예제 #1
    def configure(self):
        if self._done:
            log.info("configuration already done, who is calling it again?")
            return True
        self._done = True

        # setup configuration services
        from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigGetter import TriggerConfigGetter
        cfg = TriggerConfigGetter()  # noqa: F841

        # after the menu xml file has been created or the TriggerDB access is configured,
        # the COOL/SQlite db can be written
        from TrigConfigSvc.TrigConf2COOL import theConfCOOLWriter

        # preconfigure TrigDecisionTool
        from TrigDecisionTool.TrigDecisionToolConf import Trig__TrigDecisionTool
        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
        ToolSvc += Trig__TrigDecisionTool("TrigDecisionTool")
        from PyUtils.MetaReaderPeekerFull import metadata
        if "metadata_items" in metadata and any(
            ('TriggerMenu' in key)
                for key in metadata["metadata_items"].keys()):
            # Use xAOD configuration.
            from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
            if not hasattr(svcMgr, 'xAODConfigSvc'):
                from TrigConfxAOD.TrigConfxAODConf import TrigConf__xAODConfigSvc
                svcMgr += TrigConf__xAODConfigSvc('xAODConfigSvc')
            ToolSvc += Trig__TrigDecisionTool("TrigDecisionTool")
            ToolSvc.TrigDecisionTool.TrigConfigSvc = svcMgr.xAODConfigSvc
            # Use TrigConfigSvc
            ToolSvc.TrigDecisionTool.TrigConfigSvc = "TrigConf::TrigConfigSvc/TrigConfigSvc"

        from TrigEDMConfig.TriggerEDM import EDMLibraries
        ToolSvc.TrigDecisionTool.Navigation.Dlls = [
            e for e in EDMLibraries if 'TPCnv' not in e

        if withLVL1():
            # setup Lvl1
            # initialize LVL1ConfigSvc
            log.info("configuring lvl1")
            from TriggerJobOpts.Lvl1ResultBuilderGetter import Lvl1ResultBuilderGetter
            lvl1 = Lvl1ResultBuilderGetter()  # noqa: F841

        if withHLT():
            # setup HLT
            # initialize HLT config svc
            log.info("configuring hlt")
            from TriggerJobOpts.HLTTriggerResultGetter import HLTTriggerResultGetter
            hlt = HLTTriggerResultGetter()  # noqa: F841

        #Call the tools to unpack the bytestream

        #Call the tool to make the TrigDecision object for ESD or AOD

        return True
예제 #2
    def configure(self):
        if self._done:
            log.info("configuration already done, who is calling it again?")
            return True

        # setup configuration services
        from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigGetter import TriggerConfigGetter
        cfg =  TriggerConfigGetter()

        # after the menu xml file has been created or the TriggerDB access is configured,
        # the COOL/SQlite db can be written 
        from TrigConfigSvc.TrigConf2COOL import theConfCOOLWriter

        # preconfigure TrigDecisionTool
        from TrigDecisionTool.TrigDecisionToolConf import Trig__TrigDecisionTool
        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
        ToolSvc += Trig__TrigDecisionTool( "TrigDecisionTool" )
	# tell TDT to use TrigConfigSvc (Since 00-03-40, defaults to not use it)
        ToolSvc.TrigDecisionTool.TrigConfigSvc = "Trig::TrigConfigSvc/TrigConfigSvc"

        from TrigEDMConfig.TriggerEDM import EDMLibraries
        ToolSvc.TrigDecisionTool.Navigation.Dlls = [e for e in  EDMLibraries if 'TPCnv' not in e]

        if withLVL1():
            # setup Lvl1
            # initialize LVL1ConfigSvc
            log.info("configuring lvl1")
            from TriggerJobOpts.Lvl1ResultBuilderGetter import Lvl1ResultBuilderGetter
            lvl1 = Lvl1ResultBuilderGetter()

        if withHLT():
            # setup HLT
            # initialize HLT config svc
            log.info("configuring hlt")
            from TriggerJobOpts.HLTTriggerResultGetter import HLTTriggerResultGetter
            hlt = HLTTriggerResultGetter()

        #Call the tools to unpack the bytestream
        #Call the tool to make the TrigDecision object for ESD or AOD
        return True
예제 #3
# flags needed for TriggerConfigGetter
from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
rec.readRDO = False
rec.readAOD = True
rec.doWriteAOD = False
rec.doWriteESD = False

# To read files with trigger config stored as in-file meta-data,
# i.e. 13.0.40 and above: ds
# To read AOD produced with 13.0.30 you need to change ds to aod:
from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerFlags import TriggerFlags
TriggerFlags.configurationSourceList = ['ds']

# set up trigger config service
from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigGetter import TriggerConfigGetter
cfg = TriggerConfigGetter()

# list of the algorithms to be executed at run time
from MissingETPerformance.MissingETPerformanceConf import MissingETPerformance
topSequence.CBNT_AthenaAware += MissingETPerformance()
MissingETPerformance = MissingETPerformance()

