예제 #1
파일: Date.py 프로젝트: Tapyr/tapyr
def _main (cmd) :
    from _TFL.Caller import Scope
    ### Usage example for `-regexp` and `-xformat`::
    ### for f in *.tex; do
    ###   VCMove $f $(python /swing/python/Date.py -regexp '(?P<prefix> .*)_(?P<date> \d{2}-[A-Za-z][a-z]{2}-\d{4}|\d{8})\.?(?P<ext> .*)' -xformat '%(date)s_%(prefix)s.%(ext)s' $f)
    ### done
    if cmd.regexp :
        regexp = Regexp (cmd.regexp, re.VERBOSE)
        if regexp.search (cmd.base_date) :
            base_date  = regexp.date
            match_dict = regexp.groupdict ()
        else :
            import sys
            print \
                ( "`%s` doesn't match for `%s`"
                % (cmd.regexp, cmd.base_date)
                , file = sys.stderr
            sys.exit (9)
    else :
        base_date   = cmd.base_date
        match_dict = {}
    base_date = Date.from_string (base_date)
    if cmd.offset :
        base_date += cmd.offset
    if cmd.delta_to :
        print ((base_date - cmd.delta_to).days)
    else :
        date = base_date.formatted (cmd.format)
        print (cmd.xformat % Scope (globs = match_dict, locls = vars ()))
예제 #2
파일: Date.py 프로젝트: xiaochang91/tapyr
def _main(cmd):
    from _TFL.Caller import Scope
    ### Usage example for `-regexp` and `-xformat`::
    ### for f in *.tex; do
    ###   VCMove $f $(python /swing/python/Date.py -regexp '(?P<prefix> .*)_(?P<date> \d{2}-[A-Za-z][a-z]{2}-\d{4}|\d{8})\.?(?P<ext> .*)' -xformat '%(date)s_%(prefix)s.%(ext)s' $f)
    ### done
    if cmd.regexp:
        regexp = Regexp(cmd.regexp, re.VERBOSE)
        if regexp.search(cmd.base_date):
            base_date = regexp.date
            match_dict = regexp.groupdict()
            import sys
            print \
                ( "`%s` doesn't match for `%s`"
                % (cmd.regexp, cmd.base_date)
                , file = sys.stderr
        base_date = cmd.base_date
        match_dict = {}
    base_date = Date.from_string(base_date)
    if cmd.offset:
        base_date += cmd.offset
    if cmd.delta_to:
        print((base_date - cmd.delta_to).days)
        date = base_date.formatted(cmd.format)
        print(cmd.xformat % Scope(globs=match_dict, locls=vars()))
예제 #3
def _phone_multi_regexp (tail = "") :
    return Multi_Regexp \
        ( Regexp
            ( r"^"
            + r"(?:" + _phone_cc_pat + " +|0 *)?"
            + _phone_ndc_pat
            + ((r" " + tail) if tail else "")
            + r"$"
            , re.UNICODE
        , Regexp
            ( r"^"
            + r"(?:" + _phone_cc_pat + "|0)? *"
            + r"\("
            + _phone_ndc_pat
            + r"\) *"
            + tail
            + r"$"
            , re.UNICODE
        , Regexp
            ( r"^"
            + r"(?:" + _phone_cc_pat + "|0)? *"
            + r"/"
            + _phone_ndc_pat
            + r"/"
            + ("" if tail else "?")
            + " *"
            + tail
            + r"$"
            , re.UNICODE
        , Regexp
            ( r"^"
            + r"(?:" + _phone_cc_pat + "|0)? *"
            + r"-"
            + _phone_ndc_pat
            + r"-"
            + ("" if tail else "?")
            + " *"
            + tail
            + r"$"
            , re.UNICODE
        , Regexp
            ( r"^"
            + r"(?:" + _phone_cc_pat + "|0)? *"
            + ((r" +" + tail) if tail else "")
            + r"$"
            , re.UNICODE
예제 #4
파일: Date.py 프로젝트: xiaochang91/tapyr
class _Date_Arg_(TFL.CAO.Str):
    """Argument or option with a (calendary) date value"""

    _real_name = "Date"

