예제 #1
def userIdToName(user_id):
    q1 = 'SELECT name FROM user where id = %s'
    c = readcon(q1, [user_id])
    row = c.fetchone()
    if row is not None:
        return row[0]
    return 0
예제 #2
def userNameToId(username):
    q1 = 'SELECT id FROM user where name = %s'
    c = readcon(q1, [username])
    row = c.fetchone()
    if row is not None:
        return row[0]
    return 0
예제 #3
def prIdToName( pr_id ):
	q1 = 'SELECT name FROM product where id = %s'
	c = readcon( q1, [ pr_id ] )
	row = c.fetchone()
	if row is not None:
		return row[0]
	return 0
예제 #4
def prNameToId( pr1 ):
	q1 = 'SELECT id FROM product where name = %s'
	c = readcon( q1, [ pr1 ] )
	row = c.fetchone()
	if row is not None:
		return row[0]
	return 0
예제 #5
def checkPassword(username, password1):
    "this returns true of the password and user are good, false otherwise"
        pw1Bytes = password1.encode('utf-8')
        #		c, conn = connection()
        #		c.execute("SELECT hashword, closeDate, id FROM user2 WHERE loginName = %s ", (escape_string(username)) )
        q1 = 'SELECT hashword, closeDate, id FROM user WHERE name = %s '
        args = [username]
        c = readcon(q1, args)

        fo = c.fetchone()
        if fo == None:
            return [False, 0]

        closedate = fo[1]

        if closedate != None:
            return [False, 0]

        hwBytes = fo[0].encode('utf-8')

        if bcrypt.hashpw(pw1Bytes, hwBytes) == hwBytes:
            return [True, fo[2]]

        return [False, 0]
    except Exception as e:
        print('oo 91 ' + (str(e)))
        return [False, 0]

    return [False, 0]
예제 #6
def addUser(username, password1, password2):
    "add a new user"
    if password1 != password2:
        return ['logic ok', 'passwords do not match']

        #		c, conn = connection()
        #		c.execute( 'select id from user2 where loginName = "' + username + '"' )
        q1 = 'select id from user where name = %s '
        args = [username]
        c = readcon(q1, args)
        row = c.fetchone()
        if row != None:
            return ['logic ok', 'user name is taken']

        pw1Bytes = password1.encode('utf-8')
        newHash = bcrypt.hashpw(pw1Bytes, bcrypt.gensalt())
        dateNow = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        q1 = 'INSERT INTO user ( name, hashword, createDate ) VALUES ( %s, %s, %s )'
        args = [username, newHash, dateNow]
        a2q(q1, args)

        return ['logic ok', 'user added']

    except Exception as e:
        return 'oo 115 :' + (str(e))
예제 #7
def getPrCrId( idPr ):
#	return '10'
	q1 = 'SELECT user_id FROM product where id = %s'
	c = readcon( q1, [ idPr ] )
	row = c.fetchone()
	if row is not None:
		return row[0]
	return 0
예제 #8
def productInfo( productName ):
	q1 = 'select detail, datetime from product where name = (%s) and status1 = "okay" '
	args = [ productName ]
		c = readcon( q1, args )
		row = c.fetchone()
		if row is not None:
			cr1pr1 = splitCr1Pr1( productName )
			myList2 = { 'message':'okay', 'cr1':cr1pr1[0], 'pr1':cr1pr1[1], 'description':str(row[0]), 'dateTime':str(row[1]) }
			return myList2
		return { 'message':'not found' }
	except Exception as e:
		print( 'oo 64; ' +   (str(e)) )
		return { 'message':'error' }
예제 #9
def productExistsName( prName ):
	print ( 'pr exists name', prName  )
		q1 = "SELECT status1 FROM product WHERE name = %s "
		c = readcon( q1, [ prName ] )
		fo = c.fetchone()
		if fo == None:
			return 'no product'
		if fo[0] == 'okay':
			return 'product is okay'
		return 'product is ' + str( fo[0] )