############# The properties of the MissingETPerformance Algorithm
MissingETPerformance.OutputLevel = WARNING

############## trigger
#whether to require a trigger from the list to have fired
MissingETPerformance.FilterOnTrigger = False
#List of trigger names to accept
MissingETPerformance.TriggerNames = ["EF_e15_medium", "EF_e5_medium", "EF_J50"]
예제 #4
# might be needed for TriggerConfigGetter...
from RecExConfig.RecFlags  import rec

# To read files with trigger config stored as in-file meta-data, i.e. 13.0.40
# and above: ds. To read AOD produced with 13.0.30 you need to change ds to aod:
from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerFlags import TriggerFlags
TriggerFlags.configurationSourceList = ['ds']
# set up trigger config service
from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigGetter import TriggerConfigGetter
cfg =  TriggerConfigGetter()

# setup TTree registration Service
# save ROOT histograms and Tuple
from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import THistSvc
ServiceMgr += THistSvc()

# Set output level threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
ServiceMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel = INFO

ServiceMgr.THistSvc.Output = [ "AANT DATAFILE='run_0152116.root' OPT='RECREATE'" ]
from AnalysisTools.AnalysisToolsConf import AANTupleStream
topSequence += AANTupleStream()
AANTupleStream = AANTupleStream()
AANTupleStream.ExtraRefNames = [ "StreamESD","Stream1" ]
예제 #5
# LVL1 Trigger Menu
if hasattr(runArgs, "triggerConfig") and runArgs.triggerConfig!="NONE":
    # LVL1 Trigger Menu
    # PJB 9/2/2009 Setup the new triggerConfig flags here
    from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerFlags import TriggerFlags
    triggerArg = runArgs.triggerConfig
    #if not prefixed with LVL1: add it here
    Args = triggerArg.split(":")
    if Args[0] != "LVL1":
        TriggerFlags.triggerConfig ="LVL1:"+triggerArg
        TriggerFlags.triggerConfig =triggerArg
    overlaylog.info( 'triggerConfig argument is: %s ', TriggerFlags.triggerConfig.get_Value() )
    from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigGetter import TriggerConfigGetter
    cfg = TriggerConfigGetter("HIT2RDO")

printfunc ("================ DetFlags ================ ")
if 'DetFlags' in dir():
    overlaylog.warning("DetFlags already defined! This means DetFlags should have been fully configured already..")
    from AthenaCommon.DetFlags import DetFlags

    if not hasattr(runArgs, "triggerConfig") or runArgs.triggerConfig=="NONE":
예제 #6
def VertexGroupD3PD(alg=None,

    print '[TrackD3PDMaker.VertexGroupD3PD] Vertex group D3PD settings:'
    print 'VertexD3PDAnalysisFlags'
    print VertexD3PDAnalysisFlags
    print 'VertexD3PDAnalysisKeys'
    print VertexD3PDAnalysisKeys

    if not alg:
        ## Create a new algorithm
        from OutputStreamAthenaPool.MultipleStreamManager import MSMgr
        alg = MSMgr.NewRootStream(treeName, file)

    ## General event information (custom options prefix: 'ei_')
    if VertexD3PDAnalysisFlags.useEventInfo():
        from EventCommonD3PDMaker.EventInfoD3PDObject import EventInfoD3PDObject
        alg += EventInfoD3PDObject(**_args('ei_', kw, level=0, prefix='ei_'))

    ## Trigger information (custom options prefix: 'trig_')
    if VertexD3PDAnalysisFlags.useTrigger():
        from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigGetter import TriggerConfigGetter
        cfg = TriggerConfigGetter("ReadPool")
        from TriggerD3PDMaker.defineTriggerBits import defineTriggerBits
        from TriggerD3PDMaker.TrigConfMetadata import addTrigConfMetadata
        from TriggerD3PDMaker.TrigDecisionD3PDObject import TrigDecisionD3PDObject
        alg += TrigDecisionD3PDObject(**_args('trig_', kw, level=2))
    if VertexD3PDAnalysisFlags.useTriggerRaw():
        from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigGetter import TriggerConfigGetter
        cfg = TriggerConfigGetter("ReadPool")
        from TriggerD3PDMaker.defineTriggerBits import defineTriggerBits
        from TriggerD3PDMaker.TrigConfMetadata import addTrigConfMetadata
        #Setup custom D3PD object with raw trigger info only (e.g. calibration_vdM streams)
        from D3PDMakerCoreComps.D3PDObject import make_Void_D3PDObject
        import TriggerD3PDMaker
        TrigDecisionD3PDObjectRaw = make_Void_D3PDObject(
        if not VertexD3PDAnalysisFlags.useTrigger():
        #Finally add object to algorithms
        alg += TrigDecisionD3PDObjectRaw(**_args('trig_', kw, level=0))
        if not VertexD3PDAnalysisFlags.useTrigger():
            #unless we've already added it, add meta-data as well

