예제 #1
def convert_to_adnumber(coordinate_list):
    '''Convert the location vectors from floats into adnumbers to enable differentiation'''
    adnumber_coordinate_list = []
    for i in range(len(coordinate_list)):
        adnumber_coordinate_list.append([adnumber(coordinate_list[i][0]), adnumber(coordinate_list[i][1])])
    coordinate_list = adnumber_coordinate_list
    return coordinate_list
예제 #2
 def convert_to_adnumber(self, coordinate_list):
     '''Convert the location vectors from floats into adnumbers to enable differentiation'''
     adnumber_coordinate_list = []
     for i in range(len(coordinate_list)):
         adnumber_coordinate_list.append([adnumber(coordinate_list[i][0]), adnumber(coordinate_list[i][1])])
     coordinate_list = adnumber_coordinate_list
     return coordinate_list
예제 #3
def test_rate_function():
    K = 10
    s = np.diff(np.logspace(np.log10(.01), np.log10(3.), 41))
    model = smcpp.model.SMCModel(s, np.logspace(np.log10(.01), np.log10(3.),
    model[:] = [
    hidden_states = np.concatenate([[0.], np.logspace(-2, 1, 10), [np.inf]])
    eta = smcpp._smcpp.PyRateFunction(model, hidden_states)
    t = 1.08
    Rt = eta.R(t)
    for k in range(K):
        dq = Rt.d(model[k])
        model[k] += 1e-8
        Rt1 = smcpp._smcpp.PyRateFunction(model, hidden_states).R(t)
        a = float(Rt1 - Rt) * 1e8
        print(k, a, dq)
        model[k] -= 1e-8
예제 #4
파일: SIC.py 프로젝트: Ewan82/SICDALEC
def Hmat(d,i,j,obs_str,Mlist): #Creates H^hat matrix for given obs, i,j and data d
    Obslist=re.findall(r'[^,;\s]+', obs_str)
    obsdict={'nee': Mod.NEE, 'lf': Mod.LF, 'lw': Mod.LW, 'cf': Mod.Cf, \
             'cr': Mod.Cr, 'cw': Mod.Cw, 'cl': Mod.Cl, 'cs': Mod.Cs}

    for x in xrange(i,j):
        Cf=ad.adnumber(d.Cf) #Clist[x-i][0]) #Redo this!!!
        Cr=ad.adnumber(d.Cr) #Clist[x-i][1])
        Cw=ad.adnumber(d.Cw) #Clist[x-i][2])
        Cl=ad.adnumber(d.Cl) #Clist[x-i][3])
        Cs=ad.adnumber(d.Cs) #Clist[x-i][4])
        for y in range(0,len(Obslist)):
    stacklist=[Hlist[0]]+[-9999]*(j-i-1) #Creates H hat matrix
    for x in xrange(1,j-i):

    return np.matrix(Hmat)
예제 #5
파일: Utils.py 프로젝트: b1g3ar5/Finance
def test_ad():
    def ssq(x,y):
        return x*x+y*y+2*x*y+3*y

    def fn(x,z):
        y = z*z
        return ssq(x,y)

    inc = 1e-5
    dx = adnumber(x)
    dy = adnumber(y)
    dz = adnumber(z)

    s0 = ssq(x,y)
    dsx = (ssq(x+inc,y) - ssq(x-inc,y))/2/inc
    dsy = (ssq(x,y+inc) - ssq(x,y-inc))/2/inc
    print("ssq: dxs=" + str([dsx, dsx2]))
    print("ssq: dys=" + str([dsy, dsy2]))

