def copy_cover(self): idx = self.currentIndex() pmap = self.model().cover_pixmap(idx) if pmap is None and idx.row() == 0: pmap = self.model().cc if pmap is not None: QApplication.clipboard().setPixmap(pmap)
def show_data(self, html): def color_to_string(col): ans = '#000000' if col.isValid(): col = col.toRgb() if col.isValid(): ans = unicode( return ans fi = QFontInfo(QApplication.font(self.parent())) f = fi.pixelSize()+1+int(tweaks['change_book_details_font_size_by']) fam = unicode('"', '') if not fam: fam = 'sans-serif' c = color_to_string(QApplication.palette().color(QPalette.Normal, QPalette.WindowText)) templ = '''\ <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> body, td {background-color: transparent; font-family: "%s"; font-size: %dpx; color: %s } a { text-decoration: none; color: blue } div.description { margin-top: 0; padding-top: 0; text-indent: 0 } table { margin-bottom: 0; padding-bottom: 0; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="description"> %%s </div> </body> <html> '''%(fam, f, c) self.setHtml(templ%html)
def main(): app = QApplication(sys.argv) rddtDataExtractor = loadState() if rddtDataExtractor is None: rddtDataExtractor = RedditDataExtractor() rddtDataExtractor.currentlyDownloading = False # If something weird happened to cause currentlyDownloading to be saved as True, set it back to False queue = Queue() thread = QThread() recv = QueueMessageReceiver(queue) mainGUIWindow = RddtDataExtractorGUI(rddtDataExtractor, queue, recv) recv.queuePutSignal.connect(mainGUIWindow.append_text) recv.moveToThread(thread) thread.started.connect( # Add clean up finished signals so the threads end appropriately when the program ends recv.finished.connect(thread.quit) recv.finished.connect(recv.deleteLater) thread.finished.connect(thread.deleteLater) # start the receiver thread.start() # show the GUI # display Imgur API pop up if not hidden by user and client-id isn't set if rddtDataExtractor.showImgurAPINotification and rddtDataExtractor.imgurAPIClientID is None: mainGUIWindow.notifyImgurAPI() # and wait for the user to exit sys.exit(app.exec_())
def main(args=sys.argv): # Ensure viewer can continue to function if GUI is closed os.environ.pop('CALIBRE_WORKER_TEMP_DIR', None) reset_base_dir() parser = option_parser() opts, args = parser.parse_args(args) if getattr(opts, 'detach', False): detach_gui() try: open_at = float(opts.open_at) except: open_at = None override = 'calibre-ebook-viewer' if islinux else None app = Application(args, override_program_name=override) app.load_builtin_fonts() app.setWindowIcon(QIcon(I('viewer.png'))) QApplication.setOrganizationName(ORG_NAME) QApplication.setApplicationName(APP_UID) main = EbookViewer(args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None, debug_javascript=opts.debug_javascript, open_at=open_at, start_in_fullscreen=opts.full_screen) # This is needed for paged mode. Without it, the first document that is # loaded will have extra blank space at the bottom, as # turn_off_internal_scrollbars does not take effect for the first # rendered document main.view.load_path(P('viewer/blank.html', allow_user_override=False)) sys.excepthook = main.unhandled_exception if opts.raise_window: main.raise_() with main: return app.exec_() return 0
def copy_to_clipboard(self): rows = {i.row() for i in self.selectedIndexes()} words = {self.model().word_for_row(r) for r in rows} words.discard(None) words = sorted({w[0] for w in words}, key=sort_key) if words: QApplication.clipboard().setText('\n'.join(words))
def copy_to_clipboard(self, *args): QApplication.clipboard().setText( 'calibre, version %s\n%s: %s\n\n%s' % (__version__, unicode(self.windowTitle()), unicode(self.msg_label.text()), unicode(self.det_msg.toPlainText()))) self.copy_button.setText(_('Copied'))
def decodeAndCopy(self, url): if url.startswith(""): url_param = parse_qs(urlsplit(url).query).get('url') decodedURL = url_param[0] if url_param else url else: decodedURL = url QApplication.clipboard().setText(decodedURL)
def fix_errors(self, container, errors): with BusyCursor(): self.show_busy(_('Running fixers, please wait...')) QApplication.processEvents() changed = fix_errors(container, errors) self.run_checks(container) return changed
def show_splash_screen(self): self.splash_pixmap = QPixmap() self.splash_pixmap.load(I("library.png")) self.splash_screen = QSplashScreen(self.splash_pixmap) self.splash_screen.showMessage(_("Starting %s: Loading books...") % __appname__) QApplication.instance().processEvents()
def render_html(self, ok): try: if not ok: return cwidth, cheight =,, cheight)) factor = float(self.width)/cwidth if cwidth > self.width else 1 cutoff_height = int(self.height/factor)-3 image = QImage(, QImage.Format_ARGB32) image.setDotsPerMeterX(self.dpi*(100/2.54)) image.setDotsPerMeterY(self.dpi*(100/2.54)) painter = QPainter(image) painter.end() cheight = image.height() cwidth = image.width() pos = 0 while pos < cheight: img = image.copy(0, pos, cwidth, min(cheight-pos, cutoff_height)) pos += cutoff_height-20 if cwidth > self.width: img = img.scaledToWidth(self.width, Qt.SmoothTransform) f = os.path.join(self.tdir, '%d.png'%pos) self.images.append((f, img.width(), img.height())) finally: QApplication.quit()
