예제 #1
파일: stage.py 프로젝트: khmermega/scripts
    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
        The base class __call__ functor "runs" the stage. Each stage
        consists of three components:

            o preconditions
            o stage
            o postconditions

        By default, all three componets are executed in order
        pre- and/or post-conditions checking.

        If called with (stage=True) will execute the externally defined
        stage callback.

        if self._b_canRun:
            b_preconditionsRun = True
            b_stageRun = True
            b_postconditionsRun = True
            b_preamble = True
            b_postamble = True

            for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
                if key == 'checkpreconditions': b_preconditionsRun = value
                if key == 'runstage': b_stageRun = value
                if key == 'checkpostconditions': b_postconditionsRun = value
                if key == 'preamble': b_preamble = value
                if key == 'postamble': b_postamble = value

            if b_preamble:
                misc.tic()                self._log(Colors.GREEN + \
                          '<%s> START' % self.name() + \
                          Colors.NO_COLOUR +'...\n' )

            if b_preconditionsRun:
                if not self.preconditions():
                    error.report(self, 'preconditions',
            if b_stageRun:
                self._callCount += 1
                if not self.stage():
                    error.report(self, 'stage', self._b_fatalConditions)
            if b_postconditionsRun:
                if not self.postconditions():
                    error.report(self, 'postconditions',

            if b_postamble:
                self._log(Colors.GREEN      + '<%s> END' % self.name()      + \
                        Colors.NO_COLOUR  + '. Elapsed time = '           + \
                        Colors.CYAN       + '%f' % misc.toc()             + \
                        Colors.NO_COLOUR  + ' seconds.\n')
예제 #2
파일: stage.py 프로젝트: FNNDSC/scripts
    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
        The base class __call__ functor "runs" the stage. Each stage
        consists of three components:

            o preconditions
            o stage
            o postconditions

        By default, all three componets are executed in order
        pre- and/or post-conditions checking.

        If called with (stage=True) will execute the externally defined
        stage callback.

        if self._b_canRun:
            b_preconditionsRun  = True
            b_stageRun          = True
            b_postconditionsRun = True
            b_preamble          = True
            b_postamble         = True

            for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
                if key == 'checkpreconditions':   b_preconditionsRun    = value
                if key == 'runstage':             b_stageRun            = value
                if key == 'checkpostconditions':  b_postconditionsRun   = value
                if key == 'preamble':             b_preamble            = value
                if key == 'postamble':            b_postamble           = value

            if b_preamble:
                misc.tic() ; self._log(Colors.GREEN + \
                                       '<%s> START' % self.name() + \
                                       Colors.NO_COLOUR +'...\n' )

            if b_preconditionsRun:
                if not self.preconditions():
                    error.report(self, 'preconditions', self._b_fatalConditions)
            if b_stageRun:
                self._callCount += 1
                if not self.stage():
                    error.report(self, 'stage', self._b_fatalConditions)
            if b_postconditionsRun:
                if not self.postconditions():
                    error.report(self, 'postconditions', self._b_fatalConditions)

            if b_postamble:
                self._log(Colors.GREEN      + '<%s> END' % self.name()      + \
                        Colors.NO_COLOUR  + '. Elapsed time = '           + \
                        Colors.CYAN       + '%f' % misc.toc()             + \
                        Colors.NO_COLOUR  + ' seconds.\n')
예제 #3
        def __init__( self, *args ):
            self.__name__ = 'C_CAE'
            self.mstr_obj = 'C_CAE';      # name of object class
            self.mstr_name = 'unnamed';    # name of object variable
            self.mstr_def = 'void';       # name of function being processed
            self.m_id = -1;           # int id
            self.m_iter = 0;            # current iteration in an
                                                #+ arbitrary processing 
                                                #+ scheme
            self.m_verbosity = 0;            # debug related value for 
                                                #+ object
            self.m_warnings = 0;            # show warnings 
                                                #+ (and warnings level)

            # The core data containers are grids of cellular automata 
            # machines
            self.mgg_current = None          # Current grid
            self.mgg_next = None          # Next iteration grid
            self.mb_syncGridSpectralArray = False # Controls whether or not
                                                  # to synchronize grid spectra
                                                  # and grid helper array            

