예제 #1
def example_1():
    print "example_1"
    print "This example shows how multiple input streams are merged into a single output stream."
    print "op(f, in_streams): f is a function from a list of lists to a list"
    print "in_streams is a list of streams \n"
    print "In this example, the input streams are x and y."
    print "In this example, the function f() computes element by element sums of the input streams."
    print ""

    def f(in_streams):
        return map(sum, zip(*in_streams))

    x = Stream('x')
    y = Stream('y')

    a = merge_stateless(f, [x,y])

    x.extend([5, 11])
    y.extend([2, 4, 5])
    print "FIRST STEP"
    print_streams_recent([x, y, a])

    x.extend([9, 15, 19, 8, 20])
    y.extend([1, 3, 7])
    print "SECOND STEP"
    print_streams_recent([x, y, a])
예제 #2
 def G(in_lists):
     def f(in_lists):
         return map(sum, zip(*in_lists))
     return merge_stateless(f, in_lists)