def __init__(self): print "loading ..." QApplication.__init__(self, sys.argv) self.cwd = dirname(realpath(__file__)) self.window = Window(self) self.db = Databaser(self) self.preferences = Preferencer(self) self.filters = Filterer(self) self.icons = Iconer(self) self.accounts = Accounter(self) self.updates = Updater(self) self.threads = Threader(self) self.reader = Reader(self) self.notifier = Notifier(self) controllers = [self.window, self.db, self.preferences, self.filters, self.accounts, self.updates, self.icons, self.threads, self.reader, self.notifier] for controller in controllers: controller.setup() # need to be seperated for controller in controllers: controller.connect()
def main(args=sys.argv): app = QApplication(args) spellEdit = SpellTextEdit() return app.exec_()
def run(self): from trezorlib.pinmatrix import PinMatrixWidget import sys from PyQt4.Qt import QApplication, QWidget, QVBoxLayout from PyQt4.QtGui import QPushButton, QLabel from PyQt4.QtCore import QObject, SIGNAL a = QApplication(sys.argv) matrix = PinMatrixWidget() def clicked(): self.pin_value = str(matrix.get_value()) a.closeAllWindows() ok = QPushButton('OK') QObject.connect(ok, SIGNAL('clicked()'), clicked) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(QLabel(self.input_text + self.message)) vbox.addWidget(matrix) vbox.addWidget(ok) w = QWidget() w.setLayout(vbox) w.move(100, 100) a.exec_()
def launch_editor(path_to_edit, path_is_raw=False, syntax='html'): from calibre.gui2.tweak_book import dictionaries from calibre.gui2.tweak_book.main import option_parser from calibre.gui2.tweak_book.ui import Main from calibre.gui2.tweak_book.editor.syntax.html import refresh_spell_check_status dictionaries.initialize() refresh_spell_check_status() opts = option_parser().parse_args([]) app = QApplication([]) # Create the actions that are placed into the editors toolbars main = Main(opts) # noqa if path_is_raw: raw = path_to_edit else: with open(path_to_edit, 'rb') as f: raw ='utf-8') ext = path_to_edit.rpartition('.')[-1].lower() if ext in ('html', 'htm', 'xhtml', 'xhtm'): syntax = 'html' elif ext in ('css',): syntax = 'css' t = Editor(syntax) = raw app.exec_()
def main(): app = QApplication(sys.argv) rddtDataExtractor = loadState() if rddtDataExtractor is None: rddtDataExtractor = RedditDataExtractor() else: # If something weird happened to cause currentlyDownloading to be saved as True, set it back to False rddtDataExtractor.currentlyDownloading = False # reinstantiate the praw instance because it doesn't shelve properly # praw shelve issue causes http.validate_certs to be uninstantiated rddtDataExtractor._r = praw.Reddit(user_agent='Data Extractor for reddit v1.1 by /u/VoidXC') rddtDataExtractor._r.http.validate_certs = 'RedditDataExtractor/cacert.pem' queue = Queue() thread = QThread() recv = QueueMessageReceiver(queue) mainGUIWindow = RddtDataExtractorGUI(rddtDataExtractor, queue, recv) recv.queuePutSignal.connect(mainGUIWindow.append_text) recv.moveToThread(thread) thread.started.connect( # Add clean up finished signals so the threads end appropriately when the program ends recv.finished.connect(thread.quit) recv.finished.connect(recv.deleteLater) thread.finished.connect(thread.deleteLater) # start the receiver thread.start() # show the GUI # display Imgur API pop up if not hidden by user and client-id isn't set if rddtDataExtractor.showImgurAPINotification and rddtDataExtractor.imgurAPIClientID is None: mainGUIWindow.notifyImgurAPI() # and wait for the user to exit sys.exit(app.exec_())
def main(): """ Main loop to run text widget as applation """ app = QApplication(sys.argv) mwTextEditor = QMainWindow() textEditorBar = EditorBar(mwTextEditor) textEditor = TextWidget(textEditorBar) textEditorBar.saveDocAsSignal.connect(textEditor.saveAs) textEditorBar.spellSignal.connect(textEditor.toggleSpell) textEditorBar.whiteSpaceSignal.connect(textEditor.togglewhiteSpace) textEditorBar.boldSignal.connect(textEditor.toggleBold) textEditorBar.italicSignal.connect(textEditor.toggleItalic) textEditorBar.underlineSignal.connect(textEditor.toggleUnderline) textEditorBar.strikethroughSignal.connect(textEditor.toggleStrikethrough) textEditorBar.subscriptSignal.connect(textEditor.toggleSubscript) textEditorBar.superscriptSignal.connect(textEditor.toggleSuperscript) textEditor.fontFormatSignal.connect(textEditorBar.toggleFormat) mwTextEditor.addToolBar(textEditorBar) mwTextEditor.setCentralWidget(textEditor) return app.exec_()
def clock(self): runner.clock(self) if len(self.unfinished_procs) == 0: print "Finished in %d cycles." % simulator.cycle QApplication.quit() for c in self.components: c.update_color()
