예제 #1
파일: a_star.py 프로젝트: jcmarsh/Stage
    def init(self, robot_name):
        super(AStarCont, self).init(robot_name)

        target_loc = search_pose("run_temp.world", "target0")
        self.goal = Point(target_loc[0], target_loc[1])
        self.offset = Point(8, 8)
#        print "The target is at: %.2f %.2f" % (self.goal.x, self.goal.y)
#        print "The robot  is at: %.2f %.2f" % (self.pos.px, self.pos.py)

        self.planner = algs.a_star_planner(self.grid_num, self.offset)
        # TODO: Must be a better way to do this.
        # leader.py would like to have a copy of the position proxy so that it may track location
        return self.pos
예제 #2
파일: a_star.py 프로젝트: jcmarsh/Stage
    def state_go(self):
        idt = self.client.read()
        replan = False

        # check for obstacles, for a*
        for i in range(0, self.ran.ranges_count):
            # figure out location of the obstacle...
            tao = (2 * math.pi * i) / self.ran.ranges_count
            obs_x = self.ran.ranges[i] * math.cos(tao)
            obs_y = self.ran.ranges[i] * math.sin(tao)
            # obs_x and obs_y are relative to the robot, and I'm okay with that.
            if self.add_obstacle(obs_x, obs_y):
                replan = True

        # reached waypoint?
        grid_pos = algs.gridify(Point(self.pos.px, self.pos.py), self.grid_num, self.offset)
        grid_way = algs.gridify(self.c_waypoint, self.grid_num, self.offset)
        if grid_pos == grid_way:
            replan = True

        if replan:
            self.path = self.planner.plan(Point(self.pos.px, self.pos.py), self.goal)

        if self.path == None:
            # Reset the planner.
            self.planner = algs.a_star_planner(self.grid_num, self.offset)
        elif len(self.path) > 2: 
            self.c_waypoint = self.path[1]
            n_waypoint = self.path[2]
            theta = math.atan2(n_waypoint.y - self.c_waypoint.y, n_waypoint.x - self.c_waypoint.x)
            self.pla.set_cmd_pose(self.c_waypoint.x, self.c_waypoint.y, theta)
        elif len(self.path) > 1:
            # Only one waypoint left
            self.c_waypoint = self.path[1]
            theta = self.pos.pa
            self.pla.set_cmd_pose(self.c_waypoint.x, self.c_waypoint.y, theta)
        # No else, should be finished by now.

        self.prev_points.append(draw_all(self.gra, self.pos, self.offset, self.grid_num, None, self.path, self.prev_points))
예제 #3
파일: a_star.py 프로젝트: jcmarsh/Stage
 def state_reset(self):
     self.prev_points = []
     self.planner = algs.a_star_planner(self.grid_num, self.offset)
     self.c_waypoint = Point(0,0) # Haha! It looks like an owl.
     self.path = []