예제 #1
파일: arp.py 프로젝트: shubhambaid/harpy
 def __init__(self, poll_delay=2, prune_period=3600):
     self.delay = poll_delay
     self.arp_table = {}
     self.prune_period = prune_period
     self.am = AllertManager()
     self._stop = Event()
     self.mute = False
     self.fake = False
     self.rxq = Queue(1)
     self.txq = Queue(1)
     super(ARPHandler, self).__init__()
     self.daemon = True
예제 #2
파일: arp.py 프로젝트: shubhambaid/harpy
class ARPHandler(Process):

    def __init__(self, poll_delay=2, prune_period=3600):
        self.delay = poll_delay
        self.arp_table = {}
        self.prune_period = prune_period
        self.am = AllertManager()
        self._stop = Event()
        self.mute = False
        self.fake = False
        self.rxq = Queue(1)
        self.txq = Queue(1)
        super(ARPHandler, self).__init__()
        self.daemon = True

    def get_table(self):
        """Expose arp table by refference."""

        if not self.txq.empty():
            self.arp_table = self.txq.get()

        return self.arp_table

    def update_table(self,table):
        """ Allow the client application to update the proccess ARP table """

        if self.rxq.empty():
            # Copy the table to class memory
            self.arp_table = deepcopy(table)
            # Copy the table to forked proccess memory
            return True
            return False

    def arp_monitor_callback(self, pkt):
        """Convert the return of the arp monitor to dictionary entries."""

        if ARP in pkt and pkt[ARP].op in (1, 2):
            hwaddr = pkt.sprintf(r"%ARP.hwsrc%")
            ipsrc = pkt.sprintf(r"%ARP.psrc%")
            host = self.arp_resolve(ipsrc)
            entry = OrderedDict(
                [('mac', hwaddr),
                 ('hostname', self.arp_resolve(ipsrc)),
                 ('alias', ''),
                 ("time", datetime.now()),
                 ("color", "")])

            self.add_to_table(ipsrc, entry)

            print ("%s %s %s" % (host, ipsrc, hwaddr)), self.txq.empty()

    def arp_scan(self):
        """Scan the network using ARP requests for alive hosts."""

        conf.verb = 0
        ans, unans = srp(Ether(dst='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff') /
                         ARP(pdst=""), timeout=2,\
                         iface="eth0", inter=0.1)

        hosts = {}
        for snd, rcv in ans:
            hwaddr = rcv.sprintf(r"%Ether.src%")
            ipsrc = rcv.sprintf(r"%ARP.psrc%")
            hosts[ipsrc] = {'hostname': '', 'mac': hwaddr, 'alias': ''}
            hosts[ipsrc]['hostname'] = self.arp_resolve(ipsrc)
        return hosts

    def arp_resolve(self, ip_target):
        """Resolve the hostname for given ip address."""

        try: host = gethostbyaddr(ip_target)[0]
        except: host = "N.A"
        return host

    def prune(self):
        """Function that will remove old entries from arp_table."""

        # Copy the latest version of the table
        if self.txq.empty(): return False
        temp_table = self.txq.get()

        now = datetime.now()
        for key in temp_table.keys():
            dlta = now - temp_table[key]['time']
            # If equal and larger remove it
            if dlta.days >= self.prune_period:
        return self.update_table(temp_table)

    def add_to_table(self, ip, entry):
        """Add a new entry to the ARP table and allert if it exists and 
        is tracked."""

        #print "\nEntry", entry, len(self.arp_table), hex(id(self.arp_table)),self.arp_table.keys()
        # if there is a new table from application copy it to memory
        if not self.rxq.empty():
            print "Rx-sync"
            self.arp_table = self.rxq.get()

        # If there is space in the queue push the table from memory
        if self.txq.empty():  self.txq.put(self.arp_table)

        # If the device has the same IP as before
        if ip in self.arp_table.keys() and entry[
                'mac'] == self.arp_table[ip]['mac']: pass
        # If the ip has been modified but address still registered
        elif entry['mac'] in repr(self.arp_table):
            for key in self.arp_table:
                if self.arp_table[key]['mac'] == entry['mac']:
                else: return False
        # If it does not exist add it to the table
            self.arp_table[ip] = entry
            return True

        # If mute is asserted do not report
        if self.mute:
            return False

        # Only broadcast allert if the device is tracked
            color = self.arp_table[ip]['color']
        except KeyError:
            color = ''
        if color:
            al = self.arp_table[ip]['alias']
            hst = self.arp_table[ip]['hostname']
                "%s AKA %s has joined the network" %
                (hst, al), color)
        return False

    def fake_data(self):
        """ Simulate ARP scan with preset fake data """

        # Pick a random device from the fake dataset and remove it
        idx = randint(0, len(data_d) - 1)
        #Sleep a random number of seconds 
        sleep(randint(0, 10))
        key = data_d.keys()[idx]
        # Add the new entry in the ARP table (this is will be replaced
        # by arp callbacks
        tempentry = data_d[key]
        tempentry["time"] = datetime.now()
        self.add_to_table(key, tempentry)

    def run(self):
        """ Main Thread Loop """
        # Both entries are blocking so no loop required
            if self.fake: 
                sniff(prn=self.arp_monitor_callback, filter="arp", store=0)
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print "Proccess Exit"#, self.arp_table

    def fake_sniff(self):
        """ Blocking method to simulate sniffing with fake data """
        while True: self.fake_data()

    def set_fake(self):
        """ Set fakedata mode """
        self.fake = True

    def set_mute(self, mute=True):
        """ Disable Thread Reporting """

        self.mute = mute