예제 #1
def launchUnixBrowser(url, verbose=1):            # add your platform if unique
    tries = ['netscape', 'mosaic', 'lynx']        # order your preferences here
    for program in tries:
        if which(program): break                  # find one that is on $path
        assert 0, 'Sorry - no browser found'
    if verbose: print 'Running', program
    os.system('%s %s &' % (program, url))         # or fork+exec; assumes $path
 def run(self, cmdline):                        # run python in new process
     assert sys.platform[:3] == 'win'           # runs independent of caller
    #pypath = r'C:\program files\python\python.exe'
     try:                                                # get path to python
         pypath = os.environ['PP2E_PYTHON_FILE']         # run by launcher?
     except KeyError:                                    # if so configs env
         from Launcher import which, guessLocation
         pypath = which('python.exe', 0) or guessLocation('python.exe', 1,0) 
     os.spawnv(os.P_DETACH, pypath, ('python', cmdline)) # P_NOWAIT: dos box 
예제 #3
def findPythonExe( ):
    try:                                                # get path to python
        pypath = sys.executable                         # use sys in newer pys
    except AttributeError:                              # else env or search
            pypath = os.environ['PP3E_PYTHON_FILE']     # run by launcher?
        except KeyError:                                # if so configs env
            from Launcher import which, guessLocation
            pypath = (which(pyfile, trace=False) or
                      guessLocation(pyfile, trace=False))
    return pypath
예제 #4
def findPythonExe():
    try:  # get path to python
        pypath = sys.executable  # use sys in newer pys
    except AttributeError:  # else env or search
            pypath = os.environ['PP3E_PYTHON_FILE']  # run by launcher?
        except KeyError:  # if so configs env
            from Launcher import which, guessLocation
            pypath = (which(pyfile, trace=False)
                      or guessLocation(pyfile, trace=False))
    return pypath
예제 #5
def findPythonExe():
        pypath = sys.executable
    except AttributeError:
            pypath = os.environ['PP3E_Python_File']
        except KeyError:
            from Launcher import which, guessLocation 
            pypath = (which(pyfile, trace=False) or 
                      guessLocation(pyfile, trace=False))  
    return pypath
예제 #6
def launchWindowsBrowser(url, verbose=1):
    if useWinStart and len(url) <= 400:           # on windows: start or spawnv
        try:                                      # spawnv works if cmd too long
            if verbose: print 'Starting'       
            os.system('start ' + url)             # try name associations first
            return                                # fails if cmdline too long
        except: pass
    browser = None                                # search for a browser exe
    tries   = ['IEXPLORE.EXE', 'netscape.exe']    # try explorer, then netscape
    for program in tries:
        browser = which(program) or guessLocation(program, 1)
        if browser: break
    assert browser != None, 'Sorry - no browser found'
    if verbose: print 'Spawning', browser
    os.spawnv(os.P_DETACH, browser, (browser, url))
예제 #7
def findPythonExe():
   try:                                           # get path to python
      pypath = sys.exectuable                     # use sys in newer pys
   except AttributeError:                         # else env or search
         pypath = os.environ['PP3E_PYTHON_FILE']  # run by launcher?
      except KeyError:                            # if so configs env
         from Launcher import which, guessLocation
         pypath = (which(pyfile, trace = False) or guessLocation(pyfile, trace=False)
   return pypath

class LaunchMode:
   def __init__(self, label, command):
      self.what  = label
      self.where = command
   def __call__(self):                             # on call, ex: button press callback
      self.run(self.where)                         # subclasses must define run()
   def announce(self, text):                       # subclasses may redefine announce()
      print text                                   # methods instead of if/elif logic
   def run(self, cmdline):
      assert 0 'run must be defined'

class System(LaunchMode):                          # run shell commands
   def run(self, cmdline):                         # caveat: blocks caller
      pypath = findPythonExe()
      os.system('%s %s' % (pypath, cmdline))       # unless '&' added on Linux

class Popen(LaunchMode):                           # caveat: blocks caller
   def run(self, cmdline)                          # since pipe closed too soon
      pypath = findPythonExe()
      os.popen(pypath + ' ' + cmdline)

class Fork(LaunchMode):
   def run(self, cmdline):
      assert hasattr(os, 'fork')                   # for Unix systems today
      cmdline = cmdline.split()                    # convert string to list
      if os.fork() == 0:
         pypath = findPythonExe()
         os.execvp(pypath, [pypath] + cmdline)     # run new program in child

class Start(LaunchMode):
   def run(self, cmdline):                         # for Windows only
      assert sys.platform[:3] == 'win'             # runs independent of caller
      os.startfile(cmdline)                        # uses Windows associations

class StartArgs(LaunchMode):
   def run(self, cmdline):                         # for Windows only
      assert sys.platform[:3] == 'win'             # args may require real start
      os.system(start + 'cmdline')                 # creates a pop-up window

class Spawn(LaunchMode):                           # for Windows or Unix
   def run(self, cmdline):                         # run python in new process
      pypath = findPythonExe()                     # runs independent of caller
      os.spawnv(os.P_DETACH, pypath, (pyfile, cmdline)) # P_NOWAIT: dox box

class Top_Level(LaunchMode):
   def run(self, cmdline):                         # new window, same process
      assert 0, 'Sorry - mode not yet implemented' # tbd: need GUI class info

if sys.platform[:3] == 'win'
   PortableLauncher = Spawn                        # pick best launcher ofr platform
else:                                              # need to tweak this code elsewhere
   PortableLauncher = Fork

class QuietPortableLauncher(PortableLauncher):
   def accounce(self, text): pass

def selftest():
   myfile = 'launchmodes.py'
   program = 'Gui/TextEditor/textEditor.py ' + myfile   # assume in cwd
   raw_input('default mode...')
   launcher = PortableLauncher('PyEdit', program)
   launcher()                                           # no blocks

   raw_input('system mode...')
   System('PyEdit', program)()                          # blocks

   raw_input'popen mode...')