(compDict)
        if not result['OK']:
                "Cannot heartbeat component in ComponentMonitoringDB",

    def __cmdb_registerComponent(self, sourceId, sourceDict,
    Writes all the basic component information to the ComponentMonitoringDB.

    :type sourceId: string
    :param sourceId: the source id.
    :type sourceDict: dictionary
    :param sourceDict: The dictionary containing source information.
    :type componentExtraInfo: dictionary
    :param componentExtraInfo: The dictionary containing extra information.
        if sourceDict['componentType'] not in ('service', 'agent'):
        compDict = {
            'componentName': sourceDict['componentName'],
            'setup': sourceDict['setup'],
            'type': sourceDict['componentType'],
            'host': sourceDict['componentLocation']
        if compDict['type'] == 'service':
            loc = compDict['host']
            loc = loc[loc.find("://") + 3:]
            loc = loc[:loc.find("/")]
            compDict['host'] = loc[:loc.find(":")]
            compDict['port'] = loc[loc.find(":") + 1:]
        ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping[sourceId] = compDict
        self.__cmdb__merge(sourceId, componentExtraInfo)

    def __cmdb_heartbeatComponent(self, sourceId, componentExtraInfo):
    This method is used to write the Component heartbeat using the __cmdb__writeHeartbeat method.

    :type sourceId: string
    :param sourceId: the source id.
    :type componentExtraInfo: dictionary
    :param componentExtraInfo: The dictionary containing extra information.
    :return: True / False
        # Component heartbeat
        if sourceId not in ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping:
            if not self.__cmdb__loadComponentFromActivityDB(sourceId):
                return False
        if ServiceInterface.__sourceToComponentIdMapping[sourceId][
                'type'] not in ('service', 'agent'):
            return True
        self.__cmdb__merge(sourceId, componentExtraInfo)
        return True

    def getComponentsStatus(self, condDict=False):
    This method basically returns the component status by reading it from the ComponentMonitoringDB.

    :type condDict: dictionary
    :param condDict: The dictionary containing the conditions.
    :return: S_OK with the requires results.
        if not condDict:
            condDict = {}
        return self.compmonDB.getComponentsStatus(condDict)