예제 #1
class LMyItem(LItem):
    >>> item1 = LMyItem()
    >>> item1.pvName = 'TEST:1:AO'
    >>> print item1
    <LMyItem:  pvName='TEST:1:AO' weight=-2.0>

    >>> item1.toCsv()

    >>> item2 = LMyItem()
    >>> item2.fromCsv(item1.toCsv())
    >>> print item2
    <LMyItem:  pvName='TEST:1:AO' weight=-2.0>

    >>> item1 == item1
    >>> item1 == item2


    def __init__(self):
        super(LMyItem, self).__init__()
        self.pvName = 'TEST:AO'
        self.weight = 2.0

        self._orderedAttributes = 'pvName', 'weight'
        self._getitemAttributes = 'pvName', 'weight', '_setpointAtInit', '_currentSetpoint'


        self._pv = None
        self._currentSetpoint = None
        self._setpointAtInit = None


    def updateAttributes(self):
        if self._pv is None:
           self._pv = LEpicsPv(self.pvName)
        self._currentSetpoint = self.caget()
        if self._setpointAtInit is None:
            self._setpointAtInit = self._currentSetpoint

    def caget(self):
        return self._pv.caget()

    def caput(self, value, wait=False):
        status = self._pv.caput(value, wait)
        return status
예제 #2
class LCondition(LItem):
    >>> c = LCondition()
    >>> c
    <LCondition:  pvName='TEST:AO' minimum=-10.0 maximum=10.0 action='Skip' description='Test condition'>
    >>> c.connectPv()
    >>> c.check()

    def __init__(self, parent = None):
        No description here because not needed at this low level 
        super(LCondition, self).__init__(parent)
        self.pvName = "TEST:AO"
        self.minimum = -10.0
        self.maximum = 10.0
        self.action = 'Skip'
        self._pv = None

        self._orderedAttributes = 'pvName', 'minimum', 'maximum', 'action'

    @LInAndOut(DEBUG & ITEMS)
    def connectPv(self):
        self._pv = LEpicsPv(self.pvName)
    @LInAndOut(DEBUG & ITEMS)
    def check(self):
        ''' Check that the condition is met '''
        exception = None
        pvValue = self._pv.get()
        if (pvValue > self.maximum): 
            if self.action == 'Skip' :
                raise Exception('%s < %f (min)' % (self.pvName, self.minimum), 'Skip iteration')
            if self.action == 'Pause' :
                raise Exception('%s < %f (min)' % (self.pvName, self.minimum), 'Pause requested')
            if self.action == 'Stop' :
                raise Exception('%s < %f (min)' % (self.pvName, self.minimum), 'Stop requested')
                raise Exception('%s > %f (max)' % (self.pvName, self.maximum), 'Pv above maximum')

        if (pvValue < self.minimum): 
            if self.action == 'Skip' :
                raise Exception('%s < %f (min)' % (self.pvName, self.minimum), 'Skipping iteration')
            if self.action == 'Pause' :
                raise Exception('%s < %f (min)' % (self.pvName, self.minimum), 'Pause requested')
            if self.action == 'Stop' :
                raise Exception('%s < %f (min)' % (self.pvName, self.minimum), 'Stop requested')
                raise Exception('%s < %f (min)' % (self.pvName, self.minimum), 'Pv below minimum')

        verbose(self, " %f < { %s = %f } < %f" % (self.minimum , self.pvName, pvValue, self.maximum), 2)
예제 #3
class LCondition(LItem):
    >>> c = LCondition()
    >>> c
    <LCondition:  pvName='TEST:AO' minimum=-10.0 maximum=10.0 action='Skip' description='Test condition'>
    >>> c.connectPv()
    >>> c.check()

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(LCondition, self).__init__(parent)
        self.pvName = "TEST:AO"
        self.minimum = -10.0
        self.maximum = 10.0
        self.action = "Skip"
        self._pv = None

        self._orderedAttributes = "pvName", "minimum", "maximum", "action"

    @LInAndOut(DEBUG & ITEMS)
    def connectPv(self):
        self._pv = LEpicsPv(self.pvName)

