예제 #1
파일: process.py 프로젝트: tonyrafter/tcrm
def pArchiveFile(filename):
    Move the file to the archive directory (if specified), inserting a
    timestamp in the name.

    :param str filename: Full path of the file to be archived.

    :return: `True` if the file is successfully moved, `False` otherwise.
    :rtype: bool

    path, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
    path, base = os.path.split(path)
    archive_dir = pArchiveDir()
    ext = ext.lstrip('.')
    if archive_dir:
        if os.path.isdir(archive_dir):
            except OSError:
                LOGGER.critcal("Cannot create %s", archive_dir)

    if pArchiveTimestamp():
        archive_date = flModDate(filename, GLOBAL_DATEFMT)
        archive_file_name = pjoin(archive_dir,
                                  "%s.%s.%s" % (base, archive_date, ext))
        archive_file_name = pjoin(archive_dir, "%s.%s" % (base, ext))

    rc = pMoveFile(filename, archive_file_name)
    return rc
예제 #2
파일: test_files.py 프로젝트: jmettes/tcrm
 def testModDate(self):
     """Test flModDate function"""
     from time import localtime, strftime
     testdate = localtime(os.stat(self.filename).st_mtime)
     testdatestr = strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', testdate)
예제 #3
 def testModDate(self):
     """Test flModDate function"""
     from time import localtime, strftime
     testdate = localtime(os.stat(self.filename).st_mtime)
     testdatestr = strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', testdate)
예제 #4
파일: tcrm.py 프로젝트: squireg/tcrm
def version():
    Check version of TCRM code. This returns the full hash of the git
    commit, if git is available on the system. Otherwise, it returns
    the last modified date of this file. It's assumed that this would be 
    the case if a user downloads the zip file from the git repository.
    vers = ''

        vers = git('log -1 --date=iso --pretty=format:"%ad %H"')
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        log.info(("Unable to obtain version information "
                    "- version string will be last modified date of code"))
        vers = flModDate(abspath(__file__), "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M")
    return vers
예제 #5
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: Jack-ee/tcrm
    def saveGustToFile(self, trackfile, result, filename):
        Save gusts to a file.
        lat, lon, speed, Vx, Vy, P = result

        trackfileDate = flModDate(trackfile)

        gatts = {
            'title': 'TCRM hazard simulation - synthetic event wind field',
            'tcrm_version': flProgramVersion(),
            'python_version': sys.version,
            'track_file': trackfile,
            'track_file_date': trackfileDate,
            'radial_profile': self.profileType,
            'boundary_layer': self.windFieldType,
            'beta': self.beta

        # Add configuration settings to global attributes:
        for section in self.config.sections():
            for option in self.config.options(section):
                key = "{0}_{1}".format(section, option)
                value = self.config.get(section, option)
                gatts[key] = value

        dimensions = {
            0: {
                'name': 'lat',
                'values': lat,
                'dtype': 'float64',
                'atts': {
                    'long_name': 'Latitude',
                    'standard_name': 'latitude',
                    'units': 'degrees_north',
                    'axis': 'Y'
            1: {
                'name': 'lon',
                'values': lon,
                'dtype': 'float64',
                'atts': {
                    'long_name': 'Longitude',
                    'standard_name': 'longitude',
                    'units': 'degrees_east',
                    'axis': 'X'

        variables = {
            0: {
                'name': 'vmax',
                'dims': ('lat', 'lon'),
                'values': speed,
                'dtype': 'float32',
                'atts': {
                    'Maximum 0.2-second gust wind speed',
                    'actual_range': (np.min(speed), np.max(speed)),
                    'valid_range': (0.0, 200.),
                    'cell_methods': ('time: maximum ',
                                     'time: maximum (interval: 0.2 seconds)'),
            1: {
                'name': 'ua',
                'dims': ('lat', 'lon'),
                'values': Vx,
                'dtype': 'float32',
                'atts': {
                    'long_name': 'Eastward component of maximum wind speed',
                    'standard_name': 'eastward_wind',
                    'units': 'm/s',
                    'actual_range': (np.min(Vx), np.max(Vx)),
                    'valid_range': (-200., 200.),
                    'grid_mapping': 'crs'
            2: {
                'name': 'va',
                'dims': ('lat', 'lon'),
                'values': Vy,
                'dtype': 'float32',
                'atts': {
                    'long_name': 'Northward component of maximim wind speed',
                    'standard_name': 'northward_wind',
                    'units': 'm/s',
                    'actual_range': (np.min(Vy), np.max(Vy)),
                    'valid_range': (-200., 200.),
                    'grid_mapping': 'crs'
            3: {
                'name': 'slp',
                'dims': ('lat', 'lon'),
                'values': P,
                'dtype': 'float32',
                'atts': {
                    'long_name': 'Minimum air pressure at sea level',
                    'standard_name': 'air_pressure_at_sea_level',
                    'units': 'Pa',
                    'actual_range': (np.min(P), np.max(P)),
                    'valid_range': (70000., 115000.),
                    'cell_methods': 'time: minimum',
                    'grid_mapping': 'crs'
            4: {
                'name': 'crs',
                'dims': (),
                'values': None,
                'dtype': 'i',
                'atts': {
                    'grid_mapping_name': 'latitude_longitude',
                    'semi_major_axis': 6378137.0,
                    'inverse_flattening': 298.257222101,
                    'longitude_of_prime_meridian': 0.0