def __init__(self, view): QObject.__init__(self, view) self.state = State() self.state.swiped.connect(self.handle_swipe) self.evmap = {QEvent.TouchBegin: 'start', QEvent.TouchUpdate: 'update', QEvent.TouchEnd: 'end'} # Ignore fake mouse events generated by the window system from touch # events. At least on windows, we know how to identify these fake # events. See self.is_fake_mouse_event = lambda : False if touch_supported and iswindows: MI_WP_SIGNATURE = 0xFF515700 SIGNATURE_MASK = 0xFFFFFF00 try: f = ctypes.windll.user32.GetMessageExtraInfo f.restype = wintypes.LPARAM def is_fake_mouse_event(): val = f() ans = (val & SIGNATURE_MASK) == MI_WP_SIGNATURE return ans self.is_fake_mouse_event = is_fake_mouse_event QApplication.instance().focusChanged.connect(self.register_for_wm_touch) except Exception: import traceback traceback.print_exc()
def add_image_diff(self, left_data, right_data): def load(data): p = QPixmap() p.loadFromData(bytes(data)) if data and p.isNull(): p = self.failed_img return p left_img, right_img = load(left_data), load(right_data) change = [] # Let any initial resizing of the window finish in case this is the # first diff, to avoid the expensive resize calculation later QApplication.processEvents(QEventLoop.ExcludeUserInputEvents | QEventLoop.ExcludeSocketNotifiers) for v, img, size in ((self.left, left_img, len(left_data)), (self.right, right_img, len(right_data))): c = v.textCursor() c.movePosition(c.End) start = c.block().blockNumber() lines, w = self.get_lines_for_image(img, v) c.movePosition(c.StartOfBlock) if size > 0: c.beginEditBlock() c.insertText(_('Size: {0} Resolution: {1}x{2}').format(human_readable(size), img.width(), img.height())) for i in xrange(lines + 1): c.insertBlock() change.extend((start, c.block().blockNumber())) c.insertBlock() c.endEditBlock() v.images[start] = (img, w, lines) change.append('replace' if left_data and right_data else 'delete' if left_data else 'insert') self.left.changes.append((change[0], change[1], change[-1])) self.right.changes.append((change[2], change[3], change[-1])) QApplication.processEvents(QEventLoop.ExcludeUserInputEvents | QEventLoop.ExcludeSocketNotifiers)
def _analyseCsv(self): self.dataSourceHandler = None self.vectorDescriptor = None csvFilePath = self.newDialog.filePath.text() if csvFilePath: try: self._updateDataSource(csvFilePath) self._hideCharsetWidget() except InvalidDataSourceException as e: self.newDialog.statusNotificationLabel.setText(QApplication.translate('GeoCsvNewController', 'invalid file path')) self._hideGeometryTypeWidget() self._hideCharsetWidget() except InvalidDelimiterException as e: #currently not tested self.newDialog.statusNotificationLabel.setText(QApplication.translate('GeoCsvNewController', 'invalid delimiter. expected "{}"').format(e.expectedDelimiter)) self._hideGeometryTypeWidget() self._hideCharsetWidget() except UnicodeDecodeError: self._hideGeometryTypeWidget() self._onCharsetError() else: self._createVectorDescriptorFromCsvt() self._hideCharsetWidget() self._showGeometryTypeWidget() else: self.newDialog.statusNotificationLabel.setText("") self._updateAcceptButton()
def do_all(replace=True): count = 0 if not files and editor is None: return 0 lfiles = files or {name:editor.syntax} for n, syntax in lfiles.iteritems(): if n in editors: raw = editors[n].get_raw_data() else: raw = current_container().raw_data(n) if replace: raw, num = pat.subn(state['replace'], raw) else: num = len(pat.findall(raw)) count += num if replace and num > 0: if n in editors: editors[n].replace_data(raw) else: with current_container().open(n, 'wb') as f: f.write(raw.encode('utf-8')) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() count_message(_('Replaced') if replace else _('Found'), count) return count
def handle_tap_hold(self, action, tp): etype = {'start':QEvent.MouseButtonPress, 'update':QEvent.MouseMove, 'end':QEvent.MouseButtonRelease}[action] ev = QMouseEvent(etype, self.current_position(tp), tp.current_screen_position.toPoint(), Qt.LeftButton, Qt.LeftButton, Qt.NoModifier) QApplication.sendEvent(self.parent(), ev) if action == 'end': ev = QContextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent.Other, self.current_position(tp), tp.current_screen_position.toPoint()) # We have to use post event otherwise the popup remains an alien widget and does not receive events QApplication.postEvent(self.parent(), ev)
def start_qt(): global app app = QApplication(sys.argv) app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(False) from malcolm.gui.guiopener import GuiOpener global opener opener = GuiOpener() app.exec_()
def copy(self): # Workaround Qt replacing nbsp with normal spaces on copy c = self.textCursor() if not c.hasSelection(): return md = QMimeData() md.setText(self.selected_text) QApplication.clipboard().setMimeData(md)
def __init__(self,name,interval=1000): if self not in self.indicators: self.indicators += [self] = name self.interval = interval self.initSystray() self.splash = None QApplication.desktop().resized.connect( self.screenSizeChanged)
