예제 #1
    def test_read_step_file(self) -> None:
        """Reads the previous step file"""
        # create an handle to a document
        doc = TDocStd_Document(TCollection_ExtendedString("pythonocc-doc"))
        # Get root assembly
        shape_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool.ShapeTool(doc.Main())
        l_colors = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool.ColorTool(doc.Main())
        step_reader = STEPCAFControl_Reader()
        status = step_reader.ReadFile("./test_io/test_ocaf.stp")
        if status == IFSelect_RetDone:

        labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        color_labels = TDF_LabelSequence()


        self.assertEqual(labels.Length(), 1)
        sub_shapes_labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        shape_tool.GetSubShapes(labels.Value(1), sub_shapes_labels)
        self.assertEqual(sub_shapes_labels.Length(), 0)

        self.assertEqual(color_labels.Length(), 1)

        label_shp = labels.Value(1)
        a_shape = shape_tool.GetShape(label_shp)
예제 #2
파일: docmodel.py 프로젝트: paddy-r/kodacad
 def addComponent(self, shape, name, color):
     """Add new shape to top assembly of self.doc & return uid"""
     labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
     shape_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ShapeTool(self.doc.Main())
     color_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ColorTool(self.doc.Main())
         rootLabel = labels.Value(1)  # First label at root
     except RuntimeError as e:
     newLabel = shape_tool.AddComponent(rootLabel, shape, True)
     # Get referrred label and apply color to it
     refLabel = TDF_Label()  # label of referred shape
     isRef = shape_tool.GetReferredShape(newLabel, refLabel)
     if isRef:
         color_tool.SetColor(refLabel, color, XCAFDoc_ColorGen)
     self.setLabelName(newLabel, name)
     logger.info('Part %s added to root label', name)
     self.doc = self.doc_linter()  # This gets color to work
     entry = newLabel.EntryDumpToString()
     uid = entry + '.0'  # this should work OK since it is new
     return uid
예제 #3
파일: docmodel.py 프로젝트: paddy-r/kodacad
    def replaceShape(self, uid, modshape):
        """Replace referred shape with modshape of component with uid

        The modified part is a located instance of a referred shape stored
        at doc root. The user doesn't have access to this root shape. In order
        to modify this referred shape, the modified instance shape is moved
        back to the original location at doc root, then saved."""
        shape_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ShapeTool(self.doc.Main())
        color_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ColorTool(self.doc.Main())
        # shape is stored at label entry '0:1:1:n'
        n = int(self.label_dict[uid]['ref_entry'].split(':')[-1])
        color = self.part_dict[uid]['color']
        labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        label = labels.Value(n)  # nth label at root

        # If shape instance was moved from its root location to its instance
        # location, 'unmove' it to relocate it back to the root location.
        if self.part_dict[uid]['loc']:
        # Replace oldshape in self.doc
        shape_tool.SetShape(label, modshape)
        color_tool.SetColor(modshape, color, XCAFDoc_ColorGen)
        self.parse_doc()  # generate new part_dict
예제 #4
파일: load.py 프로젝트: tnakaicode/OCCGO
def read_step_file_shapes(filename):
    _shapes = []

    # create an handle to a document
    h_doc = TDocStd_Document()

    # Create the application
    app = XCAFApp_Application.GetApplication().GetObject()
    app.NewDocument(TCollection_ExtendedString("MDTV-CAF"), h_doc)

    # Get root assembly
    doc = h_doc.GetObject()
    h_shape_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ShapeTool(doc.Main())

    step_reader = STEPCAFControl_Reader()

    status = step_reader.ReadFile(filename)
    if status == IFSelect_RetDone:

    labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
    shape_tool = h_shape_tool.GetObject()

    print("Number of shapes at root :%i" % labels.Length())
    for i in range(labels.Length()):
        label = labels.Value(i + 1)
        a_shape = h_shape_tool.GetObject().GetShape(label)
    return _shapes
예제 #5
        def _get_shapes():
            labels = TDF_LabelSequence()

            print("Number of shapes at root: ", labels.Length())
            for i in range(labels.Length()):
                root_item = labels.Value(i + 1)
                print('Root item: ', root_item)
                _get_sub_shapes(root_item, None)
예제 #6
def getShapes():
    labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
    global cnt
    cnt += 1

    print("Number of shapes at root :", labels.Length())
    root = labels.Value(1)

    getSubShapes(root, None)
예제 #7
    def _get_shapes():
        labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        #global cnt
        #cnt += 1

        print("Number of shapes at root :", labels.Length())
        root = labels.Value(1)

        _get_sub_shapes(root, None)
예제 #8
    def _get_shapes():
        labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        #global cnt
        #cnt += 1

        print("Number of shapes at root :", labels.Length())
        for i in range(labels.Length()):
            root_item = labels.Value(i + 1)
            _get_sub_shapes(root_item, None)
    def test_read_step_file(self):
        ''' Reads the previous step file '''
        # create an handle to a document
        h_doc = Handle_TDocStd_Document()
        # Create the application
        app = XCAFApp_Application.GetApplication().GetObject()
        app.NewDocument(TCollection_ExtendedString("MDTV-CAF"), h_doc)
        # Get root assembly
        doc = h_doc.GetObject()
        h_shape_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ShapeTool(doc.Main())
        l_colors = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ColorTool(doc.Main())
        step_reader = STEPCAFControl_Reader()
        status = step_reader.ReadFile("./test_io/test_ocaf.stp")
        if status == IFSelect_RetDone:

        labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        color_labels = TDF_LabelSequence()

        shape_tool = h_shape_tool.GetObject()