	except Exception as e:
		print ( 'oo' + (str(e)) )
		return 'error'
예제 #10
def getBalance( user_id, product_id, prCrId = None ):
	print ( 'getBalance ', user_id, product_id, prCrId )

	available = 0
	inuse     = 0
	total     = 0
	inTrade   = 0
	if prCrId == None:
		prCrId = getPrCrId( product_id )
	exists = productExists( product_id )
	if exists != 'product is okay':
		print ( exists )
		return { 'message':exists }
	myList = {}
		q1 = 'select amount from score where user_id = %s and product_id = %s '
		args = [ user_id, product_id ]

		c = readcon( q1, args )
		row = c.fetchone()
		if row is not None:
			amount  = row[0]
			if int( prCrId ) == int( user_id ):
				available = maxLimit - amount
				inuse     = amount
				available = amount

			if int( prCrId ) == int( user_id ):
				available = maxLimit
				inuse     = 0

		myList[ 'message' ] = 'okay'
		myList[ 'available' ] = available
		myList[ 'in use' ]    = inuse
	except Exception as e:
		print( 'oo 114; ' +   (str(e)) )
		return 'error'

	return myList
예제 #11
def getLocation(username):
    'returns current location'

    q1 = '''
	select userLocation.addStr from userLocation 
	join user on userLocation.user_id = user.id
	where name = %s and userLocation.status1 = 'active'

    args = [username]
    c = readcon(q1, args)

    row = c.fetchone()
    if row == None:
        return ''

    if row != None:
        return row[0]
예제 #12
def userCreateDate(username):
        #		c, conn = connection()
        ##		c.execute("SELECT createDate FROM user2 WHERE loginName = %s ", username )

        q1 = 'SELECT createDate FROM user WHERE name = %s  '
        args = [username]
        c = readcon(q1, args)

        rowa = c.fetchone()

        if rowa == None:
            return 'no user'

        return rowa[0]

    except Exception as e:
        print('oo' + (str(e)))
    return False
예제 #13
def userExists_id(user_id):
        q1 = 'SELECT closeDate FROM user WHERE id = %s '
        args = [user_id]
        c = readcon(q1, args)

        rowa = c.fetchone()

        if rowa == None:
            return 'no user'

        closedate = rowa[0]
        if closedate != None:
            return "user closed!"

        return True

    except Exception as e:
        return 'oo' + (str(e))
    return False
예제 #14
def updateScoresRow( newVar, userId, idPr ):
	if newVar == 0:
		# sales inTrade maybe ok
		q1 = 'delete from score where user_id = %s and product_id = %s'
		args = [ userId, idPr ]
	else:  # newVarAvail > 0
		q2 = 'select id from score where user_id = %s and product_id = %s'
		args2 = [ userId, idPr ]
			c = readcon( q2, args2 )
			row = c.fetchone()
			if row is not None:
				q1 = 'update score set amount = %s  where user_id = %s and product_id  = %s'
				args = [ newVar, userId, idPr ]
				q1 = 'insert into score ( user_id, product_id, amount )  values ( %s, %s, %s )'
				args = [ userId, idPr, newVar ]
		except Exception as e:
			print( 'oo 223 ; ' +   (str(e)) )
			return 'error'

	a2q( q1, args )
예제 #15
def listUsers():
    'return a list of users'
        #		c, conn = connection()
        #		c.execute( 'SELECT loginName FROM users1', [] )
        #		c.execute( 'SELECT loginName FROM user2' )

        q1 = 'SELECT name FROM user'
        c = readcon(q1, [])

        myRowCount = c.rowcount
        myList = []
        row = c.fetchone()
        while row is not None:
            row = c.fetchone()