def no_replace(prefix=''): QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() if prefix: prefix += ' ' error_dialog( self.gui, _('Cannot replace'), prefix + _( 'You must first click Find, before trying to replace'), show=True) return False
def __testWikiHelpBrowser(): import sys app = QApplication(sys.argv) w = WikiHelpBrowser("Here is a wiki page about " + __wikiPageHtmlLink("QWhatsThis and web links") + " to click.") app.connect(app, SIGNAL("lastWindowClosed()"), app, SLOT("quit()")) app.exec_()
def fix_errors(self, container, errors): from calibre.gui2.tweak_book.boss import BusyCursor with BusyCursor(): self.show_busy(_('Running fixers, please wait...')) QApplication.processEvents() changed = fix_errors(container, errors) self.run_checks(container) return changed
def copy_to_clipboard(self): items = [] for item in (self.items.item(i) for i in xrange(self.items.count())): msg = unicode(item.text()) msg = prefix_for_level( + msg items.append(msg) if items: QApplication.clipboard().setText('\n'.join(items))
def main(args=sys.argv): app = QApplication(args) widget = SpellCheckTextEdit('Type here') widget.raise_() return app.exec_()
def restore_defaults(self): if self.devices.count() > 0: self.devices.clear() def commit(self): devs = {} for i in xrange(0, self.devices.count()): e = self.devices.item(i) dev, uid = if dev not in devs: devs[dev] = [] if e.checkState() == Qt.Checked: devs[dev].append(uid) for dev, bl in devs.iteritems(): dev.set_user_blacklisted_devices(bl) for i in xrange(self.device_plugins.count()): e = self.device_plugins.item(i) dev = if e.checkState() == Qt.Unchecked: enable_plugin(dev) return True # Restart required if __name__ == '__main__': from PyQt4.Qt import QApplication app = QApplication([]) test_widget('Sharing', 'Ignored Devices')
return self._dialog.videoPlayer.stop() def _pauseMedia(self): """ Pause the media streaming """ if not self._okToPlayPauseStop(): return self._dialog.videoPlayer.pause() def _okToPlayPauseStop(self): """ Determines if the medai source can be played paused or stopped. """ okToProceed = True if self.mediaSource is None: err = "Specify an audio file using File->Open" self._dialog.fileLineEdit.setText(err) okToProceed = False return okToProceed #---------------------------------- # Run the Video Player ! #---------------------------------- app = QApplication(sys.argv) videoPlayer = VideoPlayerDialog() app.exec_()
def run(self): QTimer.singleShot(self.old_time, self.update) while self.cycles: QApplication.processEvents() self.emit(self.signal)
def start_animation(self): if config['disable_animations']: return if self.animation.state( ) != self.animation.Stopped or not self.isVisible(): return size = self.normal_icon_size.width() smaller = int(0.7 * size) self.animation.setStartValue(QSize(smaller, smaller)) self.animation.setEndValue(self.normal_icon_size) QMetaObject.invokeMethod(self.animation, 'start', Qt.QueuedConnection) def stop_animation(self): self.animation.stop() self.animation_finished() if __name__ == '__main__': from PyQt4.Qt import QApplication, QWidget, QHBoxLayout, QIcon app = QApplication([]) w = QWidget() w.setLayout(QHBoxLayout()) b = ThrobbingButton() b.setIcon(QIcon(I('donate.png'))) w.layout().addWidget(b) b.set_normal_icon_size(64, 64) b.start_animation() app.exec_()
def copyQuoted(self, str): mark = '> ' quote = mark + str.replace('\n', '\n' + mark) QApplication.clipboard().setText(quote)
def show_windows(self): for window in QApplication.topLevelWidgets(): if getattr(window, '__systray_minimized', False): setattr(window, '__systray_minimized', False)
def event_has_mods(self, event=None): mods = event.modifiers() if event is not None else \ QApplication.keyboardModifiers() return mods & Qt.ControlModifier or mods & Qt.ShiftModifier
def main(): QApplication.setApplicationName(__appname__+' console') QApplication.setOrganizationName('Kovid Goyal') app = QApplication([]) app show()
def __exit__(self, *args): QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()
def render_html(current_book, css, vertical, widget, all_fields=False, render_data_func=None): u""" :param current_book: :param css: :param vertical: :param widget: :param all_fields: :param render_data_func: :return: """ table, comment_fields = render_data(current_book, all_fields=all_fields, use_roman_numbers=True) def color_to_string(col): ans = '#000000' if col.isValid(): col = col.toRgb() if col.isValid(): ans = unicode( return ans font_info = QFontInfo(QApplication.font(widget)) font_px = font_info.pixelSize() + 1 font_family = unicode('"', '') if not font_family: font_family = 'sans-serif' body_td_color = color_to_string(QApplication.palette().color( QPalette.Normal, QPalette.WindowText)) template = u""" <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> body, td { background-color: transparent; font-size: %dpx; font-family: "%s", sans-serif; color: %s } </style> <style type="text/css"> %s </style> </head> <body> %%s </body> </html> """ % (font_px, font_family, body_td_color, css) comments = u'' comment_fields = None if comment_fields: comments = '\n'.join(u'<div>%s</div>' % x for x in comment_fields) right_pane = u'<div id="comments" class="comments">%s</div>' % comments if vertical: ans = template % (table + right_pane) else: ans = template % ( u'<table><tr><td valign="top" ' 'style="padding-right:2em; width:40%%">%s</td><td valign="top">%s</td></tr></table>' % (table, right_pane)) return ans
