def search(self):
     s = Search(unicode(self.form.searchLine.text()))
     for i, doi in enumerate(s):
         if i == 5: break
         doc = get_document(doi)
         authors = ', '.join([ for a in doc.authors.all()])
         self.addResult(unicode(doc.title), unicode(authors), unicode(doc.year), doc)
    def findCitedIn(self):
        row = self.form.searchResults.currentRow()
        doc = self.form.searchResults.item(row, 0).data(Qt.UserRole).toPyObject()

        for doi in doc.citings.split(';'):
            cited_doc = get_document(doi)
            authors = ', '.join([ for a in cited_doc.authors.all()])
            self.addResult(unicode(cited_doc.title), unicode(authors), unicode(cited_doc.year), cited_doc)
예제 #3
    def addParentsToWidget(self, widget, prepend=None):
        doc = get_document(self.doi)
        item = QTreeWidgetItem(prepend, QStringList([unicode(doc.title)]))

        if prepend == None:
            # add to root
             widget.insertTopLevelItem( 0, item )
            # add to prepend item
            prepend.addChild( item )

        for c in self.parents:
            c.addParentsToWidget(widget, item)
예제 #4
    def addChildrenToWidget(self, widget, prepend=None):
    # prepend is the item that we append to, it is None for the root
        doc = get_document(self.doi)
        item = QTreeWidgetItem(prepend, QStringList([unicode(doc.title)]))

        if prepend == None:
            # add to root
             widget.insertTopLevelItem( 0, item )
            # add to prepend item
            prepend.addChild( item )

        for c in self.children:
            c.addChildrenToWidget(widget, item)
예제 #5
    def rebuildDAG(self):
        # we will only build a DAG with the nodes that actually have a relationship
        # all single nodes are omitted, this includes the ones without a known DOI
        allDois  = []
        DAG      = []

        papers = KKDocument.objects.all()
        for p in papers:
            if p.doi != "": allDois.append( p.doi )

        allDois = uniq( allDois )

        for doi in allDois:
            doc = get_document(doi)
            for c in doc.citings.split(';'):
                if c in allDois:
                    child  = self.cleanAndWrapStr(get_document(c).title)
                    parent = self.cleanAndWrapStr(get_document(doi).title)
                    DAG.append( (parent, child) )

        import pydot

        g = pydot.graph_from_edges(DAG, directed=True)
        g.write_jpeg('dag.jpg', prog='dot')
예제 #6
    def rebuildTree(self):
        # just add all entries that don't have a doi
        # build a tree with the rest
        doiTreeNodes = {}
        allDois      = []

        papers = KKDocument.objects.all()
        for p in papers:
            if p.doi == "":
                tree(p.doi).addChildrenToWidget( self.infoTree )
                allDois.append( p.doi )

        allDois = uniq( allDois )

        for doi in allDois:
            doiTreeNodes[doi] = tree(doi)

        for doi in allDois:
            doc = get_document(doi)
            for c in doc.citings.split(';'):
                if c in allDois:
                    doiTreeNodes[doi].newChild( doiTreeNodes[c] )
                    doiTreeNodes[c].addParent( doiTreeNodes[doi] )


        reverse = False
        if reverse:
            for doi in allDois:
                if doiTreeNodes[doi].isLeaf():
                    doiTreeNodes[doi].addParentsToWidget( self.infoTree )
            for doi in allDois:
                if doiTreeNodes[doi].isRoot():
                    doiTreeNodes[doi].addChildrenToWidget( self.infoTree )
 def lookUpDOI(self):
     doi = unicode(self.form.searchLine.text())
     doc = get_document(doi)
     authors = ', '.join([ for a in doc.authors.all()])
     self.addResult(unicode(doc.title), unicode(authors), unicode(doc.year), doc)