예제 #1
    def test_calc_error_sum_of_sq(self):
        Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers 3rd Ed. (2003), online
        (Example 11-3, section 11-5.2)
        Douglas C. Montgomery & George C. Runger
        SS_E_act = 21.25
        tol = 0.2  # small difference due to rounding differences

        responses = np.array([
            90.1, 89.05, 91.43, 93.74, 96.73, 94.45, 87.59, 91.77, 99.42,
            93.65, 93.54, 92.52, 90.56, 89.54, 89.85, 90.39, 93.25, 93.41,
            94.98, 87.33

        var_basis = np.array([
            [1, 0.99], [1, 1.02], [1, 1.15], [1, 1.29], [1, 1.46], [1, 1.36],
            [1, 0.87], [1, 1.23], [1, 1.55], [1, 1.40], [1, 1.19], [1, 1.15],
            [1, 0.98], [1, 1.01], [1, 1.11], [1, 1.20], [1, 1.26], [1, 1.32],
            [1, 1.43], [1, 0.95]

        matrix_coeffs = solve_coeffs(var_basis, responses)

        SS_E_calc = calc_error_sum_of_sq(var_basis, matrix_coeffs, responses)

            SS_E_act, SS_E_calc, delta=tol,
            msg='calc_error_sum_of_sq is not working correctly.'
예제 #2
    def test_solve_coeffs(self):
        Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers 3rd Ed. online (2003), 
        (section 12-1.2)
        Douglas C. Montgomery & George C. Runger
        tol = 1e-5

        responses = np.array([
            9.95, 24.45, 31.75, 35.0, 25.02, 16.86, 14.38, 9.6, 24.35, 27.5,
            17.08, 37.0, 41.95, 11.66, 21.65, 17.89, 69.0, 10.3, 34.93, 46.59,
            44.88, 54.12, 56.63, 22.13, 21.15

        var_basis = np.array([[1, 2, 50], [1, 8, 110], [1, 11, 120],
                              [1, 10, 550], [1, 8, 295], [1, 4, 200],
                              [1, 2, 375], [1, 2, 52], [1, 9, 100],
                              [1, 8, 300], [1, 4, 412], [1, 11, 400],
                              [1, 12, 500], [1, 2, 360], [1, 4, 205],
                              [1, 4, 400], [1, 20, 600], [1, 1, 585],
                              [1, 10, 540], [1, 15, 250], [1, 15, 290],
                              [1, 16, 510], [1, 17, 590], [1, 6, 100],
                              [1, 5, 400]])

        coeffs_act = np.array([2.26379, 2.74427, 0.01253])
        coeffs_calc = solve_coeffs(var_basis, responses)

        self.assertTrue((np.abs(coeffs_calc - coeffs_act) < tol).all(),
                        msg='statistics function solve_coeffs is not correct')
예제 #3
    def test_calc_error_variance(self):
        Design and Analysis of Experiments 8th ed.
        (pg 469, 258)
        Douglas Montgomery
        responses = np.array([45, 100, 45, 65, 75, 60, 80, 96])
        var_basis = np.array([
            [1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1],
            [1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1],
            [1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1],
            [1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1],
            [1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1],
            [1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1],
            [1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1],
            [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

        matrix_coeffs = solve_coeffs(var_basis, responses)

        calc_err_var = calc_error_variance(var_basis, matrix_coeffs, responses)
        act_err_var = 3.25

            calc_err_var, act_err_var,
            msg='calc_error_variance is not working correctly.'
예제 #4
    def test_calc_mean_sq_err(self):
        Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers 4th Ed. (2007), (pg. 462)
        Douglas C. Montgomery & George C. Runger
        tol = 1e-3
        MSE_act = 5.2352

        responses = np.array([
            9.95, 24.45, 31.75, 35.0, 25.02, 16.86, 14.38, 9.6, 24.35, 27.5,
            17.08, 37.0, 41.95, 11.66, 21.65, 17.89, 69.0, 10.3, 34.93, 46.59,
            44.88, 54.12, 56.63, 22.13, 21.15

        var_basis = np.array([
            [1, 2, 50],
            [1, 8, 110],
            [1, 11, 120],
            [1, 10, 550],
            [1, 8, 295],
            [1, 4, 200],
            [1, 2, 375],
            [1, 2, 52],
            [1, 9, 100],
            [1, 8, 300],
            [1, 4, 412],
            [1, 11, 400],
            [1, 12, 500],
            [1, 2, 360],
            [1, 4, 205],
            [1, 4, 400],
            [1, 20, 600],
            [1, 1, 585],
            [1, 10, 540],
            [1, 15, 250],
            [1, 15, 290],
            [1, 16, 510],
            [1, 17, 590],
            [1, 6, 100],
            [1, 5, 400]

        matrix_coeffs = solve_coeffs(var_basis, responses)