class TestCloudPreferencesPage(TestCase): def setUp(self): = QApplication(sys.argv)"GNS3")"")"Testsuite") = CloudPreferencesPage() # mock settings instance inside the page widget = mock.MagicMock() settings_copy = CLOUD_SETTINGS.copy() = make_getitem(settings_copy) = make_setitem(settings_copy) self._init_page() def tearDown(self): # Explicitly deallocate QApplication instance to avoid crashes del def _init_page(self): = CloudPreferencesPage() = mock.MagicMock() fake_settings = CLOUD_SETTINGS.copy() = make_getitem(fake_settings) = make_setitem(fake_settings) def test_defaults(self): self.assertFalse( self.assertFalse( # saving preferences without setting "store or not" radio button triggers a message box def closeMsgBox(): self.assertIsInstance(, QtGui.QMessageBox) QTimer.singleShot(100, closeMsgBox)'foo')'bar') valid = self.assertFalse(valid) self.assertEqual(, 0) self.assertEqual(, -1) # not set self.assertEqual(, 1) self.assertEqual(, 1) self.assertEqual(, 0) self.assertFalse( self.assertEqual(, 30) def test_user_interaction(self): """ Simulate user interactions via keyboard or mouse and check dialog status """ # following line is because of QTest.keyClicks(, "Bob") self.assertEqual(, 'Bob') QTest.keyClick(, Qt.Key_Eacute) self.assertEqual(, 'É') QTest.mouseClick(, Qt.LeftButton) self.assertTrue( QTest.mouseClick(, Qt.LeftButton) self.assertTrue( QTest.mouseClick(, Qt.LeftButton) self.assertFalse( self.assertTrue( def test_load_settings(self):['cloud_store_api_key_chosen'] = True['cloud_user_name'] = 'Bob'['cloud_api_key'] = '1234567890€'['cloud_store_api_key'] = True['cloud_store_api_key_chosen'] = True['cloud_provider'] = 'rackspace'['cloud_region'] = 'United States'['accepted_terms'] = True['instances_per_project'] = 3['memory_per_instance'] = 2['memory_per_new_instance'] = 6['instance_timeout'] = 120 self.assertEqual(, 'Bob') self.assertEqual(, '1234567890€') self.assertFalse( self.assertTrue( self.assertEqual(, "Rackspace") self.assertEqual(, "United States") self.assertTrue( self.assertEqual(, 3) self.assertEqual(, 2) self.assertEqual(, 6) self.assertEqual(, 120) def test_save_preferences(self):['cloud_store_api_key_chosen'] = True['cloud_provider'] = 'rackspace'"foo")"bar") self.assertTrue(['cloud_store_api_key']) self.assertEqual(['cloud_provider'], 'rackspace') self.assertEqual(['cloud_region'], 'United States') self.assertTrue(['accepted_terms']) self.assertEqual(['instances_per_project'], 8) self.assertEqual(['memory_per_instance'], 16) self.assertEqual(['memory_per_new_instance'], 32) self.assertEqual(['instance_timeout'], 5) def test_clear_settings_on_user_request(self): # no mocking for this testcase page = CloudPreferencesPage() # first run, user stores settings on disk page.uiRememberAPIKeyRadioButton.setChecked(True) page.uiAPIKeyLineEdit.setText("myapikey") page.uiUserNameLineEdit.setText("myusername") page.uiTermsCheckBox.setChecked(True) page.savePreferences() settings = MainWindow.instance().cloud_settings() self.assertTrue(settings.get('cloud_store_api_key')) self.assertEqual(settings.get('cloud_api_key'), 'myapikey') self.assertEqual(settings.get('cloud_user_name'), 'myusername') # now users change their mind page.uiForgetAPIKeyRadioButton.setChecked(True) page.savePreferences() # mainwindow settings should be still valid at this point... self.assertTrue(settings.get('cloud_store_api_key')) self.assertEqual(settings.get('cloud_api_key'), 'myapikey') self.assertEqual(settings.get('cloud_user_name'), 'myusername') # ...and values on disk should be gone stored_settings = QtCore.QSettings() stored_settings.beginGroup(CLOUD_SETTINGS_GROUP) self.assertFalse(stored_settings.value('cloud_store_api_key', type=bool)) self.assertEqual(stored_settings.value('cloud_api_key', type=str), '') self.assertEqual(stored_settings.value('cloud_user_name', type=str), '')
def hide_windows(self): for window in QApplication.topLevelWidgets(): if isinstance(window, (MainWindow, QDialog)) and \ window.isVisible(): window.hide() setattr(window, '__systray_minimized', True)
def copy_to_clipboard(self): QApplication.clipboard().setText(''.join(self.log.plain_text))
img2 = self.imv2.getImageItem() h, y = img2.getHistogram() self.imv2.setLevels(min(h), max(h)) else: img = self.imv.getImageItem() h, y = img.getHistogram() self.imv.setLevels(min(h), max(h)) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys from PyQt4.Qt import QApplication from lantz import Q_ import numpy as np ap = QApplication(sys.argv) m = ScanMonitorWidget() axis = { 'wavelength': { 'stop': Q_('1500nm'), 'start': Q_('1200nm'), 'step': Q_('1nm') }, 'y_axis': { 'name': 'y_axis', 'start': Q_('1mm'), 'stop': Q_('10mm'), 'step': Q_('1mm'), } } m.two_way = True
