예제 #1
	def mktrafo(self, extend):
		if reff.scale.mode == 0:
			left, bottom = extend[0]
			right, top = extend[1]
			width = right - left
			height = top - bottom
			sc = 841 / (1.0 * max(abs(width) , abs(height)))
			left = 0
			bottom = 0
			width = 1
			height = 1
			sc = reff.scale.metric * 72 / 25.4
		self.Scale = sc
		self.trafo = Scale(sign(width) * sc , sign(height) * sc)(Translation(-left , -bottom))
	def get_trafo(self, trfd, scale=1):
		ieeestart = 32
		if cdr_version >= 13:
			ieeestart = 40
		if cdr_version == 5:
			ieeestart = 18
		[var0] = struct.unpack('<d', trfd.data[ieeestart:ieeestart+8])
		[var1] = struct.unpack('<d', trfd.data[ieeestart+8:ieeestart+8+8])
		[var2] = struct.unpack('<d', trfd.data[ieeestart+2*8:ieeestart+8+2*8])
		[var3] = struct.unpack('<d', trfd.data[ieeestart+3*8:ieeestart+8+3*8])
		[var4] = struct.unpack('<d', trfd.data[ieeestart+4*8:ieeestart+8+4*8])
		[var5] = struct.unpack('<d', trfd.data[ieeestart+5*8:ieeestart+8+5*8])
		self.scale_with=min(var0*cmp(var0,0), var4*cmp(var4,0))
		obj_trafo=Trafo( var0, var3, var1, var4, (var2+x_shift/2)*scale, (var5+y_shift/2)*scale)
		if self.image_dpi_trafo is None:
#			return Trafo( var0, var3, var1, var4, (var2+x_shift/2)*scale, (var5+y_shift/2)*scale)
			return obj_trafo
			return obj_trafo(image_scale)
예제 #3
 def update_trafo(self):
     wt = Translation(-self.wx, -self.wy)
     vt = Translation(self.vx, self.vy)
     scale = Scale(
         float(self.vwidth) / self.wwidth,
         float(self.vheight) / self.wheight)
     self.trafo = self.base_trafo(vt(scale(wt)))
 def GetObjectHandle(self, multiple):
     trafo = self.trafo(self.atrafo(Scale(self.properties.font_size)))
     if multiple:
         return trafo(NullPoint)
         pts = self.properties.font.TypesetText(self.text, self.properties)
         return map(trafo, pts)
 def DrawShape(self, device, rect=None, clip=0):
     RectangularPrimitive.DrawShape(self, device)
     base_trafo = self.trafo(self.atrafo)
     base_trafo = base_trafo(Scale(self.properties.font_size))
     paths = self.properties.font.GetPaths(self.text, self.properties)
     obj = PolyBezier(paths, self.properties.Duplicate())
     device.MultiBezier(obj.paths, rect, clip)
 def AsBezier(self):
     if self.text:
         text = split(self.text, '\n')[0]
         base_trafo = self.trafo(self.atrafo)
         base_trafo = base_trafo(Scale(self.properties.font_size))
         paths = self.properties.font.GetPaths(self.text, self.properties)
         obj = PolyBezier(paths, self.properties.Duplicate())
         return obj
def arrow_trafos(path, properties):
	dir1, dir2 = arrow_vectors(path, properties.line_arrow1,
	width = properties.line_width
	if width < 1.0:
		width = 1.0
	scale = Scale(width)
	t1 = t2 = None
	if dir1 is not None:
		t1 = Translation(path.Node(0))(Rotation(dir1.polar()[1]))(scale)
	if dir2 is not None:
		t2 = Translation(path.Node(-1))(Rotation(dir2.polar()[1]))(scale)
	return t1, t2
 def SelectPoint(self, p, rect, device, mode):
     trafo = self.trafo(self.atrafo(Scale(self.properties.font_size)))
     trafo = trafo.inverse()
     p2 = trafo(p)
     pts = self.properties.font.TypesetText(self.text + ' ',
     dists = []
     for i in range(len(pts)):
         dists.append((abs(pts[i].x - p2.x), i))
     caret = min(dists)[-1]
     #		print "CATCHED!"
     return 1
예제 #9
    def SaveDocument(self, doc):

        # A dillema
        # Should the design fill the CGM-file or
        # Should it be placed approximately in
        # the same place as it is put on the page.
        if 0:
            left, bottom, right, top = doc.BoundingRect()
            width = right - left
            hight = top - bottom
            left, bottom = 0, 0
            width = doc.page_layout.width
            hight = doc.page_layout.height
            right, top = width, hight
        #sc = 65534 / max(width , hight)
        sc = 1000
        #self.trafo = Translation(-32767,-32767)(Scale(sc)(Translation(-left , -bottom)))
        self.trafo = Scale(sc)(Translation(-left, -bottom))
        self.Scale = sc
        self.extend = map(rndtoint , \
             tuple(self.trafo(left,bottom)) + tuple(self.trafo(right,top)))

        # Begin Metafile
        filename = os.path.basename(self.pathname)
        title = filename + " generated by sK1"
        self.putstr(0x0020, title)

        # Metafile Version
        self.pack("!H", 0x1022)
        self.pack("!H", 0x0001)

        # Metafile Description
        self.putstr(0x1040, filename + " created by sk1")

        # Metafile Element List
        self.pack("!HHHH", 0x1166, 0x0001, 0xffff, 0x0001)

        # Default Replacements
        self.pack("!H", 0x1184)
        # VDC Integer precision 32 bits
        self.pack("!Hh", 0x3022, 32)

        #Font List


        # End Meta File
        self.pack("!H", 0x0040)
예제 #10
	def __init__(self, trafo = None, duplicate = None, loading = 0):
		PluginCompound.__init__(self, duplicate = duplicate)
		if duplicate is not None:
			self.trafo = duplicate.trafo
			if trafo is None:
				trafo = Identity
			elif type(trafo) == TupleType:
				trafo = apply(Trafo, trafo)
			elif isinstance(trafo, TrafoType):
				# trafo is already a trafo object
				# assume a number and interpret it as a scaling transformation
				trafo = Scale(trafo)
			self.trafo = trafo
    def load_insert(self):
        param = {
            '2': None,  # Block name
            '10': 0.0,  # X coordinat
            '20': 0.0,  # Y coordinat
            #'30': 0.0, # Z coordinat
            '41': 1.0,  # X scale factor 
            '42': 1.0,  # Y scale factor 
            #'43': 1.0, # Z scale factor
            '50': 0.0,  # Rotation angle
            '66': 0,  # Attributes-follow flag
        param = self.read_param(param)

        block_name = self.default_block = param['2']

        if block_name:
            self.stack += ['POP_TRAFO', '0'
                           ] + self.block_dict[block_name]['data']

            x = param['10']
            y = param['20']
            block_x = self.block_dict[block_name]['10']
            block_y = self.block_dict[block_name]['20']

            scale_x = param['41'] * self.trafo.m11
            scale_y = param['42'] * self.trafo.m22
            angle = param['50'] * degrees

            translate = self.trafo(x, y)
            trafo = Trafo(1, 0, 0, 1, -block_x, -block_y)
            trafo = Scale(scale_x, scale_y)(trafo)
            trafo = Rotation(angle)(trafo)
            trafo = Translation(translate)(trafo)
            self.trafo = trafo

        if param['66'] != 0:
            line1, line2 = self.read_record()
            while line1 or line2:
                if line1 == '0' and line2 == 'SEQEND':
                    if line1 == '0':
                line1, line2 = self.read_record()
    def load_text(self):
        param = {
            '10': 0.0,
            '20': 0.0,
            '40': None,  # Text height
            '1': '',  # Default value
            '50': 0,  # Text rotation
            '41': 1,  # Relative X scale factor—width
            #				'8': self.default_layer, # Layer name
            '7': self.default_style,  # Style name
            '72': 0,  #Horizontal text justification type
        param = self.read_param(param)

        x = param['10']
        y = param['20']
        scale_x = param['41']
        scale_y = 1
        angle = param['50'] * pi / 180
        font_size = param['40'] * self.trafo.m11

           ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_LEFT][param['72']]
        text = unicode_decoder(param['1'], self.DWGCODEPAGE)
        #style = self.style_dict[param['7']]
        #		print style

        style_text = self.curstyle.Duplicate()
        style_text.line_pattern = EmptyPattern
        style_text.fill_pattern = self.get_pattern(param['62'])
        style_name = upper(param['7'])
        style = self.style_dict[style_name]
        font_name = style['1000']
        if font_name == 'Arial':  # XXX
            font_name = 'ArialMT'
        style_text.font = GetFont(font_name)
        #		print style_text.font
        style_text.font_size = font_size

        trafo_text = Translation(self.trafo(x, y))(Rotation(angle))(Scale(
            scale_x, scale_y))
        self.simple_text(strip(text), trafo_text, halign=halign)
예제 #13
def convert_outline(outline):
	paths = []
	trafo = Scale(0.001)
	for closed, sub in outline:
		if closed:
		path = CreatePath()
		for item in sub:
			if len(item) == 2:
				apply(path.AppendLine, item)
				apply(path.AppendBezier, item)
		if closed:
	for path in paths:
	return tuple(paths)
예제 #14
 def parse_transform(self, trafo_string):
     trafo = self.trafo
     trafo_string = as_latin1(trafo_string)
     while trafo_string:
         match = rx_trafo.match(trafo_string)
         if match:
             function = match.group(1)
             args = argsf = string.translate(match.group(2), commatospace)
             args = map(str, split(args))
             trafo_string = trafo_string[match.end(0):]
             if function == 'matrix':
                 args = map(float, split(argsf))
                 trafo = trafo(apply(Trafo, tuple(args)))
             elif function == 'scale':
                 if len(args) == 1:
                     sx = sy = args[0]
                     sx, sy = args
                 sx, sy = self.user_point(sx, sy)
                 trafo = trafo(Scale(sx, sy))
             elif function == 'translate':
                 if len(args) == 1:
                     dx, dy = args[0], '0'
                     dx, dy = args
                 dx, dy = self.user_point(dx, dy)
                 trafo = trafo(Translation(dx, dy))
             elif function == 'rotate':
                 if len(args) == 1:
                     trafo = trafo(Rotation(float(args[0]) * degrees))
                     angle, cx, cy = args
                     cx, cy = self.user_point(cx, cy)
                     trafo = trafo(
                         Rotation(float(angle) * degrees, Point(cx, cy)))
             elif function == 'skewX':
                 trafo = trafo(
                     Trafo(1, 0, tan(float(args[0]) * degrees), 1, 0, 0))
             elif function == 'skewY':
                 trafo = trafo(
                     Trafo(1, tan(float(args[0]) * degrees), 0, 1, 0, 0))
             trafo_string = ''
     self.trafo = trafo
예제 #15
def pathtext(path, start_pos, text, font, size, type, properties):
	metric = font.metric
	lengths = path.arc_lengths(start_pos)
	scale = Scale(size); factor = size / 2000.0
	pos = font.TypesetText(text, properties)
	pos = map(scale, pos)
	trafos = []
	for idx in range(len(text)):
		char = text[idx]
		width2 = metric.char_width(ord(char)) * factor
		x = pos[idx].x + width2
		trafo = coord_sys_at(lengths, x, type)
		if trafo is not None:
			trafos.append(trafo(Translation(-width2, 0)))
			# we've reached the end of the path. Ignore all following
			# characters
	return trafos
예제 #16
    def svgView(self, attrs):
        self._print("basetrafo", self.basetrafo)
        viewbox = attrs.get("viewBox", "")
        if viewbox:
            # In early viewPort = viewBox
            self._print('viewBox', viewbox)
            viewbox = viewbox.replace(',', ' ')
            self.viewPort = map(float, split(viewbox))

        x, y = self.user_point(attrs.get('x', '0'), attrs.get('y', '0'))
        width, height = self.user_point(attrs.get('width', '100%'), \
                   attrs.get('height', '100%'))
        self._print('svgView', x, y, width, height)

        if self.loader.page_layout is None:
            self.loader.page_layout = pagelayout.PageLayout(width=width * 0.8,
                                                            height=height *

        if self.trafo is None:
            # adjustment of the coordinate system and taking into account
            # the difference between 90dpi in svg against 72dpi in sk1
            self.trafo = self.basetrafo = Trafo(0.8, 0, 0, -0.8, 0,
                                                height * 0.8)
            # initial values of x and y are ignored
            x = y = 0

        # adjust to the values x, y in self.trafo
        self.trafo = self.trafo(Translation(x, y))
        # evaluate viewBox
        # FIXME: Handle preserveAspectRatio as well
        if viewbox:
            t = Scale(width / self.viewPort[2], height / self.viewPort[3])
            t = t(Translation(-self.viewPort[0], -self.viewPort[1]))
            self.trafo = self.trafo(t)
        # set viewPort taking into account the transformation
        self.viewPort = (x, y, width/(self.trafo.m11/self.basetrafo.m11),\

        self._print("trafo", self.trafo)
        self._print("viewPort", self.viewPort)
	def read_header(self):
		format = orientation = None
		if self.format_version >= 3.0:
			line = strip(self.readline())
			if line:
				# portrait/landscape
				if lower(line) == 'landscape':
					orientation = pagelayout.Landscape
					orientation = pagelayout.Portrait
				raise SketchLoadError('No format specification')
			line = strip(self.readline())
			if line:
				# centering
				line = lower(line)
				if line == 'center' or line == 'flush left':
					line = lower(strip(self.readline()))
			if not line:
				raise SketchLoadError(
					'No Center/Flushleft or Units specification')
			if line == 'metric':
				# ignore for now
			if self.format_version >= 3.2:
				self.readline() # papersize
				self.readline() # magnification
				self.readline() # pages
				self.readline() # transparent color
		line = strip(self.readline())
		if line:
				ppi, coord = map(atoi, split(line))
				raise SketchLoadError('Invalid Resolution specification')
			self.trafo = self.trafo(Scale(72.0 / ppi))
 def GetPaths(self, text, prop):
     # convert glyph data into bezier polygons
     paths = []
     fheight = self.getFontHeight(prop)
     voffset = 0
     tab = 1
     lastIndex = 0
     lines = split(text, '\n')
     for line in lines:
         offset = c = 0
         align_offset = self.getAlignOffset(line, prop)
         for c in line:
             if c == '\t':
                 c = ' '
                 tab = 3
                 tab = 1
                 thisIndex = self.enc_vector[ord(c)]
                 thisIndex = self.enc_vector[ord('?')]
             glyph = ft2.Glyph(self.face, thisIndex, 1)
             kerning = self.face.getKerning(lastIndex, thisIndex, 0)
             lastIndex = thisIndex
             offset += kerning[0] / 4.0
             voffset += kerning[1] / 4.0
             for contour in glyph.outline:
                 # rotate contour so that it begins with an onpoint
                 x, y, onpoint = contour[0]
                 if onpoint:
                     for j in range(1, len(contour)):
                         x, y, onpoint = contour[j]
                         if onpoint:
                             contour = contour[j:] + contour[:j]
                     print "unsupported type of contour (no onpoint)"
                 # create a sK1 path object
                 path = CreatePath()
                 j = 0
                 npoints = len(contour)
                 x, y, onpoint = contour[0]
                 last_point = Point(x, y)
                 while j <= npoints:
                     if j == npoints:
                         x, y, onpoint = contour[0]
                         x, y, onpoint = contour[j]
                     point = Point(x, y)
                     j = j + 1
                     if onpoint:
                         last_point = point
                         c1 = last_point + (point - last_point) * 2.0 / 3.0
                         x, y, onpoint = contour[j % npoints]
                         if onpoint:
                             j = j + 1
                             cont = ContAngle
                             x = point.x + (x - point.x) * 0.5
                             y = point.y + (y - point.y) * 0.5
                             cont = ContSmooth
                         last_point = Point(x, y)
                         c2 = last_point + (point - last_point) * 2.0 / 3.0
                         path.AppendBezier(c1, c2, last_point, cont)
                 path.Translate(offset, voffset)
                 path.Transform(Scale(0.5 / 1024.0))
                 path.Translate(align_offset, 0)
             if c == ' ':
                 offset = offset + glyph.advance[
                     0] * prop.chargap * prop.wordgap * tab / 1000
                 offset = offset + glyph.advance[0] * prop.chargap / 1000
         voffset -= fheight
     return tuple(paths)
예제 #19
class CGMLoader(GenericLoader):