    f0 = fn(x,z)
    dfx = (fn(x+inc,z) - fn(x-inc,z))/2/inc
    dfz = (ssq(x,z+inc) - ssq(x,z-inc))/2/inc
    print("fn: dxs=" + str([dfx, dfx2]))
    print("fn: dzs=" + str([dfz, dfz2]))
예제 #6
파일: Model.py 프로젝트: Ewan82/SICDALEC
def LinDALEC(Cf, Cr, Cw, Cl, Cs, x, d): #Tangent Linear DALEC evergreen model
    Cf = ad.adnumber(Cf)
    Cr = ad.adnumber(Cr)
    Cw = ad.adnumber(Cw)
    Cl = ad.adnumber(Cl)
    Cs = ad.adnumber(Cs)
    Dalecoutput = DALEC(Cf, Cr, Cw, Cl, Cs, x, d)
    M = np.matrix(ad.jacobian(Dalecoutput, [Cf, Cr, Cw, Cl, Cs]))    
    return Dalecoutput, M
예제 #7
 def assignLog(self, logValue, units=None):
     if not units == None:
     if self.useLog:
         self.value._magnitude = numpy.exp(logValue)
         self.ADvalue = ad.adnumber(numpy.exp(logValue), self.name)
         self.value._magnitude = logValue
         self.ADvalue = ad.adnumber(logValue, self.name)
     self.checkValue()  # a weak version of integrity()
예제 #8
def test_d(im):
    eps = 1e-4
    model = im.model
    K = model.K
    model[:] = ad.adnumber(np.arange(1, K + 1, dtype=float) / K)
    y = model[:].copy()
    im.model = model
    em1 = im.emission
    M = em1.shape[0]
    I = np.eye(K)
    for k in range(K):
        aa = [float(_) for _ in y]
        aa += eps * I[k]
        model[:] = aa
        im.model = model
        em2 = im.emission
        for i in range(M):
            for j in range(M):
                dx = em1[i, j].d(y[k])
                dx2 = (em2[i, j] - float(em1[i, j])) / eps
                print(k, i, j, dx, dx2, (dx - dx2) / dx)
    assert False
예제 #9
def test_bug7():
    d = {
        'y': [
            -2.433625923004, -4.6051701859880909, 3.6726078178617159, 0.0, 0.0,
            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        'knots': [
            0.02, 0.031697863849222269, 0.050237728630191596,
            0.079621434110699482, 0.12619146889603869, 0.20000000000000004,
            0.31697863849222285, 0.50237728630191625, 0.79621434110699474,
            1.2619146889603867, 2.0
        's': [
            0.02, 0.0030956396937891623, 0.0035747889494773186,
            0.0041281018779233576, 0.0047670576795886162,
            0.0055049123283644683, 0.0063569735840901878,
            0.0073409185720541212, 0.0084771605180803608,
            0.0097892722475999561, 0.011304475234748909, 0.013054204347456175,
            0.0150747600048972, 0.017408061277172454, 0.020102515551248895,
            0.0232140228055219, 0.026807135327986953, 0.030956396937891623,
            0.0357478894947732, 0.041281018779233569, 0.047670576795886155,
            0.055049123283644696, 0.063569735840901809, 0.073409185720541281,
            0.084771605180803622, 0.097892722475999561, 0.11304475234748901,
            0.13054204347456178, 0.15074760004897203, 0.17408061277172449,
            0.2010251555124889, 0.23214022805521917, 0.26807135327986908
    m = model.SMCModel.from_dict(d)
    m[0] = ad.adnumber(m[0], 0)
    assert m[0] in m.regularizer().d()
예제 #10
def evaluate_linked(constants, linked):
    "Evaluates the values and gradients of linked variables."
    kdc = KeyDict(
        {k: adnumber(maybe_flatten(v), k)
         for k, v in constants.items()})
    kdc_plain = None
    array_calulated = {}
    for v, f in linked.items():
            if v.veckey and v.veckey.original_fn:
                if v.veckey not in array_calulated:
                    ofn = v.veckey.original_fn
                    array_calulated[v.veckey] = np.array(ofn(kdc))
                out = array_calulated[v.veckey][v.idx]
                out = f(kdc)
            constants[v] = out.x
            v.descr["gradients"] = {
                adn.tag: grad
                for adn, grad in out.d().items() if adn.tag
            }  # else it's user-created
        except Exception as exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            from .. import settings
            if settings.get("ad_errors_raise", None):
            print("Warning: skipped auto-differentiation of linked variable"
                  " %s because %s was raised. Set `gpkit.settings"
                  "[\"ad_errors_raise\"] = True` to raise such Exceptions"
                  " directly.\n" % (v, repr(exception)))
            if kdc_plain is None:
                kdc_plain = KeyDict(constants)
            constants[v] = f(kdc_plain)
            v.descr.pop("gradients", None)
예제 #11
def test_d(im):
    eps = 1e-8
    model = im.model
    K = model.K
    model[:] = [ad.adnumber(1. * k / K, tag=k) for k in range(1, K + 1)]
    im.model = model
    trans1 = im.transition
    M = trans1.shape[0]
    m2 = smcpp.model.SMCModel.from_dict(model.to_dict())
    im.model = m2
    for k in range(K):
        m2[k] += 1e-8
        im.model = m2
        m2[k] -= 1e-8
        trans2 = im.transition
        for i in range(M):
            for j in range(M):
                    dx = trans1[i, j].d(model[k])
                except AttributeError:
                    dx = 0.
                dx2 = (trans2[i, j] - float(trans1[i, j])) / eps
                print(k, i, j, dx, dx2)
    assert False
예제 #12
파일: Utils.py 프로젝트: b1g3ar5/Finance
 def nextguess(guess, itersLeft):
     # print( guess)
     x = adnumber(guess)
     cc = fn(x)
     if (abs(cc.x) > accuracy) and (abs(cc.d(x)) > accuracy * 10.0) and (itersLeft > 0):
         return nextguess(max(min((guess - cc.x / cc.d(x)), (2.0 * guess)), (guess / 2.0)), itersLeft - 1)
         return guess
예제 #13
def convert_to_adnumber(coordinate_list):
    '''Convert the location vectors from floats into adnumbers to enable differentiation'''
    adnumber_coordinate_list = []
    for i in range(len(coordinate_list)):
    coordinate_list = adnumber_coordinate_list
    return coordinate_list
예제 #14
 def __init__(self, f, g, x):
     self.f = f
     self.f = self.f.replace('math', 'admath')
     self.g = g
     self.x = ad.adnumber(x)
     self.g_x = 0
     self.g_x_prime = 0
     self.f_x = 0
     self.f_x_prime = 0
예제 #15
def DoJac(f, X):
    """Takes a function and a numpy array.
	Returns (J,Y) where Y = f(X) and J is the Jacobian."""

