예제 #1
class LimsApi():
    def __init__(self, lims_credentials: Optional[DbCredentials] = None):
        if lims_credentials:
            self.lims_db = PostgresQueryMixin(
            # Currying is equivalent to decorator syntactic sugar
            self.lims_db = (credential_injector(LIMS_DB_CREDENTIAL_MAP)(

    def get_experiment_id(self):
        return self.experiment_id

    def get_behavior_tracking_video_filepath_df(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename AS raw_behavior_tracking_video_filepath, attachable_type 
                FROM well_known_files wkf WHERE wkf.well_known_file_type_id IN (SELECT id FROM well_known_file_types WHERE name = 'RawBehaviorTrackingVideo')
        return pd.read_sql(query, self.lims_db.get_connection())

    def get_eye_tracking_video_filepath_df(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename AS raw_behavior_tracking_video_filepath, attachable_type 
                FROM well_known_files wkf WHERE wkf.well_known_file_type_id IN (SELECT id FROM well_known_file_types WHERE name = 'RawEyeTrackingVideo')
        return pd.read_sql(query, self.lims_db.get_connection())
예제 #2
    def get_ophys_experiment_df():

        api = PostgresQueryMixin()
        query = '''

                oec.visual_behavior_experiment_container_id as container_id,
                d.full_genotype as full_genotype,
                id.depth as imaging_depth,
                st.acronym as targeted_structure,
                os.name as session_name,
                equipment.name as equipment_name

                FROM ophys_experiments_visual_behavior_experiment_containers oec
                LEFT JOIN ophys_experiments oe ON oe.id = oec.ophys_experiment_id
                LEFT JOIN ophys_sessions os ON oe.ophys_session_id = os.id
                LEFT JOIN specimens sp ON sp.id=os.specimen_id
                LEFT JOIN donors d ON d.id=sp.donor_id
                LEFT JOIN imaging_depths id ON id.id=os.imaging_depth_id
                LEFT JOIN structures st ON st.id=oe.targeted_structure_id
                LEFT JOIN equipment ON equipment.id=os.equipment_id

        return pd.read_sql(query, api.get_connection())
예제 #3
    def get_containers_df(only_passed=True):

        api = PostgresQueryMixin()
        if only_passed is True:
            query = '''
                    SELECT *
                    FROM visual_behavior_experiment_containers vbc
                    WHERE workflow_state IN ('container_qc','publish');
            query = '''
                    SELECT *
                    FROM visual_behavior_experiment_containers vbc

        return pd.read_sql(
            api.get_connection()).rename(columns={'id': 'container_id'})[[
                'container_id', 'specimen_id', 'workflow_state'
예제 #4
class OphysLimsApi(CachedInstanceMethodMixin):
    def __init__(self,
                 ophys_experiment_id: int,
                 lims_credentials: Optional[DbCredentials] = None):
        self.ophys_experiment_id = ophys_experiment_id
        if lims_credentials:
            self.lims_db = PostgresQueryMixin(
            # Currying is equivalent to decorator syntactic sugar
            self.lims_db = (credential_injector(LIMS_DB_CREDENTIAL_MAP)(

    def get_ophys_experiment_id(self):
        return self.ophys_experiment_id

    def get_ophys_experiment_dir(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT oe.storage_directory
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                WHERE oe.id = {};
        return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))

    def get_nwb_filepath(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename AS nwb_file
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                LEFT JOIN well_known_files wkf ON wkf.attachable_id=oe.id AND wkf.well_known_file_type_id IN (SELECT id FROM well_known_file_types WHERE name = 'NWBOphys')
                WHERE oe.id = {};
        return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))

    def get_sync_file(self, ophys_experiment_id=None):
        query = '''
                SELECT sync.storage_directory || sync.filename AS sync_file
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                JOIN ophys_sessions os ON oe.ophys_session_id = os.id
                LEFT JOIN well_known_files sync ON sync.attachable_id=os.id AND sync.attachable_type = 'OphysSession' AND sync.well_known_file_type_id IN (SELECT id FROM well_known_file_types WHERE name = 'OphysRigSync')
                WHERE oe.id= {};
        return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))

