예제 #1
    def getnameinfo(self, ip_port, flags, callback):
        if not callable(callback):
            raise AresError("a callable is required")

        ip, port = ip_port

        if port < 0 or port > 65535:
            raise ValueError("port must be between 0 and 65535")

        sa4 = _ffi.new("struct sockaddr_in*")
        sa6 = _ffi.new("struct sockaddr_in6*")

        if 1 == _lib.ares_inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, s2b(ip), _ffi.addressof(sa4.sin_addr)):
            sa4.sin_family = socket.AF_INET
            sa4.sin_port = socket.htons(port)
            sa = sa4
        elif 1 == _lib.ares_inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, s2b(ip), _ffi.addressof(sa6.sin6_addr)):
            sa6.sin6_family = socket.AF_INET6
            sa6.sin6_port = socket.htons(port)
            sa = sa6
            raise ValueError("invalid IP address")

        userdata = _ffi.new_handle(callback)
        _lib.ares_getnameinfo(self.channel, _ffi.cast("struct sockaddr*", sa), _ffi.sizeof(sa[0]), flags, _nameinfo_cb, userdata)
예제 #2
 def set_local_ip(self, ip):
     addr4 = _ffi.new("struct in_addr*")
     addr6 = _ffi.new("struct ares_in6_addr*")
     if 1 == _lib.ares_inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, s2b(ip), addr4):
         _lib.ares_set_local_ip4(self.channel, socket.ntohl(addr4.s_addr))
     elif 1 == _lib.ares_inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, s2b(ip), addr6):
         _lib.ares_set_local_ip6(self.channel, addr6)
         raise ValueError("invalid IP address")
예제 #3
    def _set_servers(self, servers):
        c = _ffi.new("struct ares_addr_node[%d]" % len(servers))
        for i in range(len(servers)):
            if 1 == _lib.ares_inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, s2b(servers[i]), _ffi.addressof(c[i].addr.addr4)):
                c[i].family = socket.AF_INET
            elif 1 == _lib.ares_inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, s2b(servers[i]), _ffi.addressof(c[i].addr.addr6)):
                c[i].family = socket.AF_INET6
                raise ValueError("invalid IP address")

            if i > 0:
                c[i - 1].next = _ffi.addressof(c[i])

        r = _lib.ares_set_servers(self.channel, c)
        if r != _lib.ARES_SUCCESS:
            raise AresError()
예제 #4
    def gethostbyaddr(self, name, callback):
        if not callable(callback):
            raise TypeError("a callable is required")

        addr4 = _ffi.new("struct in_addr*")
        addr6 = _ffi.new("struct ares_in6_addr*")
        if 1 == _lib.ares_inet_pton(socket.AF_INET,s2b(name), (addr4)):
            address = addr4
            family = socket.AF_INET
        elif 1 == _lib.ares_inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, s2b(name), (addr6)):
            address = addr6
            family = socket.AF_INET6
            raise ValueError("invalid IP address")

        userdata = _ffi.new_handle(callback)
        _lib.ares_gethostbyaddr(self.channel, (address), _ffi.sizeof(address[0]), family, _host_cb, userdata)