예제 #1
    def show_camera(self):
        start = time.time()
        ret, frame = self.cap.read()

        if ret:
            if self.__flag_mode == 1:
                humans = estimator.inference(frame)  # 返回heatMat pafMat空间地址
                # get pose info
                # return frame, joints, bboxes, xcenter
                pose = TfPoseVisualizer.draw_pose_rgb(frame, humans)  # pose绘制在画面上了
                # recognize the action framewise
                show = framewise_recognize(pose, action_classifier)  # 返回绘制好的frame

            # elif self.__flag_mode == 2:
            #     self.infoBox.setText(u'当前为多人跟踪模式')
            #     humans = poseEstimator.inference(show)
            #     show, joints, bboxes, xcenter, sk = TfPoseEstimator.get_skeleton(show, humans, imgcopy=False)
            #     height = show.shape[0]
            #     width = show.shape[1]
            #     if bboxes:
            #         result = np.array(bboxes)
            #         det = result[:, 0:5]
            #         det[:, 0] = det[:, 0] * width
            #         det[:, 1] = det[:, 1] * height
            #         det[:, 2] = det[:, 2] * width
            #         det[:, 3] = det[:, 3] * height
            #         trackers = self.tracker.update(det)
            #         for d in trackers:
            #             xmin = int(d[0])
            #             ymin = int(d[1])
            #             xmax = int(d[2])
            #             ymax = int(d[3])
            #             label = int(d[4])
            #             cv2.rectangle(show, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax),
            #                           (int(settings.c[label % 32, 0]),
            #                            int(settings.c[label % 32, 1]),
            #                            int(settings.c[label % 32, 2])), 4)
            # elif self.__flag_mode == 3:
            #     self.infoBox.setText(u'当前为人体行为识别模式')
            #     humans = poseEstimator.inference(show)
            #     ori = np.copy(show)
            #     show, joints, bboxes, xcenter, sk= TfPoseEstimator.get_skeleton(show, humans, imgcopy=False)
            #     height = show.shape[0]
            #     width = show.shape[1]
            #     if bboxes:
            #         result = np.array(bboxes)
            #         det = result[:, 0:5]
            #         det[:, 0] = det[:, 0] * width
            #         det[:, 1] = det[:, 1] * height
            #         det[:, 2] = det[:, 2] * width
            #         det[:, 3] = det[:, 3] * height
            #         trackers = self.tracker.update(det)
            #         self.current = [i[-1] for i in trackers]
            #         if len(self.previous) > 0:
            #             for item in self.previous:
            #                 if item not in self.current and item in self.data:
            #                     del self.data[item]
            #                 if item not in self.current and item in self.memory:
            #                     del self.memory[item]
            #         self.previous = self.current
            #         for d in trackers:
            #             xmin = int(d[0])
            #             ymin = int(d[1])
            #             xmax = int(d[2])
            #             ymax = int(d[3])
            #             label = int(d[4])
            #             try:
            #                 j = np.argmin(np.array([abs(i - (xmax + xmin) / 2.) for i in xcenter]))
            #             except:
            #                 j = 0
            #             if joint_filter(joints[j]):
            #                 joints[j] = joint_completion(joint_completion(joints[j]))
            #                 if label not in self.data:
            #                     self.data[label] = [joints[j]]
            #                     self.memory[label] = 0
            #                 else:
            #                     self.data[label].append(joints[j])
            #                 if len(self.data[label]) == settings.L:
            #                     pred = actionPredictor().move_status(self.data[label])
            #                     if pred == 0:
            #                         pred = self.memory[label]
            #                     else:
            #                         self.memory[label] = pred
            #                     self.data[label].pop(0)
            #                     location = self.data[label][-1][1]
            #                     if location[0] <= 30:
            #                         location = (51, location[1])
            #                     if location[1] <= 10:
            #                         location = (location[0], 31)
            #                     cv2.putText(show, settings.move_status[pred], (location[0] - 30, location[1] - 10),
            #                                 cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8,
            #                                 (0, 255, 0), 2)
            #             cv2.rectangle(show, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax),
            #                           (int(settings.c[label % 32, 0]),
            #                            int(settings.c[label % 32, 1]),
            #                            int(settings.c[label % 32, 2])), 4)
            show = cv.resize(frame, (settings.winWidth, settings.winHeight))
            show = cv.cvtColor(show, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
            end = time.time()
            self.fps = 1. / (end - start)
            cv.putText(show, 'FPS: %.2f' % self.fps, (30, 30), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, (0, 255, 0), 2)
            showImage = QtGui.QImage(show.data, show.shape[1], show.shape[0], QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888)
예제 #2
# # 保存关节数据的txt文件,用于训练过程(for training)
# f = open('origin_data.txt', 'a+') #通过openPose提取keyPoint 然后标记keyPoint进行分类训练 最后通过openpose送到分类