    def get_max_projection_file(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename AS maxint_file
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                LEFT JOIN ophys_cell_segmentation_runs ocsr ON ocsr.ophys_experiment_id = oe.id AND ocsr.current = 't'
                LEFT JOIN well_known_files wkf ON wkf.attachable_id=ocsr.id AND wkf.attachable_type = 'OphysCellSegmentationRun' AND wkf.well_known_file_type_id IN (SELECT id FROM well_known_file_types WHERE name = 'OphysMaxIntImage')
                WHERE oe.id= {};
        return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))

    def get_max_projection(self, image_api=None):

        if image_api is None:
            image_api = ImageApi

        maxInt_a13_file = self.get_max_projection_file()
        pixel_size = self.get_surface_2p_pixel_size_um()
        max_projection = mpimg.imread(maxInt_a13_file)
        return ImageApi.serialize(max_projection,
                                  [pixel_size / 1000., pixel_size / 1000.],

    def get_targeted_structure(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT st.acronym
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                LEFT JOIN structures st ON st.id=oe.targeted_structure_id
                WHERE oe.id= {};
        return self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True)

    def get_imaging_depth(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT id.depth
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                JOIN ophys_sessions os ON oe.ophys_session_id = os.id
                LEFT JOIN imaging_depths id ON id.id=oe.imaging_depth_id
                WHERE oe.id= {};
        return self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True)

    def get_stimulus_name(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT os.stimulus_name
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                JOIN ophys_sessions os ON oe.ophys_session_id = os.id
                WHERE oe.id= {};
        stimulus_name = self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=False)
        stimulus_name = 'Unknown' if stimulus_name is None else stimulus_name
        return stimulus_name

    def get_experiment_date(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT os.date_of_acquisition
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                JOIN ophys_sessions os ON oe.ophys_session_id = os.id
                WHERE oe.id= {};

        experiment_date = self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True)
        return pytz.utc.localize(experiment_date)

    def get_reporter_line(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT g.name as reporter_line
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                JOIN ophys_sessions os ON oe.ophys_session_id = os.id
                JOIN specimens sp ON sp.id=os.specimen_id
                JOIN donors d ON d.id=sp.donor_id
                JOIN donors_genotypes dg ON dg.donor_id=d.id
                JOIN genotypes g ON g.id=dg.genotype_id
                JOIN genotype_types gt ON gt.id=g.genotype_type_id AND gt.name = 'reporter'
                WHERE oe.id= {};
        result = self.lims_db.fetchall(query)
        if result is None or len(result) < 1:
            raise OneOrMoreResultExpectedError(
                'Expected one or more, but received: {} from query'.format(
        return result

    def get_driver_line(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT g.name as driver_line
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                JOIN ophys_sessions os ON oe.ophys_session_id = os.id
                JOIN specimens sp ON sp.id=os.specimen_id
                JOIN donors d ON d.id=sp.donor_id
                JOIN donors_genotypes dg ON dg.donor_id=d.id
                JOIN genotypes g ON g.id=dg.genotype_id
                JOIN genotype_types gt ON gt.id=g.genotype_type_id AND gt.name = 'driver'
                WHERE oe.id= {};
        result = self.lims_db.fetchall(query)
        if result is None or len(result) < 1:
            raise OneOrMoreResultExpectedError(
                'Expected one or more, but received: {} from query'.format(
        return result

    def get_external_specimen_name(self, ophys_experiment_id=None):
        query = '''
                SELECT sp.external_specimen_name
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                JOIN ophys_sessions os ON oe.ophys_session_id = os.id
                JOIN specimens sp ON sp.id=os.specimen_id
                WHERE oe.id= {};
        return int(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))

    def get_full_genotype(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT d.full_genotype
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                JOIN ophys_sessions os ON oe.ophys_session_id = os.id
                JOIN specimens sp ON sp.id=os.specimen_id
                JOIN donors d ON d.id=sp.donor_id
                WHERE oe.id= {};
        return self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True)

    def get_equipment_id(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT e.name
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                JOIN ophys_sessions os ON oe.ophys_session_id = os.id
                JOIN equipment e ON e.id=os.equipment_id
                WHERE oe.id= {};
        return self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True)

    def get_dff_file(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT dff.storage_directory || dff.filename AS dff_file
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                LEFT JOIN well_known_files dff ON dff.attachable_id=oe.id AND dff.well_known_file_type_id IN (SELECT id FROM well_known_file_types WHERE name = 'OphysDffTraceFile')
                WHERE oe.id= {};
        return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))

