예제 #1
def test_shape_basic():
    s = shape(np.array(1))
    assert np.array_equal(eval_outputs([s]), [])

    s = shape(np.ones((5, 3)))
    assert np.array_equal(eval_outputs([s]), [5, 3])

    s = shape(np.ones(2))
    assert np.array_equal(eval_outputs([s]), [2])

    s = shape(np.ones((5, 3, 10)))
    assert np.array_equal(eval_outputs([s]), [5, 3, 10])
예제 #2
def test_shape_basic():
    s = shape([])
    assert s.type.broadcastable == (True, )

    s = shape([10])
    assert s.type.broadcastable == (True, )

    s = shape(lscalar())
    assert s.type.broadcastable == (False, )

    class MyType(Type):
        def filter(self, *args, **kwargs):
            raise NotImplementedError()

        def __eq__(self, other):
            return isinstance(other, MyType) and other.thingy == self.thingy

    s = shape(Variable(MyType()))
    assert s.type.broadcastable == (False, )

    s = shape(np.array(1))
    assert np.array_equal(eval_outputs([s]), [])

    s = shape(np.ones((5, 3)))
    assert np.array_equal(eval_outputs([s]), [5, 3])

    s = shape(np.ones(2))
    assert np.array_equal(eval_outputs([s]), [2])

    s = shape(np.ones((5, 3, 10)))
    assert np.array_equal(eval_outputs([s]), [5, 3, 10])
예제 #3
    def grad(self, inputs, cost_grad):
        In defining the gradient, the Finite Fourier Transform is viewed as
        a complex-differentiable function of a complex variable
        a = inputs[0]
        n = inputs[1]
        axis = inputs[2]
        grad = cost_grad[0]
        if not isinstance(axis, TensorConstant):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                f"{self.__class__.__name__}: gradient is currently implemented"
                " only for axis being an Aesara constant")
        axis = int(axis.data)
        # notice that the number of actual elements in wrto is independent of
        # possible padding or truncation:
        elem = arange(0, shape(a)[axis], 1)
        # accounts for padding:
        freq = arange(0, n, 1)
        outer_res = outer(freq, elem)
        pow_outer = exp(((-2 * math.pi * 1j) * outer_res) / (1.0 * n))
        res = tensordot(grad, pow_outer, (axis, 0))

        # This would be simpler but not implemented by aesara:
        # res = switch(lt(n, shape(a)[axis]),
        # set_subtensor(res[...,n::], 0, False, False), res)

        # Instead we resort to that to account for truncation:
        flip_shape = list(np.arange(0, a.ndim)[::-1])
        res = res.dimshuffle(flip_shape)
        res = switch(
                res[n::, ],
        res = res.dimshuffle(flip_shape)

        # insures that gradient shape conforms to input shape:
        out_shape = (list(np.arange(0, axis)) + [a.ndim - 1] +
                     list(np.arange(axis, a.ndim - 1)))
        res = res.dimshuffle(*out_shape)
        return [res, None, None]
예제 #4
파일: sort.py 프로젝트: mgorny/aesara
    def L_op(self, inputs, outputs, out_grads):
        x, k = inputs
        k_grad = grad_undefined(self, 1, k, "topk: k is not differentiable")

        if not (self.return_indices or self.return_values):
            x_grad = grad_undefined(
                "topk: cannot get gradient" " without both indices and values",
            x_shp = shape(x)
            z_grad = out_grads[0]
            ndim = x.ndim
            axis = self.axis % ndim
            grad_indices = [
                arange(x_shp[i]).dimshuffle([0] + ["x"] * (ndim - i - 1))
                if i != axis
                else outputs[-1]
                for i in range(ndim)
            x_grad = x.zeros_like(dtype=z_grad.dtype)
            x_grad = set_subtensor(x_grad[tuple(grad_indices)], z_grad)

        return [x_grad, k_grad]
예제 #5
def test_nonstandard_shapes():
    a = tensor3(config.floatX)
    a.tag.test_value = np.random.random((2, 3, 4)).astype(config.floatX)
    b = tensor3(config.floatX)
    b.tag.test_value = np.random.random((2, 3, 4)).astype(config.floatX)

    tl = make_list([a, b])
    tl_shape = shape(tl)
    assert np.array_equal(tl_shape.get_test_value(), (2, 2, 3, 4))

    # There's no `FunctionGraph`, so it should return a `Subtensor`
    tl_shape_i = shape_i(tl, 0)
    assert isinstance(tl_shape_i.owner.op, Subtensor)
    assert tl_shape_i.get_test_value() == 2

    tl_fg = FunctionGraph([a, b], [tl], features=[ShapeFeature()])
    tl_shape_i = shape_i(tl, 0, fgraph=tl_fg)
    assert not isinstance(tl_shape_i.owner.op, Subtensor)
    assert tl_shape_i.get_test_value() == 2

    none_shape = shape(NoneConst)
    assert np.array_equal(none_shape.get_test_value(), [])
예제 #6
파일: test_opt.py 프로젝트: mgorny/aesara
            def predict_mean_i(i, x_star, s_star, X, beta, h):
                n, D = shape(X)
                # rescale every dimension by the corresponding inverse lengthscale
                iL = at.diag(h[i, :D])
                inp = (X - x_star).dot(iL)

                # compute the mean
                B = iL.dot(s_star).dot(iL)
                t = inp.dot(B)

                lb = (inp * t).sum() + beta.sum()

                Mi = at_sum(lb) * h[i, D]
                return Mi