예제 #1
                ### Get mbs 0-0
                if getmbs:
                    v = dset + "-olr-0-0"
                    daset, globv, lev, drv = v.split('-')
                    mbs, mbt, chull = blb.MetBlobs_th(olr,dtime,time,lat,lon,v,thisthresh,\
                    blb.mbsave(outsuf + thre_str + '_' + v + ".mbs", mbs, mbt,
                    del mbs, mbt, chull

                    ### Get mbs 0-all
                    if olrall:
                        refmbsstr = dset + "-olr-0-0"
                        refmbs, refmbt, refch = blb.mbopen(outsuf + thre_str +
                                                           '_' + refmbsstr +
                        reftime = refmbs[:, 0]
                        v = dset + "-olr-0-all"
                        daset, varstr, lev, drv = v.split('-')

                        # Get data subset for days before and after CBs
                        ixt, [time4all, olr4all, dtime4all
                              ] = my.ixtwindow(reftime, time, hrwindow, time,
                                               olr, dtime)
                        mbs, mbt, chull = blb.MetBlobs_th(olr4all,dtime4all,time4all,lat,lon,v,thisthresh,\
                        blb.mbsave(outsuf + thre_str + '_' + v + ".mbs", mbs,
                                   mbt, chull)
                        del mbs, mbt, chull
            thre_str = str(thisthresh)

            # Find TTT data
            print 'Opening MetBot files...'
            botpath = botdir + dset + '/' + name + '/'
            outsuf = botpath + name + '_'

            mbsfile = outsuf + thre_str + '_' + dset + "-olr-0-0.mbs"
            syfile = outsuf + thre_str + '_' + dset + '-OLR.synop'

            s = sy.SynopticEvents((), [syfile], COL=False)
            ks = s.events.keys()
            ks.sort()  # all
            refkey = s.mbskeys[0]

            refmbs, refmbt, refch = blb.mbopen(mbsfile)

            # First do the processing that is going to apply to the whole figure
            #   first day of event or all days? i.e. number of events or number of CBs
            #   remove duplicate dates?

            # Get lots of info about event set
            print 'Getting more info about each cloud band...'
            dates, cXs, cYs, degs, chs, keys, daynos, tworecdt = sset.evset_info(
                s, refmbs, refmbt)

            # If wanting first day of event only, subset
            print 'Subset by first day?...'
            if from_event == 'first':
                print 'Selecting first day of event only'
                dates_d, cXs_d, cYs_d, degs_d, chs_d, keys_d, daynos_d, tworecdt_d = \
예제 #3
 olr = olr[1675:, :, :]
 time = time[1675:]
 dtime = dtime[1675:]
 if testyear: olr, dtime, time = olr[:365, :, :], dtime[:365], time[:365]
 if getdistr:
     showme = blb.gethists(olr, time, lat, lon, v, sub=sub, figd=figdir)
 if getmbs:
     mbs, mbt, chull = blb.MetBlobs(olr,dtime,time,lat,lon,v,\
     blb.mbsave(picdir + v + ".mbs", mbs, mbt, chull)
     del mbs, mbt, chull
     if noaaolrall:
         refmbsstr = "noaa-olr-0-0"
         refmbs, refmbt, refch = blb.mbopen(picdir + refmbsstr + ".mbs")
         reftime = refmbs[:, 0]
         v = "noaa-olr-0-all"
         dset, varstr, lev, drv = v.split('-')
                %(varstr,varstr) )
         mbs, mbt, chull = blb.MetBlobs(olr,dtime,time,lat,lon,v,\
         blb.mbsave(picdir + v + ".mbs", mbs, mbt, chull)
         del mbs, mbt, chull
     if noaaolrfull:
         v = "noaa-olr-0-full"
         dset, varstr, lev, drv = v.split('-')
         mbs, mbt, chull = blb.MetBlobs(olr,dtime,time,lat,lon,v,\