	def __init__(self, file, filename, match):
		GenericLoader.__init__(self, file, filename, match)
		self.file = file
		self.verbosity = 15
		self.IntF = (self.i8, self.i16, self.i24, self.i32)
		self.CardF = (self.u8, self.u16, self.u24, self.u32)
		self.FloatF = (self.flp32, self.flp64)
		self.FixedF = (self.fip32, self.fip64)
		self.RealF = self.FixedF + self.FloatF
		self.VDCF = (self.IntF, self.RealF)

	def _print(self, pl , format, *args, **kw):
		if pl <= self.verbosity:
				if kw:
					text = format % kw
				elif args:
					text = format % args
					text = format
				text = string.join([format] + map(str, args))
			if text[-1] != '\n':
				text = text + '\n'
#			sys.stdout.write(text)

	def unpack(self, format):
		size = struct.calcsize(format)
		return struct.unpack(format, self.file.read(size))

	def u8(self):
		return self.unpack("!B")[0]

	def u16(self):
		return self.unpack("!H")[0]

	def u24(self):
		t = self.unpack("!BH")
		return (t[0] << 16) | t[1]

	def u32(self):
		return self.unpack("!I")[0]

	def i8(self):
		return self.unpack("!b")[0]

	def i16(self):
		return self.unpack("!h")[0]

	def i24(self):
		t = self.unpack("!bH")
		return (t[0] << 16) | t[1]

	def i32(self):
		return self.unpack("!i")[0]

	def fip32(self):
		t = self.unpack("!hH")
		return t[0] + t[1] / 65536.0

	def fip64(self):
		t = self.unpack("!hH")
		return t[0] + t[1] / (65536.0 * 65536.0)

	def flp32(self):
		return self.unpack("!f")[0]

	def flp64(self):
		return self.unpack("!d")[0]

	def Int(self):
		return self.IntF[reff.intprec]()

	def Real(self):
		return self.RealF[reff.realprec]()

	def Inx(self):
		return self.IntF[reff.inxprec]()

	def Enum(self):
		return self.unpack("!h")[0]

	def VDC(self):
		return self.VDCF[reff.vdc.type][reff.vdc.prec]()

	def Pnt(self):
		return (self.VDC() , self.VDC())

	def getstr(self):
		lng = self.u8()
		return self.unpack("!" + `lng` + "s")[0]

	def getcol(self):
		if reff.color.mode == 1:
			cgmcol = self.unpack(reff.color.absstruct)
			cgmcol = map(operator.sub , cgmcol , reff.color.offset)
			cgmcol = map(operator.div , cgmcol , reff.color.scale)
			return cgmcol
			cgmcol = self.unpack(reff.color.inxstruct)[0]
			return reff.color.table[cgmcol % reff.color.maxindex]

#   0x0020:
	def BEGMF(self, size):
		self._print(10 , '======= 0.1 =======')
		global dflt, reff
		dflt = cp(init)
		reff = dflt
		self.fntmap = range(78)
		self.fntmap.insert(0, 0)

#   0x0040:
	def ENDMF(self, size):

#   0x0060:
	def BEGPIC(self, size):
		global curr, reff
		curr = cp(dflt)
		reff = curr
		if reff.vdc.extend == None:
			if reff.vdc.type == 0:
				reff.vdc.extend = reff.vdc.intextend
				reff.vdc.size = reff.vdc.intsize
				reff.vdc.prec = reff.vdc.intprec
				reff.vdc.extend = reff.vdc.realextend
				reff.vdc.size = reff.vdc.realsize
				reff.vdc.prec = reff.vdc.realprec
		if reff.vdc.prec == None:
			if reff.vdc.type == 0:
				reff.vdc.size = reff.vdc.intsize
				reff.vdc.prec = reff.vdc.intprec
				reff.vdc.size = reff.vdc.realsize
				reff.vdc.prec = reff.vdc.realprec
		Hgt = reff.vdc.extend[1][1] - reff.vdc.extend[0][1]
		Wdt = reff.vdc.extend[1][0] - reff.vdc.extend[0][0]
		LS = max(abs(Hgt), abs(Wdt))
		if reff.clip.rect == None:
			reff.clip.rect = reff.vdc.extend
		if reff.marker.size == None:
			if reff.marker.sizemode == 0:
				reff.marker.size = LS / 100.0
				reff.marker.size = 3
		if reff.text.height == None:
			reff.text.height = LS / 100.0
		if reff.edge.width == None:
			if reff.edge.widthmode == 0:
				reff.edge.width = LS / 1000.0
				reff.edge.width = 1
		if reff.line.width == None:
			if reff.line.widthmode == 0:
				reff.line.width = LS / 1000.0
				reff.line.width = 1
		ln = self.getstr()

#   0x0080:
	def BEGPICBODY(self, size):

#   0x00A0:
	def ENDPIC(self, size):

#   0x1020:
	def mfversion(self, size):
		if self.u16() != 1:
			raise SketchLoadError("Can only load CGM version 1")

#   0x1040:
	def mfdesc(self, size):

#   0x1060:
	def vdctype(self, size):
		reff.vdc.type = self.Enum()
		if reff.vdc.type == 0:
			reff.vdc.size = reff.vdc.intsize
			reff.vdc.prec = reff.vdc.intprec
			reff.vdc.extend = reff.vdc.intextend
			reff.vdc.size = reff.vdc.realsize
			reff.vdc.prec = reff.vdc.realprec
			reff.vdc.extend = reff.vdc.realextend

#   0x1080:
	def integerprec(self, size):
		bits = self.Int()
		if bits in (8, 16, 24, 32):
			reff.intsize = (bits / 8)
			reff.intprec = reff.intsize - 1
			raise SketchLoadError("This implementation can't work with %d bit integers" % (bits,))

#   0x10a0:
	def realprec(self, size):
		type = self.Enum()
		prec = (self.Int(), self.Int())
		if type == 1:
			if prec == (16, 16):
				reff.realprec = 0# 32 bit fixed precision
			elif prec == (32, 32):
				reff.realprec = 1# 64 bit fixed precision
				raise SketchLoadError("This implementation can't work with %d,%d bit fixed points" % prec)
			if prec == (9, 23):
				reff.realprec = 2# 32 bit floating point
			elif prec == (12, 52):
				reff.realprec = 3# 64 bit floating point
				raise SketchLoadError("This implementation can't work with %d,%d bit floatingpoints" % prec)