        return {'count': myRowCount, 'userList': myList}

    except Exception as e:
        print('oo ' + (str(e)))
    return -1
예제 #16
def getProductsOtherList( user_id ):
	myList = []
	q1 = 'select product_id from score where user_id = %s '
	args = [ user_id ]
		c = readcon( q1, args )
		row = c.fetchone()
		while row is not None:
			crpr = getPrCrId( row[0] )
#			crpr = splitCr1Pr1( row[0] )
			if int( crpr ) != int( user_id ):
				if int( crpr ) != 0:
					myList.append( row[0] )
			row = c.fetchone()
				myList.append( row[0] )
			row = c.fetchone()

	except Exception as e:
		print ( 'oo 65 ' + (str(e)) )
		return 'error'

	return myList	
예제 #17
def userExists(username):
        #		c, conn = connection()
        #		c.execute("SELECT closeDate FROM user2 WHERE loginName = %s ", username )

        q1 = 'SELECT closeDate FROM user WHERE name = %s '
        args = [username]
        c = readcon(q1, args)

        rowa = c.fetchone()

        if rowa == None:
            return 'no user'

        closedate = rowa[0]
        if closedate != None:
            return "user closed!"

        return True

    except Exception as e:
        return 'oo' + (str(e))
    return False
예제 #18
def getSendRecLog( startfrom, results, user1, user2, productList ):
	print ( 'getSendRecLog', startfrom, results, user1, user2, productList )
	q1 = '''
	SELECT u1.name as userFrom, u2.name as userTo, product.name,
	amount, sendSort, sendRecLog.dateTime
	FROM sendRecLog 
	INNER JOIN user u1 ON user1_id = u1.id 
	INNER JOIN user u2 ON user2_id = u2.id 
	INNER JOIN product ON product_id = product.id

	q2 = '''
	SELECT sendRecLog.id
	FROM sendRecLog
	INNER JOIN user u1 ON user1_id = u1.id 
	INNER JOIN user u2 ON user2_id = u2.id 
	INNER JOIN product ON product_id = product.id

	print ( productList )

	argExts = []
	args = []

	if user1 != '':
		argExts.append( ' ( u1.name = %s or  u2.name = %s  ) ' )
		args.append( user1 )
		args.append( user1 )
	extStr = ' where '
	count = 0

	for x in argExts:
		extStr +=  ' ' + x
		count = count + 1
		if count < len( argExts ):
			extStr += ' and '
		if count == len( argExts ):
			print ( 'azaza', q1,  extStr )
			q1 +=  extStr
			q2 +=  extStr

	print ( 'exstr', extStr )
	print ( 'q1   ', q1 )
	print ( 'args ', args )

	args2 = list(args)

	q1 += ' order by sendRecLog.dateTime desc, sendRecLog.id desc'
	q1 += '  limit %s, %s '
	args.extend( [ int( startfrom ), int(results) ] )

		c = readcon( q2, args2 )
		myRowCount2 = c.rowcount
		print( 'myRowCount2', myRowCount2 )

		myList = []
		c = readcon( q1, args )
#		myRowCount = c.rowcount
		row = c.fetchone()
		while row is not None:
			row2 = {}
			sentRecvd = 'received from'
			if user1 == row[0]:
				sentRecvd = 'sent to'

			userToVar = row[1]
			if row[4] != 'ordinary':
				userToVar = row[4]
			row2['user'    ] = row[0]
			row2['userTo'  ] = userToVar
			row2['product' ] = row[2]
			row2['amount'  ] = row[3]
			row2['sentRecvd'] = sentRecvd
			row2['sendSort'] = row[4]
			row2['dateTime'] = str( row[5] )
			myList.append( row2 )
			row = c.fetchone()

		return { 'rows':myList, 'allRows':myRowCount2, 'startfrom':startfrom, 'results':results, 'userTo':user2, 'products':productList }

	except Exception as e:
		print( 'oo 223 ; ' +   (str(e)) )
		return { 'qqqq': 'error'}