    def get_cell_roi_ids(self):
        cell_specimen_table = self.get_cell_specimen_table()
        assert cell_specimen_table.index.name == 'cell_specimen_id'
        return cell_specimen_table['cell_roi_id'].values

    def get_objectlist_file(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT obj.storage_directory || obj.filename AS obj_file
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                LEFT JOIN ophys_cell_segmentation_runs ocsr ON ocsr.ophys_experiment_id = oe.id AND ocsr.current = 't'
                LEFT JOIN well_known_files obj ON obj.attachable_id=ocsr.id AND obj.attachable_type = 'OphysCellSegmentationRun' AND obj.well_known_file_type_id IN (SELECT id FROM well_known_file_types WHERE name = 'OphysSegmentationObjects')
                WHERE oe.id= {};
        return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))

    def get_demix_file(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename AS demix_file
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                LEFT JOIN well_known_files wkf ON wkf.attachable_id=oe.id AND wkf.attachable_type = 'OphysExperiment' AND wkf.well_known_file_type_id IN (SELECT id FROM well_known_file_types WHERE name = 'DemixedTracesFile')
                WHERE oe.id= {};
        return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))

    def get_average_intensity_projection_image_file(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT avg.storage_directory || avg.filename AS avgint_file
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                LEFT JOIN ophys_cell_segmentation_runs ocsr ON ocsr.ophys_experiment_id = oe.id AND ocsr.current = 't'
                LEFT JOIN well_known_files avg ON avg.attachable_id=ocsr.id AND avg.attachable_type = 'OphysCellSegmentationRun' AND avg.well_known_file_type_id IN (SELECT id FROM well_known_file_types WHERE name = 'OphysAverageIntensityProjectionImage')
                WHERE oe.id = {};
        return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))

    def get_rigid_motion_transform_file(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT tra.storage_directory || tra.filename AS transform_file
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                LEFT JOIN well_known_files tra ON tra.attachable_id=oe.id AND tra.attachable_type = 'OphysExperiment' AND tra.well_known_file_type_id IN (SELECT id FROM well_known_file_types WHERE name = 'OphysMotionXyOffsetData')
                WHERE oe.id= {};
        return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))

    def get_motion_corrected_image_stack_file(self):
        query = f"""
            select wkf.storage_directory || wkf.filename
            from well_known_files wkf
            join well_known_file_types wkft on wkft.id = wkf.well_known_file_type_id
            where wkft.name = 'MotionCorrectedImageStack'
            and wkf.attachable_id = {self.get_ophys_experiment_id()}
        return safe_system_path(self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True))

    def get_foraging_id(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT os.foraging_id
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                LEFT JOIN ophys_sessions os ON oe.ophys_session_id = os.id
                WHERE oe.id= {};
        return self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True)

    def get_raw_dff_data(self):
        dff_path = self.get_dff_file()
        with h5py.File(dff_path, 'r') as raw_file:
            dff_traces = np.asarray(raw_file['data'])
        return dff_traces

    def get_rig_name(self):
        query = '''
                select e.name as device_name
                from ophys_experiments oe
                join ophys_sessions os on os.id = oe.ophys_session_id
                join equipment e on e.id = os.equipment_id
                where oe.id = {}
        return self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True)

    def get_field_of_view_shape(self):
        query = '''
                select {}
                from ophys_experiments oe
                where oe.id = {}
        X = {
            for c in ['width', 'height']
        return X

    def get_metadata(self):

        metadata = {}
        metadata['rig_name'] = self.get_rig_name()
        metadata['sex'] = self.get_sex()
        metadata['age'] = self.get_age()
        metadata['excitation_lambda'] = 910.
        metadata['emission_lambda'] = 520.
        metadata['indicator'] = 'GCAMP6f'
        metadata['field_of_view_width'] = self.get_field_of_view_shape(
        metadata['field_of_view_height'] = self.get_field_of_view_shape(

        return metadata

    def get_ophys_cell_segmentation_run_id(self):
        query = '''
                select oseg.id
                from ophys_experiments oe
                join ophys_cell_segmentation_runs oseg on oe.id = oseg.ophys_experiment_id
                where oe.id = {} and oseg.current = 't'
        return self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True)