    _CAL_Type = Date
    _delta_pat = Regexp("^[-+]")

    def cook(self, value, cao=None):
        T = self._CAL_Type
        if value == "now":
            result = T()
        elif value:
            if self._delta_pat.match(value):
                import _CAL.Relative_Delta
                delta = CAL.Relative_Delta.from_string(value.lstrip("+"))
                now = T()
                result = now + delta
                if type(result) is not T:
                    raise TypeError \
                        ( "Wrong delta %r forces Date_Time '%s', "
                          "need Date instead"
                        % (value, result)
                result = T.from_string(value)
            result = None
        return result
예제 #5
 def __init__ (self, pattern, flags = 0, quote = 0) :
     if isinstance (pattern, Regexp) :
         regexp = pattern
     else :
         regexp = Regexp (pattern, flags, quote)
     self._regexp = regexp
     self.__super.__init__ (self.match)
예제 #6
파일: Statement.py 프로젝트: JPilarr/tapyr
class _Statement_(TFL.SDG.C.Node):
    """Model simple statement"""

    cgi = TFL.SDG.C.Node.Body
    trailing_semicol_pat = Regexp(r"""; *$""")
    scope = TFL.SDG.C.C

    children_group_names = \
        ( TFL.SDG.C.Node.Body
예제 #7
class String_Swapper :
    """Swaps all occurences of two strings in some text"""

    def __init__ (self, s1, s2) :
        self.s1   = s1
        self.s2   = s2
        self._map = { s1 : s2, s2 : s1 }
        self._pat = Regexp ("(%s|%s)" % (re.escape (s1), re.escape (s2)))
    # end def __init__

    def __call__ (self, text) :
        """Swap all occurences of `self.s1` and `self.s2` in `text`"""
        return self._pat.sub (self._replace, text)
    # end def __call__

    def _replace (self, match) :
        return self._map [match.group (1)]
예제 #8
class String_Swapper:
    """Swaps all occurences of two strings in some text"""
    def __init__(self, s1, s2):
        self.s1 = s1
        self.s2 = s2
        self._map = {s1: s2, s2: s1}
        self._pat = Regexp("(%s|%s)" % (re.escape(s1), re.escape(s2)))

    # end def __init__

    def __call__(self, text):
        """Swap all occurences of `self.s1` and `self.s2` in `text`"""
        return self._pat.sub(self._replace, text)

    # end def __call__

    def _replace(self, match):
        return self._map[match.group(1)]
예제 #9
 def __init__ (self, s1, s2) :
     self.s1   = s1
     self.s2   = s2
     self._map = { s1 : s2, s2 : s1 }
     self._pat = Regexp ("(%s|%s)" % (re.escape (s1), re.escape (s2)))
예제 #10
class _XML_Node_(TFL.SDG.Node):
    """Model a node of a XML document"""

    _real_name = "Node"

    attr_names = ()
    attr_name_translate = {}
    base_indent = "  "
    encoding = "utf-8"
    init_arg_defaults    = dict \
        ( description    = None

    _autoconvert         = dict \
        ( description    = lambda s, k, v : s._convert (v, TFL.SDG.XML.Comment)

    _list_of_formats     = TFL.SDG.Node._list_of_formats + \
        ( "xml_format", )

    _xml_name_pat = Regexp("[A-Za-z_:][-_:.A-Za-z0-9]*")
    _special_char_pat    = Regexp \
        ("[<>]|(&(?! %s;))" % _xml_name_pat.pattern, re.X)
    _special_quot_pat = Regexp("&(amp|lt|gt|apos|quot);")
    _wordsep_pat = Regexp(r'(\s+)')

    def as_xml(self, base_indent=None, **kw):
        return self.formatted("xml_format", base_indent=base_indent, **kw)

    # end def as_xml

    def write_to_xml_stream(self, stream=None, gauge=None, **kw):
        """Write `self` and all elements in `self.children` to `stream`.
        self._write_to_stream(self.as_xml(**kw), stream, gauge)

    # end def write_to_xml_stream

    def _attr_iter(self):
        attr_values = \
            ( [(a, getattr (self, a)) for a in self.attr_names]
            + sorted (pyk.iteritems (self.x_attrs))
        if attr_values:
            translate = lambda a: self.attr_name_translate.get(a, a)
            for a, v in attr_values:
                if v is not None:
                    k = translate(a)
                    v = str(v).replace("'", "&quot;")
                    yield u'''%s="%s"''' % (k, v)

    # end def _attr_iter

    def _attr_values(self, *args, **kw):
        ow = kw["output_width"]
        ia = kw["indent_anchor"]
        ht = kw["ht_width"]
        max_width = max(ow - ia - ht - 4, 4)
        pieces = []
        width = 0
        for attr_value in self._attr_iter():
            attr_len = len(attr_value)
            if pieces and (width + attr_len) > max_width:
                yield " ".join(pieces)
                pieces = []
                width = 0
            width += attr_len + bool(pieces)
        if pieces:
            yield " ".join(pieces)

