예제 #1
    def runTest(self):
        NSAMPLES = 10000

        from LOTlib.DefaultGrammars import finiteTestGrammar as grammar

        from LOTlib.Hypotheses.LOTHypothesis import LOTHypothesis

        class MyH(LOTHypothesis):
            def compute_likelihood(self, *args, **kwargs):
                return 0.0

            def compute_prior(self):
                return grammar.log_probability(self.value)

        print "# Taking MHSampler for a test run"
        cnt = Counter()
        h0 = MyH(grammar=grammar)
        for h in break_ctrlc(
                MHSampler(h0, [], steps=NSAMPLES,
                          skip=10)):  # huh the skip here seems to be important
            cnt[h] += 1
        trees = list(cnt.keys())
        print "# Done taking MHSampler for a test run"

        ## TODO: When the MCMC methods get cleaned up for how many samples they return, we will assert that we got the right number here
        # assert sum(cnt.values()) == NSAMPLES # Just make sure we aren't using a sampler that returns fewer samples! I'm looking at you, ParallelTempering

        Z = logsumexp([grammar.log_probability(t.value) for t in trees
                       ])  # renormalize to the trees in self.trees
        obsc = [cnt[t] for t in trees]
        expc = [
            exp(grammar.log_probability(t.value)) * sum(obsc) for t in trees

        # And plot here
        expc, obsc, trees = zip(*sorted(zip(expc, obsc, trees), reverse=True))
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        # Log here spaces things out at the high end, where we can see it!
        plt.scatter(log(range(len(trees))), expc, color="red", alpha=1.)

        # Do chi squared test
        csq, pv = chisquare(obsc, expc)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(sum(obsc), sum(expc))

        # And examine
        for t, c, s in zip(trees, obsc, expc):
            print c, s, t
        print(csq, pv), sum(obsc)

        self.assertGreater(pv, 0.01, msg="Sampler failed chi squared!")
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, make_h0, data, steps=Infinity, nchains=10, **kwargs):

        self.nchains = nchains
        self.chain_idx = -1  # what chain are we on? This get incremented before anything, so it starts with 0
        self.nsamples = 0
        assert nchains > 0, "Must have > 0 chains specified (you sent %s)" % nchains

        self.chains = [
            MHSampler(make_h0(), data, steps=steps / nchains, **kwargs)
            for _ in xrange(nchains)