    Xad = adnumber(X)

    Yad = f(Xad)

    J = np.array(jacobian(Yad.flatten(), Xad.flatten()))

    return J, Yad.astype(float)
예제 #16
파일: SIC.py 프로젝트: Ewan82/SICDALEC
def H(d, i, j, obs_str):
    Hlist = [-9999]*(j-i)

    Obslist = re.findall(r'[^,;\s]+', obs_str)

    Hhold = [-9999]*len(Obslist)

    obsdict = {'nee': Mod.NEE, 'lf': Mod.LF, 'lw': Mod.LW, 'cf': Mod.Cf, \
               'cr': Mod.Cr, 'cw': Mod.Cw, 'cl': Mod.Cl, 'cs': Mod.Cs}

    for x in xrange(i,j):
        Cf = ad.adnumber(d.Cf) #Clist[x-i][0]) #Redo this!!!
        Cr = ad.adnumber(d.Cr) #Clist[x-i][1])
        Cw = ad.adnumber(d.Cw) #Clist[x-i][2])
        Cl = ad.adnumber(d.Cl) #Clist[x-i][3])
        Cs = ad.adnumber(d.Cs) #Clist[x-i][4])
        for y in range(0,len(Obslist)):
            Hhold[y] = ad.jacobian(obsdict[Obslist[y]](Cf,Cr,Cw,Cl,Cs,x,d),[Cf,Cr,Cw,Cl,Cs])
        Hlist[x-i] = np.vstack(Hhold)
    return np.vstack(Hlist)
예제 #17
def linob(ob, pvals, dC, x):
    """Function returning jacobian of observation with respect to the parameter
    list. Takes an obs string, a parameters list, a dataClass and a time step
    modobdict = {'gpp': gpp, 'nee': nee, 'rt': rec, 'cf': cf, 'clab': clab, 
                 'cr': cr, 'cw': cw, 'cl': cl, 'cs': cs, 'lf': lf, 'lw': lw, 
    dpvals = ad.adnumber(pvals)
    output = modobdict[ob](dpvals, dC, x)
    return np.array(ad.jacobian(output, dpvals))
예제 #18
파일: model.py 프로젝트: Ewan82/dalecv2
def lin_dalecv2(pvals, dC, x):
    """Linear DALEC model passes a list or array of parameters to the function 
    dalecv2 and returns a linearized model M for timestep xi. Takes, a list of 
    parameters (pvals), a dataClass (dC) and a time step (x).
    p = ad.adnumber(pvals)
    dalecoutput = dalecv2(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7], p[8],
                          p[9], p[10], p[11], p[12], p[13], p[14], p[15], p[16],
                          p[17], p[18], p[19], p[20], p[21], p[22], dC, x)
    lin_model = ad.jacobian(dalecoutput, p)
    modval = np.array([float(x) for x in dalecoutput])
    return modval, lin_model
예제 #19
파일: model.py 프로젝트: Ewan82/dalecv2
def linmod_list2(pvals, dC, start, fin):
    """Creates an array of linearized models (Mi's) taking a list of initial 
    param values, a dataClass (dC) and a start and finish time.
    mod_list = np.concatenate((np.array([pvals]),\
                               np.ones((fin - start, len(pvals)))*-9999.))
    matlist = np.ones((fin - start,23,23))*-9999.
    for x in xrange(start, fin):
        mod_list[(x+1)-start] = dv2(p, dC, x)
        matlist[x-start] = ad.jacobian(mod_list[(x+1)-start], p)
        mod_list[(x+1)-start] = np.array([float(y) for y in\
    return mod_list, matlist
    def calculateDerivates(self, func, xs):
        retYs = np.zeros(len(xs))
        retDYs = np.zeros(len(xs))
        retDDYs = np.zeros(len(xs))

        for i in range(0, len(xs)):
            currX = xs[i]

            adCurrX = adnumber(currX)
            ys = func(adCurrX)

            retYs[i] = ys.x
            retDYs[i] = ys.d(adCurrX)
            retDDYs[i] = ys.d2(adCurrX)

        return retYs, retDYs, retDDYs
예제 #21
def test_d(model12):
    ts = [0.0, 0.5, 1.0, np.inf]
    n1 = 10
    n2 = 8
    model1 = model12.model1
    ders = model1.a = np.array(
        [ad.adnumber(x, tag=i) for i, x in enumerate(model1.a)], dtype=object)
    j0 = smcpp._smcpp.joint_csfs(n1, n2, 2, 0, model12, [0., 1.0], 100)[0]
    for i in range(2):
        model1.a[i].x += 1e-8
        j1 = np.array(
            smcpp._smcpp.joint_csfs(n1, n2, 2, 0, model12, [0., 1.0], 100))[0]
        model1.a[i].x -= 1e-8
        for x, y in zip(j0.flat, j1.flat):
            print(x.d(ders[i]), float(y - x) * 1e8)
    assert False
예제 #22
def evaluate_linked(constants, linked):
    "Evaluates the values and gradients of linked variables."
    if adnumber:
        kdc = KeyDict(
            {k: adnumber(maybe_flatten(v))
             for k, v in constants.items()})
        kdc.log_gets = True
    kdc_plain = None
    array_calulated, logged_array_gets = {}, {}
    for v, f in linked.items():
            assert adnumber  # trigger exit if ad not found
            if v.veckey and v.veckey.original_fn:
                if v.veckey not in array_calulated:
                    ofn = v.veckey.original_fn
                    array_calulated[v.veckey] = np.array(ofn(kdc))
                    logged_array_gets[v.veckey] = kdc.logged_gets
                logged_gets = logged_array_gets[v.veckey]
                out = array_calulated[v.veckey][v.idx]
                logged_gets = kdc.logged_gets
                out = f(kdc)
            constants[v] = out.x
            v.descr["gradients"] = {}
            for key in logged_gets:
                if key.shape:
                    grad = out.gradient(kdc[key])
                    v.gradients[key] = np.array(grad)
                    v.gradients[key] = out.d(kdc[key])
        except Exception as exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            from .. import settings
            if settings.get("ad_errors_raise", None):
            if adnumber:
                    "Warning: skipped auto-differentiation of linked variable"
                    " %s because %s was raised. Set `gpkit.settings"
                    "[\"ad_errors_raise\"] = True` to raise such Exceptions"
                    " directly.\n" % (v, repr(exception)))
            if kdc_plain is None:
                kdc_plain = KeyDict(constants)
            constants[v] = f(kdc_plain)
            v.descr.pop("gradients", None)
            if adnumber:
                kdc.logged_gets = set()
예제 #23
    def _derivatives(self, state):
        """ Computes the jacobian and state derivatives