#   0x10c0: 'indexprec',
	def indexprec(self, size):
		bits = self.Int()
		if bits in (8, 16, 24, 32):
			reff.inxsize = (bits / 8)
			reff.inxprec = reff.inxsize - 1
			raise SketchLoadError("This implementation can't work with %d bit indices" % (bits,))

#   0x10e0:
	def colrprec(self, size):
		bits = self.Int()
		if bits == 8:
			reff.color.absstruct = "!BBB"
		elif bits == 16:
			reff.color.absstruct = "!HHH"
		elif bits == 32:
			reff.color.absstruct = "!III"
			raise SketchLoadError("This implementation can't work with %d bit color components" % (bits,))

#   0x1100:
	def colrindexprec(self, size):
		bits = self.Int()
		if bits == 8:
			reff.color.inxstruct = "!B"
		elif bits == 16:
			reff.color.inxstruct = "!H"
		elif bits == 32:
			reff.color.inxstruct = "!I"
			raise SketchLoadError("This implementation can't work with %d bit color indices" % (bits,))

#   0x1120: 'maxcolrindex',
	def maxcolrindex(self, size):
		reff.color.maxindex = self.unpack(reff.color.inxstruct)[0]
		reff.color.table = CreateColorTable(reff.color.maxindex)

#   0x1140:
	def colrvalueext(self, size):
		bottom = self.unpack(reff.color.absstruct)
		top = self.unpack(reff.color.absstruct)
		reff.color.offset = map(operator.mul , bottom , (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
		reff.color.scale = map(operator.sub, top , reff.color.offset)

#   0x1160:
	def mfelemlist(self, size):

#   0x1180:
	def mfdfltrpl(self, size):

#   0x11a0:
	def fontlist(self, size):
		tot = 0
		fntinx = 1
		while tot < size:
			fontname = self.getstr()
			bsteval = 100
			bstinx = 0
			for inx in range(len(fntlst)):
				fntname = fntlst[inx]
				if fntname is not None:
					baseinx = fntname.find('-')
					if baseinx == -1:
						baseinx = len(fntname)
					basename = fntname[0:baseinx]
					postfix = fntname[baseinx:]
					self._print(20 , "fontname = %s; basename = %s; postfix = %s\n" , fntname , basename , postfix)
					self._print(30 , "base = %s; baselst = %s\n" , basename , fntalias.get(basename , ()))
					baselst = (basename,) + fntalias.get(basename , ())
					for suffix in ["" , "-Roman" , "-Regular" , "-Book"]:
						for base in baselst:
							score = strmatch(fontname + suffix , base + postfix)
							if score < bsteval:
								bsteval = score
								bstinx = inx
			self.fntmap[fntinx] = bstinx
			tot = tot + len(fontname) + 1
			self._print(10 , 'font[%d]: %s => %s = %s\n' , fntinx , fontname , fntlst[bstinx] , fntlst[self.fntmap[fntinx]])
			fntinx = fntinx + 1

#   0x2020: 'scalemode',
	def scalemode(self, size):
		reff.scale.mode = self.Enum()
		if reff.realprec in (2, 3):# floatingpoint precision
			reff.scale.metric = self.Real()
			reff.scale.metric = self.flp32()
		if reff.scale.mode == 1 and reff.scale.metric == 0:
			self._print(10 , "Scale metric set to zero; mode set back to absolute")
			reff.scale.mode = 0

#   0x2040:
	def colrmode(self, size):
		reff.color.mode = self.Enum()

#   0x2060:
	def linewidthmode(self, size):
		reff.line.widthmode = self.Enum()

#   0x2080:
	def markersizemode(self, size):
		reff.marker.sizemode = self.Enum()

#   0x20a0:
	def edgewidthmode(self, size):
		reff.edge.widthmode = self.Enum()

	def mktrafo(self, extend):
		if reff.scale.mode == 0:
			left, bottom = extend[0]
			right, top = extend[1]
			width = right - left
			height = top - bottom
			sc = 841 / (1.0 * max(abs(width) , abs(height)))
			left = 0
			bottom = 0
			width = 1
			height = 1
			sc = reff.scale.metric * 72 / 25.4
		self.Scale = sc
		self.trafo = Scale(sign(width) * sc , sign(height) * sc)(Translation(-left , -bottom))

#   0x20c0:
	def vdcext(self, size):
		ll = self.Pnt()
		ur = self.Pnt()
		reff.vdc.extend = (ll, ur)

#   0x20e0:
	def backcolr(self, size):

#   0x3020:
	def vdcintegerprec(self, size):
		bits = self.Int()
		if bits in (8, 16, 24, 32):
			reff.vdc.intsize = (bits / 8)
			reff.vdc.intprec = reff.vdc.intsize - 1
			if reff.vdc.type == 0:
				reff.vdc.size = reff.vdc.intsize
				reff.vdc.prec = reff.vdc.intprec
			raise SketchLoadError("This implementation can't work with %d bit integers" % (bits,))

#   0x3040:
	def vdcrealprec(self, size):
		type = self.Enum()
		prec = (self.Int(), self.Int())
		if type == 1:
			if prec == (16, 16):
				reff.vdc.realprec = 0# 32 bit fixed precision
			elif prec == (32, 32):
				reff.vdc.realprec = 1# 64 bit fixed precision
				raise SketchLoadError("This implementation can't work with %d,%d bit fixed points" % prec)
			if prec == (9, 23):
				reff.vdc.realprec = 2# 32 bit floating point
			elif prec == (12, 52):
				reff.vdc.realprec = 3# 64 bit floating point
				raise SketchLoadError("This implementation can't work with %d,%d bit floatingpoints" % prec)
		if reff.vdc.type == 1:
			reff.vdc.size = reff.vdc.realsize
			reff.vdc.prec = reff.vdc.realprec

#   0x30a0:
	def cliprect(self, size):
		reff.clip.rect = (self.Pnt(), self.Pnt())

	def Path(self, size):
		path = CreatePath()
		for i in range(size / (2 * reff.vdc.size)):
		return path

	def setlinestyle(self):
		style = basestyle.Duplicate()
		style.line_pattern = SolidPattern(apply(CreateRGBColor , reff.line.color))
		style.line_width = reff.line.width
		if reff.line.widthmode == 0:
			style.line_width = style.line_width * self.Scale
		style.line_dashes = reff.line.dashtable[reff.line.type - 1]

#   0x4020:
	def LINE(self, size):
		path = self.Path(size)

#   0x4040:
	def DISJTLINE(self, size):
		path = ()
		for i in range(size / (4 * reff.vdc.size)):
			subpath = CreatePath()
			P = self.Pnt()
			P = self.Pnt()
			path = path + (subpath,)

#   0x4080:
	def TEXT(self, size):
		P = self.Pnt()
		F = self.Enum()
		S = self.getstr()
		T = Translation(self.trafo(P))
		Py = Point(reff.text.orientation[0]).normalized()
		Px = Point(reff.text.orientation[1]).normalized()
		B = transform_base(Point(0.0, 0.0) , reff.text.expansion * Px , Py)
		self.style = basestyle.Duplicate()
		self.style.font = GetFont(fntlst[self.fntmap[reff.text.fontindex]])
		self.style.font_size = reff.text.height * self.Scale
		self.style.fill_pattern = SolidPattern(apply(CreateRGBColor , reff.text.color))
		O = text.SimpleText(text=S, trafo=T(B),
							halign=text.ALIGN_LEFT, valign=text.ALIGN_BASE,

	def setfillstyle(self):
		style = basestyle.Duplicate()
		if reff.fill.type == 1:
			style.fill_pattern = SolidPattern(apply(CreateRGBColor , reff.fill.color))
		elif reff.fill.type == 3:
			style.fill_pattern = HatchingPattern(apply(CreateRGBColor , reff.fill.color),
													Point(2.0, 1.0), 5 , 1)
		if reff.edge.visible:
			style.line_pattern = SolidPattern(apply(CreateRGBColor , reff.edge.color))
			style.line_width = reff.edge.width
			if reff.edge.widthmode == 0:
				style.line_width = style.line_width * self.Scale
			style.line_dashes = reff.edge.dashtable[reff.edge.type - 1]