        MSE_calc = calc_mean_sq_err(responses, matrix_coeffs, var_basis)

            MSE_act, MSE_calc, delta=tol,
            msg='calc_mean_sq_err is not working correctly.'
예제 #5
    def solve(self):
        Uses the matrix system to solve for the matrix coefficients.
        comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD
        rank = comm.rank

        if rank == 0:
            self.matrix_coeffs = solve_coeffs(self.var_basis_sys_eval, self.responses)
            self.matrix_coeffs = np.zeros(self.var_basis_sys_eval.shape[1])

        comm.Bcast([self.matrix_coeffs, MPI_DOUBLE], root=0)

        return self.matrix_coeffs
예제 #6
def calc_PRESS_res(var_basis, responses):
    Inputs: var_basis- evaluated variable basis
            responses- the responses
            var_basis_func- the function that calculates the model variable 
            basis from the input point
    An efficient way to calculate the PRESS residual for a given model.
    # TODO: cite
    resp_count = len(responses)
    err_ver_sq = np.zeros(resp_count)

    comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD
    size = comm.size
    rank = comm.rank

    base = resp_count // size
    rem = resp_count % size
    beg = base * rank + (rank >= rem) * rem + (rank < rem) * rank
    count = base + (rank < rem)
    end = beg + count

    ranks = np.arange(0, size, dtype=int)
    seq_count = (ranks < rem) + base
    seq_disp = base * ranks + (ranks >= rem) * rem + (ranks < rem) * ranks

    err_ver_sq_temp = np.zeros(count)

    for idx in range(beg, end):

        temp_basis = np.delete(var_basis, idx, axis=0)
        temp_resps = np.delete(
        matrix_coeffs = solve_coeffs(temp_basis, temp_resps)

        ver_pred = np.matmul(var_basis[idx], matrix_coeffs)
        err_ver_sq_temp[idx - beg] = (responses[idx] - ver_pred)**2

    comm.Allgatherv([err_ver_sq_temp, count, MPI_DOUBLE],
                    [err_ver_sq, seq_count, seq_disp, MPI_DOUBLE])

    press_res = np.sum(err_ver_sq)

    return press_res
예제 #7
파일: test_pbox.py 프로젝트: nasa/UQPCE
    def test_calc_mean_conf_int(self):
        Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers 4th Ed. (2007), 
        (pg. 13, 440, 467) Douglas C. Montgomery & George C. Runger

        Adapted to work for the format required by the ProbabilityBoxes method 
        signif = 0.05

        mean_act = 27.66
        uncert_act = 1

        responses = np.array([
            9.95, 24.45, 31.75, 35.0, 25.02, 16.86, 14.38, 9.6, 24.35, 27.5,
            17.08, 37.0, 41.95, 11.66, 21.65, 17.89, 69.0, 10.3, 34.93, 46.59,
            44.88, 54.12, 56.63, 22.13, 21.15, 27.66

        var_basis = np.array([[1, 2, 50], [1, 8, 110], [1, 11, 120],
                              [1, 10, 550], [1, 8, 295], [1, 4, 200],
                              [1, 2, 375], [1, 2, 52], [1, 9, 100],
                              [1, 8, 300], [1, 4, 412], [1, 11, 400],
                              [1, 12, 500], [1, 2, 360], [1, 4, 205],
                              [1, 4, 400], [1, 20, 600], [1, 1, 585],
                              [1, 10, 540], [1, 15, 250], [1, 15, 290],
                              [1, 16, 510], [1, 17, 590], [1, 6, 100],
                              [1, 5, 400], [1, 8, 275]])

        var_list = [
            UniformVariable(2, 18, order=1, number=0),
            UniformVariable(50, 600, order=1, number=1)
        pbox = ProbabilityBoxes(var_list)
        pbox.matrix_coeffs = solve_coeffs(var_basis, responses)
        pbox.var_basis_resamp = var_basis

        mean_calc, uncert_calc = pbox.calc_mean_conf_int(
            var_basis, responses, signif)

            np.isclose(mean_calc[-1], mean_act, rtol=0, atol=0.01),
            msg='ProbabilityBoxes calc_mean_conf_int is not correct.')

            np.isclose(uncert_calc[-1], uncert_act, rtol=0, atol=0.05),
            msg='ProbabilityBoxes calc_mean_conf_int is not correct.')
예제 #8
    def test_calc_var_conf_int(self):
        Design and Analysis of Experiments, 8th Ed. (pg 468)
        Douglas Montgomery
        tol = 5e-3  # round off error in hand calculation

        # Hand calculated using the matrix coefficients minus and plus
        # the coefficient uncertainty for the lower and upper CI, respectively.
        var_conf_int_act = (
            1 / 3 * (6.285) ** 2 + 1 / 3 * (3.316) ** 2,
            1 / 3 * (8.957) ** 2 + 1 / 3 * (13.853) ** 2

        responses = np.array([
            2256, 2340, 2426, 2293, 2330, 2368, 2250, 2409, 2364, 2379, 2440,
            2364, 2404, 2317, 2309, 2328

        signif = 0.05

        var_basis = np.array([
            [1, 80, 8], [1, 93, 9], [1, 100, 10], [1, 82, 12],
            [1, 90, 11], [1, 99, 8], [1, 81, 8], [1, 96, 10],
            [1, 94, 12], [1, 93, 11], [1, 97, 13], [1, 95, 11],
            [1, 100, 8], [1, 85, 12], [1, 86, 9], [1, 87, 12]

        norm_sq = np.array([[1], [1 / 3], [1 / 3]])

        matrix_coeffs = solve_coeffs(var_basis, responses)

        coeff_uncert = calc_coeff_conf_int(
            var_basis, matrix_coeffs, responses, signif

        var_conf_int_calc = calc_var_conf_int(
            matrix_coeffs, coeff_uncert, norm_sq

            (np.abs(np.array(var_conf_int_act) - np.array(var_conf_int_calc)) < tol).all(),
            msg='calc_var_conf_int is not correct.'
예제 #9
    def test_calc_pred_conf_int(self):
        Design and Analysis of Experiments 8th Ed. (pg 469, 258)
        signif = 0.05
        tol = 0.15  # the book example rounds much more than UQOCE

        # Design and Analysis of Experiments 8th ed, pg 469, 258
        responses = np.array([45, 100, 45, 65, 75, 60, 80, 96])
        var_basis = np.array([
            [1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1],
            [1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1],
            [1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1],
            [1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1],
            [1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1],
            [1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1],
            [1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1],
            [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

        basis_eval_ver = np.array([[1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1]])

        matrix_coeffs = solve_coeffs(var_basis, responses)

        approx_mean, mean_uncert = (
                var_basis, matrix_coeffs, responses, signif, basis_eval_ver

        act_mean = 100.25
        act_uncert = 10.25

            approx_mean, act_mean,
            msg='calc_pred_conf_int is calculating the wrong mean'

            np.isclose(mean_uncert, act_uncert, rtol=0, atol=tol),
            msg='calc_pred_conf_int is calculating the mean uncertainty'
예제 #10
    def test_calc_R_sq_adj(self):
        Design and Analysis of Experiments 8th ed, pg 454, 464
        Douglas C. Montgomery
        tol = 1e-5  # book rounds, so this is a higher value than default

        responses = np.array([
            2256, 2340, 2426, 2293, 2330, 2368, 2250, 2409, 2364, 2379, 2440,
            2364, 2404, 2317, 2309, 2328

        interval_low = -10
        interval_high = 10
        order = 2

        var_list = [
            UniformVariable(interval_low, interval_high, order=order, number=0),
            UniformVariable(interval_low, interval_high, order=order, number=1)

        var_basis = np.array([
            [1, 80, 8], [1, 93, 9], [1, 100, 10], [1, 82, 12],
            [1, 90, 11], [1, 99, 8], [1, 81, 8], [1, 96, 10],
            [1, 94, 12], [1, 93, 11], [1, 97, 13], [1, 95, 11],
            [1, 100, 8], [1, 85, 12], [1, 86, 9], [1, 87, 12]

        for i in range(1, 3):
            var_list[i - 1].std_vals = var_basis[:, i]
            var_list[i - 1].vals = var_basis[:, i]

        matrix_coeffs = solve_coeffs(var_basis, responses)

        R_sq_adj_calc = calc_R_sq_adj(var_basis, matrix_coeffs, responses)
        R_sq_adj_act = 0.915735

            np.isclose(R_sq_adj_calc, R_sq_adj_act, rtol=0, atol=tol),
            msg='statistics function calc_R_sq_adj is not correct'
예제 #11
    def _build_alt_model(self, responses, var_basis, norm_sq, idx):
        Inputs: responses- the array of responses
                var_basis- the evaluated variable basis
                norm_sq- the norm squared
                idx- the index of the point that will be omitted
        Creates a model for the input combination; the mean, variance, and 
        errors are calculated and returned.
        incr_idx = idx + 1
        eval_count = 1

        # remove the test point to solve for constants and build model
        var_basis = np.append(var_basis[:idx], var_basis[incr_idx:], axis=0)
        responses = np.append(responses[:idx], responses[incr_idx:])

        matrix_coeffs = solve_coeffs(var_basis, responses)

        # create a model for each of the subsystems; check model error
        temp_model = SurrogateModel(responses, matrix_coeffs)
        err, pred = temp_model.calc_error(var_basis)
        mean_err = calc_mean_err(err)
        var, mean = temp_model.calc_var(norm_sq)

        # evaluate with the test point
        resp_ver = (
                self.var_basis_vect_symb, self.var_list, eval_count,
                self.var_list_symb, 'std_vals', idx

        # diff between actual point and calculated value
        err_ver = np.abs(calc_difference(self.responses[idx], resp_ver)[0])

        return err_ver, mean_err, mean, var
예제 #12
    def test_get_sobol_bounds(self):
        First Tests:
        Design and Analysis of Experiments, 8th Ed. (pg 468)
        Douglas Montgomery
        Values compared to hand-calculated values from this data.
        Second Tests:
        Calculates the smallest and largest of all possible Sobols- ensures 
        that the lowest corresponds to the low and the highest corresponds to 
        the high.
        # Design and Analysis of Experiments 8th ed, pg 468
        responses = np.array([
            2256, 2340, 2426, 2293, 2330, 2368, 2250, 2409, 2364, 2379, 2440,
            2364, 2404, 2317, 2309, 2328

        signif = 0.05
        tol = 1e-8

        var_basis = np.array([
            [1, 80, 8], [1, 93, 9], [1, 100, 10], [1, 82, 12],
            [1, 90, 11], [1, 99, 8], [1, 81, 8], [1, 96, 10],
            [1, 94, 12], [1, 93, 11], [1, 97, 13], [1, 95, 11],
            [1, 100, 8], [1, 85, 12], [1, 86, 9], [1, 87, 12]

        # Hand calculated from coefficients and coefficient uncertainty
        sobol_CIL_act = np.array([0.17070561225122574, 0.12055447113345258])
        sobol_CIH_act = np.array([0.8794455288665474, 0.8292943877487742])

        matrix_coeffs = solve_coeffs(var_basis, responses)
        coeff_uncert = calc_coeff_conf_int(
            var_basis, matrix_coeffs, responses, signif

        norm_sq = np.array([[1], [1 / 3], [1 / 3]])
        mod = SurrogateModel(responses, matrix_coeffs)
        sobols = mod.get_sobols(norm_sq)

        sobol_CIL_calc, sobol_CIH_calc = get_sobol_bounds(
            matrix_coeffs, sobols, coeff_uncert, norm_sq

            np.isclose(sobol_CIL_calc, sobol_CIL_act, rtol=0, atol=tol).all(),
            msg='get_sobol_bounds is not correct.'

            np.isclose(sobol_CIH_calc, sobol_CIH_act, rtol=0, atol=tol).all(),
            msg='get_sobol_bounds is not correct.'

        # Sanity check on the methodology- the low Sobol for first variable and
        # high for the second variable should sum to 1 and vice versa.
                np.sum([sobol_CIL_calc[0], sobol_CIH_calc[1]]), 1, rtol=0,
            msg='get_sobol_bounds is not correct.'

                np.sum([sobol_CIL_calc[1], sobol_CIH_calc[0]]), 1, rtol=0,
            msg='get_sobol_bounds is not correct.'

        # Special case example- one matrix coefficient of 0 with larg
        matrix_coeffs = np.array([1, 2, 0, 1.5])
        sobols = np.array([0.24615385, 0, 0.08307692])
        coeff_uncert = np.array([0.1, 2, 0.1, 0.1])
        norm_sq = np.array([[1], [1 / 3], [1 / 3], [1 / 3]])

        sobol_CIL_calc, sobol_CIH_calc = get_sobol_bounds(
            matrix_coeffs, sobols, coeff_uncert, norm_sq

        # Sobol 0 should have low bound of 0 since the uncertainty can lead to
        # a coefficient of 0 and therefore Sobol of zero.
        # Sobol 0 should have a high bound of > 0.5 since Sobol 1 can be 0 and
        # coeff 2 at its smallest is smaller than coeff 0 at its largest.
            sobol_CIL_calc[0] == 0, msg='get_sobol_bounds is not correct.'

            sobol_CIH_calc[0] > 0.5, msg='get_sobol_bounds is not correct.'

        # Sobol 1 should have low bound of 0 since the calculated Sobol is 0.
        # Sobol 1 should have a high bound that is relatively small since the
        # largest magnitude of coeff 1 is 0.1 and smallest coeff 2 is much
        # larger.
            sobol_CIL_calc[1] == 0, msg='get_sobol_bounds is not correct.'

            sobol_CIH_calc[1] < 0.1, msg='get_sobol_bounds is not correct.'

        # Sobol 2 should have a low bound that is small but relatively large
        # since the lowest coeff 2 is 1.4, and highest coeff 0 and coeff 1 are
        # 1.1 and 4, respectively.
        # Sobol 2 should have a high bound of 1 since the other Sobols can
        # both be 0.
            sobol_CIL_calc[2] > 0 and sobol_CIL_calc[2] < 0.2,
            msg='get_sobol_bounds is not correct.'

            sobol_CIH_calc[2] == 1, msg='get_sobol_bounds is not correct.'
예제 #13
    def test_calc_coeff_conf_int(self):
        Design and Analysis of Experiments, 8th Ed. (pg 468)
        Douglas Montgomery
        tol = 1e-3  # book rounds, so this is a higher value than default

        # Design and Analysis of Experiments 8th ed, pg 468
        responses = np.array([
            2256, 2340, 2426, 2293, 2330, 2368, 2250, 2409, 2364, 2379, 2440,
            2364, 2404, 2317, 2309, 2328

        order = 2
        signif = 0.05

        interval_low = -10
        interval_high = 10

        var_list = [
            UniformVariable(interval_low, interval_high, order=order, number=0),
            UniformVariable(interval_low, interval_high, order=order, number=1)

        var_basis = np.array([
            [1, 80, 8], [1, 93, 9], [1, 100, 10], [1, 82, 12],
            [1, 90, 11], [1, 99, 8], [1, 81, 8], [1, 96, 10],
            [1, 94, 12], [1, 93, 11], [1, 97, 13], [1, 95, 11],
            [1, 100, 8], [1, 85, 12], [1, 86, 9], [1, 87, 12]

        for i in range(1, 3):
            var_list[i - 1].std_vals = var_basis[:, i]
            var_list[i - 1].vals = var_basis[:, i]

        matrix_coeffs = solve_coeffs(var_basis, responses)

        coeff_uncert = calc_coeff_conf_int(
            var_basis, matrix_coeffs, responses, signif

        calc_coeff = matrix_coeffs[1]
        act_coeff = 7.62129

        calc_low_bound = matrix_coeffs[1] - coeff_uncert[1]
        act_low_bound = 6.2855

        calc_high_bound = matrix_coeffs[1] + coeff_uncert[1]
        act_high_bound = 8.9570

            np.isclose(calc_coeff, act_coeff, rtol=0, atol=tol),
            msg='calc_coeff_conf_int is not correct.'

            np.isclose(calc_low_bound, act_low_bound, rtol=0, atol=tol),
            msg='calc_coeff_conf_int is not correct.'

            np.isclose(calc_high_bound, act_high_bound, rtol=0, atol=tol),
            msg='calc_coeff_conf_int is not correct.'
예제 #14
    def test_calc_mean_conf_int(self):
        Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers 4th Ed. (2007), 
        (pg. 13, 440, 467)
        Douglas C. Montgomery & George C. Runger
        signif = 0.05
        tol = 1e-2  # book rounds to 2 decimal place

        responses = np.array([
            9.95, 24.45, 31.75, 35.0, 25.02, 16.86, 14.38, 9.6, 24.35, 27.5,
            17.08, 37.0, 41.95, 11.66, 21.65, 17.89, 69.0, 10.3, 34.93, 46.59,
            44.88, 54.12, 56.63, 22.13, 21.15

        var_basis = np.array([
            [1, 2, 50],
            [1, 8, 110],
            [1, 11, 120],
            [1, 10, 550],
            [1, 8, 295],
            [1, 4, 200],
            [1, 2, 375],
            [1, 2, 52],
            [1, 9, 100],
            [1, 8, 300],
            [1, 4, 412],
            [1, 11, 400],
            [1, 12, 500],
            [1, 2, 360],
            [1, 4, 205],
            [1, 4, 400],
            [1, 20, 600],
            [1, 1, 585],
            [1, 10, 540],
            [1, 15, 250],
            [1, 15, 290],
            [1, 16, 510],
            [1, 17, 590],
            [1, 6, 100],
            [1, 5, 400]

        matrix_coeffs = solve_coeffs(var_basis, responses)

        var_basis_ver = np.array([[1, 8, 275]])

        mean_calc, uncert_calc = calc_mean_conf_int(
            var_basis, matrix_coeffs, responses, signif, var_basis_ver

        mean_act = 27.66
        uncert_act = 1

            np.isclose(mean_calc, mean_act, rtol=0, atol=tol),
            msg='calc_mean_conf_int is not correct.'

            np.isclose(uncert_calc, uncert_act, rtol=0, atol=tol),
            msg='calc_mean_conf_int is not correct.'
예제 #15
    def get_press_stats(self):
        Calculates the PRESS statistic of the model.
        comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD
        size = comm.size
        rank = comm.rank

        base = self.act_model_size // size
        rem = self.act_model_size % size
        beg = base * rank + (rank >= rem) * rem + (rank < rem) * rank
        count = base + (rank < rem)
        end = beg + count

        ranks = np.arange(0, size, dtype=int)
        seq_count = (ranks < rem) + base
        seq_disp = base * ranks + (ranks >= rem) * rem + (ranks < rem) * ranks

        temp_eval = np.zeros([self.act_model_size, self.min_model_size])
        mean_err = np.zeros(count)
        var = np.zeros(count)
        mean = np.zeros(count)
        ver = np.zeros(count)

        tot_mean_err = np.zeros(self.act_model_size)
        tot_var = np.zeros(self.act_model_size)
        tot_mean = np.zeros(self.act_model_size)
        press = np.zeros(1)

        temp_eval = np.copy(self.var_basis_sys_eval)

        for i in range(beg, end):

            idx = i - beg

            temp = np.delete(temp_eval, i, axis=0)
            responses = np.delete(self.responses, i)
            matrix_coeffs = solve_coeffs(temp, responses)

            # create a model for each of the subsystems; check model error
            temp_model = SurrogateModel(responses, matrix_coeffs)
            err = temp_model.calc_error(temp)[0]
            mean_err[idx] = calc_mean_err(err)
            var[idx], mean[idx] = temp_model.calc_var(self.norm_sq)

            ver[idx] = np.matmul(temp_eval[i, :], matrix_coeffs)

        ver = np.sum((ver - self.responses[beg:end]) ** 2)

            [ver, MPI_DOUBLE], [press, MPI_DOUBLE], op=MPI_SUM

            [mean_err, count, MPI_DOUBLE],
            [tot_mean_err, seq_count, seq_disp, MPI_DOUBLE]

            [mean, count, MPI_DOUBLE],
            [tot_mean, seq_count, seq_disp, MPI_DOUBLE]

            [var, count, MPI_DOUBLE],
            [tot_var, seq_count, seq_disp, MPI_DOUBLE]

        mean_err_avg = float(np.mean(tot_mean_err))
        mean_err_var = float(np.var(tot_mean_err))
        mean_avg = float(np.mean(tot_mean))
        mean_var = float(np.var(tot_mean))
        var_avg = float(np.mean(tot_var))
        var_var = float(np.var(tot_var))

        outputs = {

        return outputs