    # end def _attr_values

    def _checked_xml_name(self, value):
        if not self._xml_name_pat.match(value):
            raise ValueError \
                ( "`%s` doesn not match %s"
                % (value, self._xml_name_pat.pattern)
        return value

    # end def _checked_xml_name

    def _insert(self, child, index, children, delta=0):
        if child is not None:
            if isinstance(child, pyk.string_types):
                import _TFL._SDG._XML.Char_Data
                child = TFL.SDG.XML.Char_Data(child)
            self.__super._insert(child, index, children, delta)

    # end def _insert

    def _special_char_replacer(self, match):
        return {
            "&": "&amp;",
            "<": "&lt;",
            ">": "&gt;",
            "'": "&apos;",
            '"': "&quot;"

    # end def _special_char_replacer

    def _special_quot_replacer(self, match):
        return {
            "&amp;": "&",
            "&lt;": "<",
            "&gt;": ">",
            "&apos;": "'",
            "&quot;": '"'
예제 #11
def _main (cmd) :
    cmd_path   = list (cmd.path or [])
    replacer   = Re_Replacer (r"\.py[co]", ".py")
    a          = cmd.argv [0]
    et         = ""
    one_arg_p  = len (cmd.argv) == 1 and not sos.path.isdir (a)
    if one_arg_p and not cmd.Extra_Interpreters :
        f              = Filename (a)
        m              = f.base
        py_version     = " [py %s]" % \
            ".".join (str (v) for v in sys.version_info [:3])
        sys.path [0:0] = cmd_path
        mod_path       = f.directory if f.directory else "./"
        if sos.path.exists \
               (Filename ("__init__.py", default_dir = mod_path).name) :
            sys.path [0:0] = [sos.path.join (mod_path, "..")]
        sys.path [0:0] = [mod_path]
        flags = doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
        if not cmd.nodiff :
            flags |= doctest.REPORT_NDIFF
        try :
            logging.disable (logging.WARNING)
            start  = _timer ()
            module = __import__ (m)
            module.expect_except = TFL.CAO.expect_except
            cases  = len (getattr (module, "__test__", ())) or 1
            f, t   = doctest.testmod \
                ( module
                , verbose     = cmd.verbose
                , optionflags = flags
            exec_time = _timer () - start
        except KeyboardInterrupt :
        except Exception as exc :
            exec_time = _timer () - start
            if cmd.timing :
                et = " in %7.5fs" % (exec_time, )
            msg = format_x % (replacer (a), py_version, exc, et)
            print (msg, file = sys.stderr)
        else :
            format = format_f if f else format_s
            if cmd.timing :
                et = " in %7.5fs" % (exec_time, )
            print (replacer (format % TFL.Caller.Scope ()), file = sys.stderr)
    else :
        py_executables = [sys.executable] + list (cmd.Extra_Interpreters)
        py_version     = ""
        head_pieces    = sos.python_options () + \
            [ __file__
            , "-path %r" % (",".join (cmd_path), ) if cmd_path else ""
        for opt in ("nodiff", "timing", "verbose") :
            if getattr (cmd, opt) :
                head_pieces.append ("-" + opt)
        head = " ".join (hp for hp in head_pieces if hp)
        if cmd.summary :
            run_cmd = run_command_with_summary
        else :
            run_cmd = run_command
        if cmd.RExclude :
            x_pat   = Regexp (cmd.RExclude)
            exclude = x_pat.search
        elif cmd.exclude :
            exclude = lambda a : fnmatch.fnmatch (a, cmd.exclude)
        else :
            exclude = lambda a : False
        def run_mod (a) :
            if exclude (a) :
                summary.excluded.append (a)
                print ("%s excluded" % (a, ))
            else :
                summary.modules += 1
                for pyx in py_executables :
                    run_cmd ("%s %s %s" % (pyx, head, a))
        def run_mods (d) :
            for f in sorted (sos.listdir_exts (d, ".py")) :
                if has_doctest (f) :
                    run_mod (f)
        if cmd.transitive :
            from _TFL.subdirs import subdirs
            def run_dir (d) :
                run_mods (d)
                for s in subdirs (d) :
                    run_dir (s)
        else :
            run_dir = run_mods
        start = _timer ()
        for a in cmd.argv :
            if sos.path.isdir (a) :
                run_dir (a)
            else :
                if has_doctest (a) :
                    run_mod (a)
        if cmd.summary :
            format = format_f if summary.failed else format_s
            if cmd.timing :
                et = " in %7.5fs" % (_timer () - start, )
            print ("=" * 79, file = sys.stderr)
            print \
                ( format % TFL.Caller.Scope
                    ( f      = summary.failed
                    , module = TFL.Record (__file__ = " ".join (cmd.argv))
                    , t      = summary.total
                    , cases  = summary.cases
                    , et     = et
                , "[%s/%s modules fail]" %
                    (len (summary.failures), summary.modules)
                , file = sys.stderr
            print \
                ( "    %s"
                % ("\n    ".join ("%-68s : %s" % f for f in summary.failures))
                , file = sys.stderr
            if summary.excluded :
                print \
                    ("    %s excluded" % (", ".join (summary.excluded), )
                    , file = sys.stderr
예제 #12
import _TFL.Caller
import _TFL.CAO
import _TFL.Package_Namespace