        assert (labels.Length() == 1)
        sub_shapes_labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        assert (not shape_tool.IsAssembly(labels.Value(1)))
        shape_tool.GetSubShapes(labels.Value(1), sub_shapes_labels)
        assert (sub_shapes_labels.Length() == 0)

        assert (color_labels.Length() == 1)

        label_shp = labels.Value(1)
        a_shape = h_shape_tool.GetObject().GetShape(label_shp)
        assert (not a_shape.IsNull())
예제 #10
파일: docmodel.py 프로젝트: paddy-r/kodacad
 def change_label_name(self, uid, name):
     """Change the name of component with uid."""
     entry, _ = uid.split('.')
     entry_parts = entry.split(':')
     if len(entry_parts) == 4:  # first label at root
         j = 1
         k = None
     elif len(entry_parts) == 5:  # part is a component of label at root
         j = int(entry_parts[3])  # number of label at root
         k = int(entry_parts[4])  # component number
     shape_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ShapeTool(self.doc.Main())
     color_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ColorTool(self.doc.Main())
     labels = TDF_LabelSequence()  # labels at root of self.doc
     label = labels.Value(j)
     comps = TDF_LabelSequence()  # Components of root_label
     subchilds = False
     is_assy = shape_tool.GetComponents(label, comps, subchilds)
     target_label = comps.Value(k)
     self.setLabelName(target_label, name)
     print(f"Name {name} set for part with uid = {uid}.")
예제 #11
파일: OCCD_Basic.py 프로젝트: fboussuge/UV
def read_step_file_with_attribute2(filename):
    Read a step file and returns a shape (geometrical information). This uses the XDE of OCCD
    and will also be able to extract the attribute information such as colour or name or layer.
    h_doc = Handle_TDocStd_Document()
    # print "Empty Doc?", h_doc.IsNull()

    ### Create the application
    app = XCAFApp_Application.GetApplication().GetObject()
    app.NewDocument(TCollection_ExtendedString("MDTV-CAF"), h_doc)

    ### Get tools, here only enable the colour attribute
    doc = h_doc.GetObject()
    h_shape_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ShapeTool(doc.Main())
    h_colour_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ColorTool(doc.Main())
    #    l_Layers = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_LayerTool(doc.Main())
    #    l_materials = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_MaterialTool(doc.Main())
    shape_tool = h_shape_tool.GetObject()
    colour_tool = h_colour_tool.GetObject()

    ### Read files
    STEPReader = STEPCAFControl_Reader()
    #    STEPReader.SetLayerMode(True)
    #    STEPReader.SetNameMode(True)
    #    STEPReader.SetMatMode(True)

    status = STEPReader.ReadFile(filename)
    STEPReader.Reader().PrintCheckLoad(True, 0)
    if status == IFSelect_RetDone:

    ### Get root assembly
    shapeLabels = TDF_LabelSequence()
    #    print ('Number of shapes at root :%i'%shapeLabels.Length())

    ### Here we only have one solid in the model so we directly use the first solid
    ### If there are more, please use the for loop to get all solids
    shape = shape_tool.GetShape(shapeLabels.Value(1))

    topo = Topo(shape)
    #    for i in range(shapeLabels.Length()):
    #        #print(Labels.Value(i+1).Tag())
    #        shape=shape_tool.GetShape(shapeLabels.Value(i+1))
    #        shapes.append(shape)

    return [topo, colour_tool]
예제 #12
    def saveStep(self):
        """Export self.doc to STEP file."""

        prompt = 'Choose filename for step file.'
        fnametuple = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(
            None, prompt, './', "STEP files (*.stp *.STP *.step)")
        fname, _ = fnametuple
        if not fname:
            print("Save step cancelled.")
        # Reconstruct XCAFDoc related code from stepXD.StepImporter
        labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        shape_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ShapeTool(self.doc.Main())
        logger.info('Number of labels at root : %i', labels.Length())
            rootlabel = labels.Value(1)  # First label at root
        except RuntimeError:
        name = rootlabel.GetLabelName()
        logger.info('Name of root label: %s', name)
        isAssy = shape_tool.IsAssembly(rootlabel)
        logger.info("First label at root holds an assembly? %s", isAssy)

        # Modify self.doc by adding active part to rootlabel.
        #Standard_Boolean expand = Standard_False; //default
        #TDF_Label aLabel = myAssembly->AddComponent (aShape [,expand]);
        newLabel = shape_tool.AddComponent(rootlabel, self.activePart, True)
        #set a name to newlabel (as a reminder using OCAF), use:
        #TCollection_ExtendedString aName ...;
        #// contains the desired name for this Label (ASCII)
        #TDataStd_Name::Set (aLabel, aName);
        newName = TCollection_ExtendedString(
        TDataStd_Name.Set(newLabel, newName)
        logger.info('Name of new part: %s', newName)

        # initialize the STEP exporter
        step_writer = STEPCAFControl_Writer()

        # transfer shapes and write file
        status = step_writer.Write(fname)
        assert status == IFSelect_RetDone
예제 #13
    def dump(self):
        """Return assembly structure in indented outline form.

        Format of lines:
        Component Name [entry] => Referred Label Name [entry]
        Components are shown indented w/r/t line above."""

        if self.fname:
            self.output += f"Assembly structure of file: {self.fname}\n\n"
            self.output += "Assembly structure of doc:\n\n"
        self.indent = 0

        # Find root label of step doc
        labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        nbr = labels.Length()
        rootlabel = labels.Value(1)  # First label at root

        # Get information from root label
        name = rootlabel.GetLabelName()
        entry = rootlabel.EntryDumpToString()
        uid = self.get_uid_from_entry(entry)
        is_assy = self.shape_tool.IsAssembly(rootlabel)
        if is_assy:
            # If 1st label at root holds an assembly, it is the Top Assy.
            # Through this label, the entire assembly is accessible.
            # There is no need to explicitly examine other labels at root.
            self.output += f"{uid}\t[{entry}] {name}\t"

            self.indent += 2
            top_comps = TDF_LabelSequence()  # Components of Top Assy
            subchilds = False
            is_assy = self.shape_tool.GetComponents(rootlabel, top_comps,
            self.output += f"Number of labels at root = {nbr}\n"
            if top_comps.Length():
        return self.output
예제 #14
파일: docmodel.py 프로젝트: paddy-r/kodacad
    def load_stp_cmpnt(self):
        """Get OCAF document from STEP file and add (as component) to doc root.

