예제 #1
        # verify and prepare and the output files for transfer
        ec, pilotErrorDiag, outs, outsDict = RunJobUtilities.prepareOutFiles(
            job.outFiles, job.logFile, job.workdir)
        if ec:
            # missing output file (only error code from prepareOutFiles)
        tolog("outsDict: %s" % str(outsDict))

        # update the current file states
        dumpFileStates(runJob.getParentWorkDir(), job.jobId)

        # create xml string to pass to dispatcher for atlas jobs
        outputFileInfo = {}
        if outs or (job.logFile and job.logFile != ''):
            # get the datasets for the output files
            dsname, datasetDict = runJob.getDatasets(job)

            # re-create the metadata.xml file, putting guids of ALL output files into it.
            # output files that miss guids from the job itself will get guids in PFCxml function

            # first rename and copy the trf metadata file for non-build jobs
            if not pUtil.isBuildJob(outs):
예제 #2
        # update the job state file
        job.jobState = "stageout"
        #_retjs = JR.updateJobStateTest(job, jobSite, node, mode="test")

        # verify and prepare and the output files for transfer
        ec, pilotErrorDiag, outs, outsDict = RunJobUtilities.prepareOutFiles(job.outFiles, job.logFile, job.workdir)
        if ec:
            # missing output file (only error code from prepareOutFiles)
            runJob.failJob(job.result[1], ec, job, pilotErrorDiag=pilotErrorDiag)
        tolog("outsDict: %s" % str(outsDict))

        # update the current file states
        updateFileStates(outs, runJob.getParentWorkDir(), job.jobId, mode="file_state", state="created")
        dumpFileStates(runJob.getParentWorkDir(), job.jobId)

        # create xml string to pass to dispatcher for atlas jobs
        outputFileInfo = {}
        if outs or (job.logFile and job.logFile != ''):
            # get the datasets for the output files
            dsname, datasetDict = runJob.getDatasets(job)

            # re-create the metadata.xml file, putting guids of ALL output files into it.
            # output files that miss guids from the job itself will get guids in PFCxml function

            # first rename and copy the trf metadata file for non-build jobs
            if not pUtil.isBuildJob(outs):
                runJob.moveTrfMetadata(job.workdir, job.jobId)
예제 #3
        # stage-out ........................................................................................

        # update the job state file
        job.jobState = "stageout"
        _retjs = JR.updateJobStateTest(job, jobSite, node, mode="test")

        # verify and prepare and the output files for transfer
        ec, pilotErrorDiag, outs, outsDict = RunJobUtilities.prepareOutFiles(job.outFiles, job.logFile, job.workdir)
        if ec:
            # missing output file (only error code from prepareOutFiles)
            failJob(job.result[1], ec, job, pilotserver, pilotport, pilotErrorDiag=pilotErrorDiag)
        tolog("outsDict: %s" % str(outsDict))

        # update the current file states
        updateFileStates(outs, pworkdir, job.jobId, mode="file_state", state="created")
        dumpFileStates(pworkdir, job.jobId)

        # create xml string to pass to dispatcher for atlas jobs
        outputFileInfo = {}
        if outs or (job.logFile and job.logFile != ''):
            # get the datasets for the output files
            dsname, datasetDict = getDatasets(job)

            # re-create the metadata.xml file, putting guids of ALL output files into it.
            # output files that miss guids from the job itself will get guids in PFCxml function

            # first rename and copy the trf metadata file for non-build jobs
            if not pUtil.isBuildJob(outs):
                moveTrfMetadata(job.workdir, job.jobId, pworkdir)