예제 #1
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if 'xterm' in os.environ.get('TERM', 'vt100').lower():
            self._pp_formatter = XTerm256ColourFormatter()
            self._pp_formatter = ANSIFormatter()
        self._pp_in_str = self._pp_formatter.format("\x036,1-->\x0f ")
        self._pp_out_str = self._pp_formatter.format("\x036,1<--\x0f ")

        self.handled = set()

        for slot in self.signals.get_bound(self):
            (hclass, event_name) = slot.signal.name
            if hclass != 'commands':

        self.ignored = {'001', '002', '003', '005',  # Welcome crap
                        # Absolutely nobody cares
                        'CAP', 'PONG',
                        # WHOIS crap
                        '276', '307', '308', '309', '310', '311', '312', '313',
                        '316', '317', '318', '319', '320', '330', '335', '337',
                        '338', '343', '378', '379', '671', '672',
                        # I cannae imagine the tosser who would want to pretty
                        # print WHO.
                        '354', '315',
                        # we don't care about the actual NAMES reply...
                        # we will use ENDOFNAMES if ChannelTrack is loaded.
                        '353', }
예제 #2
파일: pprint.py 프로젝트: mickael9/PyIRC
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if "xterm" in os.environ.get("TERM", "vt100").lower():
            self._pp_formatter = XTerm256ColourFormatter()
            self._pp_formatter = ANSIFormatter()
        self._pp_in_str = self._pp_formatter.format("\x036,1-->\x0f ")
        self._pp_out_str = self._pp_formatter.format("\x036,1<--\x0f ")

        self.handled = set()

        for slot in self.signals.get_bound(self):
            (hclass, event_name) = slot.signal.name
            if hclass != "commands":

        self.ignored = {
            "005",  # Welcome crap
            # Absolutely nobody cares
            # WHOIS crap
            # I cannae imagine the tosser who would want to pretty
            # print WHO.
            # we don't care about the actual NAMES reply...
            # we will use ENDOFNAMES if ChannelTrack is loaded.
예제 #3
class PrettyPrintedIRCMixin(IRCBase):
    """Pretty print lines sent and received."""

    # pylint: disable=abstract-method

    def _printf(self, msg):
        """Print formatted messages.

        Am I writing C yet?

        :param msg:
            The message.

        # Why + \x0f?  Because we want to make sure formatting that is
        # improperly terminated doesn't affect further lines.
        print(self._pp_formatter.format(msg + "\x0f"))

    def nick_colour(self, nick):
        """Colourise a nick."""
        colours = [10, 6, 3, 5, 12, 14, 11, 13, 9, 2]
        colour = sum(ord(char) for char in nick) % len(colours)
        formatted = "\x03{},1{}\x0f".format(colours[colour], nick)
        return self._pp_formatter.format(formatted)

    @event("commands", "PRIVMSG")
    @event("commands", "NOTICE")
    def msg(self, _, line):
        """Handle PRIVMSG and NOTICE."""
        mask = line.hostmask
        if mask.nick:
            nick = mask.nick
        elif mask.host:
            # This is for server-sent messages.  For example, the NOTICE
            # sent before registration, or any oper snotes.
            nick = mask.host
            nick = str(mask)  # give up

        # target of NOTICE/PRIVMSG is always the first param
        target = line.params[0]

        # format nick based on NOTICE or PRIVMSG
        if line.command.upper() == 'NOTICE':
            nickstr = "-{nick}-"
            nickstr = "<{nick}>"
        nickstr = nickstr.format(nick=self.nick_colour(nick))

        # message is always last param
        message = line.params[-1]

        self._printf("[{}] {} {}".format(target, nickstr, message))

    @event("commands", "JOIN")
    def join(self, _, line):
        """Handle the JOIN line."""
        joiner = self.nick_colour(line.hostmask.nick)

        if joiner is None:
            # a server can't really join a room itself, so something's wrong

        target = line.params[0]

        self._printf("*** {} has joined {}".format(joiner, target))

