예제 #1
    def sample(self, lon, lat, spd, uu, vv, prs, gridx, gridy):
        Extract values from 2-dimensional grids at the given lat/lon.

        :param float lon: Longitude of the point to extract.
        :param float lat: Latitude of the point to extract.
        :param spd: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of speed values.
        :param uu: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of eastward wind speed values.
        :param vv: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of northward wind speed values.
        :param prs: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of pressure values.
        :param gridx: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of grid longitudes.
        :param gridy: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of grid latitudes.

        :return: speed, esatward and northward wind components, and pressure
                 values at the given location
        :rtype: tuple
        xx = find_index(gridx, float(lon))
        yy = find_index(gridy, float(lat))
        ss = spd[yy, xx]
        ux = uu[yy, xx]
        vy = vv[yy, xx]
        bb = np.mod((180. / np.pi) * np.arctan2(-ux, -vy), 360.)
        pp = prs[yy, xx]

        return (ss, ux, vy, bb, pp)
예제 #2
파일: timeseries.py 프로젝트: jmettes/tcrm
    def sample(self, lon, lat, spd, uu, vv, prs, gridx, gridy):
        Extract values from 2-dimensional grids at the given lat/lon.
        :param float lon: Longitude of the point to extract.
        :param float lat: Latitude of the point to extract.
        :param spd: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of speed values.
        :param uu: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of eastward wind speed values.
        :param vv: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of northward wind speed values.    
        :param prs: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of pressure values.
        :param gridx: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of grid longitudes.
        :param gridy: :class:`numpy.ndarray` of grid latitudes.

        :return: speed, esatward and northward wind components, and pressure
                 values at the given location
        :rtype: tuple
        x = find_index(gridx, float(lon))
        y = find_index(gridy, float(lat))
        s = spd[y, x]
        u = uu[y, x]
        v = vv[y, x]
        b = np.mod((180. / np.pi) * np.arctan2(-u, -v), 360.)
        p = prs[y, x]
        return (s, u, v, b, p)
예제 #3
    def processEvent(self, filename, locations, eventNum):
        Process an individual event file
        :param str filename: Name of a file to process.
        :param list locations: List of locations to sample data for.
        :param int eventNum: Ordered event number.
        log.debug("Processing {0}".format(pjoin(self.windfieldPath, filename)))
        pattern = re.compile(r'\d+')
        sim, num = pattern.findall(filename)
        eventId = "%03d-%05d" % (int(sim), int(num))
        log.debug("Event ID: {0}".format(eventId))
            ncobj = Dataset(pjoin(self.windfieldPath, filename))
            log.warn("Cannot open {0}".\
                     format(pjoin(self.windfieldPath, filename)))

        # First perform the event update for tblEvents:
        fname = pjoin(self.windfieldPath, filename)
        log.debug("Filename: {0}".format(fname))
        si = os.stat(fname)
        dtWindfieldFile = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(si.st_mtime))
        trackfile, dtTrackFile, tcrm_version, minslp, maxwind = \

        eventparams = ("%06d" % eventNum, eventId, os.path.basename(fname),
                       trackfile, float(maxwind), float(minslp), dtTrackFile,
                       dtWindfieldFile, tcrm_version, "", datetime.now())

        # Perform update for tblWindSpeed:
        lon, lat, vmax, ua, va, pmin = self.loadWindfieldFile(ncobj)
        wsparams = list()

        for loc in locations:
            locId, locName, locLon, locLat = loc
            i = find_index(lon, locLon)
            j = find_index(lat, locLat)
            locVm = vmax[j, i]
            locUa = ua[j, i]
            locVa = va[j, i]
            locPr = pmin[j, i]
            locParams = (int(locId), eventId, float(locVm), float(locUa),
                         float(locVa), float(locPr), " ", datetime.now())

        log.debug("Finished extracting data from {0}".format(filename))
        return (
예제 #4
    def processHazard(self):
        Update _tblHazard_ with the return period wind speed data.

        log.info("Inserting records into tblHazard")
        locations = self.getLocations()
        hazardFile = pjoin(self.hazardPath, 'hazard.nc')
        ncobj = Dataset(hazardFile)

            tcrm_version = getattr(ncobj, 'tcrm_version')
        except AttributeError:
            log.info("Missing tcrm_version attribute from {0}".\
            tcrm_version = ''

        si = os.stat(hazardFile)
        dtHazardFile = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(si.st_mtime))
        lon = ncobj.variables['lon'][:]
        lat = ncobj.variables['lat'][:]
        years = ncobj.variables['ari'][:]