        This is the way to load step files containing a single shape at root."""

        prompt = 'Select STEP file to import'
        fnametuple = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(
            None, prompt, './', "STEP files (*.stp *.STP *.step)")
        fname, _ = fnametuple
        logger.debug("Load file name: %s", fname)
        if not fname:
            print("Load step cancelled")
        tmodel = TreeModel("DOC")
        step_shape_tool = tmodel.shape_tool
        step_color_tool = tmodel.color_tool

        step_reader = STEPCAFControl_Reader()

        status = step_reader.ReadFile(fname)
        if status == IFSelect_RetDone:
            logger.info("Transfer doc to STEPCAFControl_Reader")
        # Get root label of step data
        labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        for j in range(labels.Length()):
            label = labels.Value(j + 1)
            shape = step_shape_tool.GetShape(label)
            color = Quantity_Color()
            name = label.GetLabelName()
            step_color_tool.GetColor(shape, XCAFDoc_ColorSurf, color)
            isSimpleShape = step_shape_tool.IsSimpleShape(label)
            if isSimpleShape:
                _ = self.addComponent(shape, name, color)

status = step_reader.ReadFile(filename)
if status == IFSelect_RetDone:

labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
color_labels = TDF_LabelSequence()


print("Number of shapes at root :%i" % labels.Length())
for i in range(labels.Length()):
    sub_shapes_labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
    print("Is Assembly :", shape_tool.IsAssembly(labels.Value(i + 1)))
    sub_shapes = shape_tool.GetSubShapes(labels.Value(i + 1),
    print("Number of subshapes in the assemly :%i" %

print("Number of colors=%i" % color_labels.Length())
for i in range(color_labels.Length()):
    color = color_labels.Value(i + 1)

for i in range(labels.Length()):
    label = labels.Value(i + 1)
    a_shape = shape_tool.GetShape(label)
    m = l_layers.GetLayers(a_shape)
예제 #16
        def _get_sub_shapes(lab, loc):

            l_subss = TDF_LabelSequence()
            shape_tool.GetSubShapes(lab, l_subss)
            #print("Nb subshapes   :", l_subss.Length())
            l_comps = TDF_LabelSequence()
            shape_tool.GetComponents(lab, l_comps)
            #print("Nb components  :", l_comps.Length())
            name = lab.GetLabelName()
            print("Name :", name)

            if shape_tool.IsAssembly(lab):
                l_c = TDF_LabelSequence()
                shape_tool.GetComponents(lab, l_c)
                for i in range(l_c.Length()):
                    label = l_c.Value(i + 1)
                    if shape_tool.IsReference(label):
                        label_reference = TDF_Label()
                        shape_tool.GetReferredShape(label, label_reference)
                        loc = shape_tool.GetLocation(label)

                        _get_sub_shapes(label_reference, loc)

            elif shape_tool.IsSimpleShape(lab):
                shape = shape_tool.GetShape(lab)

                loc = TopLoc_Location()
                for l in locs:
                    loc = loc.Multiplied(l)

                c = Quantity_Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5,
                                   Quantity_TOC_RGB)  # default color
                colorSet = False
                if (color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape, 0, c)
                        or color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape, 1, c)
                        or color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape, 2, c)):
                    color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, 0, c)
                    color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, 1, c)
                    color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, 2, c)
                    colorSet = True
                    n = c.Name(c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())
                    print('    Instance color Name & RGB: ', c, n, c.Red(),
                          c.Green(), c.Blue())

                if not colorSet:
                    if (color_tool.GetColor(lab, 0, c)
                            or color_tool.GetColor(lab, 1, c)
                            or color_tool.GetColor(lab, 2, c)):
                        color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, 0, c)
                        color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, 1, c)
                        color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, 2, c)

                        n = c.Name(c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())
                        print('    Shape color Name & RGB: ', c, n, c.Red(),
                              c.Green(), c.Blue())

                shape_disp = BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(
                    shape, loc.Transformation()).Shape()
                if not shape_disp in output_shapes:
                    output_shapes[shape_disp] = [lab.GetLabelName(), c]

                for i in range(l_subss.Length()):
                    lab_subs = l_subss.Value(i + 1)
                    shape_sub = shape_tool.GetShape(lab_subs)

                    c = Quantity_Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5,
                                       Quantity_TOC_RGB)  # default color
                    colorSet = False
                    if (color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape_sub, 0, c)
                            or color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape_sub, 1, c)
                            or color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape_sub, 2, c)):
                        color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape_sub, 0, c)
                        color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape_sub, 1, c)
                        color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape_sub, 2, c)
                        colorSet = True
                        n = c.Name(c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())
                        print('    Instance color Name & RGB: ', c, n, c.Red(),
                              c.Green(), c.Blue())

                    if not colorSet:
                        if (color_tool.GetColor(lab_subs, 0, c)
                                or color_tool.GetColor(lab_subs, 1, c)
                                or color_tool.GetColor(lab_subs, 2, c)):
                            color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, 0, c)
                            color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, 1, c)
                            color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, 2, c)