from   timeit     import default_timer as _timer

import doctest
import logging
import sys
import subprocess
import fnmatch

TFL.Package_Namespace._check_clashes = False ### avoid spurious ImportErrors

_doctest_pat   = Regexp (r"^( *>>> |__test__ *=)", re.MULTILINE)

summary        = TFL.Record \
    ( cases    = 0
    , excluded = []
    , failed   = 0
    , failures = []
    , modules  = 0
    , total    = 0

format_f = """%(module.__file__)s fails %(f)s of %(t)s doc-tests in %(cases)s test-cases%(et)s%(py_version)s"""
format_s = """%(module.__file__)s passes all of %(t)s doc-tests in %(cases)s test-cases%(et)s%(py_version)s"""
format_x = """%s  [py %s] raises exception `%r` during doc-tests%s"""
sum_pat  = Regexp \
    ( "(?P<module>.+?) (?:fails (?P<failed>\d+)|passes all) of "
예제 #13
class A_Time_List(_A_Typed_List_):
    """List of times."""

    typ = _("Time_List")
    C_range_sep = Regexp(r"(?: ?(?:-|–|\.\.) ?)")
    C_Type = A_Time
예제 #14
class Anlagen_Entry (_Mixin_, _Entry_) :

    cat            = "Normal"
    rate_pattern   = r"(?P<rate> [-+*/().0-9\s]+)"
    first_rate_pat = Regexp (rate_pattern, re.X)
    later_rate_pat = Regexp \
        ( r"(?P<year> \d\d (?: \d\d)?) \s* : \s* " + rate_pattern
        , re.X
    _cat_pat       = Regexp (r"C\[(?P<cat> [^]]+)\]", re.VERBOSE)

    def __init__ (self, line, anlagenverzeichnis) :
        try :
            ( self.desc, self.supplier, self.flags
            , self.birth_date, self.a_value, self.afa_spec, ifb
            , self.death_date
            )                = split_pat.split     (line, 8)
        except ValueError as exc :
            print (line)
        death, _, d_reason   = split_hst (self.death_date, "#")
        final                = "31.12.2037"
        self.p_konto         = self._get_p_konto (self.flags)
        self.birth_time      = Date (self.birth_date)
        self.death_time      = Date (death.strip () or final)
        self.death_reason    = d_reason.strip () if d_reason else ""
        self.alive           = self.death_time > anlagenverzeichnis.tail_time
        self.contemporary    = \
            (   self.birth_time <= anlagenverzeichnis.tail_time
            and self.death_time >= anlagenverzeichnis.head_time
        if int (self.death_time.year) < int (anlagenverzeichnis.year) :
            self._setup_dates (self.death_time.year)
        else :
            self._setup_dates (anlagenverzeichnis.year)
        self.half_date       = "1.7.%s" % (self.birth_time.year, )
        if "~" in self.flags :
            self.half_date   = "1.1.%s" % (self.birth_time.year + 1, )
        self.half_time       = Date (self.half_date)
        self.desc            = desc_cleaner        (self.desc)
        currency_match       = currency_pat.search (self.a_value)
        a_value              = self.a_value
        source_currency      = anlagenverzeichnis.source_currency
        if currency_match :
            source_currency  = EU_Currency.Table   [currency_match.group (1)]
            a_value          = currency_pat.sub    ("", a_value)
        if EUC.target_currency is not ATS :
            self.zero        = source_currency     (0.0)
        else :
            self.zero        = source_currency     (1.0)
        self.source_currency = source_currency
        self.birth_value     = source_currency     (TFL.r_eval (a_value))
        self.new_value       = source_currency     (0.0)
        self.out_value       = source_currency     (0.0)
        if "G" in self.flags :
            self.ifb         = FBiG (self, ifb, source_currency)
        else :
            self.ifb         = IFB  (self, ifb, source_currency)
        self._set_cat (self.flags)
    # end def __init__

