예제 #1
def main():
    This is a tailor-made propka-executable for propka's GUI, but also useful for commandline execution

    # I. preliminaries

    # loading options, flaggs and arguments; making a version object
    options, pdbfiles = lib.loadOptions()
    version = propka.makeVersion(label=options.version_label)

    # creating the protein object
    myProtein = Protein(pdbfile=pdbfiles[0], options=options)

    # creating a dictionary with atom objects needed for e.g. alignment mutations
    atoms = makeCompositeAtomsDictionary(protein=myProtein,

    # II. optimise 'single-site' mutation and selecting the good determinants
    mutations = []
    for mutation in options.mutations:
        # II.a. combinatorial search of 'determinants' for each site
        best_mutation = myProtein.optimizeMutationDeterminants(
            atoms=atoms, mutation=mutation, version=version, options=options)
        if best_mutation != None:

    # III. combinatorial search of single-site mutations with their resulting 'determinants'
    if len(mutations) > 0:
        best_mutation = myProtein.optimizeMultipleMutations(
            mutations=mutations, atoms=atoms, version=version, options=options)
        print("Could not find any mutation combination more stable than WT\n")
예제 #2
def main():
    This is the main that just performs the determinant search

    # I. preliminaries

    # loading options, flaggs and arguments
    options, pdbfiles = lib.loadOptions()
    version = propka.makeVersion(label=options.version_label)

    # creating protein object
    myProtein = Protein(pdbfile=pdbfiles[0], options=options)

    # creating a dictionary with atom objects needed for e.g. alignment mutations
    atoms = makeCompositeAtomsDictionary(protein=myProtein,

    # II. optimise 'single-site' mutation and selecting the good determinants
    mutations = []
    for mutation in options.mutations:
        # II.a. combinatorial search of 'determinants' for each site
        best_mutation = myProtein.optimizeMutationDeterminants(
            atoms=atoms, mutation=mutation, version=version, options=options)
        if best_mutation != None:
예제 #3
def main():
    This is the main that just performs the determinant search

    # I. preliminaries

    # loading options, flaggs and arguments
    options, pdbfiles = lib.loadOptions()
    version = propka.makeVersion(label=options.version_label)

    # creating protein object
    myProtein = Protein(pdbfile=pdbfiles[0], options=options)

    # creating a dictionary with atom objects needed for e.g. alignment mutations
    atoms = makeCompositeAtomsDictionary(protein=myProtein, pdbfiles=pdbfiles, options=options)

    # II. optimise 'single-site' mutation and selecting the good determinants
    mutations = []
    for mutation in options.mutations:
        # II.a. combinatorial search of 'determinants' for each site
        best_mutation = myProtein.optimizeMutationDeterminants(atoms=atoms, mutation=mutation, version=version, options=options)
        if best_mutation != None:
            mutations.append( best_mutation )
예제 #4
def main():
    Simple main that creates the proteins, mutates the protein, calculates pKa values, and prints pKa files

    # I. preliminaries

    # loading options, flaggs and arguments
    options, pdbfiles = lib.loadOptions()
    version = propka.makeVersion(label=options.version_label)

    # creating protein object and calculating reference folding energy
    myProtein = Protein(pdbfile=pdbfiles[0], options=options)
    myProtein.calculatePKA(version=version, options=options)
    dG_ref = myProtein.calculateFoldingEnergy(options=options)

    # creating a dictionary with atom objects needed for e.g. alignment mutations
    atoms = mutate.makeCompositeAtomsDictionary(protein=myProtein, pdbfiles=pdbfiles, options=options)

    # II. making mutations and calculating the folding energy
    for mutation in options.mutations:
      newProtein = mutate.makeMutatedProtein(myProtein, atoms=atoms, mutation=mutation, options=options)

      # calculating pKa values for ionizable residues
      newProtein.calculatePKA(version=version, options=options)
      dG_mut = newProtein.calculateFoldingEnergy(options=options)
      pka_print("%8.2lf %6.2lf  %s" % (dG_ref, dG_ref-dG_ref, "WT"))
      pka_print("%8.2lf %6.2lf  %s" % (dG_mut, dG_mut-dG_ref, "Mutant"))
      newProtein.writePDB(hydrogens=True, options=options)
예제 #5
def main():
    This is a tailor-made propka-executable for propka's GUI, but also useful for commandline execution

