예제 #1
    def __init__(self, Rfree=1.001, CRRA=2):

        PFaux = PerfForesightConsumerType(
        )  # set up a consumer type and use default parameteres
        PFaux.cycles = 0  # Make this type have an infinite horizon
        PFaux.DiscFac = 1 / Rfree
        PFaux.Rfree = Rfree
        PFaux.LivPrb = [1.0]
        PFaux.PermGroFac = [1.0]
        PFaux.CRRA = CRRA
        PFaux.solve()  # solve the consumer's problem
        PFaux.unpackcFunc()  # unpack the consumption function

        self.cFunc = PFaux.solution[0].cFunc
예제 #2
PatR_array = Pat_array/Rfree_array

# +
# Set the time preference factor to match the interest factor so that $(R \beta) = 1$

Paramod['DiscFac'] = 1/Rfree

# +
# Plot average deviation from true consumption function
PFagent = PerfForesightConsumerType(**Paramod) # construct a consumer with our previous parameters

plt.figure(figsize=(9,6)) #set the figure size
mean_dev = np.zeros(30)

for i in range(len(Rfree_array)):
    PFagent.Rfree = Rfree_array[i]
    # Now we just copy the lines of code from above that we want
    cHARK     = PFagent.solution[0].cFunc(m_range)
    wealthHmn = PFagent.solution[0].hNrm
    wealthTot = wealthHmn+m_range
    cApprox   = wealthTot*(rfree - (1/CRRA)*(rfree-discRte)) 
    deviation = np.mean(np.abs(cApprox/cHARK))
    mean_dev[i] = deviation
plt.xlabel('Return Factor') # x axis label
plt.ylabel(' Average deviation along consumption function') # y axis label
예제 #3
def FisherPlot(Y1, Y2, B1, R, c1Max, c2Max):

    # Basic setup of perfect foresight consumer

    # We first create an instance of the class
    # PerfForesightConsumerType, with its standard parameters.
    PFexample = PerfForesightConsumerType()

    PFexample.cycles = 1  # let the agent live the cycle of periods just once
    PFexample.T_cycle = 2  # Number of periods in the cycle
    PFexample.PermGroFac = [1.]  # No automatic growth in income across periods
    PFexample.LivPrb = [1.]  # No chance of dying before the second period
    PFexample.aNrmInitStd = 0.
    PFexample.AgentCount = 1
    CRRA = PFexample.CRRA
    Beta = PFexample.DiscFac

    # Set interest rate and bank balances from input.
    PFexample.Rfree = R
    PFexample.aNrmInitMean = B1

    # Solve the model: this generates the optimal consumption function.

    # Try-except blocks "try" to execute the code in the try block. If an
    # error occurs, the except block is executed and the application does
    # not halt
            'Those parameter values violate a condition required for solution!'

    # Create the figure
    c1Min = 0.
    c2Min = 0.
    plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
    plt.xlabel('Period 1 Consumption $C_1$')
    plt.ylabel('Period 2 Consumption $C_2$')
    plt.ylim([c2Min, c2Max])
    plt.xlim([c1Min, c1Max])

    # Plot the budget constraint
    C1_bc = np.linspace(c1Min, B1 + Y1 + Y2 / R, 10, endpoint=True)
    C2_bc = (Y1 + B1 - C1_bc) * R + Y2
    plt.plot(C1_bc, C2_bc, 'k-', label='Budget Constraint')

    # Plot the optimal consumption bundle
    C1 = PFexample.solution[0].cFunc(B1 + Y1 + Y2 / R)
    C2 = PFexample.solution[1].cFunc((Y1 + B1 - C1) * R + Y2)
    plt.plot(C1, C2, 'ro', label='Optimal Consumption')

    # Plot the indifference curve
    V = C1**(1 - CRRA) / (1 - CRRA) + Beta * C2**(1 - CRRA) / (
        1 - CRRA)  # Get max utility
    C1_V = np.linspace(((1 - CRRA) * V)**(1 / (1 - CRRA)) + 0.5, c1Max, 1000)
    C2_V = (((1 - CRRA) * V - C1_V**(1 - CRRA)) / Beta)**(1 / (1 - CRRA))
    plt.plot(C1_V, C2_V, 'b-', label='Indiferrence Curve')

    # Add a legend and display the plot

    return None