    def active (self) :
        return \
            (   self.contemporary
            and (self.current_depreciation > 0 or self.base_rate == 0)
    # end def active

    def evaluate (self) :
        self._calc_rates ()
        self.current_depreciation = \
            self.birth_value * (self.current_rate / 100.0)
        if "=" not in self.flags :
            self.head_value = max \
                ( self.birth_value * ((100.0 - self.past_total_rate) / 100.)
                , self.zero
            self.tail_value = self.head_value - self.current_depreciation
            if self.tail_value < self.zero :
                self.tail_value = self.zero
                self.current_depreciation -= self.zero
        else :
            self.head_value = self.tail_value = self.birth_value
        if self.birth_time >= self.head_time :
            self.head_value = self.source_currency (0.0)
            self.new_value  = self.birth_value
        if not self.alive :
            self.out_value  = self.tail_value
            self.tail_value = self.source_currency (0.0)
        if self.tail_value.target_currency.to_euro_factor != 1.0 :
            self.birth_value          = self.birth_value.rounded_as_target ()
            self.head_value           = self.head_value.rounded_as_target  ()
            self.tail_value           = self.tail_value.rounded_as_target  ()
            self.new_value            = self.new_value.rounded_as_target   ()
            self.out_value            = self.out_value.rounded_as_target   ()
            self.current_depreciation = \
                self.current_depreciation.rounded_as_target ()
            if self.ifb :
                self.ifb.round ()
    # end def evaluate

    def _calc_rates (self) :
        rates          = [x.strip () for x in self.afa_spec.split (",")]
        first_rate     = rates [0]
        first_rate_pat = self.first_rate_pat
        later_rate_pat = self.later_rate_pat
        if not first_rate_pat.match (first_rate) :
            raise ValueError \
                ("%s doesn't match a depreciation rate" % (first_rate, ))
        later_rates = []
        for r in rates [1:] :
            if not later_rate_pat.match (r) :
                raise ValueError \
                    ("%s doesn't match a depreciation rate" % (r, ))
            y = Time_Tuple (later_rate_pat.year).year
            later_rates.append ((y, TFL.r_eval (later_rate_pat.rate) * 1.0))
        y_rate  = self.base_rate = TFL.r_eval (first_rate_pat.rate) * 1.0
        if later_rates :
            later_rates.append ((self.target_year, later_rates [-1] [1]))
        else :
            later_rates.append ((self.target_year, y_rate))
        y_rates = self.y_rates   = \
            [y_rate * ((0.5, 1.0) [self.birth_time < self.half_time])]
        if self.birth_time < self.head_time :
            current_year = self.birth_time.year + 1
            for target_year, next_rate in later_rates :
                while current_year < target_year :
                    y_rates.append (y_rate)
                    current_year += 1
                y_rate = self.base_rate = next_rate
            y_rates.append \
                (y_rate * ((0.5, 1.0) [self.midd_time < self.death_time]))
        self.current_rate     = y_rates [-1]
        past_total_rate       = 0
        for y_rate in y_rates [:-1] :
            past_total_rate  += y_rate
        self.past_total_rate  = min (past_total_rate, 100.0)
        if self.past_total_rate + self.current_rate > 100.0 :
            self.current_rate = 100.0 - self.past_total_rate
    # end def _calc_rates

    def _set_cat (self, flags) :
        pat = self._cat_pat
        if pat.search (flags) :
            self.cat = pat.cat
예제 #15
파일: Formatter.py 프로젝트: JPilarr/tapyr
from _TFL import TFL
from _TFL.pyk import pyk

import _TFL._Meta.Object
import _TFL._SDG
import _TFL.Generators

from _TFL.Record import Record
from _TFL.predicate import relax, split_hst
from _TFL.Regexp import *

import sys
import pdb

_percent_pat = Regexp("(?<!%)%(?!%)")

class _Formatter_(TFL.Meta.Object):
    """Root class of SDG formatters"""
    def __init__(self, indent_level, format_line):
        self.indent_level = indent_level
        self.format_line = format_line

    # end def __init__

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%s %s> '%s'" % \
            (self.kind, self.indent_level, self.format_line)