    @event("commands", "PART")
    def part(self, _, line):
        """Handle a PART line."""
        parter = self.nick_color(line.hostmask.nick)

        if len(line.params) > 0:
            reason = ' ({})'.format(line.params[-1])
            reason = ''

        target = line.params[0]

        self._printf("*** {} has left {}{}".format(parter, target, reason))

    @event("commands", "KICK")
    def kick(self, _, line):
        """Handle a KICK line."""
        flats = self.nick_colour(line.hostmask.nick)
        victim = self.nick_colour(line.params[1])

        if len(line.params) > 1:
            reason = ' ({})'.format(line.params[-1])
            reason = ''

        target = line.params[0]

        msg = "*** {} has been KICKED from {} by {}{}".format(
            victim, target, flats, reason)

    @event("commands", "QUIT")
    def quit(self, _, line):
        """Handle a QUIT line."""
        if len(line.params) > 0:
            okbye = ' ({})'.format(line.params[-1])
            okbye = ''

        target = line.hostmask.nick

        self._printf("*** {} has left IRC{}".format(target, okbye))

    @event("commands", Numerics.RPL_MOTDSTART)
    @event("commands", Numerics.RPL_MOTD)
    def motd(self, _, line):
        """Handle MOTD"""
        self._printf("MOTD: {}".format(line.params[-1]))

    @event("commands", Numerics.RPL_ENDOFMOTD)
    def motd_end(self, _, line):
        """Handle end of MOTD"""
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        self._printf("End of MOTD")

    @event("commands", Numerics.RPL_MYINFO)
    def my_info(self, _, line):
        """Show the server name and version."""
        if len(line.params) < 3:

        server = self.nick_colour(line.params[1])
        version = "\x02{}\x02".format(line.params[2])

        self._printf("Connected to {} (running {}).".format(server, version))

    @event("commands", Numerics.RPL_TOPIC)
    @event("commands", "TOPIC")
    def topic(self, _, line):
        """We have a topic :)"""
        if line.command.lower() == "topic":
            channel = line.params[0]
            person = self.nick_colour(line.hostmask.nick)
            fmt = "*** {person} set topic of {channel} to: {topic}"
            channel = line.params[1]
            person = None
            fmt = "*** Topic of {channel} is: {topic}"

        topic = self._pp_formatter.format(line.params[-1])
        self._printf(fmt.format(channel=channel, person=person, topic=topic))

    @event("commands", Numerics.RPL_NOTOPIC)
    def no_topic(self, _, line):
        """We don't have a topic :("""
        channel = line.params[1]
        self._printf("*** Topic of {} is not set.".format(channel))

    @event("commands", Numerics.RPL_TOPICWHOTIME)
    def topic_details(self, _, line):
        """Show the details of a topic."""
        channel = line.params[1]
        setter = self.nick_colour(Hostmask.parse(line.params[2]).nick)
        set_on = str(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(line.params[3])))
        self._printf("*** Topic of {} set by {} on {}.".format(
            channel, setter, set_on))

    @event("commands", Numerics.RPL_ENDOFNAMES)
    def maybe_show_names(self, _, line):
        """Show the nicks on a channel, if ChannelTrack is loaded."""
        channel = line.params[1]
        if 'ChannelTrack' in self.extensions:
            chan = self.extensions['ChannelTrack'].get_channel(channel)
            users = [n for n in chan.users.keys()]
            userstr = ', '.join(self.nick_colour(str(nick)) for nick in users)
            self._printf("*** Chatting on {}: [{}]".format(channel, userstr))

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if 'xterm' in os.environ.get('TERM', 'vt100').lower():
            self._pp_formatter = XTerm256ColourFormatter()
            self._pp_formatter = ANSIFormatter()
        self._pp_in_str = self._pp_formatter.format("\x036,1-->\x0f ")
        self._pp_out_str = self._pp_formatter.format("\x036,1<--\x0f ")

        self.handled = set()

        for slot in self.signals.get_bound(self):
            (hclass, event_name) = slot.signal.name
            if hclass != 'commands':

        self.ignored = {
            '005',  # Welcome crap
            # Absolutely nobody cares
            # WHOIS crap
            # I cannae imagine the tosser who would want to pretty
            # print WHO.
            # we don't care about the actual NAMES reply...
            # we will use ENDOFNAMES if ChannelTrack is loaded.