            state (np.ndarray): state vector to find derivatives of

            (np.ndarray [1 x n], np.ndarray [n x n])

        ad_state = ad.adnumber(state)
        state_deriv = self.force_model(0, ad_state)
        a_matrix = jacobian(state_deriv, ad_state)
        # remove ad number from all state values before returning
        state_deriv = [state.real for state in state_deriv]

        return state_deriv, a_matrix
예제 #24
def evaluate_linked(constants, linked):
    "Evaluates the values and gradients of linked variables."
    if adnumber:
        kdc = KeyDict(
            {k: adnumber(maybe_flatten(v))
             for k, v in constants.items()})
        kdc.log_gets = True
    kdc_plain = None
    array_calulated, logged_array_gets = {}, {}
    for v, f in linked.items():
            assert adnumber  # trigger exit if ad not found
            if v.veckey and v.veckey.original_fn:
                if v.veckey not in array_calulated:
                    ofn = v.veckey.original_fn
                    array_calulated[v.veckey] = np.array(ofn(kdc))
                    logged_array_gets[v.veckey] = kdc.logged_gets
                logged_gets = logged_array_gets[v.veckey]
                out = array_calulated[v.veckey][v.idx]
                logged_gets = kdc.logged_gets
                out = f(kdc)
            constants[v] = out.x
            v.descr["gradients"] = {}
            for key in logged_gets:
                if key.shape:
                    grad = out.gradient(kdc[key])
                    v.gradients[key] = np.array(grad)
                    v.gradients[key] = out.d(kdc[key])
        except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            from .. import settings
            if settings.get("ad_errors_raise", None):
            if adnumber:
                print("Couldn't auto-differentiate linked variable %s\n  "
                      "(to raise the error directly for debugging purposes,"
                      " set gpkit.settings[\"ad_errors_raise\"] to True)" % v)
            if kdc_plain is None:
                kdc_plain = KeyDict(constants)
            constants[v] = f(kdc_plain)
            v.descr.pop("gradients", None)
            if adnumber:
                kdc.logged_gets = set()
예제 #25
def test_bug5():
    d = {
        'y': [
            -2.433625923004, -4.6051701859880909, 3.6726078178617159, 0.0, 0.0,
            0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        'knots': [
            0.02, 0.031697863849222269, 0.050237728630191596,
            0.079621434110699482, 0.12619146889603869, 0.20000000000000004,
            0.31697863849222285, 0.50237728630191625, 0.79621434110699474,
            1.2619146889603867, 2.0
        's': [
            0.02, 0.0030956396937891623, 0.0035747889494773186,
            0.0041281018779233576, 0.0047670576795886162,
            0.0055049123283644683, 0.0063569735840901878,
            0.0073409185720541212, 0.0084771605180803608,
            0.0097892722475999561, 0.011304475234748909, 0.013054204347456175,
            0.0150747600048972, 0.017408061277172454, 0.020102515551248895,
            0.0232140228055219, 0.026807135327986953, 0.030956396937891623,
            0.0357478894947732, 0.041281018779233569, 0.047670576795886155,
            0.055049123283644696, 0.063569735840901809, 0.073409185720541281,
            0.084771605180803622, 0.097892722475999561, 0.11304475234748901,
            0.13054204347456178, 0.15074760004897203, 0.17408061277172449,
            0.2010251555124889, 0.23214022805521917, 0.26807135327986908
    model1 = model.SMCModel.from_dict(d)
    c = model1._spline._coef
    model1[:] += np.random.normal(0, .01, size=len(model1[:]))
    for k in range(len(model1[:])):
        model1[k] = ad.adnumber(model1[k], tag=k)
        c1 = model1._spline.integrated_curvature()
            d = c1.d(model1[k])
        except AttributeError:
            d = 0.
        model1[k] = model1[k] + 1e-8
        c2 = model1._spline.integrated_curvature()
        model1[k] = float(model1[k]) - 1e-8
        print(k, float(c2 - c1) * 1e8, d)
예제 #26
    def _msr_resid(self, msr, state_prop):
        """ Computes the measurement residual and measurement partials
            msr (filtering.MSR): measurement to use for computations
            state_prop (np.ndarray): nominal state vector propagated to the measurement time
            (np.ndarray [1 x len(MSR.msr)], np.ndarray [len(MSR.msr) x n])
        # get estimated station position and estimated msr
        dummymsr = msr.__class__(msr.time, None, msr.stn, None)
        stn_state_est = msr.stn.state(msr.time)
        est_msr = dummymsr.calc_msr(state_prop, stn_state_est)