    # end def __repr__
예제 #16
 def __init__(self, s1, s2):
     self.s1 = s1
     self.s2 = s2
     self._map = {s1: s2, s2: s1}
     self._pat = Regexp("(%s|%s)" % (re.escape(s1), re.escape(s2)))
예제 #17
파일: M_Node.py 프로젝트: xiaochang91/tapyr
#                     as metaclass
#    ««revision-date»»···

from   __future__  import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from   _TFL                            import TFL
from   _TFL.pyk                        import pyk

import _TFL._Meta.M_Auto_Update_Combined
import _TFL._Meta.M_Class
import _TFL._SDG
import _TFL._SDG.Formatter

from   _TFL.Regexp                     import *

_indent_pat = Regexp (r">*")

class M_Node (TFL.Meta.M_Auto_Update_Combined, TFL.Meta.M_Class) :
    """Meta class for SDG.Node classes"""

    __id                     = 0
    _attrs_to_update_combine = ("init_arg_defaults", "_autoconvert")

    def __init__ (cls, name, bases, dict) :
        cls.__m_super.__init__ (name, bases, dict)
        cls._normalize_formats ()
    # end def __init__

    def __call__ (cls, * args, ** kw) :
        result     = cls.__new__  (cls, * args, ** kw)
        cls.__id  += 1
예제 #18
class A_Date_Time(_A_Date_):
    """Date-time value."""

    example = "2010-10-10 06:42"
    typ = _("Date-Time")
    P_Type = datetime.datetime
    Q_Name = "DATE_TIME"
    syntax = _("yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, the time `hh:mm:ss` is optional")
    ui_length = 22
    rfc3339_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
    input_formats  = tuple \
        ( itertools.chain
            ( * (  (f + " %H:%M:%S", f + " %H:%M", f)
                for f in A_Date.input_formats
        ) + (rfc3339_format, )
    utcoffset_fmt = "%+03d:%02d"
    utcoffset_pat = Regexp(r" *[-+](?P<oh>\d{2}):(?P<om>\d{2}) *$")
    _tuple_len = 6

    ### plain old inheritance doesn't work here because
    ### _M_Structured_ doesn't support that
    _Attributes = _A_Date_._Attributes.__class__ \
        ( "_Attributes"
        , (_A_DT_._Attributes, )
        , dict (_A_Date_._Attributes.__dict__, ** _A_Time_._Attributes.__dict__)

    def as_rest_cargo_ckd(self, obj, *args, **kw):
        ### formatted according to ISO 8601, RFC 3339
        value = self.kind.get_value(obj)
        if value is not None:
            offset = TFL.user_config.time_zone.utcoffset(value)
            v = value + offset
            oh, os = divmod(offset.total_seconds(), 3600)
            om = os // 60
            fmt = self.rfc3339_format + (self.utcoffset_fmt % (oh, om))
            return v.strftime(fmt)

    # end def as_rest_cargo_ckd

    def as_string(soc, value):
        if value is not None:
            ### In Python 3.5, `bool (t)` is never False -> compare to `t.min`
            v = value + TFL.user_config.time_zone.utcoffset(value)
            t = v.time()
            fmt = A_Date.input_formats [0] if t == t.min \
                else soc._output_format ()
            result = v.strftime(fmt)
            if result.endswith(":00"):
                result = result[:-3]
            return result
        return ""

    # end def as_string

    def cooked(soc, value):
        if not isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
            if isinstance(value, datetime.date):
                value = datetime.datetime(value.year, value.month, value.day)
            elif isinstance(value, pyk.string_types):
                    value = soc._from_string(value)
                except ValueError:
                    raise TypeError \
                        (_T ("Date/time expected, got %r") % (value, ))
                raise TypeError(_T("Date/time expected, got %r") % (value, ))
        return value

    # end def cooked

    def now(cls):
        return datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    # end def now

    def value_range_delta(self, obj):
        from _CAL.Delta import Date_Time_Delta
        return Date_Time_Delta(1)