    def recv(self, line):
        if line.command not in self.handled | self.ignored:
            formatted = self._pp_in_str

            if line.command.isnumeric() and len(line.command) == 3:
                cmd = '{} [{}]'.format(
                    Numerics(line.command).name, line.command)
                cmd = line.command

            if cmd.startswith("ERR_"):
                formatted += "\x02\x034,1!!!\x03 {}\x0f ".format(cmd)
                formatted += cmd + ' '

            formatted += ' '.join(line.params)
        return super().recv(line)
예제 #4
파일: pprint.py 프로젝트: foxkit-us/PyIRC
class PrettyPrintedIRCMixin(IRCBase):
    """Pretty print lines sent and received."""
    # pylint: disable=abstract-method

    def _printf(self, msg):
        """Print formatted messages.

        Am I writing C yet?

        :param msg:
            The message.

        # Why + \x0f?  Because we want to make sure formatting that is
        # improperly terminated doesn't affect further lines.
        print(self._pp_formatter.format(msg + "\x0f"))

    def nick_colour(self, nick):
        """Colourise a nick."""
        colours = [10, 6, 3, 5, 12, 14, 11, 13, 9, 2]
        colour = sum(ord(char) for char in nick) % len(colours)
        formatted = "\x03{},1{}\x0f".format(colours[colour], nick)
        return self._pp_formatter.format(formatted)

    @event("commands", "PRIVMSG")
    @event("commands", "NOTICE")
    def msg(self, _, line):
        """Handle PRIVMSG and NOTICE."""
        mask = line.hostmask
        if mask.nick:
            nick = mask.nick
        elif mask.host:
            # This is for server-sent messages.  For example, the NOTICE
            # sent before registration, or any oper snotes.
            nick = mask.host
            nick = str(mask)  # give up

        # target of NOTICE/PRIVMSG is always the first param
        target = line.params[0]

        # format nick based on NOTICE or PRIVMSG
        if line.command.upper() == 'NOTICE':
            nickstr = "-{nick}-"
            nickstr = "<{nick}>"
        nickstr = nickstr.format(nick=self.nick_colour(nick))

        # message is always last param
        message = line.params[-1]

        self._printf("[{}] {} {}".format(target, nickstr, message))

    @event("commands", "JOIN")
    def join(self, _, line):
        """Handle the JOIN line."""
        joiner = self.nick_colour(line.hostmask.nick)

        if joiner is None:
            # a server can't really join a room itself, so something's wrong

        target = line.params[0]

        self._printf("*** {} has joined {}".format(joiner, target))

    @event("commands", "PART")
    def part(self, _, line):
        """Handle a PART line."""
        parter = self.nick_colour(line.hostmask.nick)

        if line.params:
            reason = ' ({})'.format(line.params[-1])
            reason = ''

        target = line.params[0]

        self._printf("*** {} has left {}{}".format(parter, target, reason))

    @event("commands", "KICK")
    def kick(self, _, line):
        """Handle a KICK line."""
        flats = self.nick_colour(line.hostmask.nick)
        victim = self.nick_colour(line.params[1])

        if len(line.params) > 1:
            reason = ' ({})'.format(line.params[-1])
            reason = ''

        target = line.params[0]

        msg = "*** {} has been KICKED from {} by {}{}".format(victim, target,
                                                              flats, reason)

    @event("commands", "QUIT")
    def quit(self, _, line):
        """Handle a QUIT line."""
        if line.params:
            okbye = ' ({})'.format(line.params[-1])
            okbye = ''

        target = line.hostmask.nick

        self._printf("*** {} has left IRC{}".format(target, okbye))

