예제 #1
def test_get_ups_and_downs(data, parameter, expected):
    Test get ups and down functionality.
    assert get_ups_and_downs(
        parameter) == expected, f"Expected ups and downs to be: {expected}."
예제 #2
    def get_rsi(self, prices: int = 14, parameter: str = 'close', shift: int = 0, round_value: bool = True,
                update: bool = True) -> float:
        Returns relative strength index.
        :param update: Boolean for whether function should call API and get latest data or not.
        :param prices: Amount of prices to iterate through.
        :param parameter: Parameter to use for iterations. By default, it's close.
        :param shift: Amount of prices to shift prices by.
        :param round_value: Boolean that determines whether final value is rounded or not.
        :return: Final relative strength index.
        if not self.is_valid_average_input(shift, prices):
            raise ValueError('Invalid input specified.')

        if shift > 0:
            updateDict = False
            data = self.data
            shift -= 1
            updateDict = True
            data = self.data + [self.get_current_data()] if update else self.get_total_non_updated_data()

        start = len(data) - 500 - prices - shift if len(data) > 500 + prices + shift else 0
        ups, downs = get_ups_and_downs(data=data[start:len(data) - shift], parameter=parameter)
        averageUp, averageDown = self.helper_get_ema(ups, downs, prices)
        rs = averageUp / averageDown
        rsi = 100 - 100 / (1 + rs)

        if shift == 0 and updateDict:
            self.rsi_data[prices] = rsi

        if round_value:
            return round(rsi, self.precision)
        return rsi
예제 #3
    def get_rsi(self, data: list, prices: int, parameter: str = 'close', shift: int = 0,
                round_value: bool = False) -> float:
        Returns relative strength index.
        :param data: Data values.
        :param prices: Amount of prices to iterate through.
        :param parameter: Parameter to use for iterations. By default, it's close.
        :param shift: Amount of prices to shift prices by.
        :param round_value: Boolean that determines whether final value is rounded or not.
        :return: Final relative strength index.
        if shift > 0 and prices in self.rsi_dictionary:
            rsi = self.rsi_dictionary[prices]['close'][-shift][0]
        elif prices in self.rsi_dictionary:
            alpha = 1 / prices
            difference = data[-1][parameter] - data[-2][parameter]
            if difference > 0:
                up = difference * alpha + self.rsi_dictionary[prices]['close'][-1][1] * (1 - alpha)
                down = self.rsi_dictionary[prices]['close'][-1][2] * (1 - alpha)
                up = self.rsi_dictionary[prices]['close'][-1][1] * (1 - alpha)
                down = -difference * alpha + self.rsi_dictionary[prices]['close'][-1][2] * (1 - alpha)

            rsi = 100 if down == 0 else 100 - 100 / (1 + up / down)
            self.rsi_dictionary[prices]['close'].append((rsi, up, down))
            if shift > 0:
                data = data[:-shift]
            ups, downs = get_ups_and_downs(data=data, parameter=parameter)
            rsi = self.helper_get_ema(ups, downs, prices)

        return round(rsi, self.precision) if round_value else rsi
예제 #4
def test_get_ups_and_downs(data, parameter, expected):
    assert get_ups_and_downs(
        parameter) == expected, f"Expected ups and downs to be: {expected}."