    # end def value_range_delta

    def _from_string(soc, s, obj=None):
        utcoffset = None
        utcoffset_pat = soc.utcoffset_pat
        if utcoffset_pat.search(s):
            oh = int(utcoffset_pat.oh)
            om = int(utcoffset_pat.om)
            s = s[:utcoffset_pat.start()]
            utcoffset = datetime.timedelta(0, (oh * 60 + om) * 60)
        result = super(A_Date_Time, soc)._from_string(s, obj)
        if utcoffset is None:
            utcoffset = TFL.user_config.time_zone.utcoffset(result)
        result -= utcoffset
        return result
예제 #19
파일: Plan.py 프로젝트: xiaochang91/tapyr
from _CAL.Appointment import prio_pat, time_pat
import _CAL.Appointment
import _CAL.Date
import _CAL.Date_Time
import _CAL.Year

import _TFL._Meta.Object
import _TFL.CAO

from _TFL.Filename import *
from _TFL.predicate import *
from _TFL.pyk import pyk
from _TFL.Regexp import *
from _TFL import sos

day_sep = Regexp("^#", re.M)
day_pat = Regexp(r"^ (?P<day>\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}) ")
app_date_pat  = Regexp \
    ( r"(?P<date>"
            r"(?P<day> -? \d{1,2}) \."
            r"(?: (?P<month> \d{1,2}) \."
            r"  (?: (?P<year> \d{4}))?"
            r"(?P<weekday> Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun)"
            r"(?: [.#] (?P<week> [0-5]?\d))?"
예제 #20
    , re.X
YYYYMMDD_pat = Regexp \
    ( r"(?P<year>  \d{4,4})"
    + r"(?P<month> \d{2,2})"
    + r"(?P<day>   \d{2,2})"
    + _time_pat
    + r"$"
    , re.X

_day_patterns  = \
    ( Regexp
       ( _dd_month_pat
       + r"[.]?"
       + _time_pat
       + r"$"
       , re.X | re.I
    , Regexp
       ( _dd_month_pat
       + r"\2"
       + r"(?P<year> \d{4,4})"
       + _time_pat
       + r"$"
       , re.X | re.I
    , Regexp
       ( _month_dd_pat
       + r"$"
       , re.X | re.I
예제 #21
from _PMA import Lib

import _TFL.Filename
import _TFL.sos

from _TFL.pyk import pyk
from _TFL.Regexp import *

import mimetypes
import subprocess

default_type = "application/octet-stream"
unencoded_mime_types = ("text/plain", "message/rfc822")

_sep = TFL.sos.sep
file__mime_pat = Regexp(r"^[^:]+: (?P<typ>[^;]+); charset=(?P<enc>.+)")
mh_pat = Regexp(r"%sMH%s.*%s\d+$" % (_sep, _sep, _sep))

extension_map = {}

def add_extensions(typ, enc, *extensions):
    for ext in extensions:
        extension_map[ext] = (typ, enc)

# end def add_extensions

add_extensions \
    ("text/plain", None, ".pl", ".c", ".cc", ".h", ".el", ".lse", ".txt")
add_extensions \
예제 #22
from _TFL import sos

import _TFL.Accessor
import _TFL.Ascii
import _TFL.Caller
import _TFL.CAO
import _TFL.FCM
import _TFL.Filename
import _TFL._Meta.M_Class
import _TFL._Meta.Property

import textwrap
import time
import weakref

_ws_pat = Regexp(r"\s+")
now = time.time()

def decoded_header(header):
    result = []
    if header:
        for p, c in Lib.decode_header(header):
            enc = c or PMA.default_encoding
            if enc == "unknown":
                enc = PMA.default_encoding
            result.append(pyk.decoded(p, enc))
    result = " ".join(result)
    return result

예제 #23
class _A_Time_(_A_DT_):
    """Common base class for time-valued attributes of an object."""

    example = "06:42"
    completer = MOM.Attr.Completer_Spec(2)
    typ = _("Time")
    P_Type = datetime.time
    Q_Ckd_Type = MOM.Attr.Querier.Time
    Q_Name = "TIME"
    ui_length = 8
    _midnight_pat = Regexp(r"^24(:00){0,2}$")
    _tuple_len = 6
    _tuple_off = 3

    class _Attributes(_A_DT_._Attributes):
        class hour(A_Int):
            """Hour specified by time."""

            kind = Attr.Query
            query = Q.hour

        # end class hour

        class minute(A_Int):
            """Minute specified by time."""

            kind = Attr.Query
            query = Q.minute

        # end class minute

        class second(A_Int):
            """Second specified by time."""

            kind = Attr.Query
            query = Q.second

        # end class second

    # end class _Attributes

    class Pickler(TFL.Meta.Object):

        Type = datetime.time

        def as_cargo(cls, attr_kind, attr_type, value):
            return value

        # end def as_cargo

        def from_cargo(cls, scope, attr_kind, attr_type, cargo):
            if cargo is not None:
                if isinstance(cargo, datetime.datetime):
                    cargo = cargo.time()
                return cargo