    ## Beam background information (custom options prefix: 'bkg_')
    if VertexD3PDAnalysisFlags.useBackgroundWord():
        from BackgroundD3PDMaker.BackgroundWordD3PDObject import BackgroundWordD3PDObject
        alg += BackgroundWordD3PDObject(**_args('bkg_', kw, level=0))

    ## Tracks and V0 information (custom options prefix: 'trk_', and 'v0_')
    if VertexD3PDAnalysisFlags.useTracks():
        labelDefaultVtx = VertexD3PDAnalysisKeys.LabelDefaultVtx()
        prefixDefaultVtx = labelDefaultVtx + '_'  #Add trailing '_'

        import TrackD3PDMaker
        from TrackD3PDMaker.TrackD3PDMakerFlags import TrackD3PDFlags
        from TrackD3PDMaker.TrackD3PDObject import TrackD3PDObject
        from D3PDMakerConfig.D3PDMakerFlags import D3PDMakerFlags
        from TruthD3PDMaker.TruthD3PDMakerFlags import TruthD3PDFlags
        from TruthD3PDMaker.TruthD3PDMakerKeys import TruthD3PDKeys
        VtxD3PD_Track_Exclude = ['vx_weight']
        TrackD3PDMaker.PerigeeUnbiasedIPAtPVFillerTool.DoBiased = False  #Switch off biased perigee
        TrackParticleD3PDObjectForVertex = TrackD3PDObject(
            detailedTruthPrefix='',  # 'mc_detailed_'
            detailedTruthMapKey='',  #'DetailedTrackTruth'
        alg += TrackParticleD3PDObjectForVertex(
            **_args('trk_', kw, level=8, exclude=VtxD3PD_Track_Exclude))

    if VertexD3PDAnalysisFlags.useSecondaryVertex():
        from TrackD3PDMaker.V0D3PDObject import V0D3PDObject
        alg += V0D3PDObject(**_args('v0_', kw, level=10))

    ## Store beamspot information (custom option perfix: 'bs_')
    if VertexD3PDAnalysisFlags.useBeamspot():
        from TrackD3PDMaker.BeamSpotD3PDObject import BeamSpotD3PDObject
        alg += BeamSpotD3PDObject(**_args('bs_', kw, level=0))

    ## Store vertex information (custom options prefix: 'vtx_' or 'vtx' for BuildVertexD3PDObject)
    from TrackD3PDMaker.VertexD3PDObject import PrimaryVertexD3PDObject
    from TrackD3PDMaker.VertexD3PDObject import BuildVertexD3PDObject
    from InDetRecExample.InDetKeys import InDetKeys
    from InDetRecExample.InDetJobProperties import InDetFlags
    #First dump existing content
    labelDefaultVtx = VertexD3PDAnalysisKeys.LabelDefaultVtx()
    prefixDefaultVtx = labelDefaultVtx + '_'  #Add trailing '_'
    VtxDefaultD3PDObj = BuildVertexD3PDObject(
    alg += VtxDefaultD3PDObj(**_args('vtx_', kw, level=10))
    #Then also dump the other vertex collections
    if VertexD3PDAnalysisFlags.useAllVertexCollections:
        #Use non BC and split collections (sorry, no customization of parameters here)
        if not InDetFlags.doSplitVertexFindingForMonitoring():
            #raise NameError('Requesting split vertices but algorith has not run!')
                '[TrackD3PDMaker.VertexGroupD3PD] WARNING: Requested split vertices, but algorithm has not run! Skipped.'
            SplitPrimaryVertexD3PDObject = BuildVertexD3PDObject(
            alg += SplitPrimaryVertexD3PDObject(8)

        #Then store also non beamspot constrained ones
        if not InDetFlags.doVertexFindingForMonitoring():
            #raise NameError('Requesting NBC vertices but algorith has not run!')
                '[TrackD3PDMaker.VertexGroupD3PD] WARNING: Requested non beamspot constrained vertices, but algorithm has not run! Skipped.'
            NoBeamConstraintPrimaryVertexD3PDObject = BuildVertexD3PDObject(
            alg += NoBeamConstraintPrimaryVertexD3PDObject(8)

    ## Store truth-level information (custom options prefix: 'tuthVtx_', 'truthEvt_', 'truthPart_')
    if VertexD3PDAnalysisFlags.useTruth():
        from TruthD3PDAnalysis.TruthD3PDAnalysisConf import D3PD__GenObjectsFilterTool
        trackGenObjectsFilterTool = D3PD__GenObjectsFilterTool(
        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
        ToolSvc += trackGenObjectsFilterTool

