def calc_balances(self):

        # limited task is to 
        # 1) create changes per period... columns = 2016M01, 2016M02 etc
        # 2) create cumulative changes as of each month end

        # changes per period come direct from the projections
        entries = pd.DataFrame(self.forecast.projections)
        drop_cols = ['Counterparty', 'Company', 'Credit', 'Debit']
        credits = entries.copy()
        credits['account'] = credits['Credit']
        credits = credits[[c for c in credits.columns if c not in drop_cols]]
        debits = entries.copy()
        debits['account'] = debits['Debit']
        debits = debits[[c for c in debits.columns if c not in drop_cols]]
        for col in [c for c in credits.columns if c!='account']:
            credits[col] = credits[col] * -1
        self.shifts = pd.concat([credits, debits]).groupby('account').sum().fillna(0)

        balances_columns = dict((utils.end_of_period(col), col) for col in self.shifts.columns)
        sorted_months = sorted(balances_columns.keys())

        balances = {}
        for i in range(len(sorted_months)):
            label = sorted_months[i].isoformat()
            months_to_date = sorted_months[:i+1]
            shifts_cols = [balances_columns[l] for l in months_to_date]
            balances[label] = self.shifts[shifts_cols].sum(axis=1)

        self.balances = pd.DataFrame(balances)
        return None
예제 #2
    def calc_balances(self):

        # limited task is to
        # 1) create changes per period... columns = 2016M01, 2016M02 etc
        # 2) create cumulative changes as of each month end

        # changes per period come direct from the projections
        entries = pd.DataFrame(self.forecast.projections)
        drop_cols = ['Counterparty', 'Company', 'Credit', 'Debit']
        credits = entries.copy()
        credits['account'] = credits['Credit']
        credits = credits[[c for c in credits.columns if c not in drop_cols]]
        debits = entries.copy()
        debits['account'] = debits['Debit']
        debits = debits[[c for c in debits.columns if c not in drop_cols]]
        for col in [c for c in credits.columns if c != 'account']:
            credits[col] = credits[col] * -1
        self.shifts = pd.concat([credits,

        balances_columns = dict(
            (utils.end_of_period(col), col) for col in self.shifts.columns)
        sorted_months = sorted(balances_columns.keys())

        balances = {}
        for i in range(len(sorted_months)):
            label = sorted_months[i].isoformat()
            months_to_date = sorted_months[:i + 1]
            shifts_cols = [balances_columns[l] for l in months_to_date]
            balances[label] = self.shifts[shifts_cols].sum(axis=1)

        self.balances = pd.DataFrame(balances)

        return None
예제 #3
    def calcs(self):
        table_data = []
        path_totals = {}

        header = {'fmt_tag': 'header', 'label': 'CASHFLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES'}

        # operating activities cashflows
        op_paths = ['equity.retearnings', 

        net_cash = self.query_manager.pd_path_balances(self.company_id, self.columns, op_paths)
        if 'equity.retearnings.opexp.depamort' in net_cash.index:
            net_cash.loc['equity.retearnings.opexp.depamort'] = net_cash.loc['equity.retearnings.opexp.depamort'] * (-1.0)

        net_cash['fmt_tag'] = 'item'
        net_cash['label'] =
        net_cash['link'] =

        net_cash.loc['net_cash'] = net_cash[self.column_order].sum()
        path_totals['op'] = net_cash.loc['net_cash'].copy()
        net_cash.loc['net_cash', 'fmt_tag'] = 'minor_total'
        net_cash.loc['net_cash', 'label'] = 'Net cash provided by operating activities'
        net_cash.loc['net_cash', 'link'] = ''

        table_data += net_cash.to_dict(orient='records')