    # I. preliminaries

    # loading options, flaggs and arguments; making a version object
    options, pdbfiles = lib.loadOptions()
    version = propka.makeVersion(label=options.version_label)

    # creating the protein object
    myProtein = Protein(pdbfile=pdbfiles[0], options=options)

    # creating a dictionary with atom objects needed for e.g. alignment mutations
    atoms = makeCompositeAtomsDictionary(protein=myProtein, pdbfiles=pdbfiles, options=options)

    # II. optimise 'single-site' mutation and selecting the good determinants
    mutations = []
    for mutation in options.mutations:
        # II.a. combinatorial search of 'determinants' for each site
        best_mutation = myProtein.optimizeMutationDeterminants(atoms=atoms, mutation=mutation, version=version, options=options)
        if best_mutation != None:
            mutations.append( best_mutation )

    # III. combinatorial search of single-site mutations with their resulting 'determinants'
    if len(mutations) > 0:
      best_mutation = myProtein.optimizeMultipleMutations(mutations=mutations, atoms=atoms, version=version, options=options)
      pka_print("Could not find any mutation combination more stable than WT\n")
예제 #6
def main():
    Simple main that creates the proteins, protonates them, and prints new pdb files with hydrogen atoms

    # loading options, flaggs and arguments
    options, pdbfiles = lib.loadOptions()

    for pdbfile in pdbfiles:

        # creating protein object
        myProtein = Protein(pdbfile=pdbfile, options=options)
        filename = "%s_new.pdb" % (myProtein.name)
        myProtein.writePDB(filename=filename, hydrogens=True)
예제 #7
def main():
    Simple main that creates the proteins, protonates them, and prints new pdb files with hydrogen atoms

    # loading options, flaggs and arguments
    options, pdbfiles = lib.loadOptions()

    for pdbfile in pdbfiles:

      # creating protein object
      myProtein = Protein(pdbfile=pdbfile, options=options)
      filename = "%s_new.pdb" % (myProtein.name)
      myProtein.writePDB(filename=filename, hydrogens=True)
예제 #8
파일: propka.py 프로젝트: ASCM/apbs-pdb2pqr
def main():
    Simple main that creates the proteins, calculates pKa values, and prints pKa files

    # loading options, flaggs and arguments
    options, pdbfiles = lib.loadOptions()

    for pdbfile in pdbfiles:
        # creating protein object
        myProtein = Protein(pdbfile=pdbfile, options=options)
        # calculating pKa values for ionizable residues
        # printing pka file
예제 #9
def main():
    Simple main that creates the proteins, mutates the protein, calculates pKa values, and prints pKa files

    # I. preliminaries

    # loading options, flaggs and arguments
    options, pdbfiles = lib.loadOptions()
    version = propka.makeVersion(label=options.version_label)

    # creating protein object and calculating reference folding energy
    myProtein = Protein(pdbfile=pdbfiles[0], options=options)
    myProtein.calculatePKA(version=version, options=options)
    dG_ref = myProtein.calculateFoldingEnergy(options=options)

    # creating a dictionary with atom objects needed for e.g. alignment mutations
    atoms = mutate.makeCompositeAtomsDictionary(protein=myProtein,

    # II. making mutations and calculating the folding energy
    for mutation in options.mutations:
        newProtein = mutate.makeMutatedProtein(myProtein,

        # calculating pKa values for ionizable residues
        newProtein.calculatePKA(version=version, options=options)
        dG_mut = newProtein.calculateFoldingEnergy(options=options)
        print("%8.2lf %6.2lf  %s" % (dG_ref, dG_ref - dG_ref, "WT"))
        print("%8.2lf %6.2lf  %s" % (dG_mut, dG_mut - dG_ref, "Mutant"))
        newProtein.writePDB(hydrogens=True, options=options)
예제 #10
def main():
    Simple main that creates the proteins, calculates pKa values, and prints pKa files