        if (VertexD3PDAnalysisFlags.filterTightTruth()):
            trackGenObjectsFilterTool.SelectTruthTracks = True
            trackGenObjectsFilterTool.PtMin = VertexD3PDAnalysisKeys.TruthTrackCutPtMin(
            trackGenObjectsFilterTool.EtaMax = VertexD3PDAnalysisKeys.TruthTrackCutEtaMax(
            trackGenObjectsFilterTool.RemoveEmptyEvents = True
            trackGenObjectsFilterTool.RemoveDummyEvents = True
            trackGenObjectsFilterTool.RemoveInTimePileUp = False
            trackGenObjectsFilterTool.Remove2BCPileUp = True
            trackGenObjectsFilterTool.Remove800nsPileUp = True
            trackGenObjectsFilterTool.RemoveCavernBkg = False
            trackGenObjectsFilterTool.AddOnlyFirstVertex = VertexD3PDAnalysisKeys.TruthAddOnlyFirstVertex(
            #Use a more inclusive truth policy
            trackGenObjectsFilterTool.SelectTruthTracks = False
            trackGenObjectsFilterTool.PtMin = VertexD3PDAnalysisKeys.TruthTrackCutPtMin(
            trackGenObjectsFilterTool.EtaMax = VertexD3PDAnalysisKeys.TruthTrackCutEtaMax(
            trackGenObjectsFilterTool.RemoveEmptyEvents = True
            trackGenObjectsFilterTool.RemoveDummyEvents = True
            trackGenObjectsFilterTool.AddOnlyFirstVertex = VertexD3PDAnalysisKeys.TruthAddOnlyFirstVertex(

        from TruthD3PDMaker.GenEventD3PDObject import GenEventD3PDObject
        alg += GenEventD3PDObject(
                    pileup_CollectionGetterRegistry=alg.name() +

        from TruthD3PDMaker.GenVertexD3PDObject import GenVertexD3PDObject
        alg += GenVertexD3PDObject(**_args(
            'truthVtx_', kw, level=1, filter=trackGenObjectsFilterTool))

        from TruthD3PDMaker.GenParticleD3PDObject import GenParticleD3PDObject
        alg += GenParticleD3PDObject(**_args(
            'truthPart_', kw, level=10, filter=trackGenObjectsFilterTool))

        from TruthD3PDMaker.GenParticleD3PDObject import GenTruthTrackD3PDObject
        alg += GenTruthTrackD3PDObject(**_args('truthTrack_', kw, level=0))

    ## Dump higher level objects
    # Missing Energy (custom options prefix with VertexD3PDAnalysisKeys.MetCollections+'_')
    if VertexD3PDAnalysisFlags.useMET():
        for MET in VertexD3PDAnalysisKeys.MetCollections():
            VtxD3PD_Met_Key = MET
            VtxD3PD_Met_Prefix = MET.replace('_', '') + '_'
            VtxD3PD_Met_Level = 0  #Only basic info
            VtxD3PD_Met_Exclude = ['MET_Regions', 'L1_', 'L2_', 'EF_']
            from MissingETD3PDMaker.MissingETD3PDObject import RefFinalMETD3PDObject
            VtxD3PD_Met_Obj = RefFinalMETD3PDObject(
                **_args(MET + '_',
            alg += VtxD3PD_Met_Obj

    #Muons (custom options prefix VtxD3PD_Muon_Prefix -- see below [e.g. muid_, staco_, ...])
    if VertexD3PDAnalysisFlags.useMuons():
        from MuonD3PDMaker.MuonD3PDObject import MuonD3PDObject
        for Muon in VertexD3PDAnalysisKeys.MuonCollections():
            VtxD3PD_Muon_Key = Muon
            VtxD3PD_Muon_Prefix = Muon + '_'
            if VtxD3PD_Muon_Key == 'MuidMuonCollection':
                VtxD3PD_Muon_Prefix = 'muid_'
            elif VtxD3PD_Muon_Key == 'StacoMuonCollection':
                VtxD3PD_Muon_Prefix = 'staco_'

            VtxD3PD_Muon_Level = 0  #Only basic info
            VtxD3PD_Muon_Exclude = [
                'EFCBInfo', 'EFMGInfo', 'EFMEInfo', 'L2CBInfo', 'L1Info',
                'L1_', 'L2_', 'EF_'
            VtxD3PD_Muon_Obj = MuonD3PDObject(
            alg += VtxD3PD_Muon_Obj

    #Electrons (custom options prefix: 'el_')
    if VertexD3PDAnalysisFlags.useElectrons():
        from egammaD3PDMaker.ElectronD3PDObject import ElectronD3PDObject
        alg += ElectronD3PDObject(**_args('el_', kw, prefix='el_', level=0))

    #Photons (custom options prefix: 'ph_')
    if VertexD3PDAnalysisFlags.usePhotons():
        from egammaD3PDMaker.PhotonD3PDObject import PhotonD3PDObject
        alg += PhotonD3PDObject(**_args('ph_', kw, prefix='ph_', level=0))