                            n = c.Name(c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())
                            print('    Shape color Name & RGB: ', c, n,
                                  c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())
                    shape_to_disp = BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(
                        shape_sub, loc.Transformation()).Shape()

                    # position the subshape to display
                    if not shape_to_disp in output_shapes:
                        output_shapes[shape_to_disp] = [
                            lab_subs.GetLabelName(), c
예제 #17
    def read_file(self):
        """Build tree = treelib.Tree() to facilitate displaying the CAD model and

        constructing the tree view showing the assembly/component relationships.
        Each node of self.tree contains the following:
        (Name, UID, ParentUID, {Data}) where the Data keys are:
        'a' (isAssy?), 'l' (TopLoc_Location), 'c' (Quantity_Color), 's' (TopoDS_Shape)
        logger.info("Reading STEP file")
        tmodel = TreeModel("STEP")
        self.shape_tool = tmodel.shape_tool
        self.color_tool = tmodel.color_tool

        step_reader = STEPCAFControl_Reader()

        status = step_reader.ReadFile(self.filename)
        if status == IFSelect_RetDone:
            logger.info("Transfer doc to STEPCAFControl_Reader")

        labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        logger.info('Number of labels at root : %i', labels.Length())
            rootlabel = labels.Value(1) # First label at root
        except RuntimeError:
        name = self.getName(rootlabel)
        logger.info('Name of root label: %s', name)
        isAssy = self.shape_tool.IsAssembly(rootlabel)
        logger.info("First label at root holds an assembly? %s", isAssy)
        if isAssy:
            # If first label at root holds an assembly, it is the Top Assembly.
            # Through this label, the entire assembly is accessible.
            # there is no need to examine other labels at root explicitly.
            topLoc = TopLoc_Location()
            topLoc = self.shape_tool.GetLocation(rootlabel)
            entry = rootlabel.EntryDumpToString()
            logger.debug("Entry: %s", entry)
            logger.debug("Top assy name: %s", name)
            # Create root node for top assy
            newAssyUID = self.getNewUID()
            self.tree.create_node(name, newAssyUID, None,
                                  {'a': True, 'l': None, 'c': None, 's': None})
            topComps = TDF_LabelSequence() # Components of Top Assy
            subchilds = False
            isAssy = self.shape_tool.GetComponents(rootlabel, topComps, subchilds)
            logger.debug("Is Assembly? %s", isAssy)
            logger.debug("Number of components: %s", topComps.Length())
            logger.debug("Is Reference? %s", self.shape_tool.IsReference(rootlabel))
            if topComps.Length():
                self.findComponents(rootlabel, topComps)
            # Labels at root can hold solids or compounds (which are 'crude' assemblies)
            # Either way, we will need to create a root node in self.tree
            newAssyUID = self.getNewUID()
                                  newAssyUID, None,
                                  {'a': True, 'l': None, 'c': None, 's': None})
            self.assyUidStack = [newAssyUID]
            for j in range(labels.Length()):
                label = labels.Value(j+1)
                name = self.getName(label)
                isAssy = self.shape_tool.IsAssembly(label)
                logger.debug("Label %i is assembly?: %s", j+1, isAssy)
                shape = self.shape_tool.GetShape(label)
                color = self.getColor(shape)
                isSimpleShape = self.shape_tool.IsSimpleShape(label)
                logger.debug("Is Simple Shape? %s", isSimpleShape)
                shapeType = shape.ShapeType()
                logger.debug("The shape type is: %i", shapeType)
                if shapeType == 0:
                    logger.debug("The shape type is OCC.Core.TopAbs.TopAbs_COMPOUND")
                    topo = TopologyExplorer(shape)
                    #topo = aocutils.topology.Topo(shape)
                    logger.debug("Nb of compounds : %i", topo.number_of_compounds())
                    logger.debug("Nb of solids : %i", topo.number_of_solids())
                    logger.debug("Nb of shells : %i", topo.number_of_shells())
                    newAssyUID = self.getNewUID()
                    for i, solid in enumerate(topo.solids()):
                        name = "P%s" % str(i+1)
                        self.tree.create_node(name, self.getNewUID(),
                                              {'a': False, 'l': None,
                                               'c': color, 's': solid})
                elif shapeType == 2:
                    logger.debug("The shape type is OCC.Core.TopAbs.TopAbs_SOLID")
                    self.tree.create_node(name, self.getNewUID(),
                                          {'a': False, 'l': None,
                                           'c': color, 's': shape})
                elif shapeType == 3:
                    logger.debug("The shape type is OCC.Core.TopAbs.TopAbs_SHELL")
                    self.tree.create_node(name, self.getNewUID(),
                                          {'a': False, 'l': None,
                                           'c': color, 's': shape})

        return tmodel.doc  # <class 'OCC.Core.TDocStd.TDocStd_Document'>
예제 #18
파일: docmodel.py 프로젝트: paddy-r/kodacad
    def parse_doc(self):
        """Generate new part_dict & label_dict.

        part_dict (dict of dicts) is used primarily for 3D display
        part_dict = {uid: {'shape': ,
                            'name': ,
                            'color': ,
                            'loc': }}
        label_dict (dict of dicts) is used primarily for tree view display
        label_dict = {uid:   {'entry': ,
                            'name': ,
                            'parent_uid': ,
                            'ref_entry': ,
                            'is_assy': }}

        # Initialize dictionaries & list
        self._share_dict = {'0:1:1': 0}  # {entry: ser_nbr}
        self.part_dict = {}
        self.label_dict = {}
        # Temporary use during unpacking
        self.parent_uid_stack = []  # uid of parent (topmost first)
        self.assy_entry_stack = ['0:1:1']  # [entries of containing assemblies]
        self.assy_loc_stack = []  # applicable <TopLoc_Location> locations

        shape_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ShapeTool(self.doc.Main())
        color_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ColorTool(self.doc.Main())