            # For the most part, the CAE accepts the same constructor
            # pattern as the C_ggrid:
            if len( args ) == 2:
                    # Grid spectral elements are of type C_spectrum_CAM
                    print "Creating current state grid...", ; misc.tic()
                    self.mgg_current = C_ggrid( *args, name='currentState' )
                    print "done. %s" % misc.toc()
                    print "Creating next state grid...", ; misc.tic()
                    self.mgg_next = C_ggrid( *args, name='nextState' )
                    print "done. %s" % misc.toc()

            self.m_rows = self.mgg_current.rows_get()
            self.m_cols = self.mgg_current.cols_get()

            self.__neighbors = {}
예제 #4
파일: dicomTag.py 프로젝트: FNNDSC/scripts
    if not b_htmlExt:
        C_dicomTag     = dicomTag(
                                inputFile           = args.inputFile,
                                outputDir           = args.outputDir,
                                outputFileStem      = args.outputFileStem,
                                outputFileType      = args.outputFileType,
                                tagFile             = args.tagFile,
                                tagList             = args.tagList,
                                rawType             = args.rawType,
                                imageFile           = args.imageFile

    if b_htmlExt:
        C_dicomTag   = dicomTag_html(
                                inputFile           = args.inputFile,
                                outputDir           = args.outputDir,
                                outputFileStem      = args.outputFileStem,
                                outputFileType      = args.outputFileType,
                                tagFile             = args.tagFile,
                                tagList             = args.tagList,
                                imageFile           = args.imageFile

    # And now run it!
    if args.printElapsedTime: print("Elapsed time = %f seconds" % misc.toc())
예제 #5
    if len(str_outputFileExtension):
        args.outputFileStem = str_outputFileStem

    b_niftiExt           = (str_inputFileExtension   == '.nii'    or \
                            str_inputFileExtension   == '.gz')
    b_dicomExt = str_inputFileExtension == '.dcm'
    if b_niftiExt:
        C_convert = med2image_nii(inputFile=args.inputFile,

    if b_dicomExt:
        C_convert = med2image_dcm(inputFile=args.inputFile,

    # And now run it!
    if args.printElapsedTime: print("Elapsed time = %f seconds" % misc.toc())
예제 #6
        def state_transition( self ):
            The state transition machine for the CAE; determines the
            "next" state from the "current".
                o The "current" == "next" state
                o The "next" state is changed according to "current" state
                  in a decoupled element-by-element fashion.
                o Once each element in the "current" state has been processed,
                  the "next" state is copied into the "current" state.
                o A state transition is now complete.
                o Returns the number of elements processed.
            Primitive support for multithreaded/parallelization is planned...

            # Process the current grid, and determine all the changes required to
            # transition to the next state.
            elementProcessedCount = 0
            for row in np.arange( 0, self.m_rows ):
                for col in np.arange( 0, self.m_cols ):
                    dict_nextStateNeighbourSpectra = {}
                    A_neighbours = None

                    key = str( row ) + ':' + str( col )
                    if self.__neighbors.has_key( key ):
                      # we already have the neighbors
                      A_neighbours = self.__neighbors[key]
                      # we don't have the neighbors, so let's calculate them
                      A_neighbours = \
                          misc.neighbours_findFast( 2, 1,
                                      np.array( ( row, col ) ),
                                      gridSize=np.array( ( self.m_rows, self.m_cols ) ),
                                      includeOrigin=False )
                      self.__neighbors[key] = A_neighbours

                    dict_nextStateNeighbourSpectra = \
                        self.dict_createFromGridLocations( A_neighbours )
                    deltaSelf, deltaNeighbour = \
                        self.mgg_current.spectrum_get( row, col ).nextStateDelta_determine( 
                                                dict_nextStateNeighbourSpectra )
                    if deltaNeighbour:
                        for update in deltaNeighbour.keys():
                            elementProcessedCount += 1
                            updateRule = deltaNeighbour[update]
                            dict_nextStateNeighbourSpectra[update].nextState_process( updateRule )
            print "Update loop time: %f seconds (%d elements processed)." % \
                        ( misc.toc(), elementProcessedCount )

            # Now update the current state with the next state
            b_setFromArray = False
            if self.mb_syncGridSpectralArray: self.mgg_next.internals_sync( b_setFromArray )
            print misc.toc( sysprint="Synchronization: %f seconds." )
            # self.mgg_current    = copy.deepcopy(self.mgg_next)
            # use cPickle instead of deepcopy
            self.mgg_current = cPickle.loads( cPickle.dumps( self.mgg_next, -1 ) )
            print misc.toc( sysprint="next->current deepcopy: %f seconds.\n" )
            return elementProcessedCount