    #Jets, JVF, b-jets (custom options prefix: 'jet_')
    if VertexD3PDAnalysisFlags.useJets():
        from JetD3PDMaker.JetD3PDObject import JetD3PDObject
        from JetTagD3PDMaker.JetTagD3PDMakerKeys import JetTagD3PDKeys
        from JetTagD3PDMaker.AddBTagD3PDInfo import addBTagInfoToJetObject
        addBTagInfoToJetObject(JetD3PDObject, btagLevelOffset=0)
        VtxD3PD_Jet_Include = [
            'Kinematics', 'JetVertexFraction', 'JVtx', 'EMFraction',
        for JET in VertexD3PDAnalysisKeys.JetCollections():
            VtxD3PD_Jet_Prefix = JET.replace('_', '') + '_'
            if len(VertexD3PDAnalysisKeys.JetCollections()) == 1:
                #only 1 element, simplify prefix
                VtxD3PD_Jet_Prefix = 'jet_'
            alg += JetD3PDObject(**_args('jet_',

    if VertexD3PDAnalysisFlags.useTaus():
        from TauD3PDMaker.TauD3PDObject import TauD3PDObject
        VtxD3PD_Tau_Include = ['TauPriVtx']
        alg += TauD3PDObject(**_args(
            'tau_', kw, prefix='tau_', level=0, include=VtxD3PD_Tau_Include))

    ## Return algorithm
    return alg
예제 #7
    def configure(self):

        if self._done:
            log.info("configuration already done, who is calling it again?")
            return True
        self._done = True

        # start with print some information what this will do
            "Basic configuration flags RecAlgsFlag.doTrigger: %d   RecFlags.doTrigger: %d TriggerFlags.doTriggerConfigOnly %d"
            % (recAlgs.doTrigger(), rec.doTrigger(), TF.doTriggerConfigOnly()))
            "TriggerFlags: doL1Topo: %s, doLVL1: %s, doLVL2: %s, doEF: %s, doHLT: %s"
            % (TF.doL1Topo(), TF.doLVL1(), TF.doLVL2(), TF.doEF(), TF.doHLT()))

        willGenerateMenu = recAlgs.doTrigger() and (
            TF.doLVL1() or TF.doLVL2() or TF.doEF()
            or TF.doHLT()) and not TF.doTriggerConfigOnly()
        willRunTriggerConfigGetter = recAlgs.doTrigger() or rec.doTrigger(
        ) or TF.doTriggerConfigOnly()
        willRunLVL1SimulationGetter = recAlgs.doTrigger(
        ) and not TF.doTriggerConfigOnly()
        willRunHLTSimulationGetter = willRunLVL1SimulationGetter and (
            TF.doLVL2() or TF.doEF() or TF.doHLT())

        log.info("Will run: %s%s%s%s" % (
            "GenerateMenu " if willGenerateMenu else "",
            "TriggerConfigGetter " if willRunTriggerConfigGetter else "",
            "LVL1SimulationGetter " if willRunLVL1SimulationGetter else "",
            "HLTSimulationGetter " if willRunHLTSimulationGetter else "",
        log.info("Will not run: %s%s%s%s" % (
            "GenerateMenu " if not willGenerateMenu else "",
            "TriggerConfigGetter " if not willRunTriggerConfigGetter else "",
            "LVL1SimulationGetter " if not willRunLVL1SimulationGetter else "",
            "HLTSimulationGetter " if not willRunHLTSimulationGetter else "",

        if recAlgs.doTrigger():

            # setup the trigger from the DB
            if TF.readConfigFromTriggerDb():
                return self.configureTriggerFromDB()

            if ((TF.doLVL1() == True or TF.doLVL2() == True
                 or TF.doEF() == True or TF.doHLT() == True)
                    and TF.doTriggerConfigOnly() == False):
                log.info("generating menu")
                # trigger menu files generation
                g = GenerateMenu()

                # after the menu xml file has been created or the TriggerDB access is configured,
                # the COOL/SQlite db can be written
                # TB this needs to be optimized -- we do not need ti always but only when AOD or ESD are created

        if recAlgs.doTrigger() or rec.doTrigger() or TF.doTriggerConfigOnly():
            # setup configuration services
            from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigGetter import TriggerConfigGetter
            cfg = TriggerConfigGetter()

            from TrigConfigSvc.TrigConf2COOL import theConfCOOLWriter

        # preconfigure TrigDecisionTool
        from TrigDecisionTool.TrigDecisionToolConf import Trig__TrigDecisionTool
        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
        ToolSvc += Trig__TrigDecisionTool("TrigDecisionTool")
        # tell tdt to use TrigConfigSvc (Since TrigDecisionTool-00-03-40, defaults to not use it)
        ToolSvc.TrigDecisionTool.TrigConfigSvc = "Trig::TrigConfigSvc/TrigConfigSvc"

        from TrigEDMConfig.TriggerEDM import EDMLibraries
        ToolSvc.TrigDecisionTool.Navigation.Dlls = [
            e for e in EDMLibraries if 'TPCnv' not in e

