예제 #1
#    MOM.Meta.__init__
# Purpose
#    Initialize package `MOM.Meta`
# Revision Dates
#    17-Sep-2009 (CT) Creation (factored from TOM.Meta)
#    ««revision-date»»···

from   _TFL.Package_Namespace import Derived_Package_Namespace
from   _TFL                   import TFL
from   _MOM                   import MOM

import _TFL._Meta

Meta = Derived_Package_Namespace (parent = TFL.Meta)
MOM._Export ("Meta")

del Derived_Package_Namespace

__doc__ = """
.. moduleauthor:: Christian Tanzer <*****@*****.**>

`MOM.Meta` provides meta classes for the definition and
implementation of essential object models (see :mod:`MOM<_MOM>`).


### __END__ MOM.Meta.__init__
예제 #2
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: JPilarr/tapyr
# Copyright (C) 2013 Mag. Christian Tanzer All rights reserved
# Glasauergasse 32, A--1130 Wien, Austria. [email protected]
# #*** <License> ************************************************************#
# This module is part of the package MOM.DBW.SAW.MY.
# This module is licensed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License
# <http://www.c-tanzer.at/license/bsd_3c.html>.
# #*** </License> ***********************************************************#
# Name
#    MOM.DBW.SAW.MY.__init__
# Purpose
#    Database wrapper for mySQL accessed by sqlalchemy wrapped by SAW
# Revision Dates
#    24-Jun-2013 (CT) Creation
#    ««revision-date»»···

from _MOM._DBW._SAW import SAW
from   _TFL.Package_Namespace import Derived_Package_Namespace

MY = Derived_Package_Namespace (parent = SAW)
SAW._Export ("MY")

del Derived_Package_Namespace

### __END__ .MOM.DBW.SAW.MY__init__
예제 #3
#    11-Oct-2012 (RS) Add type-check for `raw_query_attrs` test
#    12-Oct-2012 (CT) Adapt to repr change of `An_Entity`
#    12-Oct-2012 (RS) Changed `code_format` in `GTW.OMP.NET.Attr_Type`
#     7-Mar-2013 (RS) Test `CONTAINS`
#     6-Aug-2013 (CT) Adapt to major surgery of GTW.OMP.NET.Attr_Type
#    18-Aug-2013 (RS) Fix sort order of IP networks
#    29-Apr-2014 (RS) Fix traceback messages for new rsclib
#    19-Mar-2018 (CT) Use `expect_except` (Python-3 compatibility)
#    ««revision-date»»···

from _MOM.import_MOM import *
from _GTW._OMP._NET.Attr_Type import *
from _TFL.Package_Namespace import Derived_Package_Namespace

Namespace = Derived_Package_Namespace(parent=MOM, name="_GTW._OMP._NET")

_Ancestor_Essence = MOM.Object

class Test_IP4_Address(_Ancestor_Essence):

    PNS = Namespace

    class _Attributes(_Ancestor_Essence._Attributes):
        class address(A_IP4_Address):

            kind = Attr.Primary

        # end class address