예제 #1
def _init(status, conf):
    # From download.py
    __this.status = status
    __this.conf = conf

    account = conf['account']
    folder = conf['folder']
    product = conf['product']

    # Init supported classes
    __this.GIS = GIS(status, conf)
    __this.Dtime = Dtime(status, conf)
    __this.Log = Log(conf['log'])

    return account, folder, product
예제 #2
def _init(status, conf):
    # From download.py
    __this.status = status
    __this.conf = conf
    __this.path = os.path.join(
        os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))

    account = conf['account']
    folder = conf['folder']
    product = conf['product']

    # Init supported classes
    __this.GIS = GIS(status, conf)
    __this.Dtime = Dtime(status, conf)
    __this.Log = Log(conf['log'])

    return account, folder, product
예제 #3
def _init(status, conf) -> tuple:
    # test = sys.modules
    # print('GIS' in test)

    # From download.py
    __this.status = status
    __this.conf = conf

    account = conf['account']
    folder = conf['folder']
    product = conf['product']

    # Init supported classes
    __this.GIS = GIS(status, conf)
    __this.Dtime = Dtime(status, conf)
    __this.Log = Log(conf['log'])

    return account, folder, product
예제 #4
def DownloadData(status, conf) -> int:
    """This is main interface.

      status (dict): Status.
      conf (dict): Configuration.
    __this.account = conf['account']
    __this.product = conf['product']
    __this.Log = Log(conf['log'])

    Waitbar = 0
    cores = 1

    bbox = conf['product']['bbox']
    Startdate = conf['product']['period']['s']
    Enddate = conf['product']['period']['e']

    para_name = conf['product']['parameter']
    resolution = conf['product']['resolution']
    variable = conf['product']['variable']
    TimeFreq = conf['product']['freq']
    latlim = conf['product']['data']['lat']
    lonlim = conf['product']['data']['lon']

    folder = conf['folder']

    # Define parameter depedent variables
    parameter = para_name.lower()
    unit = conf['product']['data']['units']['l']
    latlim = [bbox['s'], bbox['n']]
    lonlim = [bbox['w'], bbox['e']]

    # converts the latlim and lonlim into names of the tiles which must be
    # downloaded
    if resolution == '3s':
        name, rangeLon, rangeLat = Find_Document_Names(latlim, lonlim, parameter)

        # Memory for the map x and y shape (starts with zero)
        size_X_tot = 0
        size_Y_tot = 0

    if resolution == '15s' or resolution == '30s':
        name = Find_Document_names_15s_30s(latlim, lonlim, parameter, resolution)

    nameResults = []
    # Create a temporary folder for processing
    output_folder = folder['l']
    output_folder_trash = folder['t']

    # Download, extract, and converts all the files to tiff files
    for nameFile in name:

            # Download the data from
            # http://earlywarning.usgs.gov/hydrodata/
            output_file, file_name = Download_Data(nameFile,
                                                   output_folder_trash, parameter,
                                                   para_name, resolution)

            # extract zip data
            Extract_Data_zip(output_file, output_folder_trash)

            # Converts the data with a adf extention to a tiff extension.
            # The input is the file name and in which directory the data must be stored
            file_name_tiff = file_name.split('.')[0] + '_trans_temporary.tif'
            file_name_extract = file_name.split('_')[0:3]
            if resolution == '3s':
                file_name_extract2 = file_name_extract[0] + '_' + file_name_extract[1]

            if resolution == '15s':
                file_name_extract2 = file_name_extract[0] + '_' + file_name_extract[1] + '_15s'

            if resolution == '30s':
                file_name_extract2 = file_name_extract[0] + '_' + file_name_extract[1] + '_30s'

            output_tiff = os.path.join(output_folder_trash, file_name_tiff)

            # convert data from adf to a tiff file
            if (resolution == "15s" or resolution == "3s"):
                input_adf = os.path.join(output_folder_trash, file_name_extract2,
                                         file_name_extract2, 'hdr.adf')
                output_tiff = Convert_adf_to_tiff(input_adf, output_tiff)

            # convert data from adf to a tiff file
            if resolution == "30s":
                input_bil = os.path.join(output_folder_trash,
                                         '%s.bil' % file_name_extract2)
                output_tiff = Convert_bil_to_tiff(input_bil, output_tiff)

            geo_out, proj, size_X, size_Y = Open_array_info(output_tiff)
            if (resolution == "3s" and (
                    int(size_X) != int(6000) or int(size_Y) != int(6000))):
                data = np.ones((6000, 6000)) * -9999

                # Create the latitude bound
                Vfile = str(nameFile)[1:3]
                SignV = str(nameFile)[0]
                SignVer = 1

                # If the sign before the filename is a south sign than latitude is negative
                if SignV is "s":
                    SignVer = -1
                Bound2 = int(SignVer) * int(Vfile)

                # Create the longitude bound
                Hfile = str(nameFile)[4:7]
                SignH = str(nameFile)[3]
                SignHor = 1
                # If the sign before the filename is a west sign than longitude is negative
                if SignH is "w":
                    SignHor = -1
                Bound1 = int(SignHor) * int(Hfile)