        wspd = ncobj.variables['wspd'][:]
        wspdUpper = ncobj.variables['wspdupper'][:]
        wspdLower = ncobj.variables['wspdlower'][:]
        locationParam = ncobj.variables['loc'][:]
        scaleParam = ncobj.variables['scale'][:]
        shpParam = ncobj.variables['shp'][:]

        params = []
        for k, year in enumerate(years):
            for loc in locations:
                locId, locName, locLon, locLat = loc
                log.debug("Extracting data for location: {0}".format(locName))
                i = find_index(lon, locLon)
                j = find_index(lat, locLat)
                locWspd = wspd[k, j, i]
                locUpper = wspdUpper[k, j, i]
                locLower = wspdLower[k, j, i]

                locLoc = locationParam[j, i]
                locScale = scaleParam[j, i]
                locShp = shpParam[j, i]

                locParams = (locId, int(year), float(locWspd), float(locUpper),
                             float(locLower), float(locLoc), float(locScale),
                             float(locShp), tcrm_version, dtHazardFile, "",


            self.executemany(INSHAZARD, params)
        except sqlite3.Error as err:
            log.exception("Cannot insert records into tblHazard: {0}".\
예제 #5
    def plotHazardCurves(self, inputFile, plotPath):
        Plot the hazard values stored in hazardFile, at the stns
        stored in stnFile.

        log.info(("Plotting return period curves for locations within the "
                  "model domain"))
        # Open data file
            ncobj = nctools.ncLoadFile(inputFile)
            lon = nctools.ncGetDims(ncobj, 'lon')
            lat = nctools.ncGetDims(ncobj, 'lat')
            years = nctools.ncGetDims(ncobj, 'ari')
        except (IOError, RuntimeError, KeyError):
            log.critical("Cannot load input file: %s"%inputFile)

        placeNames, placeID, placeLats, placeLons, locations = self.getLocations()

        for name, plat, plon, pID in zip(placeNames, placeLats, placeLons, placeID):
            pID = int(pID)

            log.debug("Plotting return period curve for %s"%name)
            i = find_index(lon, plon)
            j = find_index(lat, plat)

            xlabel = 'Average recurrence interval (years)'
            ylabel = 'Wind speed (%s)'%self.plotUnits.label
            title = "Return period wind speeds at " + name + ", \n(%5.1f,%5.1f)"%(plon, plat)

            name.replace(' ', '')
            log.debug("Working on {0}".format(name))
            filename = pjoin(plotPath, 'ARI_curve_%s.%s'%(pID, "png"))
            log.debug("Saving hazard curve for %s to %s"%(name, filename))
            wspd = ncobj.variables['wspd'][:, j, i]

            recs = database.queries.locationRecords(self.db, pID)
            data = np.zeros(int(self.numsimulations * 365.25))
            if len(recs) > 0:
                data[-len(recs):] = recs['wspd']

            allevents = np.sort(data)
            log.debug("allevents length = {0}".format(len(allevents)))

            placeWspd = metutils.convert(wspd, 'mps',
            if np.all(placeWspd.mask):
                log.debug("All values for {0} are null".format(name))

            if self.ciBounds:
                wspdLower = ncobj.variables['wspdlower'][:, j, i]
                wspdUpper = ncobj.variables['wspdupper'][:, j, i]
                placeWspdLower = metutils.convert(wspdLower, 'mps',
                placeWspdUpper = metutils.convert(wspdUpper, 'mps',
                placeWspdUpper = np.zeros(len(placeWspd))
                placeWspdLower = np.zeros(len(placeWspd))

            saveHazardCurve(years, allevents, placeWspd, placeWspdUpper, placeWspdLower,
                            xlabel, ylabel, title, filename, self.fit)

예제 #6
    def plotHazardCurves(self, inputFile, plotPath):
        Plot the hazard values stored in hazardFile, at the stns
        stored in stnFile.

        log.info(("Plotting return period curves for locations within the "
                  "model domain"))
        # Open data file
            ncobj = nctools.ncLoadFile(inputFile)
            lon = nctools.ncGetDims(ncobj, 'lon')
            lat = nctools.ncGetDims(ncobj, 'lat')
            years = nctools.ncGetDims(ncobj, 'years')
        except (IOError, RuntimeError, KeyError):
            log.critical("Cannot load input file: %s"%inputFile)

        # Load data
        wspd = nctools.ncGetData(ncobj, 'wspd')
            wLower  = nctools.ncGetData(ncobj, 'wspdlower')
            wUpper = nctools.ncGetData(ncobj, 'wspdupper')
            ciBounds = True
        except KeyError:
            ciBounds = False

        minLon = min(lon)
        maxLon = max(lon)
        minLat = min(lat)
        maxLat = max(lat)

