예제 #1
    def create_inner_product(self, description):
            ip_type = description["type"]
            # Default setting
                "Warning: Using fall-back inner product of type 'InhomogeneousInnerProduct'!"
            # TODO: Maybe change to homogeneous one?
            ip_type = "InhomogeneousInnerProduct"

        if ip_type == "HomogeneousInnerProduct":
            from WaveBlocksND.HomogeneousInnerProduct import HomogeneousInnerProduct
            QE = self.create_quadrature(description["delegate"])
            IP = HomogeneousInnerProduct(QE)

        elif ip_type == "InhomogeneousInnerProduct":
            from WaveBlocksND.InhomogeneousInnerProduct import InhomogeneousInnerProduct
            QE = self.create_quadrature(description["delegate"])
            IP = InhomogeneousInnerProduct(QE)

            raise ValueError("Unknown inner product type {}".format(ip_type))

        return IP
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, threshold=1e-8):
        r"""Initialize an oracle for estimating if a specific overlap integral
        :math:`\langle \Psi_k | O | \Psi_l \rangle` is approximately zero. The
        oracle works by approximating :math:`\langle \Psi_k | \Psi_l \rangle`
        with a Gaussian integral. If

        .. math::
            \langle \Psi_k | \Psi_l \rangle \approx \langle \Psi_k^G | \Psi_l^G \rangle \leq \tau

        the value :math:`\langle \Psi_k | O | \Psi_l \rangle` is considered
        to be zero. Of course this may fail depending on the form of the
        operator :math:`O` or the basis shape :math:`\mathfrak{K}`.

        .. warning::
            This code is highly experimental.

        :param threshold: The threshold :math:`\tau` in the Gaussian integral criterion.
                          The default value of :math:`10^{-8}` should be reasonable in most cases.
        self._threshold = threshold
        self._ip = InhomogeneousInnerProduct(GaussianIntegral())
예제 #3
class SparsityOracleGIHAWP(SparsityOracle):
    r"""This class implements an oracle by looking at Gaussian integrals.

    def __init__(self, threshold=1e-8):
        r"""Initialize an oracle for estimating if a specific overlap integral
        :math:`\langle \Psi_k | O | \Psi_l \rangle` is approximately zero. The
        oracle works by approximating :math:`\langle \Psi_k | \Psi_l \rangle`
        with a Gaussian integral. If

        .. math::
            \langle \Psi_k | \Psi_l \rangle \approx \langle \Psi_k^G | \Psi_l^G \rangle \leq \tau

        the value :math:`\langle \Psi_k | O | \Psi_l \rangle` is considered
        to be zero. Of course this may fail depending on the form of the
        operator :math:`O` or the basis shape :math:`\mathfrak{K}`.

        .. warning::
            This code is highly experimental.

        :param threshold: The threshold :math:`\tau` in the Gaussian integral criterion.
                          The default value of :math:`10^{-8}` should be reasonable in most cases.
        self._threshold = threshold
        self._ip = InhomogeneousInnerProduct(GaussianIntegral())

    def is_not_zero(self, pacbra, packet, component=None):
        r"""Try to estimate if the overlap integral :math:`\langle \Psi_k | \Psi_l \rangle`
        is zero or at least negligible.

        :param pacbra: The packet :math:`\Psi_k` that is used for the 'bra' part.
        :param packet: The packet :math:`\Psi_l` that is used for the 'ket' part.
        :param component: The component of the packet that is considered.
        :return: ``True`` or ``False`` whether the inner product is negligible.
        Q = self._ip.quadrature(pacbra, packet, diag_component=component, summed=True)
        return abs(abs(Q) > self._threshold)