    def get_raw_cell_specimen_table_dict(self):
        ophys_cell_segmentation_run_id = self.get_ophys_cell_segmentation_run_id(
        query = '''
                select *
                from cell_rois cr
                where cr.ophys_cell_segmentation_run_id = {}
        cell_specimen_table = pd.read_sql(
                'id': 'cell_roi_id',
                'mask_matrix': 'image_mask'
            ['ophys_experiment_id', 'ophys_cell_segmentation_run_id'],
        return cell_specimen_table.to_dict()

    def get_cell_specimen_table(self):
        cell_specimen_table = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
        fov_width, fov_height = self.get_field_of_view_shape(
        )['width'], self.get_field_of_view_shape()['height']
        image_mask_list = []
        for sub_mask in cell_specimen_table['image_mask'].values:
            curr_roi = roi.create_roi_mask(fov_width,
                                           fov_height, [(fov_width - 1), 0,
                                                        (fov_height - 1), 0],
        cell_specimen_table['image_mask'] = image_mask_list
        cell_specimen_table = cell_specimen_table[sorted(

        cell_specimen_table.index.rename('cell_roi_id', inplace=True)
        cell_specimen_table.set_index('cell_specimen_id', inplace=True)
        return cell_specimen_table

    def get_surface_2p_pixel_size_um(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT sc.resolution
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                JOIN scans sc ON sc.image_id=oe.ophys_primary_image_id
                WHERE oe.id = {};
        return self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True)

    def get_workflow_state(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT oe.workflow_state
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                WHERE oe.id = {};
        return self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True)

    def get_sex(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT g.name as sex
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                JOIN ophys_sessions os ON oe.ophys_session_id = os.id
                JOIN specimens sp ON sp.id=os.specimen_id
                JOIN donors d ON d.id=sp.donor_id
                JOIN genders g ON g.id=d.gender_id
                WHERE oe.id= {};
        return self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True)

    def get_age(self):
        query = '''
                SELECT a.name as age
                FROM ophys_experiments oe
                JOIN ophys_sessions os ON oe.ophys_session_id = os.id
                JOIN specimens sp ON sp.id=os.specimen_id
                JOIN donors d ON d.id=sp.donor_id
                JOIN ages a ON a.id=d.age_id
                WHERE oe.id= {};
        return self.lims_db.fetchone(query, strict=True)
예제 #5
    def from_lims(cls, ophys_experiment_id: int,
                  lims_db: PostgresQueryMixin) -> Optional["RigGeometry"]:
        query = f'''
            SELECT oec.*, oect.name as config_type, equipment.name as 
            FROM ophys_sessions os
            JOIN observatory_experiment_configs oec ON oec.equipment_id = 
            JOIN observatory_experiment_config_types oect ON oect.id = 
            JOIN ophys_experiments oe ON oe.ophys_session_id = os.id
            JOIN equipment ON equipment.id = oec.equipment_id
            WHERE oe.id = {ophys_experiment_id} AND 
                oec.active_date <= os.date_of_acquisition AND
                oect.name IN ('eye camera position', 'led position', 'screen position')
        '''  # noqa E501
        # Get the raw data
        rig_geometry = pd.read_sql(query, lims_db.get_connection())

        if rig_geometry.empty:
            # There is no rig geometry for this experiment
            return None

        # Map the config types to new names
        rig_geometry_config_type_map = {
            'eye camera position': 'camera',
            'screen position': 'monitor',
            'led position': 'led'
        rig_geometry['config_type'] = rig_geometry['config_type'] \

        rig_geometry = cls._select_most_recent_geometry(

        # Construct dictionary for positions
        position = rig_geometry[['center_x_mm', 'center_y_mm', 'center_z_mm']]
        position.index = [
            f'{v}_position_mm' if v != 'led' else f'{v}_position'
            for v in position.index
        position = position.to_dict(orient='index')
        position = {
            Coordinates(values['center_x_mm'], values['center_y_mm'],
            for config_type, values in position.items()

        # Construct dictionary for rotations
        rotation = rig_geometry[[
            'rotation_x_deg', 'rotation_y_deg', 'rotation_z_deg'
        rotation = rotation[rotation.index != 'led']
        rotation.index = [f'{v}_rotation_deg' for v in rotation.index]
        rotation = rotation.to_dict(orient='index')
        rotation = {
            Coordinates(values['rotation_x_deg'], values['rotation_y_deg'],
            for config_type, values in rotation.items()

        # Combine the dictionaries
        rig_geometry = {
            **rotation, 'equipment': rig_geometry['equipment_name'].iloc[0]
        return RigGeometry(**rig_geometry)