예제 #1
 def eigenvects(self):
     Returns Group of three eigenvectors represented as ``Vec3``
     return Group([Vec3(self.vects.T[0]),
예제 #2
    def eigenvects(self):
        Return ```Group``` of principal eigenvectors as ``Vec3`` objects.

        U, _, _ = np.linalg.svd(self)

        return Group([Vec3(U.T[0]), Vec3(U.T[1]), Vec3(U.T[2])])
예제 #3
 def eigenvects(self) -> Group:
     Return the group of eigenvectors. If scaled property is `True` their
     length is scaled by eigenvalues, otherwise unit length.
     if self.scaled:
         e1, e2, e3 = self.E1, self.E2, self.E3
         e1 = e2 = e3 = 1.0
     return Group([
         e1 * Vec3(self._evects[0]),
         e2 * Vec3(self._evects[1]),
         e3 * Vec3(self._evects[2]),
예제 #4
파일: paleomag.py 프로젝트: zsmilliepy/apsg
 def pca(self, kind='geo', origin=False):
     data = getattr(self, kind)
     if origin:
         data.append(Vec3([0, 0, 0]))
     r = data.R / len(data)
     dv = Group([v - r for v in data])
     ot = dv.ortensor
     pca = ot.eigenvects[0]
     if pca.angle(r) > 90:
         pca = -pca
     mad = np.degrees(np.arctan(np.sqrt((ot.E2 + ot.E3) / ot.E1)))
     return pca, mad
예제 #5
    def cauchy(self, n):
        Return stress vector associated with plane given by normal vector.

          n: normal given as ``Vec3`` or ``Fol`` object

          >>> S = Stress.from_comp(xx=-5, yy=-2, zz=10, xy=1)
          >>> S.cauchy(Fol(160, 30))
          V(-2.520, 0.812, 8.660)


        return Vec3(np.dot(self, n))
예제 #6
    def axisangle(self):
        """Return rotation part of ``DefGrad`` axis, angle tuple."""
        from scipy.linalg import polar

        R, _ = polar(self)
        w, W = np.linalg.eig(R.T)
        i = np.where(abs(np.real(w) - 1.0) < 1e-8)[0]
        if not len(i):
            raise ValueError("no unit eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1")
        axis = Vec3(np.real(W[:, i[-1]]).squeeze())
        # rotation angle depending on direction
        cosa = (np.trace(R) - 1.0) / 2.0
        if abs(axis[2]) > 1e-8:
            sina = (R[1, 0] + (cosa - 1.0) * axis[0] * axis[1]) / axis[2]
        elif abs(axis[1]) > 1e-8:
            sina = (R[0, 2] + (cosa - 1.0) * axis[0] * axis[2]) / axis[1]
            sina = (R[2, 1] + (cosa - 1.0) * axis[1] * axis[2]) / axis[0]
        angle = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(sina, cosa))
        return axis, angle
예제 #7
    def from_pmd(cls, filename):
        """Return ``Core`` instance generated from PMD file.

          filename: PMD file

          >>> d = Core.from_pmd('K509A2-1.PMD')

        with open(filename, encoding="latin1") as f:
            d = f.read().splitlines()
        data = {}
        fields = {
            "Xc": slice(5, 14),
            "Yc": slice(15, 24),
            "Zc": slice(25, 34),
            "a95": slice(69, 73),
        data["info"] = d[0].strip()
        vline = d[1].strip()
        data["filename"] = filename
        data["name"] = vline[:10].strip()
        data["alpha"] = float(vline[10:20].strip().split("=")[1])
        data["beta"] = float(vline[20:30].strip().split("=")[1])
        data["strike"] = float(vline[30:40].strip().split("=")[1])
        data["dip"] = float(vline[40:50].strip().split("=")[1])
        data["volume"] = float(vline[50:63].strip().split("=")[1].strip("m3"))
        data["date"] = datetime.strptime(vline[63:].strip(), "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M")
        data["steps"] = [ln[:4].strip() for ln in d[3:-1]]
        data["comments"] = [ln[73:].strip() for ln in d[3:-1]]
        data["a95"] = [float(ln[fields["a95"]].strip()) for ln in d[3:-1]]
        data["vectors"] = []
        for ln in d[3:-1]:
            x = float(ln[fields["Xc"]].strip())
            y = float(ln[fields["Yc"]].strip())
            z = float(ln[fields["Zc"]].strip())
            data["vectors"].append(Vec3((x, y, z)))
        return cls(**data)
예제 #8
 def format_coord(self, x, y):
     if np.hypot(x, y) > 1:
         return ""
         v = Vec3(*getldd(x, y))
         return repr(v.asfol) + " " + repr(v.aslin)
예제 #9
파일: paleomag.py 프로젝트: zsmilliepy/apsg
    def from_rs3(cls, filename):
        """Return ``Core`` instance generated from PMD file.

          filename: Remasoft rs3 file

        with open(filename, encoding="latin1") as f:
            d = f.read().splitlines()

        import io

        headspec = [
            [0, 9],
            [10, 19],
            [20, 29],
            [30, 40],
            [41, 50],
            [51, 65],
            [66, 70],
            [71, 73],
            [74, 79],
            [80, 85],
            [86, 91],
            [92, 97],
            [98, 103],
            [104, 109],
            [110, 112],
            [113, 115],
            [116, 118],
            [119, 121],
            [122, 126],
        bodyspec = [
            [0, 2],
            [3, 13],
            [14, 27],
            [28, 33],
            [34, 39],
            [40, 45],
            [46, 51],
            [52, 57],
            [58, 63],
            [64, 69],
            [70, 75],
            [76, 81],
            [82, 95],
            [96, 105],
            [106, 115],
            [116, 126],

        head = pd.read_fwf(io.StringIO('\n'.join(d[:2])), colspecs=headspec)
        body = pd.read_fwf(io.StringIO('\n'.join(d[2:])), colspecs=bodyspec)

        data = {}
        vline = d[1]
        data["site"] = head['Site'][0] if not pd.isna(head['Site'][0]) else ''
        data["filename"] = filename
        data["name"] = head['Name'][0] if not pd.isna(head['Name'][0]) else ''
        data["longitude"] = (float(head['Longitude'][0])
                             if not pd.isna(head['Longitude'][0]) else None)
        data["latitude"] = (float(head['Latitude'][0])
                            if not pd.isna(head['Latitude'][0]) else None)
        data["height"] = (float(head['Height'][0])
                          if not pd.isna(head['Height'][0]) else None)
        data["rock"] = head['Rock'][0] if not pd.isna(head['Rock'][0]) else ''
        data["age"] = head['Age'][0] if not pd.isna(head['Age'][0]) else ''
        data["formation"] = head['Fm'][0] if not pd.isna(head['Fm'][0]) else ''
        data["sref"] = Pair(180, 0, 180, 0)
        data["gref"] = Pair(
        data["bedding"] = (Fol(float(head['BDec'][0]), float(head['BInc'][0]))
                           if not pd.isna(head['BDec'][0])
                           and not pd.isna(head['BInc'][0]) else None)
        data["foldaxis"] = (Lin(float(head['FDec'][0]), float(head['FInc'][0]))
                            if not pd.isna(head['FDec'][0])
                            and not pd.isna(head['FInc'][0]) else None)
        data["date"] = datetime.now()
        #ix = (body.iloc[:, 0] == 'T') | (body.iloc[:, 0] == 'N')
        ix = body.iloc[:, 0] != 'C'
        data["steps"] = body[ix].iloc[:, 1].to_list()
        data["comments"] = body[ix]['Note'].to_list()
        data["a95"] = body[ix]['Prec'].to_list()
        data["vectors"] = []
        for n, r in body[ix].iterrows():
            data["vectors"].append(r['M[A/m]'] * Vec3(r['Dsp'], r['Isp']))
        return cls(**data)