    @LInAndOut(DEBUG & ITEMS)
    def check(self):
        """ Check that the condition is met """
        exception = None
        pvValue = self._pv.get()
        if pvValue > self.maximum:
            if self.action == "Skip":
                raise Exception("%s < %f (min)" % (self.pvName, self.minimum), "Skip iteration")
            if self.action == "Pause":
                raise Exception("%s < %f (min)" % (self.pvName, self.minimum), "Pause requested")
            if self.action == "Stop":
                raise Exception("%s < %f (min)" % (self.pvName, self.minimum), "Stop requested")
                raise Exception("%s > %f (max)" % (self.pvName, self.maximum), "Pv above maximum")

        if pvValue < self.minimum:
            if self.action == "Skip":
                raise Exception("%s < %f (min)" % (self.pvName, self.minimum), "Skipping iteration")
            if self.action == "Pause":
                raise Exception("%s < %f (min)" % (self.pvName, self.minimum), "Pause requested")
            if self.action == "Stop":
                raise Exception("%s < %f (min)" % (self.pvName, self.minimum), "Stop requested")
                raise Exception("%s < %f (min)" % (self.pvName, self.minimum), "Pv below minimum")

        verbose(self, " %f < { %s = %f } < %f" % (self.minimum, self.pvName, pvValue, self.maximum), 2)
        return True
예제 #4
class LMyMeasurement(LItem):
    >>> item1 = LMyMeasurement()
    >>> item1
    <LMyMeasurement:  pvName='TEST:AI' numberOfSamples=10 operations='Maximum:Minimum:Mean:Median:Sigma:Variance'>
    >>> print "%s" % item1
    <LMyMeasurement:  pvName='TEST:AI' numberOfSamples=10 operations='Maximum:Minimum:Mean:Median:Sigma:Variance'>

    def __init__(self):
        super(LMyMeasurement, self).__init__()
        self.pvName = 'TEST:AI'
        self.numberOfSamples = 10
        self.operations = 'Maximum:Minimum:Mean:Median:Sigma:Variance'

        self._orderedAttributes = 'pvName', 'numberOfSamples', 'operations'

        self.samples = np.empty((0, self.numberOfSamples), dtype = 'float')
        self.mean = np.empty(0, dtype = 'float')
        self.median = np.empty(0, dtype = 'float')
        self.var = np.empty(0, dtype = 'float')
        self.std = np.empty(0, dtype = 'float')
        self.min = np.empty(0, dtype = 'float')
        self.max = np.empty(0, dtype = 'float')
        self.ptp = np.empty(0, dtype = 'float')
        self._pv = None

    @LInAndOut(DEBUG & ITEMS)
    def connectPv(self):
        self._pv = LEpicsPv(self.pvName)

    @LInAndOut(DEBUG & ITEMS)
    def get(self):
        return self._pv.caget()

    def getOperations(self):

        def mapFunc(operation):
            operation = operation.lower()
            if operation == 'variance' : operation = 'var'
            elif operation == 'maximum' : operation = 'max'
            elif operation == 'minimum' : operation = 'min'
            elif operation == 'peaktopeak': operation = 'ptp'
            elif operation == 'standarddeviation': operation = 'std'
            return operation

        operations = map(mapFunc, self.operations.split(':'))
        return operations
예제 #5
 def connectPv(self):
     self._pv = LEpicsPv(self.pvName)
예제 #6
 def updateAttributes(self):
     if self._pv is None:
        self._pv = LEpicsPv(self.pvName)
     self._currentSetpoint = self.caget()
     if self._setpointAtInit is None:
         self._setpointAtInit = self._currentSetpoint
예제 #7
 def connectPv(self):
     self._pv = LEpicsPv(self.pvName)
     self._setpointAtInit = self._pv.caget()
예제 #8
class LMyKnob(LItem):
    >>> item1 = LMyKnob()
    >>> item1.pvName = 'TEST:1:AO'
    >>> item1.pvName
    >>> item1.setDebugLevel(0)
    >>> item1['pvName']
    >>> print item1
    <LMyKnob:  pvName='TEST:1:AO' start=-10.0 stop=10.0 mode='Absolute'>

    >>> item1.toCsv()