        # compute residuals and partials matrix
        y_i = np.subtract(msr.msr, est_msr).reshape(len(msr.msr), 1)
        h_tilde = msr.partials(ad.adnumber(state_prop), stn_state_est)

        return (y_i, h_tilde)
예제 #27
def evaluate_linked(constants, linked):
    "Evaluates the values and gradients of linked variables."
    if adnumber:
        kdc = KeyDict({k: adnumber(maybe_flatten(v))
                       for k, v in constants.items()})
        kdc.log_gets = True
    kdc_plain = KeyDict(constants)
    array_calulated, logged_array_gets = {}, {}
    for v, f in linked.items():
            assert adnumber  # trigger exit if ad not found
            if v.veckey and v.veckey.original_fn:
                if v.veckey not in array_calulated:
                    ofn = v.veckey.original_fn
                    array_calulated[v.veckey] = np.array(ofn(kdc))
                    logged_array_gets[v.veckey] = kdc.logged_gets
                logged_gets = logged_array_gets[v.veckey]
                out = array_calulated[v.veckey][v.idx]
                logged_gets = kdc.logged_gets
                out = f(kdc)
            constants[v] = out.x
            v.descr["gradients"] = {}
            for key in logged_gets:
                if key.shape:
                    grad = out.gradient(kdc[key])
                    v.gradients[key] = np.array(grad)
                    v.gradients[key] = out.d(kdc[key])
        except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            from .. import settings
            if settings.get("ad_errors_raise", None):
            if adnumber:
                print("Couldn't auto-differentiate linked variable %s.\n  "
                      "(to raise the error directly for debugging purposes,"
                      " set gpkit.settings[\"ad_errors_raise\"] to True)" % v)
            constants[v] = f(kdc_plain)
            v.descr.pop("gradients", None)
            if adnumber:
                kdc.logged_gets = set()
예제 #28
def test_inference_apart(hs, s):
    K = 10
    model1 = smcpp.model.SMCModel(s, np.logspace(np.log10(.01), np.log10(3.),
    model2 = smcpp.model.SMCModel(s, np.logspace(np.log10(.01), np.log10(3.),
    n = 10
    fakeobs = [[1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
               [10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [10, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
               [200000, 1, 0, n - 2, 0, 0, n - 1],
               [1, 0, n - 4, n - 2, -1, n - 3, n - 1],
               [1, 0, n - 4, n - 2, 1, n - 3, n - 1],
               [1, 1, n - 4, n - 2, 1, n - 3, n - 1]]
    # fakeobs *= 20
    im = smcpp._smcpp.PyTwoPopInferenceManager(
        n - 2, n - 1, 1, 1, np.array([fakeobs] * 2, dtype=np.int32), hs)
    model1[:] = [
        ad.adnumber(x, i) for i, x in enumerate([
            0.002676322760403453, -0.010519987448975402, 0.006727140517177145,
            0.0031333684894676865, -0.02302979056648467, 0.0026368097606793172,
            0.001992156262601299, 0.004958301100037235, 0.003199704865436452,
    model2[:] = model1[:].astype('float')
    split = 0.5
    model = smcpp.model.SMCTwoPopulationModel(model1, model2, split)
    im.model = model
    im.theta = 0.0025000000000000001
    im.rho = 0.0031206103977654887
    e = im.emission_probs
    q0 = im.Q(1)
    for k in range(K):
        coord = (0, k)
        dq = q0.d(model[coord])
        model[coord] += 1e-8
        im.model = model
        q1 = im.Q(1)
        a = float(q1 - q0) * 1e8
        print(k, a, dq)
        model[coord] -= 1e-8
예제 #29
파일: Model.py 프로젝트: Ewan82/SICDALEC
def GPPdiff(Cf, d, x): 
    """Gross Primary Production derivative (GPP) function
    Takes a foliar carbon (Cf) value, a DataClass (d) and a time step (x) and 
    returns the estimated value for the derivative of the GPP of the forest.
    Uses the module ad for automatic differentiation.
    Cf = ad.adnumber(Cf)
    L = Cf / 111.
    q = d.a_3 - d.a_4
    gc = (abs(d.phi_d[x]))**(d.a_10) / (0.5*d.T_range[x] + d.a_6*d.R_tot[x])
    p = ((d.a_1*d.N*L) / gc)*np.exp(d.a_8*d.T_max[x])
    Ci = 0.5*(d.C_a + q - p + np.sqrt((d.C_a + q - p)**2 \
         -4*(d.C_a*q - p*d.a_3)))
    E0 = (d.a_7*L**2) / (L**2 + d.a_9)
    delta = -0.408*np.cos(((360*(d.D[x] + 10)*np.pi) / (365*180)))
    s = 24*np.arccos(( - np.tan(d.bigdelta)*np.tan(delta))) / np.pi
    GPP = (E0*d.I[x]*gc*(d.C_a - Ci)*(d.a_2*s + d.a_5)) / \
          (E0*d.I[x] + gc*(d.C_a - Ci))    
    return GPP.d(Cf)
예제 #30
def rpc_affine_approximation(rpc, p):
    Compute the first order Taylor approximation of an RPC projection function.

        rpc (rpc_model.RPCModel): RPC camera model
        p (3-tuple of float): lon, lat, z coordinates

        array of shape (3, 4) representing the affine camera matrix equal to the
        first order Taylor approximation of the RPC projection function at point p.
    p = ad.adnumber(p)
    q = rpc.projection(*p)
    J = ad.jacobian(q, p)

    A = np.zeros((3, 4))
    A[:2, :3] = J
    A[:2, 3] = np.array(q) - np.dot(J, p)
    A[2, 3] = 1
    return A
예제 #31
파일: Sabr.py 프로젝트: b1g3ar5/Finance
def test_lsig():
        f = 100.0
        t = 0.5
        x= 98.0
        a = 0.3
        b = 0.7
        r = -0.45
        v = 2.3
        df = adnumber(100.0)
        dt = adnumber(0.5)
        dx= adnumber(98.0)
        da = adnumber(0.3)
        db = adnumber(0.7)
        dr = adnumber(-0.45)
        dv = adnumber(2.3)

        s = lsig(f,x,t,a,b,r,v)

