def copy(source, destination=None, **kwds): '''copy source to (possibly) remote destination Execute a copy, and return the copier. Use 'kill' to kill the copier, and 'pid' to get the process id for the copier. Inputs: source -- path string of source 'file' destination -- path string for destination target ''' #XXX: options, background, stdin can be set w/ kwds (also name, launcher) if destination is None: destination = os.getcwd() from LauncherSCP import LauncherSCP opt = kwds.pop('options', None) kwds['background'] = kwds.pop('bg', False) # ignores 'background' copier = LauncherSCP(**kwds) if ':' in source or ':' in destination: if opt is None: opt = '-q -r' copier(options=opt, source=source, destination=destination) else: if opt is None: opt = '-r' copier(launcher='cp', options=opt, source=source, destination=destination)'executing {%s}', copier.message) copier.launch() copier.kill() return copier
def copy(filename, rhost, dest): '''copy 'file' object to target destination Inputs: filename -- path string of source 'file' rhost -- hostname of destination target destination -- path string for destination target ''' from LauncherSCP import LauncherSCP copier = LauncherSCP('copy_%s' % filename)'executing {scp %s %s:%s}', filename, rhost, dest) copier.stage(options='-q', source=filename, destination=rhost+':'+dest) copier.launch() return
def copy(file, rhost, dest): '''copy 'file' object to target destination Inputs: source -- path string of source 'file' rhost -- hostname of destination target destination -- path string for destination target ''' from LauncherSCP import LauncherSCP copier = LauncherSCP('copy_%s' % file) #print 'executing {scp %s %s:%s}' % (file,rhost,dest) copier.stage(options='-q', source=file, destination=rhost + ':' + dest) copier.launch() return