def get_trait_names():
    global TRAIT_NAMES
    from enthought.traits.api import HasTraits
    if TRAIT_NAMES is None:
        TRAIT_NAMES = set(dir2(HasTraits())) - set(dir2(object()))
        return TRAIT_NAMES
def get_trait_names():
    global TRAIT_NAMES
    from enthought.traits.api import HasTraits
    if TRAIT_NAMES is None:
        TRAIT_NAMES = set( dir2(HasTraits()) ) - set( dir2(object()) )
        return TRAIT_NAMES
예제 #3
def pymvpa_completer(self, event):
    """A custom IPython tab-completer that is collections-aware.

    symbol_parts = event.symbol.split('.')
    base = '.'.join(symbol_parts[:-1])

    oinfo = self._ofind(base)
    if not oinfo['found']:
        raise TryNext

    obj = oinfo['obj']
    # OK, we got the object.  See if it's traits, else punt
    if not isinstance(obj, col.Collection):
        #print "exiting for %s" % obj
        raise TryNext

    # it's a Collection object, lets add its keys
    attrs = dir2(obj)
    #print "adding ", obj.keys()
    attrs += list(obj.keys())

    # Let's also respect the user's readline_omit__names setting:
    omit__names = ipget().IP.Completer.omit__names
    if omit__names == 1:
        attrs = [a for a in attrs if not a.startswith('__')]
    elif omit__names == 2:
        attrs = [a for a in attrs if not a.startswith('_')]

    # The base of the completion, so we can form the final results list
    bdot = base+'.'

    tcomp = [bdot+a for a in attrs]
    return tcomp
예제 #4
파일: 프로젝트: beiske/play
 def __init__(self,obj,name_pattern="*",type_pattern="all",ignore_case=True,
    self.show_all = show_all #Hide names beginning with single _
    self.object = obj
    self.name_pattern = name_pattern
    self.type_pattern = type_pattern
    self.ignore_case = ignore_case
    # We should only match EXACT dicts here, so DON'T use isinstance()
    if type(obj) == types.DictType:
        self._ns = obj
        kv = []
        for key in dir2(obj):
            if isinstance(key, basestring):
                # This seemingly unnecessary try/except is actually needed
                # because there is code out there with metaclasses that
                # create 'write only' attributes, where a getattr() call
                # will fail even if the attribute appears listed in the
                # object's dictionary.  Properties can actually do the same
                # thing.  In particular, Traits use this pattern
                except AttributeError:
        self._ns = dict(kv)
예제 #5
def isis_completers(self, event):
    """ This should return a list of strings with possible completions.
    symbol_parts = event.symbol.split('.')
    base = '.'.join(symbol_parts[:-1])
    oinfo = self._ofind(base)
    if not oinfo['found']:
        raise TryNext

    obj = oinfo['obj']
    types = (pyisis.files.IsisCollection, pyisis.files.MasterFile,
    if not any((isinstance(obj, i) for i in  types)):
        raise TryNext

    attrs = dir2(obj)
    attrs = [a for a in attrs if not a.startswith('__')]

    # The base of the completion, so we can form the final results list
    bdot = base+'.'
    tcomp = [bdot+a for a in attrs]
    return tcomp
예제 #6
    def __init__(self,
        self.show_all = show_all  #Hide names beginning with single _
        self.object = obj
        self.name_pattern = name_pattern
        self.type_pattern = type_pattern
        self.ignore_case = ignore_case

        # We should only match EXACT dicts here, so DON'T use isinstance()
        if type(obj) == types.DictType:
            self._ns = obj
            kv = []
            for key in dir2(obj):
                if isinstance(key, basestring):
                    # This seemingly unnecessary try/except is actually needed
                    # because there is code out there with metaclasses that
                    # create 'write only' attributes, where a getattr() call
                    # will fail even if the attribute appears listed in the
                    # object's dictionary.  Properties can actually do the same
                    # thing.  In particular, Traits use this pattern
                        kv.append((key, getattr(obj, key)))
                    except AttributeError:
            self._ns = dict(kv)
예제 #7
def pymvpa_completer(self, event):
    """A custom IPython tab-completer that is collections-aware.

    symbol_parts = event.symbol.split(".")
    base = ".".join(symbol_parts[:-1])

    oinfo = self._ofind(base)
    if not oinfo["found"]:
        raise TryNext

    obj = oinfo["obj"]
    # OK, we got the object.  See if it's traits, else punt
    if not isinstance(obj, col.Collection):
        # print "exiting for %s" % obj
        raise TryNext