        # actuall trigger simulation running
        if recAlgs.doTrigger() and not TF.doTriggerConfigOnly():
            # setup Lvl1
            # initialize LVL1ConfigSvc
            log.info("configuring lvl1")
            from TriggerJobOpts.Lvl1TriggerGetter import Lvl1SimulationGetter
            lvl1 = Lvl1SimulationGetter()

            if jobproperties.Global.InputFormat() != 'bytestream' and (
                    TF.doLVL2 == True or TF.doEF == True or TF.doHLT == True):
                # Transient BS construction and intialization
                from ByteStreamCnvSvc import WriteByteStream
                StreamBS = WriteByteStream.getStream("Transient", "StreamBS")
                StreamBS.ForceRead = True
                StreamBS.ItemList += [
                StreamBS.ItemList += ["TRT_RDO_Container#TRT_RDOs"]
                StreamBS.ItemList += ["SCT_RDO_Container#SCT_RDOs"]
                StreamBS.ItemList += ["PixelRDO_Container#PixelRDOs"]
                # StreamBS.ItemList +=["LArRawChannelContainer#*"]
                StreamBS.ItemList += ["2721#*"]
                # StreamBS.ItemList +=["TileRawChannelContainer#*"]
                StreamBS.ItemList += ["2927#*"]
                StreamBS.ItemList += [
                ]  # added on request from: Arantxa Ruiz Martinez for TileRODMu

                # don't need Muons in transient BS
                # StreamBS.ItemList +=["MdtCsmContainer#*"]
                # StreamBS.ItemList +=["RpcPadContainer#*"]
                # StreamBS.ItemList +=["TgcRdoContainer#*"]
                # StreamBS.ItemList +=["CscRawDataContainer#*"]

                from AthenaCommon.Include import include
                # setup trans BS for the ID

            # setup HLT
            # initialize HLT config svc
            log.info("TriggerFlags: doLVL2 %r" % TF.doLVL2())
            log.info("TriggerFlags: doEF   %r" % TF.doEF())
            log.info("TriggerFlags: doHLT  %r" % TF.doHLT())
            if TF.doLVL2() == True or TF.doEF() == True or TF.doHLT() == True:
                log.info("configuring hlt")
                from TriggerJobOpts.HLTTriggerGetter import HLTSimulationGetter
                hlt = HLTSimulationGetter(g)
                from RegionSelector.RegSelSvcDefault import RegSelSvcDefault
                from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
                ServiceMgr += RegSelSvcDefault()
                ServiceMgr.RegSelSvc.enablePixel = False
                ServiceMgr.RegSelSvc.enableSCT = False

        # prepare result making of L1
        from TriggerJobOpts.Lvl1ResultBuilderGetter import Lvl1ResultBuilderGetter
        hltouput = Lvl1ResultBuilderGetter()

        # prepare result making of HLT
        if TF.doLVL2() == True or TF.doEF() == True or TF.doHLT() or (
                recAlgs.doTrigger() and TF.readBS()):
            from TriggerJobOpts.HLTTriggerResultGetter import HLTTriggerResultGetter
            hltouput = HLTTriggerResultGetter()

        return True
예제 #8
    def configure(self):

        if self._done:
            log.info("configuration already done, who is calling it again?")
            return True
        self._done = True

        # start with print some information what this will do
            "Basic configuration flags RecAlgsFlag.doTrigger: %d   RecFlags.doTrigger: %d TriggerFlags.doTriggerConfigOnly %d",
            recAlgs.doTrigger(), rec.doTrigger(), TF.doTriggerConfigOnly())
            "TriggerFlags: doL1Topo: %s, doLVL1: %s, doLVL2: %s, doEF: %s, doHLT: %s, doMT: %s",
            TF.doL1Topo(), TF.doLVL1(), TF.doLVL2(), TF.doEF(), TF.doHLT(),

        # RDOtoRDOTrigger MT temporarily coded in the transform skeleton, so skip here
        if TF.doMT() and rec.readRDO() and rec.doWriteRDO():
            log.info("Nothing happens in TriggerGetter for RDOtoRDOTrigger MT")
            return True
        else:  #GenerateMenu imports slice flags, which are Menu/MenuMT dependent
            from TriggerMenu.menu.GenerateMenu import GenerateMenu

        willGenerateMenu = recAlgs.doTrigger() and (
            TF.doLVL1() or TF.doLVL2() or TF.doEF()
            or TF.doHLT()) and not TF.doTriggerConfigOnly()
        willRunTriggerConfigGetter = recAlgs.doTrigger() or rec.doTrigger(
        ) or TF.doTriggerConfigOnly()
        willRunLVL1SimulationGetter = recAlgs.doTrigger(
        ) and not TF.doTriggerConfigOnly()
        willRunHLTSimulationGetter = willRunLVL1SimulationGetter and (
            TF.doLVL2() or TF.doEF() or TF.doHLT())

            "Will run: %s%s%s%s", "GenerateMenu " if willGenerateMenu else "",
            "TriggerConfigGetter " if willRunTriggerConfigGetter else "",
            "LVL1SimulationGetter " if willRunLVL1SimulationGetter else "",
            "HLTSimulationGetter " if willRunHLTSimulationGetter else "")