        dsdf = lsig(df,x,t,a,b,r,v).d(df)
        dsdx = lsig(f,dx,t,a,b,r,v).d(dx)
        dsdt = lsig(f,x,dt,a,b,r,v).d(dt)
        dsda = lsig(f,x,t,da,b,r,v).d(da)
        dsdb = lsig(f,x,t,a,db,r,v).d(db)
        dsdr = lsig(f,x,t,a,b,dr,v).d(dr)
        dsdv = lsig(f,x,t,a,b,r,dv).d(dv)

        inc = 1e-5

        dsdf_fd = (lsig(f+inc,x,t,a,b,r,v)-lsig(f-inc,x,t,a,b,r,v))/2/inc
        dsdx_fd = (lsig(f,x+inc,t,a,b,r,v)-lsig(f,x-inc,t,a,b,r,v))/2/inc
        dsdt_fd = (lsig(f,x,t+inc,a,b,r,v)-lsig(f,x,t-inc,a,b,r,v))/2/inc
        dsda_fd = (lsig(f,x,t,a+inc,b,r,v)-lsig(f,x,t,a-inc,b,r,v))/2/inc
        dsdb_fd = (lsig(f,x,t,a,b+inc,r,v)-lsig(f,x,t,a,b-inc,r,v))/2/inc
        dsdr_fd = (lsig(f,x,t,a,b,r+inc,v)-lsig(f,x,t,a,b,r-inc,v))/2/inc
        dsdv_fd = (lsig(f,x,t,a,b,r,v+inc)-lsig(f,x,t,a,b,r,v-inc))/2/inc

        print("dfs:" + str([dsdf, dsdf_fd]))
        print("dxs:" + str([dsdx, dsdx_fd]))
        print("dts:" + str([dsdt, dsdt_fd]))
        print("das:" + str([dsda, dsda_fd]))
        print("dbs:" + str([dsdb, dsdb_fd]))
        print("drs:" + str([dsdr, dsdr_fd]))
        print("dvs:" + str([dsdv, dsdv_fd]))
예제 #32
def _test_spline(klass):
    y = ad.adnumber([1.18, 0.13, -0.01, -0.26, -0.02, 0.41, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
    K = len(y)
    x = np.array([0.0025, 0.00572989, 0.01313264, 0.03009941, 0.06898648,
                  0.15811388, 0.36238983, 0.83058102, 1.90365394, 4.36308829, 10.])
    # y = ad.adnumber(np.random.normal(size=20))
    s = [0.0025, 0.00057604, 0.00070876, 0.00087207, 0.00107301, 0.00132025, 0.00162445, 0.00199875, 0.0024593, 0.00302595,
         0.00372318, 0.00458105, 0.00563659, 0.00693535, 0.00853335, 0.01049956, 0.01291881, 0.0158955, 0.01955805, 0.02406452, 0.02960933,
         0.03643176, 0.04482617, 0.05515478, 0.06786325, 0.08349993, 0.10273954, 0.12641224, 0.15553947, 0.19137805,
         0.23547436, 0.28973111, 0.3564894, 0.43862979, 0.53969653, 0.66405052, 0.8170575, 1.00531954, 1.23695991, 1.52197361, 1.87265866]
    sp = klass(x, y)
    pts = sp.eval(s)
    for i in [4, 5, 6]:
        y2 = np.array(y).astype('float')
        y2[i] += EPS
        sp2 = klass(x, y2)
        pts2 = sp2.eval(s)
        for p1, p2 in zip(pts, pts2):
            g1 = p1.d(y[i])
            g2 = (p2 - p1.x) / EPS
            print(i, g1, g2)
예제 #33
def test_d(im):
    eps = 1e-8
    model = im.model
    K = len(model[:])
    model[:] = ad.adnumber(np.random.normal(0, .1, size=K))
    y = model[:].copy()
    im.model = model
    e1 = im.emission
    I = np.eye(K)
    for k in range(K):
        aa = [float(_) for _ in y]
        aa += eps * I[k]
        model[:] = aa
        im.model = model
        e2 = im.emission
        for i in range(e1.shape[0]):
            for j in range(e1.shape[1]):
                d1 = e1[i, j].d(y[k])
                d2 = (e2[i,j] - float(e1[i,j])) / eps
예제 #34
 def _prepare_x(self, x):
     return [ad.adnumber(xx, tag=i) for i, xx in enumerate(x)]
예제 #35
__author__ = 'Sebastian Sanchez Perez-Moreno. Email: [email protected]'

from ad import adnumber
from ad.admath import *
x = adnumber([1, -2, 4])
p = 9 * (x[1] * x[2] * x[0]) / (x[1] + x[2] + x[0])

print p.d(x[0])
예제 #36
 def return_cosm1(self, c):
     eta = c(self.wing.planform.eta).to("dimensionless").magnitude
     return hstack([adnumber(1e-10), 1-array(cos(eta[1:]*pi/2))])
예제 #37
 def assign(self, value, units=None):
     if not units == None:
     self.value._magnitude = value
     self.ADvalue = ad.adnumber(value, self.name)
     self.checkValue()  # a weak version of integrity()
예제 #38
import mpmath as mp
import numpy as np
import ad
import itertools as it