    # it's a Collection object, lets add its keys
    attrs = dir2(obj)
    # print "adding ", obj.keys()
    attrs += obj.keys()

    # Let's also respect the user's readline_omit__names setting:
    omit__names = ipget().IP.Completer.omit__names
    if omit__names == 1:
        attrs = [a for a in attrs if not a.startswith("__")]
    elif omit__names == 2:
        attrs = [a for a in attrs if not a.startswith("_")]

    # The base of the completion, so we can form the final results list
    bdot = base + "."

    tcomp = [bdot + a for a in attrs]
    return tcomp
예제 #8
def isis_completers(self, event):
    """ This should return a list of strings with possible completions.
    symbol_parts = event.symbol.split('.')
    base = '.'.join(symbol_parts[:-1])
    oinfo = self._ofind(base)
    if not oinfo['found']:
        raise TryNext

    obj = oinfo['obj']
    types = (pyisis.files.IsisCollection, pyisis.files.MasterFile,
    if not any((isinstance(obj, i) for i in  types)):
        raise TryNext

    attrs = dir2(obj)
    attrs = [a for a in attrs if not a.startswith('__')]

    # The base of the completion, so we can form the final results list
    bdot = base+'.'
    tcomp = [bdot+a for a in attrs]
    return tcomp
def trait_completer(self,event):
    """A custom IPython tab-completer that is traits-aware.

    It tries to hide the internal traits attributes, and reveal them only when
    it can reasonably guess that the user really is after one of them.
    #print '\nevent is:',event  # dbg
    symbol_parts = event.symbol.split('.')
    base = '.'.join(symbol_parts[:-1])
    #print 'base:',base  # dbg

    oinfo = self._ofind(base)
    if not oinfo['found']:
        raise TryNext

    obj = oinfo['obj']
    # OK, we got the object.  See if it's traits, else punt
    if not looks_like_isinstance(obj, 'HasTraits'):
        raise TryNext

    # Defer import until here so as not to require Traits until we get something
    # that looks like it might be a HasTraits instance.
    from enthought.traits.api import HasTraits
    if not isinstance(obj, HasTraits):
        raise TryNext

    # it's a traits object, don't show the tr* attributes unless the completion
    # begins with 'tr'
    attrs = dir2(obj)
    # Now, filter out the attributes that start with the user's request
    attr_start = symbol_parts[-1]
    if attr_start:
        attrs = [a for a in attrs if a.startswith(attr_start)]
    # Let's also respect the user's readline_omit__names setting:
    omit__names = ipget().options.readline_omit__names
    if omit__names == 1:
        attrs = [a for a in attrs if not a.startswith('__')]
    elif omit__names == 2:
        attrs = [a for a in attrs if not a.startswith('_')]

    #print '\nastart:<%r>' % attr_start  # dbg

    if len(attr_start)<COMPLETE_THRESHOLD:
        attrs = list(set(attrs) - get_trait_names())
    # The base of the completion, so we can form the final results list
    bdot = base+'.'

    tcomp = [bdot+a for a in attrs]
    #print 'tcomp:',tcomp
    return tcomp
def trait_completer(self, event):
    """A custom IPython tab-completer that is traits-aware.

    It tries to hide the internal traits attributes, and reveal them only when
    it can reasonably guess that the user really is after one of them.

    #print '\nevent is:',event  # dbg
    symbol_parts = event.symbol.split('.')
    base = '.'.join(symbol_parts[:-1])
    #print 'base:',base  # dbg

    oinfo = self._ofind(base)
    if not oinfo['found']:
        raise TryNext

    obj = oinfo['obj']
    # OK, we got the object.  See if it's traits, else punt
    if not looks_like_isinstance(obj, 'HasTraits'):
        raise TryNext

    # Defer import until here so as not to require Traits until we get something
    # that looks like it might be a HasTraits instance.
    from enthought.traits.api import HasTraits
    if not isinstance(obj, HasTraits):
        raise TryNext

    # it's a traits object, don't show the tr* attributes unless the completion
    # begins with 'tr'
    attrs = dir2(obj)
    # Now, filter out the attributes that start with the user's request
    attr_start = symbol_parts[-1]
    if attr_start:
        attrs = [a for a in attrs if a.startswith(attr_start)]

    # Let's also respect the user's readline_omit__names setting:
    omit__names = ipget().options.readline_omit__names
    if omit__names == 1:
        attrs = [a for a in attrs if not a.startswith('__')]
    elif omit__names == 2:
        attrs = [a for a in attrs if not a.startswith('_')]

    #print '\nastart:<%r>' % attr_start  # dbg

    if len(attr_start) < COMPLETE_THRESHOLD:
        attrs = list(set(attrs) - get_trait_names())

    # The base of the completion, so we can form the final results list
    bdot = base + '.'

    tcomp = [bdot + a for a in attrs]
    #print 'tcomp:',tcomp
    return tcomp
def attr_matches(self, text):
    """Compute matches when text contains a dot.

