def next_search(request, *args, **kwargs): """ Handle search requests :param request: :return: """ server = FhirServerUrl() in_fmt = "json" get_fmt = get_format(request.GET) if settings.DEBUG: print("Server:", server) print("Kwargs:", kwargs) context = { 'display': "Search", 'name': "Search", 'server': server, 'in_fmt': in_fmt, 'get_fmt': get_fmt, 'template': 'v1api/search.html', } request_string = "?" for item in request.GET: request_string += item + "=" + request.GET[item] + "&" if request_string[:0] == "&": request_string = request_string[:-1] if not "patient=Patient/" in request_string: try: xwalk = Crosswalk.objects.get(user=request.user) patient_id = xwalk.fhir_url_id request_string += "&patient=Patient/" + patient_id except Crosswalk.DoesNotExist: return kickout_404("ID for this user not found:%s" % request.user) if settings.DEBUG: print("Gets:", request_string) try: r = requests.get(server + request_string) context = process_page(request, r, context) return publish_page(request, context) except requests.ConnectionError: print("Whoops - Problem connecting to FHIR Server") messages.error( request, "FHIR Server is unreachable. " "Are you on the CMS Network?") return render_to_response(context['template'], RequestContext( request, context, ))
def next_search(request, *args, **kwargs): """ Handle search requests :param request: :return: """ server = FhirServerUrl() in_fmt = "json" get_fmt = get_format(request.GET) if settings.DEBUG: print("Server:", server) print("Kwargs:",kwargs) context = {'display':"Search", 'name': "Search", 'server': server, 'in_fmt': in_fmt, 'get_fmt': get_fmt, 'template': 'v1api/search.html', } request_string = "?" for item in request.GET: request_string += item +"=" + request.GET[item] +"&" if request_string[:0] =="&": request_string = request_string[:-1] if not "patient=Patient/" in request_string: try: xwalk = Crosswalk.objects.get(user=request.user) patient_id = xwalk.fhir_url_id request_string += "&patient=Patient/"+patient_id except Crosswalk.DoesNotExist: return kickout_404("ID for this user not found:%s" % request.user) if settings.DEBUG: print("Gets:", request_string) try: r = requests.get(server+request_string) context = process_page(request, r, context) return publish_page(request, context) except requests.ConnectionError: print("Whoops - Problem connecting to FHIR Server") messages.error(request, "FHIR Server is unreachable. " "Are you on the CMS Network?") return render_to_response(context['template'], RequestContext(request, context, ))
def ExplanationOfBenefit(request, eob_id=None, Access_Mode=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Function-based interface to ExplanationOfBenefit :param request: :return: Use Cases: 1. No eob_id: Do Search and apply patient=Patient/User.Crosswalk.fhir_url_id 2. eob_id: Do Search and get eob with patient filter ?_id=1286291&patient=Patient/1286160 3. eob_id and Access_mode = OPEN """ if settings.DEBUG: print("In apps.v1api.views.eob.ExplanationOfBenefit Function") print("request:", request.GET) process_mode = request.META['REQUEST_METHOD'] patient_id = lookup_xwalk(request) # try: # xwalk = Crosswalk.objects.get(user=request.user) # except Crosswalk.DoesNotExist: # messages.error(request, "Unable to find Patient ID") # return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('api:v1:home')) # if patient_id == None: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('api:v1:home')) in_fmt = "json" get_fmt = get_format(request.GET) if settings.DEBUG: print("Request.GET :", request.GET) print("KWargs :", kwargs) print("FHIR URL ID :", patient_id) # We should have the xwalk.FHIR_url_id # So we will construct the EOB Identifier to include # We will deal internally in JSON Format if caller does not choose # a format in_fmt = "json" get_fmt = get_format(request.GET) pass_to = FhirServerUrl() pass_to += "/ExplanationOfBenefit/" key = patient_id.strip() patient_filter = "patient=Patient/" + key # pass_to += patient_filter skip_parm = ['_id', '_format'] got_parms = build_params(request.GET, skip_parm)[1:] if got_parms: print("Got parms:", got_parms) pass_to += "?" + got_parms if Access_Mode == "OPEN": pass else: if "?" in pass_to: pass_to += "&" + patient_filter else: pass_to += "?" + patient_filter if eob_id: if "?" in pass_to: pass_to += "&" else: pass_to += "?" pass_to += "_id=" + eob_id print("Calling:", pass_to) # Set Context context = { 'display': "EOB", 'name': "ExplanationOfBenefit", 'mask': True, 'key': key, 'eob': eob_id, 'get_fmt': get_fmt, 'in_fmt': in_fmt, 'pass_to': pass_to, 'template': 'v1api/eob.html', } if settings.DEBUG: print("Calling requests with pass_to:", pass_to) # We need to replace FHIR Server with External Server reference rewrite_from = settings.FHIR_SERVER_CONF['REWRITE_FROM'] rewrite_to = settings.FHIR_SERVER_CONF['REWRITE_TO'] try: r = requests.get(pass_to) context = process_page(request, r, context) return publish_page(request, context) except requests.ConnectionError: pass return cms_not_connected(request, 'api:v1:home')
def PatientExplanationOfBenefit(request, patient_id=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Function-based interface to ExplanationOfBenefit :param request: :return: """ if patient_id == None: patient_id = lookup_xwalk(request) if patient_id == None: err_msg = [ 'Crosswalk lookup failed: Sorry, We were unable to find', 'your record', ] exit_message = concat_string("", msg=err_msg, delimiter=" ", last=".") messages.error(request, exit_message) return kickout_404(exit_message) if patient_id == "": err_msg = [ 'Sorry, No Patient Id provided', ] exit_message = concat_string("", msg=err_msg, delimiter=" ", last=".") messages.error(request, exit_message) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('api:v1:home')) if settings.DEBUG: print("In apps.v1api.views.eob.PatientExplanationOfBenefit Function") print("request:", request.GET) process_mode = request.META['REQUEST_METHOD'] in_fmt = "json" get_fmt = get_format(request.GET) if settings.DEBUG: print("Request.GET :", request.GET) print("KWargs :", kwargs) print("Patient :", patient_id) # We should have the patient_id from xwalk.FHIR_url_id # So we will construct the EOB Identifier to include # We will deal internally in JSON Format if caller does not choose # a format in_fmt = "json" get_fmt = get_format(request.GET) pass_to = FhirServerUrl() pass_to += "/ExplanationOfBenefit/" key = patient_id patient_filter = "?patient=Patient/" + key pass_to += patient_filter skip_parm = ['_id', '_format'] pass_to = pass_to + "&" + build_params(request.GET, skip_parm)[1:] # Set Context context = { 'display': "EOB", 'name': "ExplanationOfBenefit", 'mask': True, 'key': key, 'get_fmt': get_fmt, 'in_fmt': in_fmt, 'pass_to': pass_to, 'template': 'v1api/eob.html', } if settings.DEBUG: print("Calling requests with pass_to:", pass_to) try: r = requests.get(pass_to) context = process_page(request, r, context) return publish_page(request, context) except requests.ConnectionError: pass return cms_not_connected(request, 'api:v1:home')
def ExplanationOfBenefit(request, eob_id=None, Access_Mode=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Function-based interface to ExplanationOfBenefit :param request: :return: Use Cases: 1. No eob_id: Do Search and apply patient=Patient/User.Crosswalk.fhir_url_id 2. eob_id: Do Search and get eob with patient filter ?