        # end def from_cargo

    # end class Pickler

    def as_rest_cargo_ckd(self, obj, *args, **kw):
        value = self.kind.get_value(obj)
        if value is not None:
            return pyk.text_type(value.strftime("%H:%M:%S"))

    # end def as_rest_cargo_ckd

    def as_string(soc, value):
        if value is not None and value == soc.P_Type.max:
            result = "24:00"
            ### when called for the class, `soc.__super` doesn't
            ### work while `super (_A_Time_, soc)` does
            result = super(_A_Time_, soc).as_string(value)
            if result.endswith(":00"):
                result = result[:-3]
        return result

    # end def as_string

    def cooked(soc, value):
        if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
            value = value.time()
        elif isinstance(value, pyk.string_types):
                value = soc._from_string(value)
            except ValueError:
                raise TypeError(_T("Time expected, got %r") % (value, ))
        elif not isinstance(value, datetime.time):
            raise TypeError(_T("Time expected, got %r") % (value, ))
        return value

    # end def cooked

    def now(cls):
        return datetime.datetime.now().time()

    # end def now

    def value_range_delta(soc, obj):
        from _CAL.Delta import Time_Delta
        return Time_Delta(1)

    # end def value_range_delta

    def _from_string(soc, value, obj=None):
            return super(_A_Time_, soc)._from_string(value, obj)
        except Exception:
            if soc._midnight_pat.match(value):
                return soc.P_Type.max
예제 #24
파일: Alias.py 프로젝트: JPilarr/tapyr
class Alias_Mgr (TFL.Meta.Object) :
    """Model a collection of aliases"""

    _alias_sep = Regexp ("\n(?!\\s)") ### a new-line followed by non-whitespace
    _alias_pat = Regexp \
        ( r"(?P<key> [-a-zA-Z0-9.]+)"
          r"\s* : \s*"
          r"(?P<value> .*)"
        , re.VERBOSE | re.DOTALL

    def __init__ (self, * files) :
        self.aliases = {}
        for f in files :
            self.add_alias_file (f)
    # end def __init__

    def add_alias_buffer (self, buffer) :
        aliases = self.aliases
        pat     = self._alias_pat
        for entry in self._alias_sep.split (buffer) :
            entry = entry.strip ()
            if entry :
                if pat.match (entry) :
                    key  = pat.key
                    vals = filter \
                        (None, [v.strip () for v in pat.value.split (",")])
                    if vals :
                        aliases [key] = Alias (key, vals)
    # end def add_alias_buffer

    def add_alias_file (self, name) :
        path = sos.expanded_path (name)
        if sos.path.exists (path) :
            with open (path) as f :
                buffer = pyk.decoded (f.read ())
            self.add_alias_buffer (buffer)
    # end def add_alias_file

    def get (self, key, default = None) :
        try :
            return self [key]
        except KeyError :
            return default
    # end def get

    def transitive_translation (self, alias) :
        """Return transitive translation of `alias`"""
        result  = set ()
        aliases = self.aliases
        for v in alias.email_addresses () :
            if v in aliases :
                result.update (self.transitive_translation (aliases [v]))
            else :
                result.add (v)
        return result
    # end def transitive_translation

    def __getitem__ (self, key) :
        map     = self.aliases
        rn, ea  = Lib.parseaddr (key)
        l, s, d = split_hst (ea, "@")
        if s :
            try :
                return map [l]
            except KeyError :
        return map [ea]
예제 #25
from   _CAL                       import CAL
from   _TFL                       import TFL

from   _TFL.Regexp                import *
from   _TFL._Meta.totally_ordered import totally_ordered

import _TFL._Meta.Object

time_pat        = Regexp \
    ( r"(?P<time> "
      r"(?:  (?P<hh_head> \d{1,2}) (?: : (?P<mm_head> \d{2}))? )?"
      r"(?: -(?P<hh_tail> \d{1,2}) (?: : (?P<mm_tail> \d{2}))? )?"
    , re.VERBOSE
prio_pat        = Regexp (r"(?P<prio> [A-Za-z0-9 ])", re.VERBOSE)
entry_sep       = Regexp ("^>", re.MULTILINE)
entry_pat       = Regexp \
    ( r"[ ]+"
    + time_pat.pattern + r"?"
    + r"[ ]+"
    + prio_pat.pattern
    + r"[ ]<[ ]"
    + r"\s*"
    + r"(?P<activity> .*)"
    + "$"

class Appointment (TFL.Meta.Object) :