        # Use the same maximum value for all localities to simplify
        # intercomparisons:
        defaultMax = np.ceil(metutils.convert(100.0, 'mps',
        placeNames, parentCountries, placeLats, placeLons = \
            self.getLocations(minLon, maxLon, minLat, maxLat)
        for name, plat, plon, country in zip(placeNames, placeLats,
                                             placeLons, parentCountries):

            log.debug("Plotting return period curve for %s"%name)
            i = find_index(lon, plon)
            j = find_index(lat, plat)

            xlabel = 'Average recurrence interval (years)'
            ylabel = 'Wind speed (%s)'%self.plotUnits.label
            title = "Return period wind speeds at " + name + ", " \
                            + country + "\n(%5.1f,%5.1f)"%(plon, plat)

            name = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', name).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
            name.replace(' ', '')
            filename = pjoin(plotPath, 'ARI_curve_%s.%s'%(name,"png"))
            log.debug("Saving hazard curve for %s to %s"%(name, filename))
            placeWspd = metutils.convert(wspd[:, j, i], 'mps',
            maxWspd = placeWspd.max()
            if ciBounds:
                placeWspdLower = metutils.convert(wLower[:,j,i], 'mps',
                placeWspdUpper  = metutils.convert(wUpper[:,j,i], 'mps',
            saveHazardCurve(years, placeWspd, placeWspdUpper, placeWspdLower,
                            xlabel, ylabel, title, filename)
예제 #7
 def test_findindex(self):
     """Test find_index function"""
     for pt, idx in zip(self.findpts, self.indices):
         i = maputils.find_index(self.lon, pt)
         self.assertEqual(i, idx)
예제 #8
파일: test_maputils.py 프로젝트: ilai/tcrm
 def test_findindex(self):
     """Test find_index function"""
     for pt, idx in zip(self.findpts, self.indices):
         i = maputils.find_index(self.lon, pt)
         self.assertEqual(i, idx)
예제 #9
    def plotHazardCurves(self, inputFile, plotPath):
        Plot the hazard values stored in hazardFile, at the stns
        stored in stnFile.

        log.info(("Plotting return period curves for locations within the "
                  "model domain"))
        # Open data file
            ncobj = nctools.ncLoadFile(inputFile)
            lon = nctools.ncGetDims(ncobj, 'lon')
            lat = nctools.ncGetDims(ncobj, 'lat')
            years = nctools.ncGetDims(ncobj, 'years')
        except (IOError, RuntimeError, KeyError):
            log.critical("Cannot load input file: %s"%inputFile)

        # Load data
        #wspd = nctools.ncGetData(ncobj, 'wspd')
        #    wLower = nctools.ncGetData(ncobj, 'wspdlower')
        #    wUpper = nctools.ncGetData(ncobj, 'wspdupper')
        ciBounds = True
        #except KeyError:
        #    ciBounds = False

        minLon = min(lon)
        maxLon = max(lon)
        minLat = min(lat)
        maxLat = max(lat)

        # Use the same maximum value for all localities to simplify
        # intercomparisons:
        #defaultMax = np.ceil(metutils.convert(100.0, 'mps',
        #                                      self.plotUnits.units)/10.0)*10.0

        placeNames, parentCountries, placeLats, placeLons = \
            self.getLocations(minLon, maxLon, minLat, maxLat)

        for name, plat, plon, country in zip(placeNames, placeLats,
                                             placeLons, parentCountries):

            log.debug("Plotting return period curve for %s"%name)
            i = find_index(lon, plon)
            j = find_index(lat, plat)

            xlabel = 'Average recurrence interval (years)'
            ylabel = 'Wind speed (%s)'%self.plotUnits.label
            title = "Return period wind speeds at " + name + ", " \
                            + country + "\n(%5.1f,%5.1f)"%(plon, plat)

            name = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', name).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
            name.replace(' ', '')
            filename = pjoin(plotPath, 'ARI_curve_%s.%s'%(name, "png"))
            log.debug("Saving hazard curve for %s to %s"%(name, filename))
            wspd = ncobj.variables['wspd'][:, j, i]

            placeWspd = metutils.convert(wspd, 'mps',
            if np.all(placeWspd.mask):
                log.debug("All values for {0} are null".format(name))

            if ciBounds:
                wspdLower = ncobj.variables['wspdlower'][:, j, i]
                wspdUpper = ncobj.variables['wspdupper'][:, j, i]
                placeWspdLower = metutils.convert(wspdLower, 'mps',
                placeWspdUpper = metutils.convert(wspdUpper, 'mps',

            saveHazardCurve(years, placeWspd, placeWspdUpper, placeWspdLower,
                            xlabel, ylabel, title, filename)