#   0x40e0:
	def POLYGON(self, size):
		path = self.Path(size)
		if path.Node(-1) != path.Node(0):

#   0x4100:
	def POLYGONSET(self, size):
		path = ()
		subpath = CreatePath()
		for i in range(size / (2 * reff.vdc.size + 2)):
			P = self.Pnt()
			F = self.Enum()
			if F in (2, 3):
				if subpath.Node(-1) != subpath.Node(0):
				path = path + (subpath,)
				subpath = CreatePath()
		if subpath.len != 0:
			if subpath.Node(-1) != subpath.Node(0):
			path = path + (subpath,)

	def bugmark(self, P):
		P = P - Point(1, 1)
		style = basestyle.Duplicate()
		style.fill_pattern = SolidPattern(StandardColors.black)
		style.line_pattern = SolidPattern(StandardColors.black)
		self.rectangle(2, 0, 0, 2, P.x, P.y)

#   0x4160:
	def RECT(self, size):
		ll = self.trafo(self.Pnt())
		ur = self.trafo(self.Pnt())
		lr = Point(ur.x , ll.y)
		ul = Point(ll.x , ur.y)
		T = transform_base(ll , lr , ul)
		apply(self.rectangle , T.coeff())

#   0x4180:
	def CIRCLE(self, size):
		centre = self.trafo(self.Pnt())
		radius = self.VDC() * self.Scale
		self.ellipse(radius, 0, 0, radius, centre.x, centre.y)

#   0x41a0:
	def ARC3PT(self, size):
		Po = self.trafo(self.Pnt())
		Pm = self.trafo(self.Pnt())
		Pe = self.trafo(self.Pnt())
		Pc = Cnt3Pnt(Po, Pm, Pe)
		radius = abs(Po - Pc)
		if Angle2(Po - Pc , Pm - Pc) < Angle2(Po - Pc, Pe - Pc):
			Ao = Angle(Po - Pc)
			Ae = Angle(Pe - Pc)
			Ao = Angle(Pe - Pc)
			Ae = Angle(Po - Pc)
		self.ellipse(radius, 0, 0, radius, Pc.x, Pc.y, Ao, Ae, 0)

#   0x41c0:
	def ARC3PTCLOSE(self, size):
		Po = self.trafo(self.Pnt())
		Pm = self.trafo(self.Pnt())
		Pe = self.trafo(self.Pnt())
		closetype = self.Enum()
		Pc = Cnt3Pnt(Po, Pm, Pe)
		radius = abs(Po - Pc)
		if Angle2(Po - Pc , Pm - Pc) < Angle2(Po - Pc, Pe - Pc):
			Ao = Angle(Po - Pc)
			Ae = Angle(Pe - Pc)
			Ao = Angle(Pe - Pc)
			Ae = Angle(Po - Pc)
		self.ellipse(radius, 0, 0, radius, Pc.x, Pc.y, Ao, Ae, 2 - closetype)

#   0x41e0:
	def ARCCTR(self, size):
		centre = self.trafo(self.Pnt())
		Vo = self.trafo.DTransform(self.Pnt())
		Ve = self.trafo.DTransform(self.Pnt())
		radius = self.VDC() * self.Scale
		Ao = Angle(Vo)
		Ae = Angle(Ve)
		self.ellipse(radius, 0, 0, radius, centre.x, centre.y, Ao, Ae, 0)

#   0x4200: 'ARCCTRCLOSE',
	def ARCCTRCLOSE(self, size):
		centre = self.trafo(self.Pnt())
		Vo = self.trafo.DTransform(self.Pnt())
		Ve = self.trafo.DTransform(self.Pnt())
		radius = self.VDC() * self.Scale
		closetype = self.Enum()
		Ao = Angle(Vo)
		Ae = Angle(Ve)
		self.ellipse(radius, 0, 0, radius, centre.x, centre.y, Ao, Ae, 2 - closetype)

#   0x4220:
	def ELLIPSE(self, size):
		centre = self.trafo(self.Pnt())
		cdp1 = self.trafo(self.Pnt())
		cdp2 = self.trafo(self.Pnt())
		T = transform_base(centre , cdp1 , cdp2)
		apply(self.ellipse , T.coeff())

#   0x4240:
	def ELLIPARC(self, size):
		centre = self.trafo(self.Pnt())
		cdp1 = self.trafo(self.Pnt())
		cdp2 = self.trafo(self.Pnt())
		Vo = self.trafo.DTransform(self.Pnt())
		Ve = self.trafo.DTransform(self.Pnt())
		T = transform_base(centre , cdp1 , cdp2)
		Vo = T.inverse().DTransform(Vo)
		Ve = T.inverse().DTransform(Ve)
		Ao = Angle(Vo)
		Ae = Angle(Ve)
		apply(self.ellipse , T.coeff() + (Ao, Ae, 0))

#   0x4260:
	def ELLIPARCCLOSE(self, size):
		centre = self.trafo(self.Pnt())
		cdp1 = self.trafo(self.Pnt())
		cdp2 = self.trafo(self.Pnt())
		Vo = self.trafo.DTransform(self.Pnt())
		Ve = self.trafo.DTransform(self.Pnt())
		closetype = self.Enum()
		T = transform_base(centre , cdp1 , cdp2)
		Vo = T.inverse().DTransform(Vo)
		Ve = T.inverse().DTransform(Ve)
		Ao = Angle(Vo)
		Ae = Angle(Ve)
		apply(self.ellipse , T.coeff() + (Ao, Ae, 2 - closetype))

#   0x5040
	def linetype(self, size):
		reff.line.type = self.Inx()

#   0x5060:
	def linewidth(self, size):
		if reff.line.widthmode == 0:
			reff.line.width = self.VDC()
			reff.line.width = self.Real()

#   0x5080:
	def linecolr(self, size):
		reff.line.color = self.getcol()

#   0x5100:
	def markercolr(self, size):
		reff.marker.color = self.getcol()

#   0x5140: 'textfontindex',
	def textfontindex(self, size):
		reff.text.fontindex = self.Inx()
		self._print(10 , 'font[%d]: => %s\n' , reff.text.fontindex , fntlst[self.fntmap[reff.text.fontindex]])

#   0x5180: 'charexpan',
	def charexpan(self, size):
		reff.text.expansion = self.Real()

#   0x51c0:
	def textcolr(self, size):
		reff.text.color = self.getcol()

#   0x51e0:
	def charheight(self, size):
		reff.text.height = self.VDC()

#   0x5200:
	def charori(self, size):
		reff.text.orientation = (self.Pnt(), self.Pnt())

#   0x52c0:
	def intstyle(self, size):
		reff.fill.type = self.Enum()

#   0x52e0:
	def fillcolr(self, size):
		reff.fill.color = self.getcol()

#   0x5360:
	def edgetype(self, size):
		reff.edge.type = self.Inx()

#   0x5380:
	def edgewidth(self, size):
		if reff.edge.widthmode == 0:
			reff.edge.width = self.VDC()
			reff.edge.width = self.Real()