                Expected_X_min = Bound1
                Expected_Y_max = Bound2 + 5

                Xid_start = int(np.round((geo_out[0] - Expected_X_min) / geo_out[1]))
                Xid_end = int(np.round(
                    ((geo_out[0] + size_X * geo_out[1]) - Expected_X_min) / geo_out[1]))
                Yid_start = int(np.round((Expected_Y_max - geo_out[3]) / (-geo_out[5])))
                Yid_end = int(np.round(
                    (Expected_Y_max - (geo_out[3] + (size_Y * geo_out[5]))) / (

                data[Yid_start:Yid_end, Xid_start:Xid_end] = Open_tiff_array(
                if np.max(data) == 255:
                    data[data == 255] = -9999
                data[data < -9999] = -9999

                geo_in = [Bound1, 0.00083333333333333, 0.0, int(Bound2 + 5),
                          0.0, -0.0008333333333333333333]

                # save chunk as tiff file
                Save_as_tiff(name=output_tiff, data=data, geo=geo_in, projection="WGS84")


            if resolution == '3s':
                # If tile not exist create a replacing zero tile (sea tiles)
                output = nameFile.split('.')[0] + "_trans_temporary.tif"
                output_tiff = os.path.join(output_folder_trash, output)
                file_name = nameFile
                data = np.ones((6000, 6000)) * -9999
                data = data.astype(np.float32)

                # Create the latitude bound
                Vfile = str(file_name)[1:3]
                SignV = str(file_name)[0]
                SignVer = 1
                # If the sign before the filename is a south sign than latitude is negative
                if SignV is "s":
                    SignVer = -1
                Bound2 = int(SignVer) * int(Vfile)

                # Create the longitude bound
                Hfile = str(file_name)[4:7]
                SignH = str(file_name)[3]
                SignHor = 1
                # If the sign before the filename is a west sign than longitude is negative
                if SignH is "w":
                    SignHor = -1
                Bound1 = int(SignHor) * int(Hfile)

                # Geospatial data for the tile
                geo_in = [Bound1, 0.00083333333333333, 0.0, int(Bound2 + 5),
                          0.0, -0.0008333333333333333333]

                # save chunk as tiff file
                Save_as_tiff(name=output_tiff, data=data, geo=geo_in, projection="WGS84")

            if resolution == '15s':
                print('no 15s data is in dataset')

        if resolution == '3s':

            # clip data
            Data, Geo_data = Clip_Data(output_tiff, latlim, lonlim)
            size_Y_out = int(np.shape(Data)[0])
            size_X_out = int(np.shape(Data)[1])

            # Total size of the product so far
            size_Y_tot = int(size_Y_tot + size_Y_out)
            size_X_tot = int(size_X_tot + size_X_out)

            if nameFile is name[0]:
                Geo_x_end = Geo_data[0]
                Geo_y_end = Geo_data[3]
                Geo_x_end = np.min([Geo_x_end, Geo_data[0]])
                Geo_y_end = np.max([Geo_y_end, Geo_data[3]])

            # create name for chunk
            FileNameEnd = "%s_temporary.tif" % (nameFile)
            nameForEnd = os.path.join(output_folder_trash, FileNameEnd)

            # save chunk as tiff file
            Save_as_tiff(name=nameForEnd, data=Data, geo=Geo_data, projection="WGS84")

    if resolution == '3s':
        # size_X_end = int(size_X_tot) #!
        # size_Y_end = int(size_Y_tot) #!

        size_X_end = int(size_X_tot / len(rangeLat)) + 1  # !
        size_Y_end = int(size_Y_tot / len(rangeLon)) + 1  # !

        # Define the georeference of the end matrix
        geo_out = [Geo_x_end, Geo_data[1], 0, Geo_y_end, 0, Geo_data[5]]

        latlim_out = [geo_out[3] + geo_out[5] * size_Y_end, geo_out[3]]
        lonlim_out = [geo_out[0], geo_out[0] + geo_out[1] * size_X_end]

        # merge chunk together resulting in 1 tiff map
        datasetTot = Merge_DEM(latlim_out, lonlim_out, nameResults, size_Y_end,

        datasetTot[datasetTot < -9999] = -9999

    if resolution == '15s':
        output_file_merged = os.path.join(output_folder_trash, 'merged.tif')
        datasetTot, geo_out = Merge_DEM_15s_30s(output_folder_trash, output_file_merged,
                                                latlim, lonlim, resolution)

    if resolution == '30s':
        output_file_merged = os.path.join(output_folder_trash, 'merged.tif')
        datasetTot, geo_out = Merge_DEM_15s_30s(output_folder_trash, output_file_merged,
                                                latlim, lonlim, resolution)

    # name of the end result
    output_DEM_name = "%s_HydroShed_%s_%s.tif" % (para_name, unit, resolution)

    Save_name = os.path.join(output_folder, output_DEM_name)

    # Make geotiff file
    Save_as_tiff(name=Save_name, data=datasetTot, geo=geo_out, projection="WGS84")