    >>> item2 = LMyKnob()
    >>> item2.fromCsv(item1.toCsv())
    >>> print item2
    <LMyKnob:  pvName='TEST:1:AO' start=-10.0 stop=10.0 mode='Absolute'>

    >>> item1 == item1
    >>> item1 == item2


    def __init__(self):
        super(LMyKnob, self).__init__()
        self.pvName = 'TEST:AO'
        self.start = -10.0
        self.stop = 10.0
        self.mode = 'Absolute'

        self._orderedAttributes = 'pvName', 'start', 'stop', 'mode'

        self._pv = None
        self._setpoints = np.empty(0, dtype = 'float')
        self._setpointAtInit = None

    @LInAndOut(DEBUG & ITEMS)
    def connectPv(self):
        self._pv = LEpicsPv(self.pvName)
        self._setpointAtInit = self._pv.caget()

    @LInAndOut(DEBUG & ITEMS)
    def setSetpoints(self, nparray):
        if nparray.max() > self._pv.drvh :
            raise Exception("%s: Cannot go over the DRVH limit (%.2f)" % (self.pvName,self._pv.drvh),
                            "Lower max of desired range (%.2f)" % array.max())
        if nparray.min() < self._pv.drvl :
            raise Exception("%s: Cannot go under the DRVL limit (%.2f)" % (pv.name,pvdrvl),
                            "Increase min of desired range (%.2f)" % setpoints.min)
        self._setpoints = nparray
    @LInAndOut(DEBUG & ITEMS)
    def getSetpoints(self):
        return self._setpoints
    setpoints = property(getSetpoints, setSetpoints)

    @LInAndOut(DEBUG & ITEMS)
    def set(self, setpoint, wait = True):
        self._pv.caput(setpoint, wait = wait)

    @LInAndOut(DEBUG & ITEMS)
    def restore(self, wait = True):
        self.set(self._setpointAtInit, wait = wait)
예제 #9
    def start(self):
        exception = None
            iterationNumber = 0

            numberOfIterations = self.dataContainer.numberOfIterations
            numberOfSamplesPerIteration = self.dataContainer.numberOfSamplesPerIteration
            numberOfPreviousSamples = self.dataContainer.numberOfPreviousSamples
            samplingRate = self.dataContainer.samplingRate
            operation = self.dataContainer.operation
            gain = self.dataContainer.gain
            holdValue = self.dataContainer.holdValue
            lowerActionLimit = self.dataContainer.lowerActionLimit
            upperActionLimit = self.dataContainer.upperActionLimit
            lowerChangeLimit = self.dataContainer.lowerChangeLimit
            upperChangeLimit = self.dataContainer.upperChangeLimit
            pauseBetweenIterations = self.dataContainer.pauseBetweenIterations
            dryRun = self.dataContainer.dryRun
            conditions = self.dataContainer.conditions
            runControl = self.dataContainer.runControl

            # Connect Pvs
            _actuatorPv = LEpicsPv(self.dataContainer.actuatorPvName)
            _readbackPv = LEpicsPv(self.dataContainer.readbackPvName)
            _offsetPv = LEpicsPv(self.dataContainer.offsetPvName)

            if _actuatorPv.isConnected():    
                verbose(self,  "Connected to %s" % _actuatorPv.name)
                raise Exception("Could NOT connect to Actuator Pv (%s)" % _actuatorPv.name,'PV not on network')

            if _readbackPv.isConnected(): 
                verbose(self, "Connected to %s" % _readbackPv.name)
                raise Exception("Could NOT connect to Readback Pv (%s)" % _readbackPv.name, 'PV not on network')

            if _offsetPv.isConnected(): 
                verbose(self, "Connected to %s" % _offsetPv.name)
                raise Exception("Could NOT connect to Readback Pv (%s)" % _offsetPv.name, 'PV not on network')

            for condition in conditions :

