예제 #1
    from DataClasses import Employee as EmployeeClass
    from ProcessingClasses import FileProcessor as FPClass
    from IOClasses import EmployeeIO as IOClass
    raise Exception("This file was not created to be imported.")

empList = []  # list of employees

# On load, read data from text file and append each row to data list in context
readfile = FPClass.read_data_from_file("EmployeeData.txt")
for row in readfile:
    empList.append(EmployeeClass(row[0], row[1], row[2].strip()))

#  Operations
while True:
    IOClass.print_menu_items()  # display menu
    choice = IOClass.input_menu_options()  # determine choice
    if choice == "1":
        IOClass.print_current_list_items(empList)  # print data list in context
    elif choice == "2":
        dataAdded = IOClass.input_employee_data(
        )  # execute input_employee_data to determine data to be added
        empList.append(dataAdded)  # add employee data to data list in context
    elif choice == "3":
                                  empList)  # save data list in context to file
    elif choice == "4":
        break  # exit program
# RRoot,1.1.2030,Created started script
# RShip 12.16.20 used template to complete scrip.
# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
if __name__ == "__main__":
    from DataClasses import Employee as Emp
    from ProcessingClasses import FileProcessor as Fp
    from IOClasses import EmployeeIO as Eio
    raise Exception("This file was not created to be imported")

# Test data module
objP1 = Emp(1, "Bob", "Smith")
objP2 = Emp(2, "Sue", "Jones")
lstTable = [objP1, objP2]
for row in lstTable:
    print(row.to_string(), type(row))

# Test processing module
Fp.save_data_to_file("EmployeeData.txt", lstTable)
lstFileData = Fp.read_data_from_file("EmployeeData.txt")
for line in lstFileData:
    lstTable.append(Emp(line[0], line[1], line[2].strip()))
for row in lstTable:
    print(row.to_string(), type(row))

# Test IO classes
예제 #3
    print(row.to_string(), type(row))

# Test IO classes
# TODO: create and test IO module

Fp.save_data_to_file("EmployeeData.txt", lstTable)
lstFileData = Fp.read_data_from_file("EmployeeData.txt") # Load data from file into a list of employee objects when script starts
for line in lstFileData:
    lstTable.append(Emp(line[0], line[1], line[2].strip()))
for row in lstTable:
    print(row.to_string(), type(row))

while (True):
    #Eio.print_current_list_items(lstTable) # Show current data in the list/table
    Eio.print_menu_items() # Show user a menu of options
    strChoice = Eio.input_menu_options()  # Get user's menu option choice

    if strChoice == '1':  # Add a new Task
        Eio.print_current_list_items(lstTable)# Show user current data in the list of employee objects
        continue # to show the menu

    elif strChoice == '2': #add new employee data
        print(Eio.input_employee_data()) # print new employee
        continue # to show the menu

    elif strChoice == '3':  # # let user save current data to file
        #p.save_data_to_file("PersonData.txt", lstTable)
        Fp.save_data_to_file("EmployeeData.txt", lstTable)
        lstFileData = Fp.read_data_from_file("EmployeeData.txt")
예제 #4
    raise Exception("This file was not intended for import")

# data
file_name = "EmployeeData.txt"
empList = []
fileList = Fp.read_data_from_file(file_name)

# pull data from file into list
for row in fileList:
    empList.append(Emp(row[0], row[1], row[2].strip()))

# main script using modules
while True:
    # menu handling
    usrCh = EmpIo.input_menu_options()

    # show current employees
    if usrCh == "1":

    # user add employees
    elif usrCh == "2":

    # save current data to file
    elif usrCh == "3":
        Fp.save_data_to_file("EmployeeData.txt", empList)
        print("Data was saved")
예제 #5
    from DataClasses import Employee as EMP
    from ProcessingClasses import FileProcessor as FP
    from IOClasses import EmployeeIO as IO
    raise Exception('This file was not imported')
# Main Body of Script  ---------------------------------------------------- #
# TODO: Add Data Code to the Main body
# Load data from file into a list of employee objects when script starts
lstFile = FP.read_data_from_file('EmployeeData.txt')
lstTable = []
for line in lstFile:
    lstTable.append(EMP(line[0].strip(), line[1].strip(), line[2].strip()))
# Show user a menu of options
while (True):
        # Get user's menu option choice
        option = IO.input_menu_options()
        # Show user current data in the list of employee objects
        if option == '1':
    # Let user add data to the list of employee objects
        elif option == '2':
    # let user save current data to file
        elif option == '3':
            FP.save_data_to_file('EmployeeData.txt', lstTable)
    # Let user exit program
        elif option == '4':
            print('Thanks, goodbye')
예제 #6
lstLstTable = []  # list of lists
lstObjTable = []  # list of objects
fn = "EmployeeData.txt"  # file to read current employee data
strChoice = ""  # string to store user's choice