            "Will not run: %s%s%s%s",
            "GenerateMenu " if not willGenerateMenu else "",
            "TriggerConfigGetter " if not willRunTriggerConfigGetter else "",
            "LVL1SimulationGetter " if not willRunLVL1SimulationGetter else "",
            "HLTSimulationGetter " if not willRunHLTSimulationGetter else "")
        if recAlgs.doTrigger():

            if ((TF.doLVL1() or TF.doLVL2() or TF.doEF() or TF.doHLT())
                    and not TF.doTriggerConfigOnly()):
                log.info("generating menu")
                # trigger menu files generation
                g = GenerateMenu()

                # after the menu xml file has been created or the TriggerDB access is configured,
                # the COOL/SQlite db can be written
                # TB this needs to be optimized -- we do not need ti always but only when AOD or ESD are created

        if recAlgs.doTrigger() or rec.doTrigger() or TF.doTriggerConfigOnly():
            # setup configuration services
            from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigGetter import TriggerConfigGetter
            cfg = TriggerConfigGetter()  # noqa: F841

            from TrigConfigSvc.TrigConf2COOL import theConfCOOLWriter

        # preconfigure TrigDecisionTool
        from TrigDecisionTool.TrigDecisionToolConf import Trig__TrigDecisionTool
        from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
        ToolSvc += Trig__TrigDecisionTool("TrigDecisionTool")
        from PyUtils.MetaReaderPeekerFull import metadata
        if "metadata_items" in metadata and any(
            ('TriggerMenu' in key)
                for key in metadata["metadata_items"].keys()):
            # Use xAOD configuration.
            from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
            if not hasattr(svcMgr, 'xAODConfigSvc'):
                from TrigConfxAOD.TrigConfxAODConf import TrigConf__xAODConfigSvc
                svcMgr += TrigConf__xAODConfigSvc('xAODConfigSvc')
            ToolSvc += Trig__TrigDecisionTool("TrigDecisionTool")
            ToolSvc.TrigDecisionTool.TrigConfigSvc = svcMgr.xAODConfigSvc
            # Use TrigConfigSvc
            ToolSvc.TrigDecisionTool.TrigConfigSvc = "TrigConf::TrigConfigSvc/TrigConfigSvc"

        from TrigEDMConfig.TriggerEDM import EDMLibraries
        ToolSvc.TrigDecisionTool.Navigation.Dlls = [
            e for e in EDMLibraries if 'TPCnv' not in e

        # actuall trigger simulation running
        if recAlgs.doTrigger() and not TF.doTriggerConfigOnly():
            # setup Lvl1
            # initialize LVL1ConfigSvc
            log.info("configuring lvl1")
            from TriggerJobOpts.Lvl1TriggerGetter import Lvl1SimulationGetter
            lvl1 = Lvl1SimulationGetter()  # noqa: F841

            if TF.doTransientByteStream() or (
                    jobproperties.Global.InputFormat() != 'bytestream' and
                (TF.doLVL2() or TF.doEF() or TF.doHLT())):
                # Transient BS construction and intialization
                from ByteStreamCnvSvc import WriteByteStream
                StreamBS = WriteByteStream.getStream("Transient", "StreamBS")
                StreamBS.ItemList += [
                StreamBS.ItemList += ["TRT_RDO_Container#TRT_RDOs"]
                StreamBS.ItemList += ["SCT_RDO_Container#SCT_RDOs"]
                StreamBS.ItemList += ["PixelRDO_Container#PixelRDOs"]
                # StreamBS.ItemList +=["LArRawChannelContainer#*"]
                StreamBS.ItemList += ["2721#*"]
                # StreamBS.ItemList +=["TileRawChannelContainer#*"]
                StreamBS.ItemList += ["2927#*"]
                StreamBS.ItemList += [
                ]  # added on request from: Arantxa Ruiz Martinez for TileRODMu

                # don't need Muons in transient BS
                # StreamBS.ItemList +=["MdtCsmContainer#*"]
                # StreamBS.ItemList +=["RpcPadContainer#*"]
                # StreamBS.ItemList +=["TgcRdoContainer#*"]
                # StreamBS.ItemList +=["CscRawDataContainer#*"]

                from AthenaCommon.Include import include
                # setup trans BS for the ID

            # setup HLT
            # initialize HLT config svc
            log.info("TriggerFlags: doLVL2 %r", TF.doLVL2())
            log.info("TriggerFlags: doEF   %r", TF.doEF())
            log.info("TriggerFlags: doHLT  %r", TF.doHLT())
            if TF.doLVL2() or TF.doEF() or TF.doHLT():
                log.info("configuring hlt")
                from TriggerJobOpts.HLTTriggerGetter import HLTSimulationGetter
                hlt = HLTSimulationGetter(g)  # noqa: F841
                from RegionSelector.RegSelSvcDefault import RegSelSvcDefault
                from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
                ServiceMgr += RegSelSvcDefault()
                ServiceMgr.RegSelSvc.enablePixel = False
                ServiceMgr.RegSelSvc.enableSCT = False