    Assuming the text is of the form NAME.NAME....[NAME], and is
    evaluatable in self.namespace or self.global_namespace, it will be
    evaluated and its attributes (as revealed by dir()) are used as
    possible completions.  (For class instances, class members are are
    also considered.)

    WARNING: this can still invoke arbitrary C code, if an object
    with a __getattr__ hook is evaluated.

    import re

    force_complete = 1
    # Another option, seems to work great. Catches things like ''.<tab>
    m = re.match(r"(\S+(\.\w+)*)\.(\w*)$", text)

    if m:
        expr, attr =, 3)
        # force match - eval anything that ends with colon
        if not force_complete:
            return []
        m2 = re.match(r"(.+)\.(\w*)$", self.lbuf)
        if not m2:
            return []
        expr, attr =,2)
        obj = eval(expr, self.namespace)
            obj = eval(expr, self.global_namespace)
            return []

    words = dir2(obj)
        words = generics.complete_object(obj, words)
    except ipapi.TryNext:
    # Build match list to return
    n = len(attr)
    res = ["%s.%s" % (expr, w) for w in words if w[:n] == attr ]
    return res
예제 #12
def attr_matches(self, text):
    """Compute matches when text contains a dot.

    Assuming the text is of the form NAME.NAME....[NAME], and is
    evaluatable in self.namespace or self.global_namespace, it will be
    evaluated and its attributes (as revealed by dir()) are used as
    possible completions.  (For class instances, class members are are
    also considered.)

    WARNING: this can still invoke arbitrary C code, if an object
    with a __getattr__ hook is evaluated.

    import re

    force_complete = 1
    # Another option, seems to work great. Catches things like ''.<tab>
    m = re.match(r"(\S+(\.\w+)*)\.(\w*)$", text)

    if m:
        expr, attr =, 3)
        # force match - eval anything that ends with colon
        if not force_complete:
            return []

        m2 = re.match(r"(.+)\.(\w*)$", self.lbuf)
        if not m2:
            return []
        expr, attr =, 2)

        obj = eval(expr, self.namespace)
            obj = eval(expr, self.global_namespace)
            return []

    words = dir2(obj)

        words = generics.complete_object(obj, words)
    except ipapi.TryNext:
    # Build match list to return
    n = len(attr)
    res = ["%s.%s" % (expr, w) for w in words if w[:n] == attr]
    return res
예제 #13
def remote_completer(self, event):
    """A custom IPython tab-completer.
    """Brian says:

Here is what I have so far:
def px_completer(self, event):
   # print event
   activeController = self.activeController
   keys = activeController.keys(0)[0]
   return keys
I need to replace the keys = activeController ... line by something that
1) Instantiates an object in the engine namespace that has a complete method .
2) has a complete method that I can call like
activateController.execute('results = __completer.complete(%s)' % s)
activeController.pull(0, 'results')

    #print '\nevent is:',event  # dbg
    symbol_parts = event.symbol.split('.')
    base = '.'.join(symbol_parts[:-1])
    #print 'base:',base  # dbg

    oinfo = self._ofind(base)
    if not oinfo['found']:
        raise TryNext

    obj = oinfo['obj']
    # OK, we got the object.  See if it's traits, else punt
    if not isinstance(obj, T.HasTraits):
        raise TryNext

    # it's a traits object, don't show the tr* attributes unless the completion
    # begins with 'tr'
    attrs = dir2(obj)
    # Now, filter out the attributes that start with the user's request
    attr_start = symbol_parts[-1]
    if attr_start:
        attrs = [a for a in attrs if a.startswith(attr_start)]

    #print '\nastart:<%r>' % attr_start  # dbg

    if len(attr_start) < COMPLETE_THRESHOLD:
        attrs = list(set(attrs) - REMOTE_NAMES)

    # The base of the completion, so we can form the final results list
    bdot = base + '.'

    tcomp = [bdot + a for a in attrs]
    #print 'tcomp:',tcomp
    return tcomp
예제 #14
def trait_completer(self, event):
    """A custom IPython tab-completer that is traits-aware.