# Main Body of Script  ---------------------------------------------------- #

# Load data from file into a list of employee objects when script starts
lstTable = Fp.read_data_from_file(fn)  # create a list of lists
for i in lstTable:  # iterate through the list of lists
        i[0], i[1], i[2].strip()))  # add employee object to list of objects

while True:
    # Show user a menu of options
    )  # use EmployeeIO class of IOClasses Module to print menu

    # Get user's menu option choice, and check for errors
    try:  # check that code will run
        strChoice = Eio.input_menu_options()  # store user's selection
    except Exception as e:  # exception handled
        print(e)  # print error message

    # Show user current data in the list of employee objects
    if strChoice == '1':  # checks if user entered 1
            lstObjTable)  # print current list of employees
        input("Press [Enter] key to return to the menu. "
              )  # print message to continue

    # Let user add data to the list of employee objects
# Test Person class from DataClasses module
objP1 = P("Nacho", "Libre")
objP2 = P("Steven", "Esqueleto")
objP3 = P("Sister", "Encarnación")
lstTable = [objP1, objP2, objP3]
for row in lstTable:
    print(row.to_string(), type(row))  # Check person objects

# Test Employee class from DataClass module adding employee number (use existing data, not re-enter)
objE1 = Emp(1, objP1.first_name, objP1.last_name)
objE2 = Emp(2, objP2.first_name, objP2.last_name)
objE3 = Emp(3, objP3.first_name, objP3.last_name)
lstEmployees = [objE1, objE2, objE3]
for row in lstEmployees:
    print(row.to_string(), type(row))  # Check employee objects

#  Test FileProcessor class from ProcessingClasses module
FP.save_data_to_file("EmployeeData.txt", lstEmployees)  # Save data
lstFileData = FP.read_data_from_file("EmployeeData.txt")  # Read data back in
lstEmployees.clear()  # Clear list
for line in lstFileData:  # Repopulate list
    lstEmployees.append(Emp(line[0], line[1], line[2].strip()))
for row in lstEmployees:  # Print list
    print(row.to_string(), type(row))

# Test IO classes
Eio.print_menu_items()  # check menu print
Eio.print_current_list_items(lstEmployees)  #
예제 #8
from IOClasses import EmployeeIO

# Test data module - class Person
objP1 = Person("Bob", "Smith")
objP2 = Person("Sue", "Jones")
lstTable = [objP1, objP2]
for row in lstTable:
    print(row.to_string(), type(row))

# Test data module - class Employee
objP1 = Employee(1, "Bob", "Smith")
objP2 = Employee(2, "Sue", "Jones")
lstTable = [objP1, objP2]
for row in lstTable:
    print(row.to_string(), type(row))

# Test processing module - class FileProcessor
FileProcessor.save_data_to_file("EmployeeData.txt", lstTable)
lstFileData = FileProcessor.read_data_from_file("EmployeeData.txt")
for line in lstFileData:
    lstTable.append(Employee(line[0], line[1], line[2].strip()))
for row in lstTable:
    print(row.to_string(), type(row))

# Test IO module - class EmployeeIO
예제 #9
# Get user's menu option choice
# Show user current data in the list of employee objects
# Let user add data to the list of employee objects
# let user save current data to file
# Let user exit program

# Main Body of Script  ---------------------------------------------------- #

# Read in current file and build a list of objects
lstFileData = Fp.read_data_from_file(strFileName)
for line in lstFileData:
    lstOfEmployeeObjects.append(Emp(line[0], line[1], line[2].strip()))

while (True):
    eIO.print_menu_items()  # show user the menu
    strChoice = eIO.input_menu_options()

    # Process user's menu choice
    if strChoice.strip() == '1':  # Show Current list of products
        continue  # to show the menu

    elif strChoice == '2':  # Add new employee data
        except Exception as e:
            raise print(e)
        continue  # to show the menu

    elif strChoice == '3':  # Save Data to File
예제 #10
    from IOClasses import EmployeeIO as Eio
    raise Exception("This file is not meant to ran by itself")

# Main Body of Script  ---------------------------------------------------- #
# TODO: Add Data Code to the Main body
# Load data from file into a list of employee objects when script starts
lstTable = []
lstFileData = Fp.read_data_from_file("EmployeeData.txt")
for line in lstFileData:
    lstTable.append(Emp(line[0], line[1], line[2].strip()))

# Show user a menu of options
while (True):
    Eio.print_menu_items()  # Shows menu
    strChoice = Eio.input_menu_options()  # Get user's menu option choice

    if strChoice.strip(
    ) == '1':  # Show user current data in the list of employee objects
        for row in lstTable:
            line = row.to_string()
        continue  # to show the menu

    elif strChoice == '2':  # Let user add data to the list of employee objects
        addEmp = Eio.input_employee_data()
        print(addEmp.first_name + " has been added")
        continue  # to show the menu
예제 #11
# Declare variables
strFileName = 'EmployeeData.txt'
lstOfEmployeeRows = []