        # prepare result making of L1
        from TriggerJobOpts.Lvl1ResultBuilderGetter import Lvl1ResultBuilderGetter
        hltouput = Lvl1ResultBuilderGetter()

        # prepare result making of HLT
        if TF.doLVL2() or TF.doEF() or TF.doHLT() or (recAlgs.doTrigger()
                                                      and TF.readBS()):
            from TriggerJobOpts.HLTTriggerResultGetter import HLTTriggerResultGetter
            hltouput = HLTTriggerResultGetter()  # noqa: F841

        return True
예제 #9
# trigger configuration
from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigGetter import TriggerConfigGetter
cfg = TriggerConfigGetter('ReadPool')

from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
from TrigDecisionTool.TrigDecisionToolConf import Trig__TrigDecisionTool
tdt = Trig__TrigDecisionTool("TrigDecisionTool")
ToolSvc += tdt

# sequence of algorithms
from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
topSequence = AlgSequence()

# the tutorial
from TrigAnalysisExamples.TrigAnalysisExamplesConf import TriggerAnalysisTutorial
tat = TriggerAnalysisTutorial()
topSequence += tat

# Histogram routing
ServiceMgr += CfgMgr.THistSvc()
ServiceMgr.THistSvc.Output += [
    "file DATAFILE='TriggerAnalysisTutorial.root' TYP='ROOT' OPT='RECREATE'"
ServiceMgr.THistSvc.Output += [
    "Trigger DATAFILE='TriggerAnalysisTutorial.root' TYP='ROOT' OPT='RECREATE'"

photons = ["L1_2EM13", "L2_2g10_mu6", "EF_2g10"]
singletaus = [
    "EF_tau12_loose", "EF_tau16_loose", "EF_tau16i_loose", "EF_tau20_loose",
예제 #10
def _initTrigHook(c, **kw):
    from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigGetter import TriggerConfigGetter
    cfg = TriggerConfigGetter()

    from TriggerMenuAnalysis.TriggerMenuAnalysisConf import RoILinksCnvTool
    from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
    if not hasattr(ToolSvc, 'RoILinksCnvTool'):
        ToolSvc += RoILinksCnvTool('RoILinksCnvTool')
    import TrigJetD3PDMaker.Setup_RoILinksCnvTool_IBv3
    ToolSvc.RoILinksCnvTool.Chains_Jet += [
        'L2_j.*', 'EF_j.*', 'L2_2j.*', 'EF_2j.*', 'L2_3j.*', 'EF_3j.*',
        'L2_4j.*', 'EF_4j.*', 'L2_5j.*', 'EF_5j.*'
    ToolSvc.RoILinksCnvTool.Chains_Bjet = [  # these first regexps should deal with most b-jet triggers

        # some mu-jet and jet chains

        # for the mu-jets in the v2,v3,v4 triggers (remember to include L2 and EF)

        # lepton + bjet

        # mymujet

        # mu jet triggers with deltaR and deltaZ matching

        # L1.5 for mu+jets

        # muon jets no TRT

        # for L2

        # lepton + bjet

        # mymujet

        # L1.5 for mu+jets

        # muon jets no TRT

    from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
    from D3PDMakerConfig.D3PDMakerFlags import D3PDMakerFlags
    preseq = AlgSequence(D3PDMakerFlags.PreD3PDAlgSeqName())
    if not hasattr(preseq, 'FlatHltNaviMaker'):
        from TriggerMenuAnalysis.TriggerMenuAnalysisConf import FlatHltNaviMaker
        preseq += FlatHltNaviMaker('FlatHltNaviMaker')
예제 #11
if hasattr(overlayArgs,
           'triggerConfig') and overlayArgs.triggerConfig != 'NONE':
    # LVL1 Trigger Menu
    # PJB 9/2/2009 Setup the new triggerConfig flags here
    from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerFlags import TriggerFlags
    triggerArg = overlayArgs.triggerConfig
    # if not prefixed with LVL1: add it here
    Args = triggerArg.split(':')
    if Args[0] != 'LVL1':
        TriggerFlags.triggerConfig = 'LVL1:' + triggerArg
        TriggerFlags.triggerConfig = triggerArg
    logOverlay.info('triggerConfig argument is: %s ',
    from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigGetter import TriggerConfigGetter
    cfg = TriggerConfigGetter('HIT2RDO')

# -------------------------
# Configuration
# -------------------------
logOverlay.info('================ Configure ================= ')

# Initialise overlay
    'EventOverlayJobTransforms/ConfiguredOverlayMT_jobOptions.py')  # noqa F821

# load the input properly
include('EventOverlayJobTransforms/OverlayInput_jobOptions.py')  # noqa F821

# Always schedule beam spot conditions for overlay
include('Digitization/BeamSpot.py')  # noqa F821