예제 #1
# - General Pool converters
# - Pool input (Change this to use a different file)
svcMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = ["Tile_MyOutputFile-Dig.root"]

#--- GeoModel stuff -------------------------------------------
from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags

from AtlasGeoModel import SetGeometryVersion
from AtlasGeoModel import GeoModelInit
from GeoModelSvc.GeoModelSvcConf import GeoModelSvc
GeoModelSvc = GeoModelSvc()
if TileBarrelOnly:
    GeoModelSvc.TileVersionOverride = "TileTB-3B-00"
    GeoModelSvc.TileVersionOverride = "TileTB-2B2EB-00"

#--- Tile Conditions ------------------------------------------

# Create various ntuples with hits or rawChannels amplitudes
# inside CBNTAA or in standalone ntuples
# CBNTAA is switched off by default
# Hit energy is the energy which comes from Geant4 without sampling correction
# and RawChannel amplitude is normally in pCb
# check carefully which pCb/GeV factor is applied in digitization (1.05 or 1.0)

if not 'doCBNT' in dir():
    doCBNT = False
예제 #2
#--- AthenaCommon flags ---------------------------------------
from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
athenaCommonFlags.EvtMax = 1000

#--- Simulation flags -----------------------------------------
from G4AtlasApps.SimFlags import SimFlags
# Look into SimFlags.SimLayout for other possible values
SimFlags.SimLayout = 'ATLAS-CSC-02-00-00'  # specific value
#SimFlags.SimLayout.set_On()             # uses the default value

from GeoModelSvc.GeoModelSvcConf import GeoModelSvc
GeoModelSvc = GeoModelSvc()
GeoModelSvc.TileVersionOverride = 'TileCal-CSC-03'
#log.info( "GeoModelSvc.TileVersionOverride = %s" % (GeoModelSvc.TileVersionOverride) )

#  sets the EtaPhi, VertexSpread and VertexRange checks on
#  sets LArParametrization
#  No magnetic field

# - uses single particle generator
SimFlags.KinematicsMode = 'SingleParticle'
SimFlags.ParticlePDG = '999'
#   set energy constant to 10 GeV
예제 #3
    ServiceMgr += GeoModelSvc
    theApp.CreateSvc += ["GeoModelSvc"]

    #load all identifiers
    #include( "TileIdCnv/TileIdCnv_jobOptions.py" )
    #include( "CaloIdCnv/CaloIdCnv_joboptions.py" )

    from TileGeoModel.TileGeoModelConf import TileDetectorTool
    GeoModelSvc.DetectorTools += [TileDetectorTool()]

    from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import jobproperties
    detDescrVersion = jobproperties.Global.DetDescrVersion()

    # Setup geometry version
    GeoModelSvc.AtlasVersion = detDescrVersion
    # for TileCal all versions are identical
    # so let's load just the DC3 default
    GeoModelSvc.TileVersionOverride = "TileCal-DC3-00"

    if (detDescrVersion.startswith("ctb") or detDescrVersion.startswith("CTB")
            or detDescrVersion.startswith("ATLAS-CTB")):
        GeoModelSvc.TileDetectorTool.TestBeam = TRUE
        GeoModelSvc.AtlasVersion = "ATLAS-CTB-00"
        GeoModelSvc.TileVersionOverride = "TileTB-3B3EB-00"

# End of job options file
예제 #4
jobproperties.Global.DetDescrVersion = DetDescrVersion
logTileDig.info('DetDescrVersion = %s' %

from AtlasGeoModel import SetGeometryVersion

jobproperties.Global.DetGeo = DetGeo
from AtlasGeoModel import GeoModelInit
from GeoModelSvc.GeoModelSvcConf import GeoModelSvc

GeoModelSvc = GeoModelSvc()
GeoModelSvc.IgnoreTagDifference = True
logTileDig.info('GeoModelSvc.AtlasVersion = %s' % (GeoModelSvc.AtlasVersion))
if 'TileVersionOverride' in dir():
    GeoModelSvc.TileVersionOverride = TileVersionOverride
    logTileDig.info('GeoModelSvc.TileVersionOverride = %s' %

# Digitiziation and Pileup configuration
from Digitization.DigitizationFlags import jobproperties
# jobproperties.Digitization.doInDetNoise=True
jobproperties.Digitization.doCaloNoise = doCaloNoise
# This tag must be specified for dowstream jobs
jobproperties.Digitization.IOVDbGlobalTag = ConddbTag
if not TileTB:
    jobproperties.Digitization.simRunNumber = RunNumber
    jobproperties.Digitization.dataRunNumber = RunNumber
# jobproperties.Digitization.doMuonNoise=True
예제 #5
#from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
#log.info( "ConddbTag = %s" % (ConddbTag) )

from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import jobproperties
jobproperties.Global.DetDescrVersion = DetDescrVersion
log.info("DetDescrVersion = %s" % (jobproperties.Global.DetDescrVersion()))
TileCablingType = 4

from AtlasGeoModel import SetGeometryVersion
from AtlasGeoModel import GeoModelInit
from GeoModelSvc.GeoModelSvcConf import GeoModelSvc
GeoModelSvc = GeoModelSvc()
# GeoModelSvc.IgnoreTagDifference = True
log.info("GeoModelSvc.AtlasVersion = %s" % (GeoModelSvc.AtlasVersion))
GeoModelSvc.TileVersionOverride = "TileCal-GEO-08"
log.info("GeoModelSvc.TileVersionOverride = %s" %

GeoModelSvc.DetectorTools["TileDetectorTool"].GeometryConfig = "FULL"
GeoModelSvc.DetectorTools["TileDetectorTool"].OutputLevel = 1

# Digitiziation and Pileup configuration
from Digitization.DigitizationFlags import jobproperties
# jobproperties.Digitization.doInDetNoise=True
jobproperties.Digitization.doCaloNoise = True
# This tag must be specified for dowstream jobs
jobproperties.Digitization.IOVDbGlobalTag = ConddbTag
# jobproperties.Digitization.doMuonNoise=True