    @event("commands", Numerics.RPL_MOTDSTART)
    @event("commands", Numerics.RPL_MOTD)
    def motd(self, _, line):
        """Handle MOTD."""
        self._printf("MOTD: {}".format(line.params[-1]))

    @event("commands", Numerics.RPL_ENDOFMOTD)
    def motd_end(self, _, line):
        """Handle end of MOTD."""
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        self._printf("End of MOTD")

    @event("commands", Numerics.RPL_MYINFO)
    def my_info(self, _, line):
        """Show the server name and version."""
        if len(line.params) < 3:

        server = self.nick_colour(line.params[1])
        version = "\x02{}\x02".format(line.params[2])

        self._printf("Connected to {} (running {}).".format(server, version))

    @event("commands", Numerics.RPL_TOPIC)
    @event("commands", "TOPIC")
    def topic(self, _, line):
        """We have a topic :)"""
        if line.command.lower() == "topic":
            channel = line.params[0]
            person = self.nick_colour(line.hostmask.nick)
            fmt = "*** {person} set topic of {channel} to: {topic}"
            channel = line.params[1]
            person = None
            fmt = "*** Topic of {channel} is: {topic}"

        topic = self._pp_formatter.format(line.params[-1])
        self._printf(fmt.format(channel=channel, person=person, topic=topic))

    @event("commands", Numerics.RPL_NOTOPIC)
    def no_topic(self, _, line):
        """We don't have a topic :("""
        channel = line.params[1]
        self._printf("*** Topic of {} is not set.".format(channel))

    @event("commands", Numerics.RPL_TOPICWHOTIME)
    def topic_details(self, _, line):
        """Show the details of a topic."""
        channel = line.params[1]
        setter = self.nick_colour(Hostmask.parse(line.params[2]).nick)
        set_on = str(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(line.params[3])))
        self._printf("*** Topic of {} set by {} on {}.".format(channel, setter,

    @event("commands", Numerics.RPL_ENDOFNAMES)
    def maybe_show_names(self, _, line):
        """Show the nicks on a channel, if ChannelTrack is loaded."""
        channel = line.params[1]

        if 'ChannelTrack' not in self.extensions:
        if channel not in self.extensions['ChannelTrack'].channels:

        chan = self.extensions['ChannelTrack'].get_channel(channel)
        users = [n for n in chan.users.keys()]
        userstr = ', '.join(self.nick_colour(str(nick)) for nick in users)
        self._printf("*** Chatting on {}: [{}]".format(channel, userstr))

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if 'xterm' in os.environ.get('TERM', 'vt100').lower():
            self._pp_formatter = XTerm256ColourFormatter()
            self._pp_formatter = ANSIFormatter()
        self._pp_in_str = self._pp_formatter.format("\x036,1-->\x0f ")
        self._pp_out_str = self._pp_formatter.format("\x036,1<--\x0f ")

        self.handled = set()

        for slot in self.signals.get_bound(self):
            (hclass, event_name) = slot.signal.name
            if hclass != 'commands':

        self.ignored = {'001', '002', '003', '005',  # Welcome crap
                        # Absolutely nobody cares
                        'CAP', 'PONG',
                        # WHOIS crap
                        '276', '307', '308', '309', '310', '311', '312', '313',
                        '316', '317', '318', '319', '320', '330', '335', '337',
                        '338', '343', '378', '379', '671', '672',
                        # I cannae imagine the tosser who would want to pretty
                        # print WHO.
                        '354', '315',
                        # we don't care about the actual NAMES reply...
                        # we will use ENDOFNAMES if ChannelTrack is loaded.
                        '353', }

    def recv(self, line):
        if line.command not in self.handled | self.ignored:
            formatted = self._pp_in_str

            if line.command.isnumeric() and len(line.command) == 3:
                cmd = '{} [{}]'.format(Numerics(line.command).name,
                cmd = line.command

            if cmd.startswith("ERR_"):
                formatted += "\x02\x034,1!!!\x03 {}\x0f ".format(cmd)
                formatted += cmd + ' '

            formatted += ' '.join(line.params)
        return super().recv(line)