#   0x53a0:
	def edgecolr(self, size):
		reff.edge.color = self.getcol()

#   0x53c0:
	def edgevis(self, size):
		reff.edge.visible = self.Enum()

#   0x5440: 'colrtable',
	def colrtable(self, size):
		i = self.unpack(reff.color.inxstruct)[0]
		size = size - struct.calcsize(reff.color.inxstruct)
		while size > struct.calcsize(reff.color.absstruct):
			cgmcol = self.unpack(reff.color.absstruct)
			cgmcol = map(operator.sub , cgmcol , reff.color.offset)
			cgmcol = map(operator.div , cgmcol , reff.color.scale)
			reff.color.table[i] = cgmcol
			size = size - struct.calcsize(reff.color.absstruct)
			i = i + 1

	def interpret(self, sz):
		tell = self.file.tell
		Id = -1
		pos = tell()
		start = pos
		while Id != 0x40 and pos < start + sz:
			head = self.u16()
			Id = head & 0xffe0
			size = head & 0x001f
			hdsz = 2
			if size == 31:
				size = self.u16()
				hdsz = 4
			pdsz = ((size + 1) / 2) * 2
			self._print(20 , '%4x at %5d) %5d(%5d): %4x: %s' , head, pos, size, pdsz, Id, CGM_ID.get(Id, ''))
			if hasattr(self, CGM_ID.get(Id, '')):
				self._print(30 , 'Calling %s' % (CGM_ID.get(Id, '')))
				getattr(self, CGM_ID[Id])(size)
				if Id:
					name = CGM_ID.get(Id, '')
					Class = Id >> 12
					Elem = (Id & 0x0fff) >> 5
					self._print(2, '*** unimplemented: %4x; class = %d, element = %2d  %s'
										, Id , Class , Elem, name)
			pos = pos + hdsz + pdsz
			if tell() < pos:
				self.file.read(pos - tell())
			elif tell() > pos:
				self._print(2, 'read too many bytes')
				self.file.seek(pos - tell(), 1)
			if pos != tell():
				raise SketchLoadError("Lost position in File")

	def Load(self):

		self.file.seek(0, 2)
		where = self.file.tell()
		self.file.seek(0, 0)
		return self.object
예제 #20
    def read_objects(self, objects):

        n_objects = 0

        # Traverse the list of drawfile object
        for object in objects:

            if isinstance(object, drawfile.group):

                # Start a group object in the document

                # Descend into the group
                n_objects_lower = self.read_objects(object.objects)

                # If the group was empty then don't try to end it
                if n_objects_lower == 0:
                    #                    self.__pop()
                    (self.composite_class, self.composite_args,
                     self.composite_stack) = self.composite_stack
                    # End group object
                    n_objects = n_objects + 1

            elif isinstance(object, drawfile.tagged):

                # Tagged object
                n_objects_lower = self.read_objects([object.object])

                if n_objects_lower != 0:
                    n_objects = n_objects + 1

            elif isinstance(object, drawfile.path):

                # Path object
                n_objects = n_objects + 1

                # Set the path style
                self.style.line_width = object.width / scale

                if object.style['join'] == 'mitred':
                    self.style.line_join = const.JoinMiter

                if object.style['start cap'] == 'butt':
                    self.style.line_cap = const.CapButt

                elif object.style['start cap'] == 'round':

                    if object.width > 0:
                        width = 0.5
                        length = 0.5
                        width = 0.0
                        length = 0.0

                    # Draw arrow
                    path = [(0.0, width),
                            (0.5 * length, width, length, 0.5 * width, length,
                            (length, -0.5 * width, 0.5 * length, -width, 0.0,
                             -width), (0.0, width)]

                    self.style.line_arrow1 = Arrow(path, 1)

                elif object.style['start cap'] == 'square':

                    if object.width > 0:
                        width = 0.5
                        length = 0.5
                        width = 0.0
                        length = 0.0

                    # Draw arrow
                    path = [(0.0, width), (length, width), (length, -width),
                            (0.0, -width), (0.0, width)]

                    self.style.line_arrow1 = Arrow(path, 1)

                elif object.style['start cap'] == 'triangular':

                    if object.width > 0:
                        width = object.style['triangle cap width'] / 16.0
                        length = object.style['triangle cap length'] / 16.0
                        width = 0.0
                        length = 0.0

                    # Draw arrow
                    path = [(0.0, width), (length, 0.0), (0.0, -width),
                            (0.0, width)]

                    self.style.line_arrow1 = Arrow(path, 1)
                    if (object.width / scale) < 1.0:
                            Scale(object.width / scale, object.width / scale))

                if object.style['end cap'] == 'butt':
                    self.style.line_cap = const.CapButt

                elif object.style['end cap'] == 'round':

                    if object.width > 0:
                        width = 0.5
                        length = 0.5
                        width = 0.0
                        length = 0.0

                    # Draw arrow
                    path = [(0.0, width),
                            (0.5 * length, width, length, 0.5 * width, length,
                            (length, -0.5 * width, 0.5 * length, -width, 0.0,
                             -width), (0.0, width)]

                    self.style.line_arrow2 = Arrow(path, 1)

                elif object.style['end cap'] == 'square':

                    if object.width > 0:
                        width = 0.5
                        length = 0.5
                        width = 0.0
                        length = 0.0

                    # Draw arrow
                    path = [(0.0, width), (length, width), (length, -width),
                            (0.0, -width), (0.0, width)]

                    self.style.line_arrow2 = Arrow(path, 1)

                elif object.style['end cap'] == 'triangular':

                    if object.width > 0:
                        width = object.style['triangle cap width'] / 16.0
                        length = object.style['triangle cap length'] / 16.0
                        width = 0.0
                        length = 0.0

                    # Draw arrow
                    path = [(0.0, width), (length, 0.0), (0.0, -width),
                            (0.0, width)]

                    self.style.line_arrow2 = Arrow(path, 1)
                    if (object.width / scale) < 1.0:
                            Scale(object.width / scale, object.width / scale))

                # Outline colour
                if object.outline == [255, 255, 255, 255]:
                    self.style.line_pattern = EmptyPattern
                    self.style.line_pattern = SolidPattern(
                            float(object.outline[1]) / 255.0,
                            float(object.outline[2]) / 255.0,
                            float(object.outline[3]) / 255.0))

                # Fill colour
                if object.fill == [255, 255, 255, 255]:
                    self.style.fill_pattern = EmptyPattern
                    self.style.fill_pattern = SolidPattern(
                            float(object.fill[1]) / 255.0,
                            float(object.fill[2]) / 255.0,
                            float(object.fill[3]) / 255.0))

                # Dash pattern
                if object.style['dash pattern'] == 'present':
                    line_dashes = []
                    for n in object.pattern:

                        line_dashes.append(int(n / scale))

                    self.style.line_dashes = tuple(line_dashes)

                # Create a list of path objects in the document
                paths = []
                path = None

                # Examine the path elements
                for element in object.path:

                    if element[0] == 'move':

                        x, y = self.relative(element[1][0], element[1][1])

                        # Add any previous path to the list
                        if path != None:
                            #                            path.load_close()

                        path = CreatePath()
                        path.AppendLine(x, y)

                    elif element[0] == 'draw':

                        x, y = self.relative(element[1][0], element[1][1])
                        path.AppendLine(x, y)

                    elif element[0] == 'bezier':

                        x1, y1 = self.relative(element[1][0], element[1][1])
                        x2, y2 = self.relative(element[2][0], element[2][1])
                        x, y = self.relative(element[3][0], element[3][1])
                        path.AppendBezier(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y)

                    elif element[0] == 'close':


                    elif element[0] == 'end':

                        # Should be the last object in the path
                        #                        path.load_close()

                # Create a bezier object
                if paths != []:

            elif isinstance(object, drawfile.font_table):

                # Font table
                n_objects = n_objects + 1

                # Set object level instance
                self.font_table = object.font_table

            elif isinstance(object, drawfile.text):