        # Find root label of self.doc
        labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        root_label = labels.Value(1)  # First label at root
        nbr = labels.Length()  # number of labels at root
        logger.debug('Number of labels at doc root : %i', nbr)
        # Get root label information
        # The first label at root holds an assembly, it is the Top Assy.
        # Through this label, the entire assembly is accessible.
        # There is no need to explicitly examine other labels at root.
        root_name = root_label.GetLabelName()
        root_entry = root_label.EntryDumpToString()
        root_uid = self.get_uid_from_entry(root_entry)
        loc = shape_tool.GetLocation(root_label)  # <TopLoc_Location>
        self.label_dict = {
            root_uid: {
                'entry': root_entry,
                'name': root_name,
                'parent_uid': None,
                'ref_entry': None,
                'is_assy': True
        top_comps = TDF_LabelSequence()  # Components of Top Assy
        subchilds = False
        is_assy = shape_tool.GetComponents(root_label, top_comps, subchilds)
        if top_comps.Length():  # if is_assy:
            logger.debug("Parsing components of label entry %s)", root_entry)
            self.parse_components(top_comps, shape_tool, color_tool)
            print("Something is wrong.")
예제 #19
파일: docmodel.py 프로젝트: paddy-r/kodacad
    def load_stp_undr_top(self):
        """Paste step root label under 1st label at self.doc root

        Add a simple component to the first label at self.doc root.
        Set the component name to be the name of the step file.
        Then assign the label of the referred shape to 'targetLabel'.
        Finally, copy step root label onto 'targetLabel'.

        This works when copying file 'as1-oc-214.stp' to 0:1:1:2 (n=2) but does
        not get part color at higher values of n. Also doesn't work with file
        'as1_pe_203.stp' loaded at any value of n. ???

        prompt = 'Select STEP file to import'
        fnametuple = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(
            None, prompt, './', "STEP files (*.stp *.STP *.step)")
        fname, _ = fnametuple  # fname = /path/to/some/filename.ext
        base = os.path.basename(fname)  # filename.ext
        filename, ext = os.path.splitext(base)
        logger.debug("Load file name: %s", fname)
        if not fname:
            print("Load step cancelled")
        # Get the step data
        tmodel = TreeModel("STEP")
        step_shape_tool = tmodel.shape_tool
        step_color_tool = tmodel.color_tool

        step_reader = STEPCAFControl_Reader()

        status = step_reader.ReadFile(fname)
        if status == IFSelect_RetDone:
            logger.info("Transfer doc to STEPCAFControl_Reader")
        # Delint tmodel.doc & make new tools
        step_doc = self.doc_linter(tmodel.doc)
        step_shape_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ShapeTool(step_doc.Main())
        step_color_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ColorTool(step_doc.Main())

        # Get root label of step data
        step_labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        steprootLabel = step_labels.Value(1)
        # Make a simple box and add it as a component
        myBody = BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox(4, 4, 4).Shape()
        _ = self.addComponent(myBody, filename, Quantity_ColorRGBA())
        # Get target label of self.doc
        labels = TDF_LabelSequence()  # labels at root
        shape_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ShapeTool(self.doc.Main())
        color_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ColorTool(self.doc.Main())
        n = labels.Length()  # number of labels at root
        targetLabel = labels.Value(n)  # of ref shape of comp just added
        # Copy source label to target label
        self.copy_label(steprootLabel, targetLabel)
        # Repair self.doc by cycling through save/load
        self.doc = self.doc_linter()
        # Build new self.part_dict & tree view
예제 #20
    def read_file(self):
        """Build self.tree (treelib.Tree()) containing CAD data read from a step file.

        Each node of self.tree contains the following:
        (Name, UID, ParentUID, {Data}) where the Data keys are:
        'a' (isAssy?), 'l' (TopLoc_Location), 'c' (Quantity_Color), 's' (TopoDS_Shape)
        logger.info("Reading STEP file")
        doc = TDocStd_Document(TCollection_ExtendedString("STEP"))

        # Create the application
        app = XCAFApp_Application_GetApplication()
        app.NewDocument(TCollection_ExtendedString("MDTV-CAF"), doc)

        # Get root shapes
        shape_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ShapeTool(doc.Main())
        self.color_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_ColorTool(doc.Main())
        layer_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_LayerTool(doc.Main())
        l_materials = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool_MaterialTool(doc.Main())

        step_reader = STEPCAFControl_Reader()

        status = step_reader.ReadFile(self.filename)
        if status == IFSelect_RetDone:
            logger.info("Transfer doc to STEPCAFControl_Reader")

        # Test round trip by writing doc back to another file.
        logger.info("Doing a 'short-circuit' Round Trip test")
        doctype = type(doc)  # <class 'OCC.Core.TDocStd.TDocStd_Document'>
        logger.info(f"Writing {doctype} back to another STEP file")

