예제 #1
def buy_plant(request):
    Check user logged in
    Check playerId belongs to account
    Get max plant limit from island id
    Check player's plant count
    if request.session.__contains__('account'):
        q = request.GET
        bPlayerId = int(q.__getitem__('playerId'))
        bIslandId = int(q.__getitem__('islandId'))
        bRegion = q.__getitem__('region')
        player = Player.get_by_id(bPlayerId)
        if player.email == request.session['account'].email:
            island = Island.get_by_id(bIslandId)
            if island != None:
                maxNumPlants = island.maxNumOfPlants
                plants = Plant.gql("WHERE playerId = :1 and islandId = :2",bPlayerId, bIslandId)
                if plants.count() < maxNumPlants:
                    bPlant = Plant(playerId=bPlayerId,islandId=bIslandId,region=bRegion,cost=plant[bRegion][0],capacity=plant[bRegion][1],numOfWorkers = 0, workerCost=worker[bRegion][0],workerHealth = worker[bRegion][1],workerSkills=worker[bRegion][2],workerProductivity=worker[bRegion][3], currentCapacity = 0, productionLimit = 0)
                    player.money = player.money - plant[bRegion][0]
                    player.money_spent = player.money_spent + plant[bRegion][0]
    return redirect("/app/main.html#/theworld")
예제 #2
def island_ranking(request):
    if request.session.__contains__('islandId') and request.session.__contains__('account'):
        islandId = int(request.session['islandId'])
        playerQuery = Player.gql("WHERE islandId = :1 ORDER BY networth DESC",islandId)
        players = playerQuery.fetch(10)
        results = []
        for player in players:
            _playerDict = player.__dict__['_entity']
            playerId = player.key().id()
            plantQuery = Plant.gql("WHERE playerId = :1",playerId)
            countPlant = plantQuery.count()
            _playerDict['numPlants'] = countPlant
            _playerDict['numShoes'] = 0
            _playerDict['numWorkers'] = 0
            plants = plantQuery.fetch(countPlant)
            for plant in plants:
                _playerDict['numWorkers'] += plant.numOfWorkers
                plantId = plant.key().id()
                shoeQuery = Shoe.gql("WHERE plantId = :1",plantId)
                shoes = shoeQuery.fetch(1000)
                for shoe in shoes:
                    _playerDict['numShoes'] += shoe.qty
        return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(results),mimetype="application/json")
        dd = {}
        dd['error'] = "Error: No island selected. Please join or resume your game."
        return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(dd),mimetype="application/json")
예제 #3
def manufacture_shoe(request):
    Check user login
    Check plantId, playerId, sole, body, color, sellprice, qty exist in querydict (request.GET)
    Check plantId belongs to account
    Check shoeId belongs to plant
    Get plant by plantId

    if request.session.__contains__('account'):
        args = request.GET
        if args.__contains__('sole') and args.__contains__('body') and args.__contains__('color') and args.__contains__('playerId') and args.__contains__('plantId') and args.__contains__('sellprice') and args.__contains__('qty'):
            _sole = int(args.__getitem__('sole'))
            _body = int(args.__getitem__('body'))
            _color= int(args.__getitem__('color'))
            _qty= int(args.__getitem__('qty'))
            _sellprice = float(args.__getitem__('sellprice'))
            _plantId = int(args.__getitem__('plantId'))
            _playerId = int(args.__getitem__('playerId'))
            plant = Plant.get_by_id(_plantId)
            if plant != None and plant.playerId == _playerId:
                if _body < 10 or _sole < 10 or _color < 10:
                    return HttpResponse("Minimum shoe body, sole and color is 10")
                player = Player.get_by_id(_playerId)
                _costPrice = _body * shoeMatCost['body'] + _sole * shoeMatCost['sole'] + _color * shoeMatCost['color']
                _totalCost = _costPrice * _qty
                ##check if player has money
                hasMoney = (_totalCost <= player.money)
                ##has enough capacity
                hasCapacity = (_qty+plant.currentCapacity <= plant.productionLimit)
                if hasMoney == True and hasCapacity == True:
                    shoe = Shoe(plantId = _plantId, sole = _sole, body = _body, color = _color, price = _sellprice, qty = _qty, costPrice = _costPrice)
                    player.money -= _totalCost
                    player.money_spent += _totalCost
                    player.networth = player.money + player.money_spent
                    plant.currentCapacity += _qty
                    supTrxn = SupplyTransaction(shoeId = shoe.key().id(), costPerUnit = _costPrice, qty = _qty, totalCost = _totalCost, trxnDate = datetime.datetime.now())
                    return redirect("/app/main.html#/theworld")
                elif hasMoney == False:
                    return HttpResponse("not enough money")
                    return HttpResponse("insufficient factory capacity")
                return HttpResponse("plant does not belong to player")
            return HttpResponse("value missing")
        return HttpResponse("Please Login.")