    It tries to hide the internal traits attributes, and reveal them only when
    it can reasonably guess that the user really is after one of them.

    # print '\nevent is:',event  # dbg
    symbol_parts = event.symbol.split(".")
    base = ".".join(symbol_parts[:-1])
    # print 'base:',base  # dbg

    oinfo = self._ofind(base)
    if not oinfo["found"]:
        raise TryNext

    obj = oinfo["obj"]
    # OK, we got the object.  See if it's traits, else punt
    if not isinstance(obj, T.HasTraits):
        raise TryNext

    # it's a traits object, don't show the tr* attributes unless the completion
    # begins with 'tr'
    attrs = dir2(obj)
    # Now, filter out the attributes that start with the user's request
    attr_start = symbol_parts[-1]
    if attr_start:
        attrs = [a for a in attrs if a.startswith(attr_start)]

    # Let's also respect the user's readline_omit__names setting:
    omit__names = ipget().options.readline_omit__names
    if omit__names == 1:
        attrs = [a for a in attrs if not a.startswith("__")]
    elif omit__names == 2:
        attrs = [a for a in attrs if not a.startswith("_")]

    # print '\nastart:<%r>' % attr_start  # dbg

    if len(attr_start) < COMPLETE_THRESHOLD:
        attrs = list(set(attrs) - TRAIT_NAMES)

    # The base of the completion, so we can form the final results list
    bdot = base + "."

    tcomp = [bdot + a for a in attrs]
    # print 'tcomp:',tcomp
    return tcomp
예제 #15
def rep_completer(self, event, line=None):
    global _rep_res
    if line is None:
        line = readline.get_line_buffer()
        contextobj, attr = parseCommandLine(line, ipshell)
        if not isinstance(contextobj, representor.Representor):
            raise TryNext
        words = dir2(contextobj)
        if attr:
            words = [word for word in words if word.startswith(attr)]
            words = [word for word in words if not word.startswith("_")]
        _rep_res = (contextobj, attr, words)
        if attr:
            words = [event.symbol[: -len(attr)] + word for word in words]
            words = [event.symbol + word for word in words]
        return words
        raise TryNext
예제 #16
def _attr_matches(self, text):
    """Compute matches when text contains a dot.

    Assuming the text is of the form NAME.NAME....[NAME], and is
    evaluatable in self.namespace or self.global_namespace, it will be
    evaluated and its attributes (as revealed by dir()) are used as
    possible completions.  (For class instances, class members are are
    also considered.)

    WARNING: this can still invoke arbitrary C code, if an object
    with a __getattr__ hook is evaluated.

    This version is duct-taped into our QShell IPython instance. It is equal
    to the IPython 0.8.2, except the end
    which adds a '(' to all callable attributes.
    import re
    import xmlrpclib
        from IPython.genutils import dir2
    except ImportError:
        dir2 = dir

    # Another option, seems to work great. Catches things like ''.<tab>
    m = re.match(r"(\S+(\.\w+)*)\.(\w*)$", text)

    if not m:
        return []
    expr, attr =, 3)
        obj = eval(expr, self.namespace)
            obj = eval(expr, self.global_namespace)
            return []

    words = dir2(obj)

    # Build match list to return
    n = len(attr)
    from pylabs.extensions.PMExtensionsGroup import PMExtensionsGroup
    words2 = list()
    for word in words:
        classobj = obj if inspect.isclass(obj) else getattr(obj, '__class__', None)
        classattr = getattr(classobj, word, None)

        if classattr and type(classattr) == property:
        elif isinstance(obj, PMExtensionsGroup):
            # We don't want a getattr() on PMExtensionGroups, since this call
            # would load the extension modules, which breaks our lazy loading
            # and makes everything just plain slow. Just append the 'word'
            # without any '(' since extensions are no callables anyway.
            # This fixes DAL-2627
                iattr = getattr(obj, word)
            except Exception, e:
                #Filter out enumeration stuff
                #If MyEnu is an enumeration, MyEnu.FOO.FOO should not be vissible
                #nor should MyEnu.FOO.registerItem
                #We want to filter out XMLRPC clients (getattr on them is not a good idea)
                if isinstance(iattr, xmlrpclib.Server):
                    word = None
                elif getattr(iattr, '_pm_enumeration_hidden', False):
                    if hasattr(obj, '_pm_enumeration_items') and inspect.isclass(obj):
                        word = word
                    elif not hasattr(obj, '_pm_enumeration_items') and not hasattr(obj, '_pm_enumeration_hidden'):
                        #Item is attribute on 'something else'
                        word = word
                        word = None
                if word:
                    words2.append("%s%s" % (word, "(" if (inspect.isfunction(iattr) or inspect.ismethod(iattr)) else ""))
예제 #17
    from sets import Set as set

# Module constants

# The completion threshold
# This is currently implemented as a module global, since this sytem isn't
# likely to be modified at runtime by multiple instances.  If needed in the
# future, we can always make it local to the completer as a function attribute.