        # Save doc to file (for educational purposes) (not working yet)
        logger.debug("Saving doc to file")
        savefilename = TCollection_ExtendedString('../doc.txt')
        app.SaveAs(doc, savefilename)

        labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        color_labels = TDF_LabelSequence()

        self.shape_tool = shape_tool
        logger.info('Number of labels at root : %i' % labels.Length())
            label = labels.Value(1)  # First label at root
        except RuntimeError:
        name = self.getName(label)
        logger.info('Name of root label: %s' % name)
        isAssy = shape_tool.IsAssembly(label)
        logger.info("First label at root holds an assembly? %s" % isAssy)
        if isAssy:
            # If first label at root holds an assembly, it is the Top Assembly.
            # Through this label, the entire assembly is accessible.
            # No need to examine other labels at root explicitly.
            topLoc = TopLoc_Location()
            topLoc = shape_tool.GetLocation(label)
            entry = label.EntryDumpToString()
            logger.debug("Entry: %s" % entry)
            logger.debug("Top assy name: %s" % name)
            # Create root node for top assy
            newAssyUID = self.getNewUID()
            self.tree.create_node(name, newAssyUID, None, {
                'a': True,
                'l': None,
                'c': None,
                's': None
            topComps = TDF_LabelSequence()  # Components of Top Assy
            subchilds = False
            isAssy = shape_tool.GetComponents(label, topComps, subchilds)
            logger.debug("Is Assembly? %s" % isAssy)
            logger.debug("Number of components: %s" % topComps.Length())
            logger.debug("Is Reference? %s" % shape_tool.IsReference(label))
            if topComps.Length():
                self.findComponents(label, topComps)
            # Labels at root can hold solids or compounds (which are 'crude' assemblies)
            # Either way, we will need to create a root node in self.tree
            newAssyUID = self.getNewUID()
            self.tree.create_node(os.path.basename(self.filename), newAssyUID,
                                  None, {
                                      'a': True,
                                      'l': None,
                                      'c': None,
                                      's': None
            self.assyUidStack = [newAssyUID]
            for j in range(labels.Length()):
                label = labels.Value(j + 1)
                name = self.getName(label)
                isAssy = shape_tool.IsAssembly(label)
                logger.debug("Label %i is assembly?: %s" % (j + 1, isAssy))
                shape = shape_tool.GetShape(label)
                color = self.getColor(shape)
                isSimpleShape = self.shape_tool.IsSimpleShape(label)
                logger.debug("Is Simple Shape? %s" % isSimpleShape)
                shapeType = shape.ShapeType()
                logger.debug("The shape type is: %i" % shapeType)
                if shapeType == 0:
                        "The shape type is OCC.Core.TopAbs.TopAbs_COMPOUND")
                    topo = TopologyExplorer(shape)
                    #topo = aocutils.topology.Topo(shape)
                    logger.debug("Nb of compounds : %i" %
                    logger.debug("Nb of solids : %i" % topo.number_of_solids())
                    logger.debug("Nb of shells : %i" % topo.number_of_shells())
                    newAssyUID = self.getNewUID()
                    for i, solid in enumerate(topo.solids()):
                        name = "P%s" % str(i + 1)
                        self.tree.create_node(name, self.getNewUID(),
                                              self.assyUidStack[-1], {
                                                  'a': False,
                                                  'l': None,
                                                  'c': color,
                                                  's': solid
                elif shapeType == 2:
                        "The shape type is OCC.Core.TopAbs.TopAbs_SOLID")
                    self.tree.create_node(name, self.getNewUID(),
                                          self.assyUidStack[-1], {
                                              'a': False,
                                              'l': None,
                                              'c': color,
                                              's': shape
                elif shapeType == 3:
                        "The shape type is OCC.Core.TopAbs.TopAbs_SHELL")
                    self.tree.create_node(name, self.getNewUID(),
                                          self.assyUidStack[-1], {
                                              'a': False,
                                              'l': None,
                                              'c': color,
                                              's': shape
        return True
예제 #21
    def _get_sub_shapes(lab, loc):
        #global cnt, lvl
        #cnt += 1
        #print("\n[%d] level %d, handling LABEL %s\n" % (cnt, lvl, _get_label_name(lab)))
        #print("Is Assembly    :", shape_tool.IsAssembly(lab))
        #print("Is Free        :", shape_tool.IsFree(lab))
        #print("Is Shape       :", shape_tool.IsShape(lab))
        #print("Is Compound    :", shape_tool.IsCompound(lab))
        #print("Is Component   :", shape_tool.IsComponent(lab))
        #print("Is SimpleShape :", shape_tool.IsSimpleShape(lab))
        #print("Is Reference   :", shape_tool.IsReference(lab))

        #users = TDF_LabelSequence()
        #users_cnt = shape_tool.GetUsers(lab, users)
        #print("Nr Users       :", users_cnt)

        l_subss = TDF_LabelSequence()
        shape_tool.GetSubShapes(lab, l_subss)
        #print("Nb subshapes   :", l_subss.Length())
        l_comps = TDF_LabelSequence()
        shape_tool.GetComponents(lab, l_comps)
        #print("Nb components  :", l_comps.Length())
        name = lab.GetLabelName()
        print("Name :", name)

        if shape_tool.IsAssembly(lab):
            l_c = TDF_LabelSequence()
            shape_tool.GetComponents(lab, l_c)
            for i in range(l_c.Length()):
                label = l_c.Value(i + 1)
                if shape_tool.IsReference(label):
                    #print("\n########  reference label :", label)
                    label_reference = TDF_Label()
                    shape_tool.GetReferredShape(label, label_reference)
                    loc = shape_tool.GetLocation(label)
                    #print("    loc          :", loc)
                    #trans = loc.Transformation()
                    #print("    tran form    :", trans.Form())
                    #rot = trans.GetRotation()
                    #print("    rotation     :", rot)
                    #print("    X            :", rot.X())
                    #print("    Y            :", rot.Y())
                    #print("    Z            :", rot.Z())
                    #print("    W            :", rot.W())
                    #tran = trans.TranslationPart()
                    #print("    translation  :", tran)
                    #print("    X            :", tran.X())
                    #print("    Y            :", tran.Y())
                    #print("    Z            :", tran.Z())

                    #lvl += 1
                    _get_sub_shapes(label_reference, loc)
                    #lvl -= 1

        elif shape_tool.IsSimpleShape(lab):
            #print("\n########  simpleshape label :", lab)
            shape = shape_tool.GetShape(lab)
            #print("    all ass locs   :", locs)

            loc = TopLoc_Location()
            for l in locs:
                #print("    take loc       :", l)
                loc = loc.Multiplied(l)