            # Get fifo
            sampleFifo = LFifoStack()
            sampleFifo.size = numberOfSamplesPerIteration + numberOfPreviousSamples

            while (self.processIsRunning and iterationNumber < numberOfIterations):
                if (not self.processIsPaused) :
                        timestamp = time.asctime(time.localtime())
                        verbose(self, "+----------------------------------------------------------------------")
                        verbose(self, "| Iteration    :         %d / %d " % (iterationNumber, numberOfIterations))
                        verbose(self, "| Time         :         %s" % timestamp , 2)
                        verbose(self, "| hostname     :         %s" % socket.gethostname(), 2)
                        verbose(self, "| processId    :         %d" % self.pid, 2)
                        verbose(self, "+----------------------------------------------------------------------")


                        #--- Acquire samples
                        newSamples = list()
                        while len(newSamples) < numberOfSamplesPerIteration: 
                        sampleFifo += newSamples
                        #--- Extract golden sample 
                        if operation == 'Average' :
                            goldenSample = sampleFifo.getAverage()
                        elif operation == 'Minimum' :
                            goldenSample = sampleFifo.getMinimum()
                        elif operation == 'Maximum' :
                            goldenSample = sampleFifo.getMaximum()
                            raise Exception('Unknown operation %s' % operation,'Not a valid operation') 

                        verbose(self, "%s" % sampleFifo, 2)

                        verbose(self, "goldenSample = %f" % goldenSample)

                        #--- Compute action (delta)
                        delta = holdValue - goldenSample
                        verbose(self, "delta = %f" % delta)

                        if abs(delta) > upperChangeLimit:
                            if delta >= 0 :
                                delta = upperChangeLimit
                                delta = -1 * upperChangeLimit
                        verbose(self, "delta = %f (after upperChangeLimit)" % delta)
                        verbose(self, "")
                        verbose(self, "changeLimits: %f < abs(%f) < %f ?" % ( lowerChangeLimit, delta , upperChangeLimit))

                        action = gain * delta

                        verbose(self, "holdValue = %f" % holdValue)
                        verbose(self, "slope/gain = %f" % gain)
                        verbose(self, "action = %f * ( %f - %f ) = %f" % ( gain, holdValue, goldenSample, action) )
                        verbose(self, "")
                        verbose(self, "actionLimits: %f < abs(%f) < %f ?" % ( lowerActionLimit, action , upperActionLimit))

                        if abs(action) > upperActionLimit: 
                            if action >= 0 :
                                action = upperActionLimit
                                action = -1 * upperActionLimit
                        verbose(self, "action = %f (after upperActionLimit)" % ( action ))

                        #--- Compute new setpoint 
                        offset = _offsetPv.caget()
                        newSetpoint = action + offset

                        verbose(self, "offset = %f" % offset)
                        verbose(self, "%f = %f + %f" % ( newSetpoint, action , offset))
                        verbose(self, "newSetpoint = %f"  % ( newSetpoint))

                        #--- Check conditions 
                        for condition in conditions:
                            verbose(self, "Checking %s..." % (condition),2)

                        verbose(self, "All conditions are meet. Continuing...")

                        if dryRun: 
                            verbose(self, "%f -->  %s (blocked by dryRun)" % ( newSetpoint, _actuatorPv.name ))
                            verbose(self, "dryRun = %s" % dryRun)
                        elif abs(action) <= lowerActionLimit:
                            verbose(self, "%f -->  %s (blocked by lowerActionLimit)" % ( newSetpoint, _actuatorPv.name ))
                            verbose(self, "action = %f <= %f" % (action, lowerActionLimit))
                        elif abs(delta) <= lowerChangeLimit:
                            verbose(self, "%f -->  %s (blocked by lowerChangeLimit)" % ( newSetpoint, _actuatorPv.name ))
                            verbose(self, "delta = %f <= %f" % (delta, lowerChangeLimit))
                            currentSetpoint = _actuatorPv.caget()
                            verbose(self, "%s @ %f" % ( _actuatorPv.name, currentSetpoint))
                            if newSetpoint == currentSetpoint:
                                verbose(self,  "%f --> %s (No caput processing, same setpoint)" % (newSetpoint, _actuatorPv.name))
                                verbose(self, "%f --> %s" % ( newSetpoint, _actuatorPv.name ))
                    except Exception as e:
                        print e
                        iterationNumber += 1
            # processIsRunning = False or number of iterations was reached !
            # Graceful shutdown
        except Exception as e:
            #Connection issue
            print e