예제 #1
def test_jax_Alloc():
    x = aet.alloc(0.0, 2, 3)
    x_fg = FunctionGraph([], [x])

    (jax_res, ) = compare_jax_and_py(x_fg, [])

    assert jax_res.shape == (2, 3)

    x = aet.alloc(1.1, 2, 3)
    x_fg = FunctionGraph([], [x])

    compare_jax_and_py(x_fg, [])

    x = aet.AllocEmpty("float32")(2, 3)
    x_fg = FunctionGraph([], [x])

    def compare_shape_dtype(x, y):
        (x, ) = x
        (y, ) = y
        return x.shape == y.shape and x.dtype == y.dtype

    compare_jax_and_py(x_fg, [], assert_fn=compare_shape_dtype)

    a = scalar("a")
    x = aet.alloc(a, 20)
    x_fg = FunctionGraph([a], [x])

    compare_jax_and_py(x_fg, [10.0])

    a = vector("a")
    x = aet.alloc(a, 20, 10)
    x_fg = FunctionGraph([a], [x])

    compare_jax_and_py(x_fg, [np.ones(10, dtype=config.floatX)])
예제 #2
def make_c_gemv_destructive(fgraph, node):
    if isinstance(node.op, CGemv) and not node.op.inplace:
        inputs = list(node.inputs)
        dest = inputs[0]
        if (dest.owner and isinstance(dest.owner.op, at.AllocEmpty)
                and len(fgraph.clients[dest]) > 1):
            inputs[0] = at.AllocEmpty(dest.dtype)(*dest.owner.inputs)

        return [cgemv_inplace(*inputs)]