import etjj

def test_autodiff():
    Ninv = [ad_iv(x) for x in [0.01, 0.05, 0.2, 1.0]]
    ts = [0., 0.1, 0.5, 0.6, np.inf]
    sps = np.cumsum([ad_iv(0.5)**2 for _ in range(10)]).tolist()
    N = 10
    etjj_below = etjj.etjj_below(N, Ninv, ts, sps)
    for x in etjj_below.flat:
        for v in Ninv + sps:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    Ninv = ad.adnumber(np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.001, 0.003]))
    sp = ad.adnumber([0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.4, 0.6, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.01])
    x = etjj.etjj_above(10, Ninv, np.array([0., 0.1, 0.2, 1.0, np.inf]), sp)
예제 #39
파일: t_sub.py 프로젝트: hoburg/gpkit
 def vectorlink(c):
     "linked vector function"
     if isinstance(c[y], ADV):
         return np.array(c[y])+adnumber([1, 2, 3])
     return c[y]+np.array([1, 2, 3])
예제 #40
 def vectorlink(c):
     "linked vector function"
     if isinstance(c[y], ADV):
         return np.array(c[y]) + adnumber([1, 2, 3])
     return c[y] + np.array([1, 2, 3])
예제 #41
 def residual(self, state):
     ad_state = ad.adnumber(state)
     est_msr = self.gen_meas(ad_state)
     resid = self.value - est_msr.real
     H_tilde = ad.jacobian(est_msr, ad_state)
     return resid, H_tilde
예제 #42
파일: Sabr.py 프로젝트: b1g3ar5/Finance
 def dsumerrs(ps):
     dr = adnumber(ps[0])
     dvv = adnumber(ps[1])
     return np.array([sumerrs([dr, ps[1]]).d(dr), sumerrs([ps[0], dvv]).d(dvv)])
import scipy.stats
import scipy.optimize

matplotlib.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 16
matplotlib.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 16
matplotlib.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 20
matplotlib.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 20
matplotlib.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True

# ## Simple examples

# In[ ]:

x = adnumber(5.0)
print "x = ", x

# In[ ]:

y = x**2
print "y = x**2"

print "y = ", y
print "dy/dx = ", y.d(x)
print "d^2y/dx^2 = ", y.d2(x)

# In[ ]:
예제 #44
def neutron_chemical_potential(n_n, n_p):
    n_n = adnumber(n_n)
    return nucleon_energy_density(n_n, n_p).d(n_n)
예제 #45
def proton_chemical_potential(n_n, n_p):
    n_p = adnumber(n_p)
    return nucleon_energy_density(n_n, n_p).d(n_p)
예제 #46
파일: Sabr.py 프로젝트: b1g3ar5/Finance
 def derr(r, vv, x, sig):
     return np.array([err(dr, vv, x, sig).d(dr), err(r, dvv, x, sig).d(dvv)])
예제 #47
def test_inference():
    hs = [
        0, 0.002, 0.0024992427075529156, 0.0031231070556282147,
        0.0039027012668429368, 0.0048768988404573679, 0.0060942769312431738,
        0.0076155385891087321, 0.0095165396414589112, 0.011892071150027212,
        0.014860586049702963, 0.018570105657341358, 0.023205600571298769,
        0.028998214001102113, 0.036236787437156658, 0.045282263373729439,
        0.0565856832591419, 0.070710678118654752, 0.088361573317084705,
        0.11041850887031313, 0.1379813265364985, 0.15879323234898887,
        0.22690003122622915, 0.28675095012241164, 0.35039604900931776,
        0.4174620285802807, 0.48093344839252727, 0.54048403452772453,
        0.58902987679112695, 0.63973400753929655, 0.6661845719884536,
        0.68097444812291441, 0.69652310395210704, 0.71291262669986732,
        0.73023918985303526, 0.74861647270557707, 0.76818018497781393,
        0.7890941548490632, 0.81155867710242946, 0.8429182938518559,
        0.88146343535942318, 0.92368486081866963, 0.97035848127888702,
        1.0225351498208244, 1.1293598575982273, 1.2553186915845398,
        1.468142830257521, 1.7982719448467761, 2.3740247153419043,
        3.2719144602927757, 4.8068671176749671, np.inf
    s = [
        0.002, 0.00049924270755291556, 0.00062386434807529907,
        0.00077959421121472213, 0.00097419757361443156, 0.0012173780907858058,
        0.0015212616578655584, 0.0019010010523501783, 0.0023755315085683005,
        0.0029685148996757508, 0.0037095196076383959, 0.0046354949139574102,
        0.0057926134298033442, 0.0072385734360545448, 0.0090454759365727819,
        0.011303419885412461, 0.014124994859512852, 0.017650895198429953,
        0.022056935553228421, 0.027562817666185374, 0.034443085525912243,
        0.043040815163128798, 0.0537847217117913, 0.067210536757978667,
        0.083987721931547688, 0.10495285078070138, 0.13115132347527858,
        0.16388949439075173, 0.20479981185031038, 0.25592221813754867,
        0.31980586869051764, 0.39963624257870101, 0.49939398246933342
    K = 10
    model = smcpp.model.SMCModel(s, np.logspace(np.log10(.01), np.log10(3.),
                                                K), smcpp.spline.CubicSpline)
    n = 30
    fakeobs = [[1, -1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0], [10, 0, 0, 0], [10, -1, 0, 0],
               [200000, 0, 0, n - 2], [1, 1, n - 4, n - 2]]
    fakeobs *= 20
    im = smcpp._smcpp.PyOnePopInferenceManager(
        n - 2, np.array([fakeobs] * 40, dtype=np.int32), hs)
    model[:] = [
        ad.adnumber(x, i) for i, x in enumerate([
            0.002676322760403453, -0.01051998744897540, 0.006727140517177145,
            0.003133368489467686, -0.02302979056648467, 0.002636809760679317,
            0.001992156262601299, 0.004958301100037235, 0.003199704865436452,
    im.model = model
    im.theta = 0.0025000000000000001
    im.rho = 0.0031206103977654887
    q0 = im.Q()
    r0 = model.regularizer()
    for k in range(K):
        dq = q0.d(model[k])
        dr = r0.d(model[k])
        model[k] += 1e-8
        im.model = model
        q1 = im.Q()
        r1 = model.regularizer()
        a = float(q1 - q0) * 1e8
        b = float(r1 - r0) * 1e8
        print(k, a, dq)
        print(k, b, dr)
        model[k] -= 1e-8
예제 #48
def tsne(X = Math.array([]), no_dims = 2, initial_dims = 50, perplexity = 30.0, D = None):
	"""Runs t-SNE on the dataset in the NxD array X to reduce its dimensionality to no_dims dimensions.
	The syntaxis of the function is Y = tsne.tsne(X, no_dims, perplexity), where X is an NxD NumPy array."""
	# Check inputs
	if X.dtype != "float64":
		print "Error: array X should have type float64.";
		return -1;
	#if no_dims.__class__ != "<type 'int'>":			# doesn't work yet!
	#	print "Error: number of dimensions should be an integer.";
	#	return -1;
	# Initialize variables
	# X = pca(X, initial_dims).real;
	(n, d) = X.shape;
	max_iter = 1000;
	initial_momentum = 0.5;
	final_momentum = 0.8;
	eta = 500;
	min_gain = 0.01;