# Set of names that Traits automatically adds to ANY traits-inheriting object.
# These are the names we'll filter out.
TRAIT_NAMES = set(dir2(T.HasTraits())) - set(dir2(object()))

# Code begins

def trait_completer(self, event):
    """A custom IPython tab-completer that is traits-aware.

    It tries to hide the internal traits attributes, and reveal them only when
    it can reasonably guess that the user really is after one of them.

    # print '\nevent is:',event  # dbg
    symbol_parts = event.symbol.split(".")
    base = ".".join(symbol_parts[:-1])
예제 #18
def _attr_matches(self, text):
    """Compute matches when text contains a dot.

    Assuming the text is of the form NAME.NAME....[NAME], and is
    evaluatable in self.namespace or self.global_namespace, it will be
    evaluated and its attributes (as revealed by dir()) are used as
    possible completions.  (For class instances, class members are are
    also considered.)

    WARNING: this can still invoke arbitrary C code, if an object
    with a __getattr__ hook is evaluated.

    This version is duct-taped into our QShell IPython instance. It is equal
    to the IPython 0.8.2, except the end
    which adds a '(' to all callable attributes.
    import re
    import xmlrpclib
        from IPython.genutils import dir2
    except ImportError:
        dir2 = dir

    # Another option, seems to work great. Catches things like ''.<tab>
    m = re.match(r"(\S+(\.\w+)*)\.(\w*)$", text)

    if not m:
        return []

    expr, attr =, 3)
        obj = eval(expr, self.namespace)
            obj = eval(expr, self.global_namespace)
            return []

    words = dir2(obj)

    # Build match list to return
    n = len(attr)

    from pylabs.extensions.PMExtensionsGroup import PMExtensionsGroup
    words2 = list()
    for word in words:
        classobj = obj if inspect.isclass(obj) else getattr(
            obj, '__class__', None)
        classattr = getattr(classobj, word, None)

        if classattr and type(classattr) == property:
        elif isinstance(obj, PMExtensionsGroup):
            # We don't want a getattr() on PMExtensionGroups, since this call
            # would load the extension modules, which breaks our lazy loading
            # and makes everything just plain slow. Just append the 'word'
            # without any '(' since extensions are no callables anyway.
            # This fixes DAL-2627
                iattr = getattr(obj, word)
            except Exception, e:
                #Filter out enumeration stuff
                #If MyEnu is an enumeration, MyEnu.FOO.FOO should not be vissible
                #nor should MyEnu.FOO.registerItem
                #We want to filter out XMLRPC clients (getattr on them is not a good idea)
                if isinstance(iattr, xmlrpclib.Server):
                    word = None
                elif getattr(iattr, '_pm_enumeration_hidden', False):
                    if hasattr(
                            '_pm_enumeration_items') and inspect.isclass(obj):
                        word = word
                    elif not hasattr(obj,
                                     '_pm_enumeration_items') and not hasattr(
                                         obj, '_pm_enumeration_hidden'):
                        #Item is attribute on 'something else'
                        word = word
                        word = None
                if word:
                    words2.append("%s%s" %
                                  (word, "(" if
                                    or inspect.ismethod(iattr)) else ""))
    from sets import Set as set

# Module constants

# The completion threshold
# This is currently implemented as a module global, since this sytem isn't
# likely to be modified at runtime by multiple instances.  If needed in the
# future, we can always make it local to the completer as a function attribute.

# Set of names that Traits automatically adds to ANY traits-inheriting object.
# These are the names we'll filter out.
TRAIT_NAMES = set(dir2(T.HasTraits())) - set(dir2(object()))

# Code begins

def trait_completer(self, event):
    """A custom IPython tab-completer that is traits-aware.

    It tries to hide the internal traits attributes, and reveal them only when
    it can reasonably guess that the user really is after one of them.

    #print '\nevent is:',event  # dbg
    symbol_parts = event.symbol.split('.')
    base = '.'.join(symbol_parts[:-1])