def post(self, fullname): conf = config.get_config() obj = logic.get_requested_object(fullname, conf) if isinstance(obj, logic.BadTest): if obj.exists: self.render_error('Error loading test object %s: \n%s' % (fullname, obj.load_errors[0][1]), 500) else: self.render_error('Test object %s does not exist.' % fullname, 404) return conf = config.get_config() try: batch = runner.start_batch(fullname, conf) except DeadlineExceededError: self.render_error('Tests took too long to run. Consider setting the ' '"storage" option in aeta.yaml to something other ' 'than "immediate", such as "memcache".', 500) return if == 'immediate': tasks = batch.get_tasks(conf) data = {'batch_info': batch.get_json(), 'results': [task.get_json() for task in tasks] } else: data = {'batch_id': str(} self.response.out.write(json.dumps(data))
def _user_has_permission(self, environ): """Determines if the current user has permission to access aeta tests. Args: environ: A dictionary of WSGI environment variables. Returns: A boolean, True iff the user has permission to access aeta. The user has permission iff any of these is true: - this is a development server - the "user" is the task queue running a task - "protected: false" in aeta.yaml - the user is an admin or in permitted_emails in aeta.yaml """ if environ.get('SERVER_SOFTWARE', '').startswith('Dev'): # Development server. return True if environ.get('HTTP_X_APPENGINE_TASKNAME'): # This variable is set when we are in the task queue. return True conf = config.get_config() if not conf.protected: return True if users.is_current_user_admin(): return True user = users.get_current_user() if user and in conf.permitted_emails: return True return False
def get(self, fullname): conf = config.get_config() load_errors = [] test = logic.get_requested_object(fullname, conf) methods = test.get_methods(conf, load_errors) data = {'method_names': [method.fullname for method in methods], 'load_errors': load_errors} self.response.out.write(json.dumps(data))
def get_batch(self, batch_id): batch = ndb.Key(models.TestBatch, batch_id).get() if not batch: msg = 'No batch with id %s found.' % batch_id if config.get_config().storage == 'memcache': msg += ('\nThis could be due to memcache failing. ' + _MEMCACHE_FAILURE_MESSAGE) self.render_error(msg, 404) return batch
def get_url_mapping(): conf = config.get_config() url_mapping = [(conf.url_path_static + '(.*)', handlers.StaticFileRequestHandler), ] url_mapping.extend(rest.get_handler_mapping(conf.url_path_rest)) url_mapping.append((conf.url_path_deferred, task_deferred.DeferredHandler)) # config attributes dynamically assigned - pylint:disable-msg=E1101 url_mapping.append((conf.url_path + '(.*)', handlers.DefaultRequestHandler)) return url_mapping
def defer_multi(calls, queue=_DEFAULT_QUEUE): """Defers multiple function calls. Args: calls: A list of DeferredCall objects. queue: The queue to run the tasks in. """ url = config.get_config().url_path_deferred # Go in batches of MAX_TASKS_PER_ADD to avoid the limit. for batch_i in range(0, len(calls), taskqueue.MAX_TASKS_PER_ADD): tasks = [] for call in calls[batch_i : batch_i + taskqueue.MAX_TASKS_PER_ADD]: tasks.append(taskqueue.Task(url=url, countdown=call.countdown, payload=pickle.dumps(call))) taskqueue.Queue(queue).add(tasks)
def get(self, fullname): """Default view.""" conf = config.get_config() obj = logic.get_requested_object(fullname, conf) if isinstance(obj, logic.BadTest): if obj.exists: self.render_error('Error loading test object %s: \n%s' % (fullname, obj.load_errors[0][1]), 500) else: self.render_error('Test object %s does not exist.' % fullname, 404) return # urllib.quote is necessary for things embedded in <script> tags to avoid # things like quotes and </script> in the string literals. values = {'root_name': urllib.quote(fullname), 'rest_path': urllib.quote(conf.url_path_rest), 'static_path': conf.url_path_static, } self.render_page(_get_template_path('index.html'), values)