예제 #4
def hire_worker(request):
    Check user login
    Check plantId, numWorker, playerId exist in querydict (request.GET)
    Check plantId belongs to account
    Get plant by plantId
    if request.session.__contains__('account'):
        args = request.GET
        if args.__contains__('numWorker') and args.__contains__('plantId') and args.__contains__('playerId'):
                playerId = int(args.__getitem__('playerId'))
                plantId = int(args.__getitem__('plantId'))
                numWorker = int(args.__getitem__('numWorker'))
                plant = Plant.get_by_id(plantId)
                if plant != None and plant.playerId == playerId:
                    player = Player.get_by_id(playerId)
                    region = plant.region
                    workerCost = worker[region][0]
                    totalHireCost = workerCost * numWorker
                    if totalHireCost <= player.money:
                        plant.numOfWorkers += numWorker
                        capProd = int((1*plant.workerHealth) + (0.5*plant.workerSkills) + (0.75 * plant.workerProductivity) * 10 * plant.numOfWorkers)
                        if capProd > plant.capacity:
                            capProd = plant.capacity
                        plant.productionLimit = capProd
                        player.money = player.money - totalHireCost
                        player.money_spent = player.money_spent + totalHireCost
                        player.networth = player.money + player.money_spent
                        return redirect("/app/error.html?error=NotEnoughMoney")
                    return redirect("/app/error.htmlerror=InvalidPlant")
            except ValueError:
                return redirect("/app/error.html?error=ValueError")
            return redirect("/app/error.html?error=NotEnoughArguments")
        return redirect("/")
    return redirect("/app/main.html#/theworld")
예제 #5
def load_player(request):
    session = request.session
    dd = {}
    #check necessary arguments
    if session.__contains__('islandId') == False:
        dd['error'] = "missing islandId"
        return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(dd),mimetype="application/json")
    if session.__contains__('account') == False:
        dd['error'] = "Error: Not logined."
        return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(dd),mimetype="application/json")
    email = session['account'].email
    islandId = session['islandId']
    island = Island.get_by_id(islandId)
    player_q = Player.gql("WHERE email = :1 and islandId = :2",email,islandId)
    player = player_q.get()
    player_dict = player.__dict__['_entity']
    player_dict['playerId'] = player.key().id()
    #get number of factories
    plantQuery = Plant.gql("WHERE playerId = :1 and islandId = :2",player.key().id(), islandId)
    player_dict['numPlants'] = plantQuery.count()
    player_dict['numWorkers'] = 0
    plants = plantQuery.fetch(1000)
    plantIds = []
    for p in plants:
        player_dict['numWorkers'] += p.numOfWorkers
    player_dict['numShoes'] = 0
    shoeQuery = Shoe.gql("WHERE plantId in :1",plantIds)
    shoes = shoeQuery.fetch(1000)
    for shoe in shoes:
        player_dict['numShoes'] += shoe.qty
    player_dict['islandName'] = island.name
    jsonString = simplejson.dumps(player_dict)
    return HttpResponse(jsonString,mimetype="application/json")
예제 #6
def retrieve_player_plants(request):
    session = request.session
    ret = []
    if request.session.__contains__('account'):
        args = request.GET
        if args.__contains__('playerId'):
                playerId = int(args.__getitem__('playerId'))
                islandId = session['islandId']
                plants = Plant.gql("WHERE playerId = :1 and islandId = :2",playerId, islandId)
                for plant in plants:
                    d = plant.__dict__['_entity']
                    d['plantId'] = plant.key().id()
            except ValueError:
                error = {}
                error['error':"Invalid Values."]