        nctools.ncSaveGrid(filename, dimensions, variables, gatts=gatts)
예제 #6
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: jmettes/tcrm
    def _saveGustToFile(self, trackfile, result, filename):
        Save gusts to a file.
        lat, lon, speed, Vx, Vy, P = result

        trackfileDate = flModDate(trackfile)

        gatts = {
            'title': 'TCRM hazard simulation - synthetic event wind field',
            'tcrm_version': flProgramVersion(),
            'python_version': sys.version,
            'track_file': trackfile,
            'track_file_date': trackfileDate,
            'radial_profile': self.profileType,
            'boundary_layer': self.windFieldType,
            'beta': self.beta}

        # Add configuration settings to global attributes:
        for section in self.config.sections():
            for option in self.config.options(section):
                key = "{0}_{1}".format(section, option)
                value = self.config.get(section, option)
                gatts[key] = value

        dimensions = {
            0: {
                'name': 'lat',
                'values': lat,
                'dtype': 'f',
                'atts': {
                    'long_name': 'Latitude',
                    'standard_name': 'latitude',
                    'units': 'degrees_north',
                    'axis': 'Y'
            1: {
                'name': 'lon',
                'values': lon,
                'dtype': 'f',
                'atts': {
                    'long_name': 'Longitude',
                    'standard_name': 'longitude',
                    'units': 'degrees_east',
                    'axis': 'X'

        variables = {
            0: {
                'name': 'vmax',
                'dims': ('lat', 'lon'),
                'values': speed,
                'dtype': 'f',
                'atts': {
                    'long_name': 'Maximum 3-second gust wind speed',
                    'standard_name': 'wind_speed_of_gust',
                    'units': 'm/s',
                    'actual_range': (np.min(speed), np.max(speed)),
                    'valid_range': (0.0, 200.),
                    'cell_methods': ('time: maximum '
                                     'time: maximum (interval: 3 seconds)'),
                    'grid_mapping': 'crs'
            1: {
                'name': 'ua',
                'dims': ('lat', 'lon'),
                'values': Vx,
                'dtype': 'f',
                'atts': {
                    'long_name': 'Eastward component of maximum wind speed',
                    'standard_name': 'eastward_wind',
                    'units': 'm/s',
                    'actual_range': (np.min(Vx), np.max(Vx)),
                    'valid_range': (-200., 200.),
                    'grid_mapping': 'crs'
            2: {
                'name': 'va',
                'dims': ('lat', 'lon'),
                'values': Vy,
                'dtype': 'f',
                'atts': {
                    'long_name': 'Northward component of maximim wind speed',
                    'standard_name': 'northward_wind',
                    'units': 'm/s',
                    'actual_range': (np.min(Vy), np.max(Vy)),
                    'valid_range': (-200., 200.),
                    'grid_mapping': 'crs'
            3: {
                'name': 'slp',
                'dims': ('lat', 'lon'),
                'values': P,
                'dtype': 'f',
                'atts': {
                    'long_name': 'Minimum air pressure at sea level',
                    'standard_name': 'air_pressure_at_sea_level',
                    'units': 'Pa',
                    'actual_range': (np.min(P), np.max(P)),
                    'valid_range': (70000., 115000.),
                    'cell_methods': 'time: minimum',
                    'grid_mapping': 'crs'
            4: {
                'name': 'crs',
                'dims': (),
                'values': None,
                'dtype': 'i',
                'atts': {
                    'grid_mapping_name': 'latitude_longitude',
                    'semi_major_axis': 6378137.0,
                    'inverse_flattening': 298.257222101,
                    'longitude_of_prime_meridian': 0.0

        nctools.ncSaveGrid(filename, dimensions, variables, gatts=gatts)