def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): if self.drag is not None: QTreeView.mouseMoveEvent(self, event) return if ((event.globalPos() - self.mouse_press_qpoint).manhattanLength() < QApplication.startDragDistance()): return # # starting a drag # [logic bug, after bruce change 070507: should not do this # if we already started dragging out a selection. How can we tell? # Only by whether the initial press had eventInRect, I think # (not yet recorded), or at least, the initial move (#e could record here).] # index = self.indexAt(event.pos()) sellst = self.selectedList() # bruce 070507 move earlier DEBUG2 = True if index.isValid(): thisnode = index.internalPointer().node #bruce 070507 bring in some code from alreadySelected = (thisnode in sellst) item = index.internalPointer() rect = self.visualRect(index) if DEBUG2: print "visualRect coords", rect.left(), rect.right(), ), rect.bottom() qfm = QFontMetrics(QLineEdit(self).font()) rect.setWidth(qfm.width( + _ICONSIZE[0] + 4) if DEBUG2: print "visualRect coords, modified:", rect.left(), rect.right( ),, rect.bottom() # looks like icon and text, a bit taller than text (guesses) eventInRect = rect.contains(event.pos()) if DEBUG2: print "valid index: eventInRect = %r, item = %r, index = %r, alreadySelected = %r" % \ (eventInRect, item, index, alreadySelected)####### else: thisnode = item = None alreadySelected = eventInRect = False if not eventInRect: # nothing to drag, but [bruce 070507] let super handle it (for dragging over nodes to select) self.drag_is_not_DND = True ### not yet used QTreeView.mouseMoveEvent(self, event) return if thisnode in sellst: # if dragging something selected, drag along all other selected ones dragged_nodes = sellst else: # if dragging something unselected, ignore any selected ones dragged_nodes = [thisnode] qdrag = QDrag(self) drag_type = 'move' # how do I decide between 'move' and 'copy'? self.drag = (dragged_nodes, drag_type, qdrag) mimedata = QMimeData() mimedata.setText("need a string here for a valid mimetype") qdrag.setMimeData(mimedata) display_prefs = {} pixmap = dragged_nodes[0].node_icon(display_prefs) qdrag.setPixmap(pixmap) qdrag.setHotSpot(QPoint(-8, 8)) qdrag.start()
def check_terminal_save(self): if self.save_manager.has_tasks: return QTimer.singleShot(50, self.check_terminal_save) self.shutdown() QApplication.instance().quit()
print("Please wait a second while the GUI starts up.") import sys import signal import os import os.path from PyQt4.Qt import * import Purr import Purr.MainWindow import Purr.Render import Purr.Startup app = QApplication(sys.argv) app.setDesktopSettingsAware(True) # splash = QSplashScreen( # splash.showMessage("PURR!") # purrwin = Purr.MainWindow.MainWindow(None) try: if not Purr.Startup.startWizard(rem_args, purrwin): print("Cancelled by user") os._exit(1) except Purr.Startup.Error as err: print(err.error_message) os._exit(1)
def copy_to_clipboard(self): QApplication.clipboard().setText(self.log.toPlainText())
def load_ebook(self, pathtoebook, open_at=None): if self.iterator is not None: self.save_current_position() self.iterator.__exit__() self.iterator = EbookIterator(pathtoebook) self.open_progress_indicator(_('Loading ebook...')) worker = Worker(target=partial(self.iterator.__enter__, extract_embedded_fonts_for_qt=True)) worker.start() while worker.isAlive(): worker.join(0.1) QApplication.processEvents() if worker.exception is not None: if isinstance(worker.exception, DRMError): from calibre.gui2.dialogs.drm_error import DRMErrorMessage DRMErrorMessage(self).exec_() else: r = getattr(worker.exception, 'reason', worker.exception) error_dialog(self, _('Could not open ebook'), as_unicode(r) or _('Unknown error'), det_msg=worker.traceback, show=True) self.close_progress_indicator() else: self.metadata.show_opf(self.iterator.opf, self.iterator.book_format) self.view.current_language = self.iterator.language title = self.iterator.opf.title if not title: title = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(pathtoebook))[0] if self.iterator.toc: self.toc_model = TOC(self.iterator.spine, self.iterator.toc) self.toc.setModel(self.toc_model) if self.show_toc_on_open: self.action_table_of_contents.setChecked(True) else: self.toc_model = TOC(self.iterator.spine) self.toc.setModel(self.toc_model) self.action_table_of_contents.setChecked(False) if isbytestring(pathtoebook): pathtoebook = force_unicode(pathtoebook, filesystem_encoding) vh = vprefs.get('viewer_open_history', []) try: vh.remove(pathtoebook) except: pass vh.insert(0, pathtoebook) vprefs.set('viewer_open_history', vh[:50]) self.build_recent_menu() self.action_table_of_contents.setDisabled(not self.iterator.toc) self.current_book_has_toc = bool(self.iterator.toc) self.current_title = title self.setWindowTitle(self.base_window_title + ' - ' + title + ' [%s]' % self.iterator.book_format) self.pos.setMaximum(sum(self.iterator.pages)) self.pos.setSuffix(' / %d' % sum(self.iterator.pages)) self.vertical_scrollbar.setMinimum(100) self.vertical_scrollbar.setMaximum(100 * sum(self.iterator.pages)) self.vertical_scrollbar.setSingleStep(10) self.vertical_scrollbar.setPageStep(100) self.set_vscrollbar_value(1) self.current_index = -1 QApplication.instance().alert(self, 5000) previous = self.set_bookmarks(self.iterator.bookmarks) if open_at is None and previous is not None: self.goto_bookmark(previous) else: if open_at is None: self.next_document() else: if open_at > self.pos.maximum(): open_at = self.pos.maximum() if open_at < self.pos.minimum(): open_at = self.pos.minimum() self.goto_page(open_at, loaded_check=False)
def quit(self): if not self.confirm_quit(): return self.save_state() QApplication.instance().quit()
def __enter__(self): QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor))
def computeImage(self, expression=None): """Computes image from expression (if expression is None, pops up dialog)""" if expression is None: (expression, ok) = QInputDialog.getText( self, "Compute image", """Enter an image expression to compute. Any valid numpy expression is supported, and all functions from the numpy module are available (including sub-modules such as fft). Use 'a', 'b', 'c' to refer to images. Examples: "(a+b)/2", "cos(a)+sin(b)", "a-a.mean()", "fft.fft2(a)", etc.""" ) # (expression,ok) = QInputDialog.getText(self,"Compute image","""<P>Enter an expression to compute. # Use 'a', 'b', etc. to refer to loaded images. Any valid numpy expression is supported, and all the # functions from the numpy module are available. Examples of valid expressions include "(a+b)/2", # "cos(a)+sin(b)", "a-a.mean()", etc. # </P> # """) expression = str(expression) if not ok or not expression: return # try to parse expression arglist = [(chr(ord('a') + ic.getNumber()), ic.image) for ic in self._imagecons] try: exprfunc = eval( "lambda " + (",".join([x[0] for x in arglist])) + ":" + expression, numpy.__dict__, {}) except Exception as exc: self.showErrorMessage("""Error parsing expression "%s": %s.""" % (expression, str(exc))) return None # try to evaluate expression self.showMessage("Computing expression \"%s\"" % expression, 10000) busy = BusyIndicator() QApplication.flush() # trim trivial trailing dimensions. This avoids the problem of when an NxMx1 and an NxMx1x1 arrays are added, # the result is promoted to NxMxMx1 following the numpy rules. def trimshape(shape): out = shape while out and out[-1] == 1: out = out[:-1] return out def trimarray(array): return array.reshape(trimshape(array.shape)) try: result = exprfunc(*[trimarray(x[1].data()) for x in arglist]) except Exception as exc: busy = None traceback.print_exc() self.showErrorMessage("""Error evaluating "%s": %s.""" % (expression, str(exc))) return None busy = None if type(result) != and type( result) != numpy.ndarray: self.showErrorMessage( """Result of "%s" is of invalid type "%s" (array expected).""" % (expression, type(result).__name__)) return None # convert coomplex results to real if numpy.iscomplexobj(result): self.showErrorMessage( """Result of "%s" is complex. Complex images are currently not fully supported, so we'll implicitly use the absolute value instead.""" % (expression)) expression = "abs(%s)" % expression result = abs(result) # determine which image this expression can be associated with res_shape = trimshape(result.shape) arglist = [ x for x in arglist if hasattr(x[1], 'fits_header') and trimshape(x[1].data().shape) == res_shape ] if not arglist: self.showErrorMessage( """Result of "%s" has shape %s, which does not match any loaded FITS image.""" % (expression, "x".join(map(str, result.shape)))) return None # look for an image in the arglist with the same projection, and with a valid dirname # (for the where-to-save hint) template = arglist[0][1] # if all images in arglist have the same projection, then it doesn't matter what we use # else ask if len( [x for x in arglist[1:] if x[1].projection == template.projection ]) != len(arglist) - 1: options = [x[0] for x in arglist] (which, ok) = QInputDialog.getItem( self, "Compute image", "Coordinate system to use for the result of \"%s\":" % expression, options, 0, False) if not ok: return None try: template = arglist[options.index(which)][1] except: pass # create a FITS image busy = BusyIndicator() dprint(2, "creating FITS image", expression) self.showMessage("""Creating image for %s""" % expression, 3000) QApplication.flush() try: hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(result.transpose(), template.fits_header) skyimage = SkyImage.FITSImagePlotItem(name=expression, filename=None, hdu=hdu) except: busy = None traceback.print_exc() self.showErrorMessage("""Error creating FITS image %s: %s""" % (expression, str(sys.exc_info()[1]))) return None # get directory name for save-to hint dirname = getattr(template, 'filename', None) if not dirname: dirnames = [ getattr(img, 'filename') for x, img in arglist if hasattr(img, 'filename') ] dirname = dirnames[0] if dirnames else None # create control bar, add to widget stack self._createImageController( skyimage, expression, expression, save=((dirname and os.path.dirname(dirname)) or ".")) self.showMessage("Created new image for %s" % expression, 3000) dprint(2, "image created")