                return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(error),mimetype="application/json")
        error = {}
        error['error':"Unable to retrieve plants"]
        return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(error),mimetype="application/json")
    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(ret),mimetype="application/json")
예제 #7
def demand_supply(request):
        results = {}
        demand = []
        supply = []
        args = request.GET
        playerId = int(args.__getitem__('playerId'))
        plantQuery = Plant.gql("WHERE playerId = :1",playerId)
        plants = plantQuery.fetch(1000)
        for plant in plants:
            plantId = plant.key().id()
            shoeQuery = Shoe.gql("WHERE plantId = :1", plantId)
            shoes = shoeQuery.fetch(1000)
            for shoe in shoes:
                shoeId = shoe.key().id()
                supplyQuery = SupplyTransaction.gql("WHERE shoeId = :1",shoeId)
                supplys = supplyQuery.fetch(20)
                for _supply in supplys:
                    _sDict = _supply.__dict__['_entity']
                    _sDict['trxnDate'] = str(_sDict['trxnDate'])
                    _sDict['totalCost'] = float("%.2f" % round(_sDict['totalCost'],2))
                    _sDict['costPerUnit'] = float("%.2f" % round(_sDict['costPerUnit'],2))
                    _sDict['salePrice'] = float("%.2f" % round(shoe.price,2))
                demandQuery = DemandTransaction.gql("WHERE shoeId = :1",shoeId)
                demands = demandQuery.fetch(20)
                for _demand in demands:
                    _dDict = _demand.__dict__['_entity']
        results['demand'] = demand
        results['supply'] = supply
        n = {"count": len(results)}
        return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(results),mimetype="application/json")
        dd = {}
        dd['error'] = "Error: No game selected."
        return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(dd),mimetype="application/json")
#old method
#def _retrieve_shoe_templates(request):
#    '''
#    Return a list of shoes templates of a particular player(a particular plant)
#    '''
#    ret = []
#    if request.session.__contains__('account'):
#        getQuery = request.GET
#        playerId = int(getQuery.__getitem__('playerId'))
#        shoes = Shoe.all()
#        for i in shoes:
#            plant = Plant.get_by_id(i.plantId)
#            if plant.playerId == playerId:
#               d = i.__dict__['_entity']
#                d['shoeId'] = i.key().id()
#                ret.append(d)
#    else:
#        error = {}
#        error['error':"Unable to retreive shoe templates."]
#        return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(error),mimetype="application/json")
#    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(ret),mimetype="application/json")

#old method        
#def _create_shoe(request):
#    session = request.session
#    try:
#        account = session['account']
#        if account != None:
#            q = request.GET
#            splantId = int(q.__getitem__('plantId'))
#            ssole = int(q.__getitem__('sole'))
#            sbody = int(q.__getitem__('body'))
#            scolor = int(q.__getitem__('color'))
#            sprice = float(q.__getitem__('price'))
#            _costPrice = shoeMatCost['sole'] * ssole + shoeMatCost['body'] * sbody + shoeMatCost['color'] * scolor
#            shoe = Shoe(plantId=splantId,sole=ssole,body = sbody,color = scolor,price = sprice,qty=0,costPrice=_costPrice)
#            shoe.put()
#    except KeyError:
#        return redirect("/")
#    return redirect("/app/main.html")

#old method
#def _manufacture_shoe(request):
#    if request.session.__contains__('account'):
#        args = request.GET
#        if args.__contains__('shoeId') and args.__contains__('playerId'):
#            try:
#                playerId = int(args.__getitem__('playerId'))
#                plantId = int(args.__getitem__('plantId'))
#                sshoeId = int(args.__getitem__('shoeId'))
#                plant = Plant.get_by_id(plantId)
#                shoe = Shoe.get_by_id(sshoeId)
#                if plant != None and plant.playerId == playerId:
#                    player = Player.get_by_id(playerId)
#                    number = int(args.