	Y = Math.array(list([Math.cos(a), Math.sin(a)]
			    for a in Math.arange(0.0, 2.0 * Math.pi, 2.0 * Math.pi / n)))
	print Y
	#Y = Math.random.randn(n, no_dims);
        Y_ad = Math.array(list(list(adnumber(e) for e in row) for row in Y))
        print Y - Y_ad
        print "Y_ad!"
	dY = Math.zeros((n, no_dims));
	iY = Math.zeros((n, no_dims));
	gains = Math.ones((n, no_dims));
	# Compute P-values
	P = x2p(X, 1e-5, perplexity, D);
	P = P + Math.transpose(P);
	P = P / Math.sum(P);
	P = P * 4;									# early exaggeration
	P = Math.maximum(P, 1e-12);

        ad_0 = adnumber(0)
        ad_eps = adnumber(1e-12)

	fd_eps = 0.00001
	# Run iterations
	for iter in xrange(max_iter):

                Y_p = Math.array(Y)
                Y_p[1,0] += fd_eps
		# Compute pairwise affinities
		sum_Y = Math.sum(Math.square(Y), 1);
                sum_Y_p = Math.sum(Math.square(Y_p), 1);
                sum_Y_ad = Math.sum(Math.square(Y_ad), 1);
                # print sum_Y
                # print sum_Y_ad
                print sum_Y - sum_Y_ad
                print "sum_Y_ad!"
		num = 1 / (1 + Math.add(Math.add(-2 * Math.dot(Y, Y.T), sum_Y).T, sum_Y));
                num_p = 1 / (1 + Math.add(Math.add(-2 * Math.dot(Y_p, Y_p.T), sum_Y_p).T, sum_Y_p));
                num_ad = 1 / (1 + Math.add(Math.add(-2 * Math.dot(Y_ad, Y_ad.T), sum_Y_ad).T, sum_Y_ad));

		num[range(n), range(n)] = 0
                num_p[range(n), range(n)] = 0
                num_ad[range(n), range(n)] = ad_0
                # print num
                # print num_ad
                print num - num_ad
                print "num_ad!"
		Q = num / Math.sum(num)
                Q_p = num_p / Math.sum(num_p)
                Q_ad = num_ad / Math.sum(num_ad)
		Q = Math.maximum(Q, 1e-12);
                Q_p = Math.maximum(Q_p, 1e-12);
                Q_ad = Math.maximum(Q_ad, ad_eps)
                print Q - Q_ad 
                print "Q_ad!"

                # C_ad = Math.sum(P * Math.log(P / Q_ad));
                C_ad = Math.sum(P * Math.array(log(P / Q_ad)));
                C = Math.sum(P * Math.log(P / Q));
                C_p = Math.sum(P * Math.log(P / Q_p));
                print C - C_ad
                print "C_ad!"

                print "finite-difference approximation: ", (C_p - C) / fd_eps

                dY_ad = []
                for i in xrange(n):
                    v = []
                    for j in xrange(no_dims):
                dY_ad = Math.array(dY_ad)
                print "our autodiff gradients: "
                print dY_ad
		# Compute gradient
		PQ = P - Q;
		for i in range(n):
			dY[i,:] = 4.0 * Math.sum(Math.tile(PQ[:,i] * num[:,i], (no_dims, 1)).T * (Y[i,:] - Y), 0);
                print "their gradients:"
                print dY

                print dY / dY_ad
                print "gradient!"
		# Perform the update
		if iter < 20:
			momentum = initial_momentum
			momentum = final_momentum
		gains = (gains + 0.2) * ((dY > 0) != (iY > 0)) + (gains * 0.8) * ((dY > 0) == (iY > 0));
		gains[gains < min_gain] = min_gain;
		iY = momentum * iY - eta * (gains * dY);

		Y = Y + iY;
		Y = Y - Math.tile(Math.mean(Y, 0), (n, 1));
		# Compute current value of cost function
		if (iter + 1) % 10 == 0:
			C = Math.sum(P * Math.log(P / Q));
			print "Iteration ", (iter + 1), ": error is ", C
		json.dump(list(list(v) for v in Y), file("web/out.tmp", 'w'))
		shutil.move("web/out.tmp", "web/out.json")
		# Stop lying about P-values
		if iter == 100:
			P = P / 4;
	# Return solution
	return Y;
def adnumber(val, name):
    return ad.adnumber(val, name)