import traceback # Probably the user deleted the files, in any case, failing # to delete the book is not catastrophic traceback.print_exc() def email_news(self, id_): mi = self.library_view.model().db.get_metadata(id_, index_is_id=True) remove = [id_] if config['delete_news_from_library_on_upload'] \ else [] def get_fmts(fmts): files, auto = self.library_view.model().\ get_preferred_formats_from_ids([id_], fmts, set_metadata=True, use_plugboard=plugboard_email_value, plugboard_formats=plugboard_email_formats) return files sent_mails = email_news(mi, remove, get_fmts, self.email_sent, self.job_manager) if sent_mails: self.status_bar.show_message(_('Sent news to')+' '+ ', '.join(sent_mails), 3000) # }}} if __name__ == '__main__': from PyQt4.Qt import QApplication app = QApplication([]) # noqa print (select_recipients())
def loadImage(self, filename=None, duplicate=True, to_top=True, model=None): """Loads image. Returns ImageControlBar object. If image is already loaded: returns old ICB if duplicate=False (raises to top if to_top=True), or else makes a new control bar. If model is set to a source name, marks the image as associated with a model source. These can be unloaded en masse by calling unloadModelImages(). """ if filename is None: if not self._load_image_dialog: dialog = self._load_image_dialog = QFileDialog( self, "Load FITS image", ".", "FITS images (%s);;All files (*)" % (" ".join(["*" + ext for ext in FITS_ExtensionList]))) dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog.ExistingFile) dialog.setModal(True) QObject.connect(dialog, SIGNAL("filesSelected(const QStringList &)"), self.loadImage) self._load_image_dialog.exec_() return None if isinstance(filename, QStringList): filename = filename[0] filename = str(filename) # report error if image does not exist if not os.path.exists(filename): self.showErrorMessage("""FITS image %s does not exist.""" % filename) return None # see if image is already loaded if not duplicate: for ic in self._imagecons: if ic.getFilename() and os.path.samefile( filename, ic.getFilename()): if to_top: self.raiseImage(ic) if model: self._model_imagecons.add(id(ic)) return ic # load the FITS image busy = BusyIndicator() dprint(2, "reading FITS image", filename) self.showMessage("""Reading FITS image %s""" % filename, 3000) QApplication.flush() try: image = SkyImage.FITSImagePlotItem(str(filename)) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: busy = None traceback.print_exc() self.showErrorMessage( """<P>Error loading FITS image %s: %s. This may be due to a bug in Tigger; if the FITS file loads fine in another viewer, please send the FITS file, along with a copy of any error messages from the text console, to [email protected].</P>""" % (filename, str(sys.exc_info()[1]))) return None # create control bar, add to widget stack ic = self._createImageController(image, "model source '%s'" % model if model else filename, model or, model=model) self.showMessage("""Loaded FITS image %s""" % filename, 3000) dprint(2, "image loaded") return ic
def quit(self): if self.shutdown(): QApplication.instance().quit()
def _loadClipboardPath(self): try: path = QApplication.clipboard().text(self._clipboard_mode) except: return self.loadImage(path)
def copy(self, x): if self.selected_text: QApplication.clipboard().setText(self.selected_text)
"""iqt Provides control over PyQt and PyQwt widgets from the command line interpreter. """ # Import GNU readline, so that readline can do its work in Python scripts. # _iqt falls back on a different method when there is no GNU readline. try: import readline except ImportError: pass from PyQt4.Qt import QApplication, QCoreApplication, PYQT_VERSION if QCoreApplication.instance() is None: _a = QApplication([]) if PYQT_VERSION < 0x40300: import _iqt # Local Variables: *** # mode: python *** # End: ***
time.sleep(0.5) self.p.join() except AttributeError: pass if self.q.qsize() > 0: self.messageWidget.appendLog('i', 'The queue was not empty') print('Freeing up memory...') self.emptyQueue() # Save LOG. fn = self._session.Saving['filename_log'] filename = '%s.log' % (fn) fileDir = self._session.Saving['directory'] if not os.path.exists(fileDir): os.makedirs(fileDir) f = open(os.path.join(fileDir, filename), "a") for line in self.messageWidget.logText: f.write(line + '\n') f.flush() f.close() print('Saved LOG') super(cameraMain, self).closeEvent(evnt) if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) cam = cameraMain() sys.exit(app.exec_())
def copy_to_clipboard(self): QApplication.clipboard().setText(self.text_results)