__getitem__('qty'))
#                    stotalCost = shoe.costPrice * number
#                    toBeCapacity = plant.currentCapacity + number
#                    if toBeCapacity <= plant.productionLimit and stotalCost <= player.money:
#                        supplyTransaction = SupplyTransaction(shoeId=sshoeId,costPerUnit = shoe.costPrice,qty = number,totalCost=stotalCost,trxnDate = datetime.datetime.now().date())
#                        supplyTransaction.put()
#                        shoe.qty = shoe.qty + number
#                        shoe.put()
#                        player.money = player.money - stotalCost
#                        player.money_spent = player.money_spent + stotalCost
#                        player.networth = player.money + player.money_spent
#                        player.put()
#                        plant.currentCapacity += number
#                        plant.put()
#                    else:
#                        return HttpResponse("not enough cap")
#                else:
#                    return HttpResponse("plant is none or plant does not belongs to playerId")
#            except ValueError:
#                return redirect("/error?error=ValueError")
#        else:
#            return HttpResponse("no values")
#    else:
#        #return redirect("/index")
#        return HttpResponse("error no account")
#    return redirect("/app/main.html")
#Converting Python Objects to JSON format
#use simplejson.dumps(obj.__dict__)
#the resulting JSON string for the Account class is as follows:
#{"_email": "test", "_money": 1000000.0, "_parent_key": null, "_parent": null, "_entity": {"money": 1000000.0, "email": "test", "networth": 0.0}, "_app": null, "_Model__namespace": "", "_networth": 0.0}
#in angular, use > response._entity to get the account JSON object
예제 #8
def system_buy_shoes(request):
    Check the logged in user
    user = users.get_current_user()
    marketing = 1
    dd = []
    if user:
        islandQuery = Island.all()
        islandCount = islandQuery.count()
        islands = islandQuery.fetch(islandCount)
        for island in islands:
            islandId = island.key().id()
            playerQuery = Player.gql("WHERE islandId = :1",islandId)
            numPlayers = playerQuery.count()
            plantQuery = Plant.gql("WHERE islandId = :1",islandId)
            plantCount = plantQuery.count()
            plants = plantQuery.fetch(plantCount)
            for plant in plants:
                plantId = plant.key().id()
                plantRegion = plant.region
                shoeQuery = Shoe.gql("WHERE plantId = :1",plantId)
                shoeCount = shoeQuery.count()
                shoes = shoeQuery.fetch(shoeCount)
                for shoe in shoes:
                    body = shoe.body
                    sole = shoe.sole
                    color = shoe.color
                    qty = shoe.qty
                    attractiveness = math.fabs((0.75*sole + body + 1.25 * color) / 3)
                    saleRegion = ""
                    #randomly select sale-to-region
                    i = random.randint(1,4)
                    if i == 1:
                        saleRegion = "north"
                    elif i == 2:
                        saleRegion = "east"
                    elif i == 3:
                        saleRegion = "west"
                    elif i == 4:
                        saleRegion = "south"
                    _shippingcost = shippingCost[plantRegion][saleRegion]
                    price = shoe.price + _shippingcost
                    salesVolume = int(math.ceil(numPlayers * math.pow((attractiveness*marketing/price),2)))
                    if salesVolume > qty:
                        salesVolume = qty
                    shoe.qty = shoe.qty - salesVolume
                    n = {'count':len(dd)}
                    totalShippingCost = salesVolume * _shippingcost
                    totalRevenue = salesVolume * shoe.price
                    player = Player.get_by_id(plant.playerId)
                    player.money = player.money - totalShippingCost + totalRevenue
                    player.money_spent = player.money_spent + totalShippingCost
                    player.networth = player.money + player.money_spent
                    plant.currentCapacity = plant.currentCapacity - salesVolume
                    demandTransaction = DemandTransaction(shoeId = shoe.key().id(),salePrice = shoe.price,shippingCost = _shippingcost,qty = salesVolume)
        return redirect(users.create_login_url("/system_buy_shoes"))
    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(n),mimetype="application/json")