                # Text object
                n_objects = n_objects + 1

                # Determine the font
                if self.font_table.has_key(object.style):
                    self.style.font = RISCOSFont(self.font_table[object.style])
                    self.style.font = GetFont('Times Roman')

                # The size
                self.style.font_size = object.size[0] / scale

                # Outline colour
                if object.background == [255, 255, 255, 255]:
                    self.style.line_pattern = EmptyPattern
                    self.style.line_pattern = SolidPattern(
                            float(object.background[1]) / 255.0,
                            float(object.background[2]) / 255.0,
                            float(object.background[3]) / 255.0))

                # Fill colour
                if object.foreground == [255, 255, 255, 255]:
                    self.style.fill_pattern = EmptyPattern
                    self.style.fill_pattern = SolidPattern(
                            float(object.foreground[1]) / 255.0,
                            float(object.foreground[2]) / 255.0,
                            float(object.foreground[3]) / 255.0))

                # Transformation
                if hasattr(object, 'transform'):
                    x, y = object.transform[4] / scale, object.transform[
                        5] / scale
                    ox, oy = self.relative(object.baseline[0],
                    transform = Trafo(object.transform[0] / 65536.0,
                                      object.transform[1] / 65536.0,
                                      object.transform[2] / 65536.0,
                                      object.transform[3] / 65536.0, ox + x,
                                      oy + y)
                    transform = Translation(
                        self.relative(object.baseline[0], object.baseline[1]))

                # Write the text
                self.simple_text(object.text, transform)

            elif isinstance(object, drawfile.jpeg):

                # JPEG object
                n_objects = n_objects + 1

                # Transformation matrix
                x, y = self.relative(object.transform[4], object.transform[5])

                # Scale the object using the dpi information available, noting
                # that unlike Draw which uses 90 dpi, Sketch uses 72 dpi.
                # (I assume this since 90 dpi Drawfile JPEG objects appear 1.25
                # times larger in Sketch if no scaling is performed here.)
                scale_x = (object.transform[0] / 65536.0) * (72.0 /
                scale_y = (object.transform[3] / 65536.0) * (72.0 /

                transform = Trafo(scale_x, object.transform[1] / 65536.0,
                                  object.transform[2] / 65536.0, scale_y, x, y)

                # Decode the JPEG image
                image = Image.open(StringIO.StringIO(object.image))

                #                # Read dimensions of images in pixels
                #                width, height = image.size
                #                # Divide these by the dpi values to obtain the size of the
                #                # image in inches
                #                width, height = width/float(object.dpi_x), \
                #                height/float(object.dpi_y)

                #                image.load()
                self.image(image, transform)

            elif isinstance(object, drawfile.sprite):

                # Sprite object
                n_objects = n_objects + 1

                # Transformation matrix

                if hasattr(object, 'transform'):
                    x, y = self.relative(object.transform[4],

                    # Multiply the scale factor by that in the transformation matrix
                    scale_x = (object.transform[0] /
                               65536.0) * (72.0 / object.sprite['dpi x'])
                    scale_y = (object.transform[3] /
                               65536.0) * (72.0 / object.sprite['dpi y'])

                    transform = Trafo(scale_x,
                         (object.transform[1] / 65536.0) * \
                         (72.0 / object.sprite['dpi y']),
                         (object.transform[2] / 65536.0) * \
                         (72.0 / object.sprite['dpi x']),
                         x, y)
                    x, y = self.relative(object.x1, object.y1)

                    # Draw scales the Sprite to fit in the object's
                    # bounding box. To do the same, we need to know the
                    # actual size of the Sprite
                    # In points:
                    #                    size_x = 72.0 * float(object.sprite['width']) / \
                    #                                           object.sprite['dpi x']
                    #                    size_y = 72.0 * float(object.sprite['height']) / \
                    #                                           object.sprite['dpi y']
                    #                    # Bounding box dimensions in points:
                    #                    bbox_width = (object.x2 - object.x1)/scale
                    #                    bbox_height = (object.y2 - object.y1)/scale
                    #                    # Scale factors
                    #                    scale_x = (bbox_width / size_x) * \
                    #                               (72.0 / object.sprite['dpi x'])
                    #                    scale_y = (bbox_height / size_y) * \
                    #                               (72.0 / object.sprite['dpi y'])
                    scale_x = (object.x2 -
                               object.x1) / (scale * object.sprite['width'])
                    scale_y = (object.y2 -
                               object.y1) / (scale * object.sprite['height'])

                    transform = Trafo(scale_x, 0.0, 0.0, scale_y, x, y)

                # Create an Image object
                image = Image.fromstring(
                    (object.sprite['width'], object.sprite['height']),

                self.image(image, transform)

            elif isinstance(object, drawfile.options):

                # Options object
                n_objects = n_objects + 1

                # Read page size
                paper_size = object.options['paper size']
                orientation = object.options['paper limits']
                if paper_size in papersizes:

                    if orientation == 'landscape':
                        self.page_layout = pagelayout.PageLayout(
                            object.options['paper size'],
                        self.page_layout = pagelayout.PageLayout(
                            object.options['paper size'],

                if object.options['grid locking'] == 'on':

                    spacing = object.options['grid spacing']
                    if object.options['grid units'] == 'in':
                        spacing = spacing * 72.0
                        spacing = spacing * 72.0 / 2.54

                    if object.options['grid shown'] == 'on':
                        visible = 1
                        visible = 0

#                    self.begin_layer_class( GridLayer,
#                                (
#                                    (0, 0, int(spacing), int(spacing)),
#                                    visible,
#                                    CreateRGBColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
#                                    _("Grid")
#                                ) )
#                    self.end_composite()

            elif isinstance(object, drawfile.text_area):

                # Text area
                n_objects = n_objects + 1

                # The text area object contains a number of columns.
                self.columns = len(object.columns)

                # Start in the first column and move to subsequent
                # columns as required, unless the number is overidden
                # by details in the text area.
                self.column = 0

                # The cursor position is initially undefined.
                cursor = [None, None]

                # The column margins
                self.margin_offsets = [1.0, 1.0]
                self.margins = [ (object.columns[self.column].x1 / scale) + \
                     (object.columns[self.column].x2 / scale) - \
                     self.margin_offsets[1] ]

                # The column base
                self.column_base = object.columns[self.column].y1 / scale

                # Line and paragraph spacing
                self.linespacing = 0.0
                paragraph = 10.0

                # Current font name and dimensions
                font_name = ''
                font_size = 0.0
                font_width = 0.0

                # Text colours
                background = (255, 255, 255)
                foreground = (0, 0, 0)

                # Build lines (lists of words) until the column width
                # is reached then write the line to the page.
                line = []
                width = 0.0

                # Current text alignment
                align = 'L'

                # Last command to be executed
                last_command = ''

                # Execute the commands in the text area:
                for command, args in object.commands:

                    if command == '!':
                        # Version number
                        #                        print 'Version number', args

                    elif command == 'A':
                        #                        print 'Align:', args
                        # Write current line
                        self.ta_write_line(align, cursor, line, 0)
                        # Empty the line list
                        line = []
                        # Set the line width
                        width = 0.0
                        # Align text
                        align = args
                        # Start new line
                        cursor = self.ta_new_line(cursor, object,

                    elif command == 'B':
                        #                        print 'Background:', args
                        # Background colour
                        background = args

                    elif command == 'C':
                        #                        print 'Foreground:', args
                        # Foreground colour
                        foreground = args

                    elif command == 'D':
                        #                        print 'Columns:', args
                        # Number of columns
                        if self.column == 0 and cursor == [None, None]:
                            # Nothing rendered yet, so change number of columns
                            self.columns = args

                    elif command == 'F':
                        #                        print 'Define font:', args
                        # Define font (already defined in object.font_table)

                    elif command == 'L':
                        #                        print 'Line spacing:', args
                        # Set line spacing
                        self.linespacing = args

                    elif command == 'M':
                        #                        print 'Margins:', args
                        # Change margins
                        self.margin_offsets = [args[0], args[1]]
                        self.margins = [
                            (object.columns[self.column].x1 / scale) + args[0],
                            (object.columns[self.column].x2 / scale) - args[1]

                    elif command == 'P':
                        #                        print 'Paragraph spacing:', args
                        # Change paragraph spacing
                        paragraph = args

                    elif command == 'U':
                        #                        print 'Underlining'
                        # Underlining

                    elif command == 'V':
                        #                        print 'Vertical displacement'
                        # Vertical displacement

                    elif command == '-':
                        #                        print 'Hyphen'
                        # Hyphen

                    elif command == 'newl':

