예제 #1
파일: pyaudio.py 프로젝트: chai41104/NLP
    def write(self, frames, num_frames=None, exception_on_underflow=False):
        Write samples to the stream.  Do not call when using
        *non-blocking* mode.

        :param frames:
           The frames of data.
        :param num_frames:
           The number of frames to write.
           Defaults to None, in which this value will be
           automatically computed.
        :param exception_on_underflow:
           Specifies whether an IOError exception should be thrown
           (or silently ignored) on buffer underflow. Defaults
           to False for improved performance, especially on
           slower platforms.

        :raises IOError: if the stream is not an output stream
           or if the write operation was unsuccessful.

        :rtype: `None`

        if not self._is_output:
            raise IOError("Not output stream",

        if num_frames == None:
            # determine how many frames to read
            width = get_sample_size(self._format)
            num_frames = int(len(frames) / (self._channels * width))
            #print len(frames), self._channels, self._width, num_frames

        pa.write_stream(self._stream, frames, num_frames,
예제 #2
파일: lazy_io.py 프로젝트: aylons/audiolazy
  def run(self):
    Plays the audio. This method plays the audio, and shouldn't be called
    explicitly, let the constructor do so.
    # From now on, it's multi-thread. Let the force be with them.
    st = self.stream._stream
    for chunk in chunks(self.audio,
      #Below is a faster way to call:
      #  self.stream.write(chunk, self.chunk_size)
      _portaudio.write_stream(st, chunk, self.chunk_size, False)
      if not self.go.is_set():
        if self.halting:

    # Finished playing! Destructor-like step: let's close the thread
    with self.lock:
      if self in self.device_manager._threads: # If not already closed
예제 #3
파일: pyaudio.py 프로젝트: endolith/PyAudio
    def write(self, frames, num_frames = None,
              exception_on_underflow = False):

        Write samples to the stream.

        :param `frames`:
           The frames of data.
        :param `num_frames`:
           The number of frames to write.
           Defaults to None, in which this value will be
           automatically computed.
        :param `exception_on_underflow`:
           Specifies whether an exception should be thrown
           (or silently ignored) on buffer underflow. Defaults
           to False for improved performance, especially on
           slower platforms.

        :raises IOError: if the stream is not an output stream
         or if the write operation was unsuccessful.

        :rtype: `None`


        if not self._is_output:
            raise IOError("Not output stream",

        if num_frames == None:
            # determine how many frames to read
            width = get_sample_size(self._format)
            num_frames = int(len(frames) / (self._channels * width))
            #print len(frames), self._channels, self._width, num_frames

        pa.write_stream(self._stream, frames, num_frames,
예제 #4
stream_output = _portaudio.open(format = FORMAT,
                                channels = CHANNELS,
                                rate = RATE,
                                output = True,
                                frames_per_buffer = chunk)

print "* starting stream"

print "* recording"

for i in range(0, 44100 / chunk * RECORD_SECONDS):
    data = _portaudio.read_stream(stream_input, chunk)
    _portaudio.write_stream(stream_output, data, chunk)
print "* stopping stream"

print "* closing stream"

# match initialize() with terminate() calls

예제 #5
파일: wire.py 프로젝트: b2220333/PyAudio-1
print "* initializing"

print "* opening"
stream = _portaudio.open(format = FORMAT, 
                         channels = CHANNELS, 
                         rate = RATE, 
                         input = True,
                         output = True,
                         frames_per_buffer = chunk)

print "* starting stream"

print "* recording"

for i in range(0, 44100 / chunk * RECORD_SECONDS):
    data = _portaudio.read_stream(stream, chunk)
    _portaudio.write_stream(stream, data, chunk)
print "* stopping stream"

print "* closing stream"

# match all initialize() with terminate() calls