# Main Body of Script  ---------------------------------------------------- #
# Added code to main body to complete assignment 9

# Load data from file into a list of employee objects when script starts
lstFileData = FP.read_data_from_file(strFileName)  # load data from file
for line in lstFileData:
    lstOfEmployeeRows.append(E(line[0], line[1],
                               line[2].strip()))  # add data to list

# Show user a menu of options
while True:

    # Get user's menu option choice
    strChoice = eIO.input_menu_options()

    # Show user current data in the list of employee objects
    if strChoice.strip() == '1':

    # Let user add data to the list of employee objects
    elif strChoice.strip() == '2':
        objEmployee = eIO.input_employee_data()
        lstOfEmployeeRows.append(objEmployee)  # add object to list

    # Let user save current data to file
    elif strChoice.strip() == '3':
예제 #12
for row in lstTable:
    print(row.to_string(), type(row))

# Test writing to PersonData.txt
FP.save_data_to_file("EmployeeData.txt", lstTable)
lstFileData = FP.read_data_from_file("EmployeeData.txt")
for line in lstFileData:
    lstTable.append(EMP(line[0], line[1], line[2].strip()))
for row in lstTable:

# Test IO class
cont = True
while cont == True:
    strChoice = EIO.input_menu_options()
    if strChoice == "1":
        for row in lstTable:
    elif strChoice == "2":
        EmpInput = []
        EmpInput = EIO.input_employee_data()
        for row in lstTable:
    elif strChoice == "3":
        print("Data was saved to file")
    elif strChoice == "4":
        cont = False
예제 #13
# Show user a menu of options
# Get user's menu option choice
# Show user current data in the list of employee objects
# Let user add data to the list of employee objects
# let user save current data to file
# Let user exit program

# Main Body of Script  ---------------------------------------------------- #
if __name__ == "__main__":
    from DataClasses import Employee as Emp
    from ProcessingClasses import FileProcessor as Fp
    from IOClasses import EmployeeIO as Eio
    raise Exception("This file was not created to be imported")


choice = Eio.input_menu_options()
lstFileData = Fp.read_data_from_file("EmployeeData.txt")
lstTable = []
for line in lstFileData:
    lstTable.append(Emp(line[0], line[1], line[2].strip()))

while (True):
    if choice == "1":
        choice = Eio.input_menu_options()

    if choice == "2":
예제 #14
# Test data module
lstOfEmployeeObjects = [] # A list of object rows
strFileName = "EmployeeData.txt" # The target file for reading/writing
strMenuChoice = "" # Captures user input for menu choice
objFile = None  # Object for opening/closing target file
objEmployee = None  # Object collecting user input data, 3 attributes

# Main Body of Script  ---------------------------------------------------- #
# TODO: Add Data Code to the Main body (Done)
# Load data from file into a list of employee objects when script starts
lstOfEmployeeObjects = Fp.read_data_from_file(strFileName)
print(lstOfEmployeeObjects) #Prints statement to user

# Show user a menu of options
while True: # While loop to let user choose their menu option
    Eio.print_menu_items() #Calls print_menu_items

# Get user's menu option choice
    strChoice = Eio.input_menu_options() #Assigns the input of the menu option to strChoice

# Show user current data in the list of employee objects
    if strChoice.strip() == "1":
        Eio.print_current_list_items(lstOfEmployeeObjects) #Prints list of employee objects
        continue # Takes us back to the main menu

# Let user add data to the list of employee objects
    if strChoice.strip() == "2":
        while True: # While loop to let user add names
                objEmployee = Eio.input_employee_data() #Creates objEmployee
                lstOfEmployeeObjects.append(objEmployee) #Appends
예제 #15
    raise Exception("This file was not created to be imported")

# Global Variables -------------------------------------------------------------------- #
strFileName = "EmployeeData.txt"
lstTable = []  # A list that acts as a 'table' of rows
strChoice = ""  # Captures the user option selection

# Main Body of Script  ---------------------------------------------------- #
# Load data from file into a list of employee objects when script starts
    # Use this Processor function to read a text file and return a table of data
    lstTable = Fp.read_data_from_file(strFileName)  # read file data
    Eio.print_intro()  # print the script intro here
    while True:
        Eio.print_menu_items()  # print the menu here
        strChoice = Eio.input_menu_options()  # Get menu option
        # Process user's menu choice
        if strChoice.strip() == '1':  # Print the Employee Information
                lstTable)  # <<Print the list of employees here
            Eio.input_press_to_continue()  # send a message to the user
        elif strChoice == '2':  # Enter New Employee ID's and names
            while True:  # Use a While loop to allow for continued data entry
                # Use this Eio function to input a new Employee Id and Name Info
                strNewEmp = Eio.input_employee_data(
                    lstTable)  # Input New Employee Info here
                strEmpInfo = str(
                )  # Took the returned Employee info and set to this string variable here
                empID, empFirstName, empLastName = strEmpInfo.split(