while True and cap.isOpened():  #loop
    has_frame, show = cap.read()  #framewise
    if has_frame:
        fps_count += 1
        frame_count += 1
        #crop image ,then ,the image into network
        #todo 缩小检测范围 显然影响到了检测精度 想要改变显示显然需要从节点生成后去做了
        # pose estimation body_parts PartPair uidx_list
        humans = estimator.inference(show)  #返回heatMat pafMat空间地址
        # get pose info
        # return frame, joints, bboxes, xcenter
        pose = TfPoseVisualizer.draw_pose_rgb(show, humans)  #pose绘制在画面上了
        #save picture  pose[0] 绘制好了关节点的pose图像
        # cv.imwrite('test_out/'+str(frame_count)+'.jpg',pose[0])

        # recognize the action framewise
        show = framewise_recognize(pose, action_classifier)  #返回绘制好的frame
        #end Pose,Track,Detection.
        height, width = show.shape[:2]
        # 显示实时FPS值
        if (time.time() - start_time) > fps_interval:
            # 计算这个interval过程中的帧数,若interval为1秒,则为FPS
            realtime_fps = fps_count / (time.time() - start_time)
            fps_count = 0  # 帧数清零
            start_time = time.time()
        fps_label = 'FPS:{0:.2f}'.format(realtime_fps)
        cv.putText(show, fps_label, (width - 160, 25), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,

if not args.type:
    while cv.waitKey(1) < 0:
        has_frame, show = cap.read()
        if has_frame:
            fps_count += 1
            frame_count += 1

            # pose estimation
            humans = estimator.inference(show)
            # get pose info
            pose = TfPoseVisualizer.draw_pose_rgb(
                show, humans)  # return frame, joints, bboxes, xcenter
            # recognize the action framewise
            show = framewise_recognize(pose, action_classifier)

            height, width = show.shape[:2]
            # 显示实时FPS值
            if (time.time() - start_time) > fps_interval:
                # 计算这个interval过程中的帧数,若interval为1秒,则为FPS
                realtime_fps = fps_count / (time.time() - start_time)
                fps_count = 0  # 帧数清零
                start_time = time.time()
            fps_label = 'FPS:{0:.2f}'.format(realtime_fps)
            cv.putText(show, fps_label, (width - 160, 25),
                       cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 3)

            # 显示检测到的人数
예제 #4
    #reading the frame
    frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=400)

    gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    faces = face_detection.detectMultiScale(gray,
                                            minSize=(30, 30),

    canvas = np.zeros((250, 300, 3), dtype="uint8")
    frameClone = frame.copy()

    humans = estimator.inference(frameClone)
    pose = TfPoseVisualizer.draw_pose_rgb(frameClone, humans)
    frameClone = framewise_recognize(pose, action_classifier)
    height, width = frameClone.shape[:2]

    if len(faces) > 0:
        faces = sorted(faces,
                       key=lambda x: (x[2] - x[0]) * (x[3] - x[1]))[0]
        (fX, fY, fW, fH) = faces
        # Extract the ROI of the face from the grayscale image, resize it to a fixed 48x48 pixels, and then prepare
        # the ROI for classification via the CNN
        roi = gray[fY:fY + fH, fX:fX + fW]
        roi = cv2.resize(roi, (48, 48))
        roi = roi.astype("float") / 255.0
        roi = img_to_array(roi)
        roi = np.expand_dims(roi, axis=0)