            #trans = loc.Transformation()
            #print("    FINAL loc    :")
            #print("    tran form    :", trans.Form())
            #rot = trans.GetRotation()
            #print("    rotation     :", rot)
            #print("    X            :", rot.X())
            #print("    Y            :", rot.Y())
            #print("    Z            :", rot.Z())
            #print("    W            :", rot.W())
            #tran = trans.TranslationPart()
            #print("    translation  :", tran)
            #print("    X            :", tran.X())
            #print("    Y            :", tran.Y())
            #print("    Z            :", tran.Z())
            c = Quantity_Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5,
                               Quantity_TOC_RGB)  # default color
            colorSet = False
            if (color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape, 0, c)
                    or color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape, 1, c)
                    or color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape, 2, c)):
                color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, 0, c)
                color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, 1, c)
                color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, 2, c)
                colorSet = True
                n = c.Name(c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())
                print('    instance color Name & RGB: ', c, n, c.Red(),
                      c.Green(), c.Blue())

            if not colorSet:
                if (color_tool.GetColor(lab, 0, c)
                        or color_tool.GetColor(lab, 1, c)
                        or color_tool.GetColor(lab, 2, c)):

                    color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, 0, c)
                    color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, 1, c)
                    color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, 2, c)

                    n = c.Name(c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())
                    print('    shape color Name & RGB: ', c, n, c.Red(),
                          c.Green(), c.Blue())

            shape_disp = BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(
                shape, loc.Transformation()).Shape()
            if not shape_disp in output_shapes:
                output_shapes[shape_disp] = [lab.GetLabelName(), c]
            for i in range(l_subss.Length()):
                lab_subs = l_subss.Value(i + 1)
                #print("\n########  simpleshape subshape label :", lab)
                shape_sub = shape_tool.GetShape(lab_subs)

                c = Quantity_Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5,
                                   Quantity_TOC_RGB)  # default color
                colorSet = False
                if (color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape_sub, 0, c)
                        or color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape_sub, 1, c)
                        or color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape_sub, 2, c)):
                    color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape_sub, 0, c)
                    color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape_sub, 1, c)
                    color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape_sub, 2, c)
                    colorSet = True
                    n = c.Name(c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())
                    print('    instance color Name & RGB: ', c, n, c.Red(),
                          c.Green(), c.Blue())

                if not colorSet:
                    if (color_tool.GetColor(lab_subs, 0, c)
                            or color_tool.GetColor(lab_subs, 1, c)
                            or color_tool.GetColor(lab_subs, 2, c)):
                        color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, 0, c)
                        color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, 1, c)
                        color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, 2, c)

                        n = c.Name(c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())
                        print('    shape color Name & RGB: ', c, n, c.Red(),
                              c.Green(), c.Blue())
                shape_to_disp = BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(
                    shape_sub, loc.Transformation()).Shape()
                # position the subshape to display
                if not shape_to_disp in output_shapes:
                    output_shapes[shape_to_disp] = [lab_subs.GetLabelName(), c]
예제 #22
def getSubShapes(lab, loc):
    global cnt, lvl
    cnt += 1
    print("\n[%d] level %d, handling LABEL %s\n" %
          (cnt, lvl, get_label_name(lab)))
    print("Is Assembly    :", shape_tool.IsAssembly(lab))
    print("Is Free        :", shape_tool.IsFree(lab))
    print("Is Shape       :", shape_tool.IsShape(lab))
    print("Is Compound    :", shape_tool.IsCompound(lab))
    print("Is Component   :", shape_tool.IsComponent(lab))
    print("Is SimpleShape :", shape_tool.IsSimpleShape(lab))
    print("Is Reference   :", shape_tool.IsReference(lab))

    users = TDF_LabelSequence()
    users_cnt = shape_tool.GetUsers(lab, users)
    print("Nr Users       :", users_cnt)

    l_subss = TDF_LabelSequence()
    shape_tool.GetSubShapes(lab, l_subss)
    print("Nb subshapes   :", l_subss.Length())
    l_comps = TDF_LabelSequence()
    shape_tool.GetComponents(lab, l_comps)
    print("Nb components  :", l_comps.Length())

    if shape_tool.IsAssembly(lab):
        l_c = TDF_LabelSequence()
        shape_tool.GetComponents(lab, l_c)
        for i in range(l_c.Length()):
            label = l_c.Value(i + 1)
            if shape_tool.IsReference(label):
                print("\n########  reference label :", label)
                label_reference = TDF_Label()
                shape_tool.GetReferredShape(label, label_reference)
                loc = shape_tool.GetLocation(label)
                print("    loc          :", loc)
                trans = loc.Transformation()
                print("    tran form    :", trans.Form())
                rot = trans.GetRotation()
                print("    rotation     :", rot)
                print("    X            :", rot.X())
                print("    Y            :", rot.Y())
                print("    Z            :", rot.Z())
                print("    W            :", rot.W())
                tran = trans.TranslationPart()
                print("    translation  :", tran)
                print("    X            :", tran.X())
                print("    Y            :", tran.Y())
                print("    Z            :", tran.Z())

                lvl += 1
                getSubShapes(label_reference, loc)
                lvl -= 1

    elif shape_tool.IsSimpleShape(lab):
        print("\n########  simpleshape label :", lab)
        shape = shape_tool.GetShape(lab)
        print("    all ass locs   :", locs)

        loc = TopLoc_Location()
        for i in range(len(locs)):
            print("    take loc       :", locs[i])
            loc = loc.Multiplied(locs[i])