_id=1286291&patient=Patient/1286160 3. eob_id and Access_mode = OPEN """ if settings.DEBUG: print("In apps.v1api.views.eob.ExplanationOfBenefit Function") print("request:", request.GET) process_mode = request.META['REQUEST_METHOD'] patient_id = lookup_xwalk(request) # try: # xwalk = Crosswalk.objects.get(user=request.user) # except Crosswalk.DoesNotExist: # messages.error(request, "Unable to find Patient ID") # return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('api:v1:home')) # if patient_id == None: return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('api:v1:home')) in_fmt = "json" get_fmt = get_format(request.GET) if settings.DEBUG: print("Request.GET :", request.GET) print("KWargs :", kwargs) print("FHIR URL ID :", patient_id) # We should have the xwalk.FHIR_url_id # So we will construct the EOB Identifier to include # We will deal internally in JSON Format if caller does not choose # a format in_fmt = "json" get_fmt = get_format(request.GET) pass_to = FhirServerUrl() pass_to += "/ExplanationOfBenefit/" key = patient_id.strip() patient_filter= "patient=Patient/" + key # pass_to += patient_filter skip_parm = ['_id', '_format'] got_parms = build_params(request.GET, skip_parm)[1:] if got_parms: print("Got parms:", got_parms) pass_to += "?" + got_parms if Access_Mode == "OPEN": pass else: if "?" in pass_to: pass_to += "&" + patient_filter else: pass_to += "?" + patient_filter if eob_id: if "?" in pass_to: pass_to += "&" else: pass_to += "?" pass_to += "_id=" + eob_id print("Calling:", pass_to) # Set Context context = {'display':"EOB", 'name': "ExplanationOfBenefit", 'mask': True, 'key': key, 'eob': eob_id, 'get_fmt': get_fmt, 'in_fmt': in_fmt, 'pass_to': pass_to, 'template': 'v1api/eob.html', } if settings.DEBUG: print("Calling requests with pass_to:", pass_to) # We need to replace FHIR Server with External Server reference rewrite_from = settings.FHIR_SERVER_CONF['REWRITE_FROM'] rewrite_to = settings.FHIR_SERVER_CONF['REWRITE_TO'] try: r = requests.get(pass_to) context = process_page(request, r, context) return publish_page(request, context) except requests.ConnectionError: pass return cms_not_connected(request, 'api:v1:home')
def PatientExplanationOfBenefit(request, patient_id=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Function-based interface to ExplanationOfBenefit :param request: :return: """ if patient_id == None: patient_id = lookup_xwalk(request) if patient_id == None: err_msg = ['Crosswalk lookup failed: Sorry, We were unable to find', 'your record', ] exit_message = concat_string("", msg=err_msg, delimiter=" ", last=".") messages.error(request, exit_message) return kickout_404(exit_message) if patient_id == "": err_msg = ['Sorry, No Patient Id provided', ] exit_message = concat_string("", msg=err_msg, delimiter=" ", last=".") messages.error(request, exit_message) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('api:v1:home')) if settings.DEBUG: print("In apps.v1api.views.eob.PatientExplanationOfBenefit Function") print("request:", request.GET) process_mode = request.META['REQUEST_METHOD'] in_fmt = "json" get_fmt = get_format(request.GET) if settings.DEBUG: print("Request.GET :", request.GET) print("KWargs :", kwargs) print("Patient :", patient_id) # We should have the patient_id from xwalk.FHIR_url_id # So we will construct the EOB Identifier to include # We will deal internally in JSON Format if caller does not choose # a format in_fmt = "json" get_fmt = get_format(request.GET) pass_to = FhirServerUrl() pass_to += "/ExplanationOfBenefit/" key = patient_id patient_filter= "?patient=Patient/" + key pass_to += patient_filter skip_parm = ['_id', '_format'] pass_to = pass_to + "&" + build_params(request.GET, skip_parm)[1:] # Set Context context = {'display':"EOB", 'name': "ExplanationOfBenefit", 'mask': True, 'key': key, 'get_fmt': get_fmt, 'in_fmt': in_fmt, 'pass_to': pass_to, 'template': 'v1api/eob.html', } if settings.DEBUG: print("Calling requests with pass_to:", pass_to) try: r = requests.get(pass_to) context = process_page(request, r, context) return publish_page(request, context) except requests.ConnectionError: pass return cms_not_connected(request, 'api:v1:home')