        header = {'fmt_tag': 'header', 'label': 'CASHFLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES'}
        # investing activities cashflows
        inv_paths = ['assets.noncurr.premandequip', 
        inv_cash = self.query_manager.pd_path_balances(self.company_id, self.columns, inv_paths)
            equip_adj = self.query_manager.pd_path_balances(self.company_id, self.columns, ['equity.retearnings.opexp.depamort.premandequip']).loc['equity.retearnings.opexp.depamort.premandequip'] 
            inv_cash.loc['assets.noncurr.premandequip'] = inv_cash.loc['assets.noncurr.premandequip'] + equip_adj

            software_adj = self.query_manager.pd_path_balances(self.company_id, self.columns, ['']).loc['']
            inv_cash.loc['assets.intang.capsoftware'] = inv_cash.loc['assets.intang.capsoftware'] + software_adj
        #if not inv_cash.empty:
        inv_cash['fmt_tag'] = 'item'
        inv_cash['label'] =
        inv_cash['link'] =

        inv_cash.loc['inv_cash'] = inv_cash[self.column_order].apply(lambda x: sum(x), axis=0).fillna(DZERO)
        path_totals['inv'] = inv_cash.loc['inv_cash'].copy()
        inv_cash.loc['inv_cash', 'fmt_tag'] = 'minor_total'
        inv_cash.loc['inv_cash', 'label'] = 'Net cash provided by investing activities'
        inv_cash.loc['inv_cash', 'link'] = ''
        table_data += inv_cash.to_dict(orient='records')

        header = {'fmt_tag': 'header', 'label': 'CASHFLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES'}
        # investing activities cashflows
        fin_paths = ['liabilities.noncurr.ltdebt', 
        fin_cash = self.query_manager.pd_path_balances(self.company_id, self.columns, fin_paths)

        fin_cash['fmt_tag'] = 'item'
        fin_cash['label'] =
        fin_cash['link'] =

        fin_cash.loc['fin_cash'] = fin_cash[self.column_order].apply(lambda x: sum(x), axis=0).fillna(DZERO)
        path_totals['fin'] = fin_cash.loc['fin_cash'].copy()
        fin_cash.loc['fin_cash','fmt_tag'] = 'minor_total'
        fin_cash.loc['fin_cash','label'] = 'Net cash provided by financing activities'
        fin_cash.loc['fin_cash','link'] = ''
        table_data += fin_cash.to_dict(orient='records')

        net_cash = pd.DataFrame(path_totals).sum(axis=1).fillna(DZERO)
        net_cash['label'] = 'NET INCREASE IN CASH'
        net_cash['fmt_tag'] = 'major_total'
        net_cash['link'] = ''


        # custom ... cash and beginning and end and an asset band
        start_periods = {}
        for title in self.columns:
            period_tag = self.columns[title]
            start_periods[title] = utils.start_of_period(period_tag) - datetime.timedelta(days=1)

        end_periods = {}
        for title in self.columns:
            period_tag = self.columns[title]
            end_periods[title] = utils.end_of_period(period_tag)

        start_cashbal = self.query_manager.pd_path_balances(self.company_id, start_periods, [''], assets=True).loc['']
        end_cashbal = self.query_manager.pd_path_balances(self.company_id, end_periods, [''], assets=True).loc['']

        start_cashbal['fmt_tag'] = 'item'
        start_cashbal['label'] = 'Cash at start of period'
        start_cashbal['link'] = ''

        end_cashbal['fmt_tag'] = 'item'
        end_cashbal['label'] = 'Cash at end of period'
        end_cashbal['link'] = ''

        check = cash_chg[self.column_order] - (end_cashbal[self.column_order] - start_cashbal[self.column_order])
        if any(x > 1.0 for x in check.values): 
            check['fmt_tag'] = 'warning'
            check['label'] = 'WARNING: Net Increase in Cash does not match'
            check['link'] = ''
            content += self.get_row(check)

        return content

        for row in table_data:
            if row['fmt_tag'] != 'header':

                for col in self.column_order:
                    row[col] = {'text': row[col], 'link': row['link']}

        return table_data