        trans = loc.Transformation()
        print("    FINAL loc    :")
        print("    tran form    :", trans.Form())
        rot = trans.GetRotation()
        print("    rotation     :", rot)
        print("    X            :", rot.X())
        print("    Y            :", rot.Y())
        print("    Z            :", rot.Z())
        print("    W            :", rot.W())
        tran = trans.TranslationPart()
        print("    translation  :", tran)
        print("    X            :", tran.X())
        print("    Y            :", tran.Y())
        print("    Z            :", tran.Z())
        shape = BRepBuilderAPI_Transform(shape, loc.Transformation()).Shape()

        c = Quantity_Color()
        colorSet = False
        if (color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape, 0, c)
                or color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape, 1, c)
                or color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape, 2, c)):
            for i in (0, 1, 2):
                color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, i, c)
            colorSet = True
            n = c.Name(c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())
            print('    instance color Name & RGB: ', c, n, c.Red(), c.Green(),

        if not colorSet:
            if (color_tool.GetColor(lab, 0, c)
                    or color_tool.GetColor(lab, 1, c)
                    or color_tool.GetColor(lab, 2, c)):
                for i in (0, 1, 2):
                    color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, i, c)

                n = c.Name(c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())
                print('    shape color Name & RGB: ', c, n, c.Red(), c.Green(),

        # n = c.Name(c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())
        # print('    color Name & RGB: ', c, n, c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())
        # Display shape
        display.DisplayColoredShape(shape, c)

        for i in range(l_subss.Length()):
            lab = l_subss.Value(i + 1)
            print("\n########  simpleshape subshape label :", lab)
            shape = shape_tool.GetShape(lab)

            c = Quantity_Color()
            colorSet = False
            if (color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape, 0, c)
                    or color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape, 1, c)
                    or color_tool.GetInstanceColor(shape, 2, c)):
                for i in (0, 1, 2):
                    color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, i, c)
                colorSet = True
                n = c.Name(c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())
                print('    instance color Name & RGB: ', c, n, c.Red(),
                      c.Green(), c.Blue())

            if not colorSet:
                if (color_tool.GetColor(lab, 0, c)
                        or color_tool.GetColor(lab, 1, c)
                        or color_tool.GetColor(lab, 2, c)):
                    for i in (0, 1, 2):
                        color_tool.SetInstanceColor(shape, i, c)

                    n = c.Name(c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())
                    print('    shape color Name & RGB: ', c, n, c.Red(),
                          c.Green(), c.Blue())

            # n = c.Name(c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())
            # print('    color Name & RGB: ', c, n, c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue())
            # Display shape
            display.DisplayColoredShape(shape, c)
예제 #23
    def read_file(self):
        r"""Read file"""
        logger.info("Reading STEP file")
        h_doc = Handle_TDocStd_Document()

        # Create the application
        app = _XCAFApp.XCAFApp_Application_GetApplication().GetObject()
        app.NewDocument(TCollection_ExtendedString("MDTV-CAF"), h_doc)

        # Get root assembly
        doc = h_doc.GetObject()
        h_shape_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool().ShapeTool(doc.Main())
        color_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool().ColorTool(doc.Main())
        layer_tool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool().LayerTool(doc.Main())
        _ = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool().MaterialTool(doc.Main())

        step_reader = STEPCAFControl_Reader()

        status = step_reader.ReadFile(str(self.filename))

        if status == IFSelect_RetDone:
            logger.info("Transfer doc to STEPCAFControl_Reader")

        labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        _ = TDF_LabelSequence()
        # TopoDS_Shape a_shape;
        _ = h_shape_tool.GetObject()

        logger.info('Number of shapes at root :%i' % labels.Length())

        # for i in range(labels.Length()):
        #     a_shape = h_shape_tool.GetObject().GetShape(labels.Value(i+1))
        #     logger.debug("%i - type : %s" % (i, a_shape.ShapeType()))
        #     sub_shapes_labels = TDF_LabelSequence()
        #     print("Is Assembly?", shape_tool.IsAssembly(labels.Value(i + 1)))
        #     # sub_shapes = shape_tool.getsubshapes(labels.Value(i+1),
        #                                            sub_shapes_labels)
        #     sub_shapes = shape_tool.FindSubShape(labels.Value(i + 1),
        #                                          a_shape, labels.Value(i + 1))
        #     print('Number of subshapes in the assembly : %i' %
        #                                            sub_shapes_labels.Length())
        # color_tool.GetObject().GetColors(color_labels)
        # logger.info('Number of colors : %i' % color_labels.Length())

        for i in range(labels.Length()):
            # print i
            label = labels.Value(i + 1)
            logger.debug("Label : %s" % label)
            a_shape = h_shape_tool.GetObject().GetShape(labels.Value(i + 1))

            # string_seq = TColStd_HSequenceOfExtendedString()
            # string_seq is an TColStd_HSequenceOfExtendedString
            string_seq = layer_tool.GetObject().GetLayers(a_shape)
            color = Quantity_Color()
            _ = color_tool.GetObject().GetColor(a_shape, XCAFDoc_ColorSurf,

            logger.info("The shape type is : %i" % a_shape.ShapeType())
            if a_shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_COMPOUND:
                logger.info("The shape type is TopAbs_COMPOUND")
                topo = Topo(a_shape)
                logger.info("Nb of compounds : %i" % topo.number_of_compounds)
                logger.info("Nb of solids : %i" % topo.number_of_solids)
                logger.info("Nb of shells : %i" % topo.number_of_shells)
                for solid in topo.solids:
                    logger.info("Adding solid to the shapes list")
            elif a_shape.ShapeType() == TopAbs_SOLID:
                logger.info("The shape type is TopAbs_SOLID")

        return True