    # loading options, flaggs and arguments
    options, pdbfiles = lib.loadOptions()

    for pdbfile in pdbfiles:
        # creating protein object
        myProtein = Protein(pdbfile=pdbfile, options=options)

        # calculating pKa values for ionizable residues
        # printing pka file
예제 #11
def makeMutatedProtein(protein, mutation=None, atoms=None, alignment=None, options=None):
    returning a new protein, mutation approach determined from options.mutator
    from Source.protein import Protein as Protein
    print("mutator: %s" % (options.mutator.label))
    print("type: %s\n" % (options.mutator.type))

    # checking mutation format
    # making sure string-mutation has chainID in it, and then recasting into dictionary-mutation.
    if   isinstance(mutation, str):
      if alignment == None:
        alignment = readAlignmentFiles(filenames=options.alignment, mesophile=protein.name, options=options)
      pdbcode, rest = splitStringMutationInTwo(mutation)
      if pdbcode == None:
        mutation = remakeStringMutation(mutation, protein.atoms.keys())
        mutation = remakeStringMutation(mutation, protein.atoms.keys(), atoms[pdbcode].keys())
      dict_mutation = recastIntoDictionary(mutation, alignment=alignment, protein=protein)
    elif isinstance(mutation, dict):
      # this is already in dictionary-format
      dict_mutation = mutation

    pdbfile = "%s.pdb" % (protein.name)
    newfile = "%s_mut.pdb" % (protein.name)
    if   options.mutator.label == "alignment":
        newAtoms = mutateAtomsDictionaryUsingAlignment(protein, mutation=dict_mutation, atoms=atoms, options=options)
        name = "%s_mut" % (protein.name)
        newProtein = Protein(atoms=newAtoms, name=name, options=options)
        newProtein.writePDB(filename=newfile, options=options)
        newProtein = Protein(pdbfile=newfile, name=name, options=options)
        #fixProtonationIssues(protein, newProtein)
    elif options.mutator.label in ["overlap"]:
        newAtoms = mutateAtomsDictionaryUsingOverlap(protein, mutation=dict_mutation, atoms=atoms, options=options)
        name = "%s_mut" % (protein.name)
        newProtein = Protein(atoms=newAtoms, name=name, options=options)
        newProtein.writePDB(filename=newfile, options=options)
        newProtein = Protein(pdbfile=newfile, name=name, options=options)
        #fixProtonationIssues(protein, newProtein)
    elif options.mutator.label in ["scwrl3", "scwrl4", "scwrl"]:
        seqfile = "x-ray.seq"
        sequence = protein.makeSequence(mutation=dict_mutation, program="scwrl", options=options)
        output.writeScwrlSequenceFile(sequence, filename=seqfile, options=options)
        executeScwrl(pdbfile, newfile, seqfile, options=options)
        newProtein = Protein(pdbfile=newfile, options=options)
        cmd = "rm %s" % (newfile); os.system(cmd)
    elif options.mutator.label in ["jackal", "scap"]:
        scapfile = "%s_scap.list" % protein.name
        mutation_data = splitIntoMutationData(mutation)
        output.writeJackalScapFile(mutationData=mutation_data, filename=scapfile, options=options)
        executeJackal(pdbfile, scapfile, newfile, options=options)
        newProtein = Protein(pdbfile=newfile, options=options)
        cmd = "rm %s %s" % (scapfile, newfile); os.system(cmd)
    elif options.mutator.label in ["whatif", "WhatIf"]:
        mutation_data = splitIntoMutationData(mutation)
        output.writeWhatIfFile(mutationData=mutation_data, pdbfile=pdbfile, newfile=newfile, options=options)
        executeWhatIf(newfile=newfile, options=options)
        newProtein = Protein(pdbfile=newfile, options=options)
        cmd = "rm %s" % (newfile); os.system(cmd)
        print("don't know how to use mutator \"%s\"" % (options.mutator.label))

    return  newProtein