                        #                        print 'New line'
                        # New line
                        # Write current line
                        self.ta_write_line(align, cursor, line, 0)
                        # Start new line
                        cursor = self.ta_new_line(cursor, object,

                        # Can't position cursor?
                        if cursor == [None, None]:

                        # Empty the line list
                        line = []
                        # Set the line width
                        width = 0.0

                    elif command == 'para':

                        #                        print 'New paragraph'
                        # New paragraph
                        # Write current line
                        self.ta_write_line(align, cursor, line, 0)
                        # Start new line
                        if last_command != 'newl':
                            cursor = self.ta_new_line(
                                cursor, object, paragraph + self.linespacing)
                            cursor = self.ta_new_line(cursor, object,

                        # Can't position cursor?
                        if cursor == [None, None]:

                        # Empty the line list
                        line = []
                        # Set the line width
                        width = 0.0

                    elif command == ';':
                        #                        print 'Comment:', args
                        # Comment

                    elif command == 'font':
                        #                        print 'Use font:', args
                        # Font change
                        font_name, font_size, font_width = object.font_table[
                        # Select font
                        use_font = RISCOSFont(font_name)
                        # Move cursor to start of a line if the cursor is
                        # undefined
                        if cursor == [None, None]:
                            cursor[0] = self.margins[0]
                            cursor[1] = (object.columns[self.column].y2 /
                                         scale) - font_size
                        # Set line spacing
                        self.linespacing = font_size

                    elif command == 'text':

                        #                        print args
                        # Text. Add it to the line, checking that the line
                        # remains within the margins.
                        text, space = self.make_safe(args[0]), args[1]

                        # Add the width of the text to the current total width
                        textobj = SimpleText()
                        width = width + use_font.TextCoordBox(
                            text, font_size, textobj.properties)[2]

                        #                        print width, margins[1] - margins[0]

                        # Compare current total width with column width
                        while width > (self.margins[1] - self.margins[0]):

                            # First write any text on this line
                            if line != []:

                                # Width will exceed column width
                                #                                print 'Width will exceed column width'
                                # Write current line
                                self.ta_write_line(align, cursor, line, 1)
                                # Start new line
                                cursor = self.ta_new_line(
                                    cursor, object, self.linespacing)

                                # Can't position cursor?
                                if cursor == [None, None]:

                                # Clear the list
                                line = []
                                # Reset the width
                                width = 0.0

                            # Now attempt to fit this word on the next line
                            width = use_font.TextCoordBox(
                                text, font_size, textobj.properties)[2]

                            br = len(text)
                            # Continue to try until the word fits, or none of it fits
                            while width > (self.margins[1] -
                                           self.margins[0]) and br > 0:

                                # Keep checking the size of the word
                                width = use_font.TextCoordBox(
                                    text[:br], font_size,
                                br = br - 1

                            if br == 0:
                                # Word couldn't fit in the column at all, so
                                # break out of this loop

                            elif br < len(text):
                                # Write the subword to the line
                                    align, cursor,
                                    [(text[:br], font_name,
                                      font_size, font_width,
                                      self.ta_set_colour(background))], 0)

                                # Start new line
                                cursor = self.ta_new_line(
                                    cursor, object, self.linespacing)

                                # Can't position cursor?
                                if cursor == [None, None]:

                                # keep the remaining text
                                text = text[br:]
                                # The width is just the width of this text
                                width = use_font.TextCoordBox(
                                    text, font_size, textobj.properties)[2]

                            # If the whole string fit onto the line then
                            # control will flow to the else clause which will
                            # append the text to the line list for next time.
                            # The text fits within the margins so add the text
                            # to the line
                                (text, font_name, font_size, font_width,

                            # Also append any trailing space
                            if space != '':
                                    (space, font_name, font_size, font_width,
                                width = width + use_font.TextCoordBox(
                                    space, font_size, textobj.properties)[2]

                        # Can't position cursor?
                        if cursor == [None, None]:

                    # Remember this command
                    last_command = command

                # Render any remaining text
                if line != [] and cursor != [None, None]:

                    # Write current line
                    self.ta_write_line(align, cursor, line, 0)


        # Return the number of recognised objects
        return n_objects
예제 #21
def foot_prints_along_path(context):
	doc = context.document
	objects = doc.SelectedObjects()

	# The requirement for this script is, as described in the module
	# doc-string, that exactly two objects are selected and that the
	# top-most of these is the path.
	if len(objects) == 2 and objects[1].is_curve:

		# First, we take the foot print. We copy the foot print since we
		# have to modify it and we don't want the original to be
		# affected.
		foot_print = objects[0].Duplicate()

		# The rest of the script is easier to write if we have a foot
		# print located at the origin of the coordinate system that we
		# can use as a stencil, so we move the copy accordingly. The
		# Transform method modifies the object in place. That's why it
		# was important to copy it.
		r = foot_print.coord_rect
		foot_length = r.right - r.left
		foot_print.Transform(Translation(-r.right + foot_length/2,

		# Now the path. The Paths() method of an object returns a tuple
		# of path-objects if the object can be represented as paths. All
		# objects whose is_curve attribute is true can be represented as
		# Paths. In this example script we only look at the first path.
		path = objects[1].Paths()[0]

		# arc_lengths returns a list of (LENGTH, POINT) pairs where
		# POINT is a point on the curve and LENGTH is the arc length
		# from the start of the curve to that point. The points are
		# placed so that the curve between successive points can be seen
		# as a straight line. We'll be using this list to determine the
		# positions and orientations of the individual foot prints.
		arc_lengths = path.arc_lengths()

		# In the loop below, we'll be positioning the foot prints one
		# after the other from the start of the curve to the end,
		# alternating between the left and right foot prints.

		# Total length of the path so that we know when we're done.
		total_length = arc_lengths[-1][0]

		# Distance along the path we've already covered.
		distance = 0

		# Count the number of foot prints so that we can mirror produce
		# left and right footprints.
		count = 0

		# List we put all the copies into.
		foot_prints = []

		# Now loop until we've walked along the whole path.
		while total_length - distance > foot_length:
			# Determine the transformation that turns the stencil into a
			# foot print at the right place with the right orientation.
			# We can borrow this functionality from the path-text code.
			# Placing letters along the path is practically the same as
			# placing foot prints.
			trafo = coord_sys_at(arc_lengths, distance, PATHTEXT_ROTATE)

			# Right feet are created by mirroring the left foot which
			# serves as stencil
			if count % 2:
				trafo = trafo(Scale(1, -1))

			# Create a transformed copy of the stencil.
			foot = foot_print.Duplicate()

			# Update the length and the counter
			distance = distance + foot_length
			count = count + 1

		# As the last step, insert the foot prints into the document as
		# a group. The Insert method takes care of undo handling.
		if foot_prints: